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Test 19 LEVEL: ELEMENTARY L Choose the w ord o r p h r a s e (a, b, c, or d) which best completes each sentences Before any buses, they will have to take a special te:st a to drive c driving b drive d they will drive One or two people have objected the sti»lents a at c to b for d against The Boeing 747 is tw ice the Boeing 707 a bigger than c as big as b as bigger as d much big as This i s a nice place that they want to revisit it a such c so that b so d such as The strap needs mending I t a has mended b has to be m ended c had been mended d has been m ending The old lady fell as sh e into the bus a got c had got b was getting d has got 134 iAy> cA c ¿AC iivC it£ t% ^ I What makes you so? a to drink c think b thiiaking d having thought If I .be somebody else, I to be a film star a could/would c could/would like b can/would like d can/like If I were you, I that camera a won’t buy b wouldn’t buy c didn’t buy d haven’t bought 10 Children not have to cross busy streets go to school a for c in order that b for to d in order to II The id e a having the capital moved has a great effect a to c for b of d in 12 It will have a great effect Brazil affected a will c will be b will have 13 humoiur d will have been Jenny, everyone admires him for his fine sense of a Except for c Except b Apart d Unless can'’t ride m y b ic y c le there isn ’t any air in on e o f the tiires a despite b beaaise; c although d but 135 i& y) « t c ¿AC y \4 x l\ 15.1 got to class on tim e had missed my bus a even though c because b so that d despite 16 It would be possible to build a platform A platform a could build c co'ild be built b would be built d would build 17 He suggested a double railway tunnel a to build c building b build d that building 18 There is an English examination Friday, 11* December a at b to c in d on 19 “Back to the Future” is at the Odeon two weeks in October a since c through b as d for 20 There was nothing else he could That w as a the whole c every b complete d all n Read the follow ing passage and answer the questions below UM BRELLAS X he umbriella is a very ordinary object It keeps the rain and the sun of people Most umbrellas fold up, so it is easy to cany them However, the umbrella did not begin life as an o rd in ^ object It was a sign of royalty or importance Some African tribeis still use 136 ♦♦♦ iA y} cA c iiu il\£ umbrellas in this way today Someone carries an umbrella and walks behind the king or important person Umbrellas are very old The Chinese had them in the eleventh century BC From there they traveled to India, Persia, and Egypt In Greece and Rome, men would not use them They believed umbrellas were only for women When the Spanish explorers went to Mexico, they saw the Aztec kings using umbrellas English explorers saw Native American princess carrying umbrella on the east coat of North America It seems that people in different part of the world invented umbrellas at different times England was probably the first country in Europe where ordinary people used umbrellas against the rain England had rainy climate, and umbrellas are very useful there Today people use umbrellas fo r a the rain c a sign of great person b the sun d a, b and c A queen is a person a royal c holiday b embarrassing d jewelry A great person w alks someone with an umbrella a beside c in front of b before d in back of India arKi Persia learned about umbrellas from a A ^ecs c China b Egypt d Spanish explorers 137 tAy> ciic^ ¿Ac Most groups of people had some kind o f a coal c ink b royalty d mail Native Americans a learned about umbrellas from English and Spanish explorers b invented iraibrellas c got umbrellas d taught Egyptians about umbrellas English people stared using umbrellas because they hav e a royalty c too much sun b a rainy climate d great men and women ni Fill each of the num bered blanks in the following passage Use only O N E w ord in each space As a result curious earliest in addition invented label like occupation pottery purchased raise record remains set up took term The first human beings probably lived about V2 million years ago But man did not begin to ( ) history until he had invented writing only about 5.000 years ago The period m ^ began to write is called prehistory, and the ( ) ; prehistoric man refers to people who lived during that period Prehistoric man (3) the first steps in building civilization The (4) people were all hunters In time, many hunters learned to plant crops and ( ) animals for food, and they became farmers Prehistoric man (6) 138 ♦♦♦ iu4^4*^ simple tools, and he discovered how to make fire He painted the first pictures and shaped the first ( ) And he built and governed the first cities Because early man kept no written record, scientists search for bones, tools, and other prehistoric ( ) They study these objects to leam what early man looked (9 ) , how he lived, and how he developed into modem man Most of the tools that have been found and studied are made of stone (1 ) the entire period during which early man lived hasbeen called the Stone Age IV, Use the following sets of w o rd s and phrases to w rite com plete sentences I / ask father / questions / when / small We / going / buy / a T-shirt / Paul’s birthday If / not take / taxi / miss / your train I / not used to / wear lipstick / when / a student You / go shopping / when I / see / yesterday morning? Doctor / say / have to stay / bed / a few days You / going / buy / new computer? I / not finish / read / the book yet My house / build / grandfather / over fifty years 10 If / she / not invite / birthday party III not go V R ew rite the following sentences so th a t they have the same m eaning as th e sentences printed before them Use th e w ords given a t the b e g in n in g n i only help if you promise to try harder U nless 139 iA y) ¿ ¿ it “ Don’t forget to mail the letter”, his wife said to him His wife reminded The man living next door to me is a retired doctor The man that How long is it since they bought the house? When No one has tidied this room for months This room have never travelled by plane before This i s i Could you tell someone to repair the washing machine? Could you have walk to school in twenty minutes I t ’ ; VI Fill in the missing prepositions Don’t write your exercises pencil a with b in c by d from There is a large desk the living room a on b under c in d at There is a night table my bed a on b in c next to d at There is a door .the end o f the room a next to b in c at d beside My bed i s a l^ge, open window a under 140 b in c on d above Test 20 LEVEL: ELEMENTARY I Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) which best completes each sentences of the visitors were strangers to me a Mostly c Most b Ahnost d The most have never heard of Shakespeare a Very few c Quite few b Oidy few d Just few All the furniture in the house old-fashioned a is b are c have d have been The new s .bad last night a were b was c has d have been can’t begin sewing my dress until my m other it out for me a will cut c has cut b cut d was be cutting 141 iAy} cAc- ¿AC ilU iid * vj T im go fishing with his father when he was yoamg a used to b is use to c has used to d was used to .me to Rome with you? a Do you take b Are you take c You take d Will you take T hey try to be here before the class starts a would have b should c could d should have When my brother was asked if he liked the job, he replied that he a has done b does c did d was doing 10 Let’s not go out today, ? a shall we b shan’t go c will you d won’t you 11 What a busy day it’s been, ? a wasn’t it b isn’t it c hasn’t it d doesn’t it 12 He will tell you the truth when h e back a wall come b would come c comes d wdll have come 13.1 haven’t seen much of you lately W e three momths ¡ago, a last meet c have last meet b last met d have last met 142 iA y) « i c ih c il\c tc £ \^ /^ n t\ 14 It’s no good .your father about your failure a to tell c telling b tell d told 15.1 want this exercise in ink a write c writing b to write d written 16 We saw a m an the street yesterday a staggered b staggering c to stagger d staggers 17 Pat would rather early than late a to arriving c arrive b arriving d arrived 18.1 wish I him, but I don’t a am liking c liked b like d was liking 19 He asked h e r a what day was it c it was what day b what day it was d what was the day 20 The teacher has not arrived a I wrote to you about b who I wrote to you c I wrote you about him d whom I wrote to you about him 143 iAy> n ¿ A i Lcu^ S m - ilvC Read the following passage and answer the questions below THE DOLPHIN C a n dolphins talk may be they cannot talk with words, but they talk with sounds They show their feeling with sounds Dolphins travel in a group We call a group of fish a “school” They not study, but they swim together in a school Dolphins talk to the another dolphins in the school They give information They tell when they are happier, sad or afraid They said, “Welcome” when a dolphin comes back to the school They talk when they play They make a few sounds above water They make many more sounds under water People cannot hear these sounds because they are very, very high Scientists make t^ e s of the soimds and study them Sometimes people catch a dolphin for a large aquarium, (an aquarium is a zoom for fish) People can watch the dolphins in a show Dolphins not like to be away fi'om their school in an aquarium They are sad and lonely There are many stories about dolphins that they help people Sometimes they save somebody’s life Dolphin meat is good, but people don’t like to kill them They say that dolphins bring good luck Many people believe this Dolphins talk with a words b their hands c sounds d m usic Dolphins talk when they a play c show b listen 144 ♦♦♦ d kill iA ys éA £ ttu ^ ê *x il\C They make more sounds a above vater c for tapes b under vater d in school Scientists study of dolphins a shows c aquariums b schools d tapes Dolphins Ike to b e a at an aquarium c lonely b in their school d on a tape What sentaice is not true? a A dolphin can save a person’s life b People Eke to watch dolphins c DolphiiB always bring good luck d A dolplin can talk wdth sounds III Fill eaeh o f the num bered blanks in the follow ing passage Use on ly O N E w ord in each space On Mother ’s Day, sons and daughter visit their mothers and bring them flowers and little presents The eldest son must (1) his mother a good cake If sons and daughters can not be with their mother on that day, they usually (2) her presents M aher’s Day must be a day of (3) for the mother o f family, so her daughters ( ) the dinner on that day and lay lie (5 ) , and the sons help to (6 ) .the plates and di^es after dinner 145 íA y i cA c ¿ íiy é * í iix í- In the United States and Canada, Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May They have a (7) beautiful stamps for Mother’s Day in the United States It shows the portrait of the (8) of James Whistler, one of the greatest American painters IV Use the following sets of words aud phrases to write complete sentences I / never meet / clever / boy / ứian hùn You / me / the way / nearest bus stop / please? Maria / write / letters / friends / when / pen / break You / going / visit / House o f Parliament / next Sunday? When / arrive / tomoưovv morning / / repaint / room please / not go out / until / rain / stop What mark / you / get / for / last English test? I / always / get on / first bus / and / arrive / school / 7.30< Mr Brown / teach English / six years now ’0 t / interesting / receive letters / friends abroad V R ew rite the following sentences so that they have the sam e m eaning as the sentences printed before them U se the words given at the beginning The mother smiled happily She took the baby in her arms Sm iling Because she behaves well, everybody loves her Because o f ‘3 My sister is not very intelligent I am not very intelligesnt eitber N either 146 ttu His feet are so big that he gets difficulty buying shoes H e “Will you be in my class tomorrow?” Mr Jones asked Mr Jones People know that he is very rich I t The way is too far for us to walk I t To ride with a drunk driver is dangerous I t VI Fill in the missing prepositions: 1can study during the day but n o t night a in b during c at d by Tom prefers to study the morning a by b in c at d by He wants to take trip the world a for b towards c around d to We need more practice conversation a in b at c for d by She must spend more tim e her English a in b on c at d about 147 Test 21 LEVEL: ELEMENTARY I Underline the correct word in each sentence a You usually need a passport / permission to go from one country to another b Have you ever been to a stranger / foreign counfry? c Europe and Asia are both countries / continents d Have you got a map / plan o f Germany? e We all enjoy singing / eating our National Anthem, f Most people would like to fravel outside / abroad g What is your national meal t dishl Ours is spaghetti! h I’ve always wanted to take trip / travel to South Amssriea i The plan takes off/ takes on at midday j The Alps and the Himalayas are both mountain anas I ranges n Complete each sentence with in, to or at a Have you ever b een Turkey? b What time does our plan arrive Paris? c I met an old friend Frankfiirt Airport d Is M ilan the south of Italy? 148 iA y i cÁ4> é ¿ ¿u t^é tx tívC í£ ¿ t\^ j^ * U x , e It’s very co ld Poland at the moment f Cathy has decided to g o Spain for a holiday g Anna lives Slovenia h Tim is studying London University III C o m p lete the list a b c d e f g h i I’m Italian I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I come from Italy I come from Spain I come from Germany I come from France I come from Greece I come from Brazil I come from Switzerland I come from Turkey I come from Poland, j I’m I come from Argentina Match the countries (1- 8) with the people ( a - h) Norway a The D utch .(4) Hungary b The Norwegians Mexico c, The Sw edes Holland d, The Scots Ireland e, The M exicans Sweden Egypt f The Hungarians g, The Irish Scotland h, The Egyptians 149 iA y i ¿AC ilv i /^\4-vU V Test yourself! Choose the most suitable word for each space, is in Spain A Madrid B Manchester C Montreal is in Egypt A Caracas B Cairo C Cardiff is in Polish capital A Washington B Wellington C Warsaw is an Argentinean city A Berlin B Budapest C Buenos Aires is in Portugal A Liverpool B Los Angeles C Lisbon is the Greek capital A Atlanta B Athens C Alice Springs is in Swdtzerland A Bemie B Brazilian C Beijing is in the United States of America, A Santiago B Stockholm C San Francisco VI Complete each sentence Use the verb and frequeency adverb in brackets a Tina (sometimes, m iss) the bus to school, b I (never, get u p ) .before 6.00 c We (usually, h av e) a holiday in August d Jim and Helen (often, g o ) to the theatre 150 cA c i£ li ilv i ic e itu ^ e I (often, sin g ) in the shower f Pat (sometimes, play) football on Sunday g You (never, finish) your homework! h Our teacher (always, w ear) a tie VII Correct each sentence or question a I playing termis with my best fnend I’m playing tennis with my best friend b You’re coming to the cinema tonight? c John and Mandy don’t going to the beach d Is Emma and Katy flying to America? e My sister is walk on the beach now f We not studying French at school this year g What’s that noise? The dog is out outside? h I aren’t watching TV Turn it off i Ffed are eating a sandwich for his lunch, j Are waiting they for a bus ? ♦♦♦ 151 {Ay} cA c 6A4 iiv i V in Choose is or are for each space a Helen’s h a ir very long b The weather really good at the moment c Don’t worry The police h ere very friendly d Can you turn on the television? The new s on e W omen usually better listeners than mehl f W here the money that gave you yesterday? g Your glasses on the table h David’s French good He’s been taking lessons DC Compkte the sentences Choose a, an or m article for each space a The old bridge was made o f iron b Shall we have .fish ? This restaurant is famous for it c Coiild you bring m e glass, please? d They make these towels from recycled paper e That was silly of me Now there’s coffee all over the table f My shirt is dry now Have you g o t iron? g One wall i s glass, so there is lots of light in the room h Can you buy m e paper? I want to check the football results X Choose the most suitable word for each space Dear Graham, We have just come back from our summer holiday in France During the first week, the ( ) was terrible Everyone said that summer in the south of France would be ( ) 152 ♦♦♦ iA jo cA c iA i il\£ - ii£ » x ^ /^ * s J v and sunny, but it wasn’t Every day was (3) and one day we had a thxxnderstorm It was very exciting, but the dog didn’t like the ( ) or the thunder It was very loud! In the second week, the weather got better It stopped (5) all the time and the sun came out It was still quite (6) on the beach, but that was Ok because sometimes it got too hot My brother got ( ) on his back because he fell asleep - it wasn’t too bad though One day we flew our kites from the top of a hill That was great flm, but the ( ) blew and broke mum’s kite She was very cross We came home yesterday on the boat It was very ( ) and not very nice at all My dad said that next year we could go to Ireland for our holiday I don’t think I want to because I’m sure it would be (10) and I prefer sunny holidays! a day b weather c weeks a hot b rainy c cold a watery b cloudy c weather a booming b raining c lightning a raining b snow c cloudy a wet b windy c wind a sunshine b.sunburn c sunny a cloud b rain c wind a wet b snow c sun 10 a iced b freezing c snow ♦ ♦4 153 ... fravel outside / abroad g What is your national meal t dishl Ours is spaghetti! h I’ve always wanted to take trip / travel to South Amssriea i The plan takes off/ takes on at midday j The Alps... Greek capital A Atlanta B Athens C Alice Springs is in Swdtzerland A Bemie B Brazilian C Beijing is in the United States of America, A Santiago B Stockholm C San Francisco VI Complete each... had some kind o f a coal c ink b royalty d mail Native Americans a learned about umbrellas from English and Spanish explorers b invented iraibrellas c got umbrellas d taught Egyptians about

Ngày đăng: 01/03/2023, 14:52
