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Unit 4 disppposal logistics

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Directive (N) /dai´rektiv/ A directive is a law or rule set by a governing body  Chỉ thị Disposal (N) /di’spozl/ Disposal is the process of getting rid of items that are no longer needed or no longer useful  Sự vứt bỏ / thải Harmless (Adj) /´ha:mlis/ If an item is harmless, it is not capable of causing harm, injury, or illness Vơ hại Hazardous (Adj) /ˈhỉzərdəs/ If an item is hazardous, it is capable of causing harm, injury, or illness  Nguy hiểm / độc hại Landfill (N) /ˈlændˌfɪl/ A landfill is a site where solid waste is stored between layers of soil  Bãi rác Minimize (V) /´mini¸maiz/ To minimize something is to reduce it to the smallest possible amount or impact  Tối thiểu hóa / giảm đến mức thấp Production waste (N) /prə´dʌkʃən weɪst / Production waste refers to all items that a company wishes to dispose of, including trash, recycling, and reusable materials  Phế liệu sản xuất Recyce (V) /ri:´saikl/ To recycle an item is to send it through a process where it will be treated and prepared for a future use  Tái chế Recycling bin (N) /ri:´saiklin bin/ A recycling bin is a container used to hold materials that can be processed for future use  Thùng rác Reuse (V) /ri:´ju:z/ To reuse materials is to use them more than once  Tái sử dụng Listen to a conversation between two logisticians and complete the conversation recycling For one things, we can greatly improve our (1) efforts recycling bins in a few Logistician 1: I agree We only have (2) departments Logistician 2: Yes, Marking the bins available in every department would be an improvement Logistician 1: We can also send out a memo to all employees, telling program our recycling them about (3) separate Logistician 2: That’s a great idea We can remind them to (4) materials into the correct bins Logistician 1: I have noticed that some people are (5) _ forgetting to _ that reuse Logistician 2: We should also encourage people to (6) _ materials Logistician 2: Listen again and mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) F The woman does not want to discuss _ production waste at the meeting F Recycling bins are located in all _ department T The speakers will write a draft of the memo _ before the meeting work on a draft of the memo to bring to the meeting can greatly improve our recycling efforts brainstorm ways in which we can reduce production waste can also send out a memo to all employees Logistics 2: In today’s meeting, let’s (1) _ Logistics 1: There are a lot of things we can Logistics 2: Where should we begin? Logistics 1: We (2) Logistics 2: I agree We only have recycling bins in a few departments Logistics 1: Making the bins available in every department would be an improvement Logistics 2: We (3) _, telling them about our recycling program Logistics 1: Let’s (4) _ In today’s meeting, let’s brainstorm ways in which we can reduce production waste Logistics 1: There are a lot of things we can Logistics 2: Where should we begin? Logistics 1: We can greatly improve our recycling efforts Logistics 2: I agree We only have recycling bins in a few departments Logistics 1: Making the bins available in every department would be an improvement Logistics 2: We can also send out a memo to all employees, telling them about our recycling program Logistics 1: Let’s work on a draft of the memo to bring to the meeting Logistics 2: Use the conversation from Task to fill out an email about reducing production waste From: frank.hill@staughon.com To: production_team@staughton.com Subject: Reducing Production Waste In an effort to reduce (1) , production waste please read the recycling program following information about our (2) _ Please place materials such as plastic, metals, and cardboard into separate items by category recycling bins It is important to (4) _ (3) Also, please try to (5) reuse packaging and shipping materials when possible Additional information about our (6) _ recycling program is available from the logistics team Thank you! CAN MAY To express ability Can means to be able to something OR to know how to something S + CAN + V (infinitive) Ex: Birds can fly They can speak English To ask for or give permission / To request something Ex: You can use my umbrella, I don't need it right now Can I sit in that chair please? Can’t: Something that is forbidden or not allowed Ex: You can't smoke in the restaurant You cannot drive a car without a license Note: We don't use can to talk about future possibilities For this you would use may or might Can't is used to refuse permission To express ability in the past Could is similar to Can and often replaces Can in the past tense S + COULD + V (infinitive) Ex: He could read when he was three years old Polite word used to ask for permission or to request something (in the present) Ex: Could I please use your pen? I'm busy right now Could you call back later? Couldn't: Sure that something is untrue Ex: He couldn't have painted that He has no artistic ability at all Could + have + past participle: To express that something was possible but did not happen Ex: We were lucky because it could have rained but it didn't Could + have + past participle: Someone was able to something, but they didn’t try to it Ex: She could have married anyone she wanted to Could = Would be able to S + WOULD + V (infinitive) Describe a prediction or hypothetical situations Ex: If I had a lot of money I would like to own a farm one day I would love to buy a boat one day To make a polite request / ask questions Ex: Would you like some more tea? Would you like fries or salad? Wouldn't: To describe a past unwillingness (refusal) Ex: He said he wouldn't help us My son wouldn't eat his food To express possibility: We use May when we are not sure about something in the present or future S + MAY + V (infinitive) Ex: Jack may be coming to see us tomorrow She's had no sleep She may be tired To ask for permission / give permission in a formal way Ex: May I borrow the car tomorrow? You may go now May not: Can be used to NOT give permission or to prohibit someone from doing something Ex: You may not park your car in front of the gate May + have + past participle: Speculate about past actions Ex: She is late I think she may have missed her plane It may have already been broken before you bought it Might is similar to May and often replaces May in the past tense S + MIGHT + V (infinitive) Ex: He asked if he might borrow the car They wanted to know if they might come later Might refers to something a bit less likely to happen (Might < May) Ex: a/ Do you think it will rain tonight? I don’t know, it might.” (small possibility) b/ You’re head is warm You may be coming down with a cold (a possibility ) Might + have + past participle: Speculate about past actions Ex: I might have dropped it in the street Note: Might is used more frequently than May in spoken English Choose the correct answer A B C or D 1) " you hand me that pair of scissors, please?" A May B Will C Shall D Should 2) If we had known your new address, we _ to see you A came C would have come B will come D would come 3) He speak languages: English, Spanish, Russia and French A may B would C might D can Complete the sentences using ‘can’, ‘ could’, ‘would’, ‘may’ and ‘might’ Could I borrow your motorcycle for hours? _ Would get access to the Internet easily If we lived in a big city, we _ Perhaps Susan knows the address (may) may know the address => Susan It’s possible that Joanna didn’t receive my message (might) mightn’t have received my message => Joanna _ What are some concerns about hazardous waste disposal? Hazardous waste disposal is a concern for manufacturing companies Hazardous materials released into a company’s surroundings can cause environmental damage, injury, and illness Federal and state regulations include strict standards for hazardous waste disposal Companies must comply with regulations in order to be issued the necessary licenses to operate In addition to potential damages, fines may be assessed for companies that not comply with regulations What steps can companies take to minimize waste production?  There are a number of steps that companies can take to minimize waste production First, companies can minimize the use of packaging and shipping materials They can also choose reusable packing materials to ship products Many waste products can be recycled Companies can locate recycling bins at waste station locations Employees can be encouraged to reduce waste by recycling plastics, metals, paper, and cardboard In most regions, recyclable materials must be separated into different materials categories for collection ... all employees Logistics 2: In today’s meeting, let’s (1) _ Logistics 1: There are a lot of things we can Logistics 2: Where should we begin? Logistics 1:... program Logistics 1: Let’s (4) _ In today’s meeting, let’s brainstorm ways in which we can reduce production waste Logistics 1: There are a lot of things we can Logistics. .. (2) Logistics 2: I agree We only have recycling bins in a few departments Logistics 1: Making the bins available in every department would be an improvement Logistics 2: We (3)

Ngày đăng: 27/02/2023, 10:46

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