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Unit 8 key

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Unit 8 NEW WAYS TO LEARN KEY LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Stress in three syllable adjectives and verbs E''''lectric, ''''digital, ''''relative, ''''concentrate, volun’teer Grammar Relative clauses defining and non d[.]

Unit NEW WAYS TO LEARN - KEY LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Stress in three-syllable adjectives and verbs: E'lectric, 'digital, 'relative, 'concentrate, volun’teer Grammar Relative clauses: defining and non-defining clauses with 'who', 'that', 'which', and 'whose Dr Miller, who is the Head of the Department, will attend the reception Some people think that children whose parents allow them to use electronic devices early will have more advantages in the future Vocabulary Words and phrases related to: - Electronic devices that can help us learn - Using the Internet to learn English Digital, smartphones, electronic devices I Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions A laptop B tablet C camera D calculator Phát âm /ə/, từ cịn lại phát âm /ỉ/ A device B Internet C excellent D desktop Phát âm /ɪ/, từ lại phát âm /e/ A download B knowledge C allow D however Phát âm /ɒ/, từ lại phát âm /aʊ/ A studies B projects C students D books Phát âm /z/, từ lại phát âm /s/ A distracted B communicated C promoted D performed Phát âm /d/, từ lại phát âm /id/ II Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions A educate B understand C recognize D concentrate Trọng âm vào âm tiết 3, từ lại vào âm tiết A important B national C effective D successful Trọng âm vào âm tiết 1, từ lại vào âm tiết A introduce B recommend C clarify D interact Trọng âm vào âm tiết 1, từ lại vào âm tiết A digital B electric C horrible D personal Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, từ lại vào âm tiết A remember B memorize C dedicate D itemize Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, từ lại vào âm tiết III Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences Educational technology encompass several domains, including learning theory, computer-based training, A B online learning, and, where mobile technologies are used, m-learning C D → encompasses According to the latest Speak Up survey, sixty percent of students are using mobile devices for anytime A B C research, 43 percent for educational games and 40 percent for collaborating with their peers D → collaboration The use of electronic devices and resources in the classroom is part of the daily activity for lecturers and A B C D students → a part In order to properly prepare your students for the future as they transition into the workforce, incorporating A B C mobile technology in the classroom is the key to D → key If students are really excited and engaged in learning inside of the classroom, they are likely to continue to A B learn outside of the classroom and they can so with mobile technology C D → learning IV Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences Electronic devices are becoming common in educational environment A increase B increasing C increasingly D increased Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho tính từ làm bổ tố cho nội động từ “become” In as well as in sciences, students use computers or equivalent devices to research and write papers A humans B humankind C humanity D humanities Hợp nghĩa (các ngành nhân văn) Students and teachers can benefit from using electronic devices in the classroom, a new study has found A like B unlike C alike D dislike Trạng từ nhấn mạnh cho cụm danh từ The study, published in the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, has concluded that, used in the right way, tablet PCs can be of great use in this particular educational discipline A a B an C the D no article Không mạo từ (nghĩa khái quát danh từ không đếm được) The research noted that the tablets could provide distractions, since students could access material with their courses A connect B connected C unconnected D disconnected Phân từ hai tạo tính ngữ bị động Technology is an integral part of our society and major contributor towards education A a B an C the D no article Mạo từ không xác định có tính từ số lượng If you are a student from this decade, then it is obvious that you have encountered technology, in the form of smartphone or laptop A whether B either C neither D which Liên từ tương liên either or (hoặc hoặc) According to a research study, public schools in the United States provide at least one computer every five students A to B with C by D for Động từ đa kết trị: provide smth for smb According to some researchers, the emphasis in education in the next few years would be the development of student's computer skills A to B at C on D with Ngữ giới từ: emphasis on 10 Language teaching is one area technology has taken over and improved the ways of learning A which B that C where D when Trạng từ quan hệ nơi chốn mệnh đề quan hệ 11 The digital medium the students to collaborate with their teachers through video and audio methods A help B is helping C has helped D helped Hợp thời hợp thức 12 With the of technological devices in the classroom, the learning output has become cost effective A aim B presence C benefit D compliments Hợp nghĩa 13 Students can only use technological devices to complete their work investment on notebooks and books A rather than B instead of C but for D in case Hợp nghĩa 14 Teachers can use smart board to help engage students by giving them visual tools, can keep the students attentive in the classroom A so B that C which D such Đại từ quan hệ không xác định 15 When people think of the technological device in the classroom, the iPad is comes to mind A which B that C what D it Đại từ cấu tạo mệnh đề danh ngữ làm bổ ngữ câu 16 Online learning gives you full flexibility to accomplish your goals you can access and learn anything you want, anytime you want A that B because C so D which Liên từ lý 17 Small studies indicate improvements to active learning and student engagement with content through the use of Twitter requires personal electronic devices for students A it B who C which D what Đại từ quan hệ xác định 18 Teachers can also help their students to learn complicated applications on electronic devices as a way of making it easier students to learn and also make the teacher's job easier A with B to C by D for Cấu trúc ngữ giới từ với tính từ its easy for smb to smth 19 Teachers can tell their students to use mobile apps like "PIAZZA” to access course materials and also to post questions about specific subjects, all can be done in the classroom or outside the classroom A this B what C which D how Đại từ thay cận kề 20 Using a projector, teachers can display visual images on smart interactive white boards, improves the learning process A that B what C which D why Đại từ quan hệ không xác định 21 Those in of banning laptops in classrooms like to demonstrate how handwritten notes lead to better learning compared to notes taken on a computer A search B light C view D favour Cụm từ cố định hợp nghĩa 22 Supporters of technology in the classroom say that using laptops, tablets, and cellphones in the classroom keeps students A engage B engages C engaging D engaged Tính từ trạng thái sau động từ 'keep’ 23 While some believe digital devices make for greater connections for students, there are also those believe too much time with digital devices disconnects students from face-to-face social activities, family communications, and nature A who B whom C which D whose Đại từ quan hệ xác định 24 "How you use the Internet for your science study?" – “ ” A Searching for information B Watching my favorite cartoons C Listening to music D Keeping contacts with my professors Để tìm kiếm thơng tin (đáp lại câu hỏi dùng Internet môn khoa học) 25 "Which is more useful for you in class: a laptop or a tablet?" – “ ” A I prefer a laptop, as I can type more easily B Nothing to with that C Well, don't mention it D You can never imagine how I like it Tơi thích máy tính xách tay đánh máy tiện (đáp lại câu hỏi lựa chọn) 26 More and more schools are starting to invest iPads for classrooms, as they see that it can have multiple benefits for learning, even though the investment is quite large A for B to C in D at Động từ đa thành phần/kết trị invest in 27 Parents and educators are always looking for new learning tools to help students reach their academic potential, and a recent study that a basic laptop could be just such a tool A suggest B suggests C suggested D has suggested Hợp thời + thức (miêu tả kết nghiên cứu khoa học) 28 When students have laptops, they can type their notes into a document A direct B directly C direction D directing Trạng từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ type (gõ trực tiếp) 29 Students that learn to type efficiently and use basic computer functions such as word processing, email and web browsing have a significant advantage students that have no knowledge of computers A over B above C against D to Thành phần cụm have advantage over (có lợi hơn) 30 A benefit of sing laptops in the classroom is that they can help students stay and remember school work A organize B organizing C organized D organization Tính từ làm bổ tố cho động từ stay thể trì trạng thái V Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences Tablets connect all major stakeholders: students, parents and teachers A those who show the same feeling B those who work cooperatively with others C those who the same school task D those who get involved in the same matter Những người tham gia, có liên quan tới vấn đề Notwithstanding the long-term benefits, tablets are pretty costly A similarly B in spite of C along with D otherwise Mặc dù (chỉ đối lập benefit – tích cực costly – tiêu cực) Students will find all academic assignments via the class blog their teachers create to post assignments A by means of B in terms of C by the way D in search of Thông qua, nhờ vào Having digital textbooks on their mobile devices keeps students more organized and gives them easy access to their materials A in a way that is effective, ordered and sensible B in a way that is easy, convenient and effective C in a way that is poorly-planned and impractical D in a way that is traditional, familiar and friendly Theo cách hiệu quả, có trật tự có suy xét Big classrooms are characterized by endless noise, so teachers can resort to wireless digital microphones which will transmit the voice to the loud speakers and every student will hear their teacher clearly A take advantage of B make use of C have a way of D find a use for Tận dụng VI Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences Unlike traditional learning, the e-learning is flexible for the students as well as for the teachers A The e-learning is more flexible for the students and the teachers than traditional learning B The students' e-learning is more flexible than the teachers' traditional learning C The e-learning for the students is more flexible than traditional learning for the teachers D The students use more flexible e-learning than traditional learning used by the teachers Viết lại câu cách thay đổi cấu trúc (từ giới từ so sánh sang cấu trúc so sánh tính từ) Some school districts have seen great improvements by allowing digital devices in the classroom A Allowing digital devices in classroom, some school districts have seen great improvements B Digital devices used in classroom help some school districts see great improvements C Great improvements in digital devices have been seen in the classroom at some school districts D Some school districts have allowed digital devices in the classroom to see great improvements Viết lại câu cách thay đổi cấu trúc (đổi vị trí chức vị trạng ngữ) Some conservative educators are concerned with the tablet being a major distraction A Some conservative educators not like the tablet because it is a major distraction B Some conservative educators not approve of using the tablet as it is a major distraction C The tablet is considered a major distraction by some conservative educators D The tablet being a major distraction is of concern to some conservative educators Viết lại câu cách thay đổi cấu trúc (bị động → chủ động) Textbooks can't provide students with the latest information as a mobile device can A Textbooks not provide students with information later than can a mobile device B The information provided by textbooks is not later than that provided by a mobile device C Textbooks can't provide students with as new information as a mobile device can D The information provided by textbooks is newer than that provided by a mobile device Viết lại câu cách thay đổi cấu trúc (so sánh giới từ sang so sánh tính từ) By allowing mobile devices in school, educators help students expand learning outside of the classroom A Allowed to use mobile devices in school, students are also able to expand their learning outside of the classroom B Educators helped students expand their learning outside of the classroom by allowing mobile devices in school C To help students expand their learning outside the classroom, educators allowed using mobile devices in schools D Allowing the use of mobile device in school is the best way of expanding students' learning outside the classroom Viết lại câu cách thay đổi cấu trúc (rút gọn mệnh đề ngữ phân từ) VII Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given The influence of technology in classroom is spreading to a mass number of students The students have started adopting the new methods of technology in their studies A The students who have started adopting the new methods of technology in their studies influence a mass number of other students in the classroom B The influence of technology in classroom is spreading to a mass number of students who have started adopting the new methods of technology in their studies C Having been influenced by the technology in classroom, a mass number of students started adopting the new methods of technology in their studies D Starting to adopt the new methods of technology in their studies, a mass number of students have spread the influence of technology in classroom Kết hợp câu cách sử dụng đại từ quan hệ xác định Now teachers are making continuous efforts to make the classroom a good place to learn and succeed They are aiming towards making the education attractive and sensible A Now teachers who are aiming towards making the education attractive and sensible are making continuous efforts to make the classroom a good place to learn and succeed B Making continuous efforts to make the classroom a good place to learn and succeed, teachers are now aiming towards making the education attractive and sensible C As now teachers are making continuous efforts to make the classroom a good place to learn and succeed, they are aiming towards making the education attractive and sensible D Now teachers are making continuous efforts to make the classroom a good place to learn and succeed so that they are aiming towards making the education attractive and sensible Kết hợp câu cách sử dụng đại từ quan hệ xác định The digital learning opportunities make students self-reliant The students can study without the teachers A The digital learning opportunities make students self-reliant because they can study without the teachers B The digital learning opportunities make students study without the teachers and become self-reliant C The students can study without the teachers because the digital learning opportunities have made them self-reliant D Being able to study without the teachers, the students are more self-reliant thanks to the digital learning opportunities Kết hợp câu cách sử dụng liên từ xây dựng mệnh đề trạng ngữ nguyên nhân ‘because’ Digital learning is making the students self-confident and independent The students are now able to structure their own learning program A Digital learning can help students structure their own learning program to make them self-confident and independent B To be able to structure their own learning program, students must learn to be self-confident and independence digitally C Digital learning is making the students self-confident and independent, so they are now able to structure their own learning program D To become more self-confident and independent, students acquire digital learning to be able to structure their own learning program Kết hợp câu cách sử dụng liên từ xây dựng mệnh đề trạng ngữ kết ‘so’ Tablets give users the ability to highlight, edit text and write notes Yet, this does not ruin a textbook for the next user A Tablets give users the ability to highlight, edit text and write notes without ruining a textbook for the next user B Tablets neither give users the ability to highlight, edit text and take notes, nor does it ruin a textbook for the next user C If tablets did not give users the ability to highlight, edit text and write notes, they would ruin the textbook for the next user D Tablets give users the ability to highlight, edit text, and write notes so that the next user can read without ruining the text Kết hợp câu cách sử dụng ngữ giới từ xây dựng mệnh đề trạng ngữ cách thức “without” VIII Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks Digital learning is replacing traditional educational methods more and more each day With (1) rapidly classrooms are changing, (2) is best to forget methods you may remember from when you were in school and start thinking about newer teaching and learning techniques based (3) digital learning tools and technologies The inclusion of digital learning in the classrooms can (4) from simply using tablets instead of paper (5) using elaborate software programs and equipment as opposed to the simple pen This could entail using sites, services, programs, teaching tools, and technologies like study aids built for at-home 6) Even social networks and communications platforms (7) be used to create and manage digital assignments and agendas (8) of how much technology is integrated into the classroom, digital learning has come to (9) a crucial role in education (10) empowers students by getting them to be more interested in learning and expanding their horizons A what B how C that D why Đại từ xây dựng mệnh đề danh ngữ (chỉ cách thức làm chủ ngữ mệnh đề) 10 D Hồi A it B that C what D there Chủ ngữ hình thức với “it” rỗng A by B in C on D for Giới từ với động từ base on (dựa trên, dựa vào) A develop B differ C vary D come Động từ đa kết trị vary from to (đa dạng từ đến) A by B to C in D with Động từ đa kết trị vary from to (đa dạng từ đến) A use B usage C useful D useless Danh từ chức A can B could C will D would Khuyết thiếu làm trợ động từ cấp ngữ động từ bị động, hợp nghĩa, hợp thời A Instead B Disregarding C Irrespective D Ignoring Hợp nghĩa A B act C take D play Cụm từ cố định: play a role in (đóng vai trị trong) 10 A This B That C What D It Hồi IX Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Electronic devices are becoming increasingly common in educational environments The term most commonly used for such devices is "educational technology" This is not actually a new idea, as the rewritable wax tablets, often with lined surfaces to guide novice writers used in antiquity or the blackboard itself are both instances of technological innovations to support pedagogy There are many different ways in which electronic devices are used in education For example, students in STEM (science, technology, engineering medicine) fields have been making extensive use of sophisticated calculators for many years (the abacus and slide rule were non-electronic predecessors to calculators) In humanities as well as sciences, students use computers or equivalent devices to research and write papers In all fields, courses are now likely to have websites, and many instructors use course management software such as Blackboard, to post information for students, record grades, set up online discussions, and check for plagiarism In lecture classes, many instructors project slides or notes on a screen and may even upload lecture notes so that students can review them Some courses are hybrid, meaning that they have a strong online component, or offered entirely online Many courses taught in conventional lecture halls are streamed online, and may use devices such as clickers to become more interactive Any device (including tablets or cell phones) that instructors incorporate into a learning environment functions as educational technology According to the passage, the term "educational technology" refers to A electronic devices used in education B the rewritable wax tablets used in STEM C sophisticated calculators D course management software Thông tin cụ thể đoạn (Electronic devices are becoming increasingly common in educational environments The term most commonly used for such devices is "educational technology") The word "instances" mostly means A special types B typical cases C excellent chances D right occasions Hồi (thực từ) (the rewritable wax tablets, often with lined surfaces to guide novice writers used in antiquity or the blackboard itself are both instances of technological innovations to support pedagogy.) The word "extensive" in the passage is closest in meaning to A great B maximum C full D poor Suy từ ngữ cảnh: tính từ, nghĩa tích cực, tương đối, định tính (students in STEM (science, technology, engineering medicine) fields have been making extensive use of sophisticated calculators for many years) The word "they" in the passage refers to A classes B instructors C students D courses Hồi (hư từ) (Some courses are hybrid, meaning that they have a strong online component, or offered entirely online.) According to the passage, which of the following does NOT function as educational technology? A the blackboard B the abacus C the tablet D the cellphone Thơng tin tồn (chủ yếu đoạn 2, - Students in STEM (Science, technology, engineering medicine) fields have been making extensive use of sophisticated calculators for many years (the abacus and slide rule were non-electronic predecessors to calculators) X Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Cell phones are an integrated part of our society at this point, and their main use is communication They keep students in touch with the rest of the world by giving them the power to interact with it In my day, if you forgot your lunch you were at the mercy of the office calling home for you Now, students have the ability to solve their own problems and handle certain "emergencies" on their own Cell phones also allow students the ability when the time is right, to keep in touch with students at other schools or friends that don't go to school While not an educational benefit directly, better relationships can lead to higher self-esteem and reduce isolation, which is good for everybody In the same way, camera phones allow students to capture the kinds of memories that help build a solid school culture, and, in some cases, can act as documentation of misbehavior in the same way that store cameras provide evidence and deter bad behavior Academically, the cell phone can act as to record video of a procedure of explanation that may need to be reviewed later It could be used to record audio of a lecture, as well, for later review And just imagine if class could be easily "taped" for students who are absent? What if they could even be streamed and seen from home instantly? The iPod is a little trickier, because its function varies greatly by model At its heart, it is a media player, and I know for a fact that many students work better while listening to music For this reason, they can have a good effect by keeping students from getting too distracted while working (ironic, because we mostly think of them AS distractions!) If it is a WIFI compatible model, and wireless internet is available, the iPod can be a great tool for looking up information or digging into things more deeply Depending on the model, it may be able to act as a camera and video recorder as well (with the same benefits as the cell phone) Devices like the Kindle could, conceivably, make learning a lot easier Imagine carrying all your textbooks in the palm of your hand, rather than strapped to your back! Though expensive, compared to buying new textbooks, the Kindle is a bargain Many of the books used in high school English classes are actually FREE on the Kindle The passage mainly discusses A how some electronic devices are used in education B how to use electronic devices in the classroom C what is the best electronic device used in education D which electronic device will be used as the textbooks Đọc lướt tồn (thơng tin nêu câu đề đoạn văn: Cell phones also allow students the ability when the time is right; The iPod is a little trickier , Devices like the Kindle could, conceivably, make learning a lot easier.) The word "it' in the passage refers to A the power B the world C the rest of the world D the main use Hồi (hư từ) (They keep students in touch with the rest of the world by giving them the power to interact with it.) The phrase "at the mercy of" mostly means A completely dependent on B at request of C thankful to D under orders Suy từ ngữ cảnh: phụ thuộc (In my day, if you forgot your lunch you were at the mercy of the office calling home for you Now, students have the ability to solve their own problems and handle certain "emergencies" on their own.) According to the passage, cell phones NOT A help students keep in touch with their friends B allow students to capture of memories C help students record audio of a lecture D enable students to write their assignment Thông tin từ đoạn 2, camera phones allow students to capture the kinds of memories the cell phone can act as to record video of a procedure of explanation It could be used to record audio of a lecture, And just imagine if class could be easily "taped" for students who are absent? What if they could even be streamed and seen from home instantly?) The word "which" in the passage refers to A building better relationships B achieving higher self-esteem C that relationships lead to higher self-esteem D having higher-esteem and lower isolation Hồi (mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định) (While not an educational benefit directly, better relationships can lead to higher self-esteem and reduce isolation, which is good for everybody.) Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "taped"? A recorded B reviewed C streamed D seen Suy từ ngữ cảnh đoạn 3, đặc biệt từ record, review, seen ( the cell phone can act as to record video of a procedure of explanation may need to be reviewed later And just imagine if class could be easily "taped" for students who are absent? What if they could even be streamed and seen from home instantly?) The phrase "At its heart" mostly refers to A the main function B the core part C the central unit D the best usage Suy từ ngữ cảnh đoạn 4, đặc biệt từ function, media player (At its heart, it is a media player, and I know for a fact that many students work better while listening to music.) The word "ironic" is closest in meaning to A lucky B special C funny D particular Suy từ ngữ cảnh đoạn 4, đặc biệt từ keeping from, too distracted, think of, as distracted (For this reason, they can have a good effect by keeping students from getting too distracted while working (ironic, because we mostly think of them AS distractions!) Which of the following is NOT true about the iPod according to the passage? A The iPod can be used to make phone calls B The iPod can be connected to the Internet C The iPod can be used to record videos D The iPod comes in different models Thông tin từ đoạn (nêu rõ ràng chức khác) At its heart, it is a media player, If it is a WIFI compatible model, and wireless internet is available, the iPod can be a great tool for looking up information or digging into things more deeply Depending on the model, it may be able to act as a camera and video recorder as well ) 10 Which of the following is true about the kindle according to the passage? A The Kindle is more economical than new textbooks B Everything read on the Kindle is free of charge C The Kindle comes in different models as the iPod does D You cannot listen to music with a Kindle Thông tin từ đoạn cuối (5) ( Imagine carrying all your textbooks in the palm of your hand, rather than strapped to your back! Though expensive, compared to buying new textbooks, the Kindle is a bargain Many of the books used in high school English classes are actually FREE on the Kindle.) ... transition into the workforce, incorporating A B C mobile technology in the classroom is the key to D → key If students are really excited and engaged in learning inside of the classroom, they are... quan hệ xác định The digital learning opportunities make students self-reliant The students can study without the teachers A The digital learning opportunities make students self-reliant because... digital learning opportunities make students study without the teachers and become self-reliant C The students can study without the teachers because the digital learning opportunities have made them

Ngày đăng: 26/02/2023, 13:55


