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www frenglish ru i r '''' HOW TO AGCE SS WHAT''''S IIP? 7 EditiON INTERACTIVE STUDENT''''S BOOK 1 Enter vvww whatsup pearsonelt com ar and go to STUDENTS 2 Click on REGISTRATI0N uncover the access code below a[.]

www.frenglish.ru i:r: ' HOW TO AGCE SS WHAT'S IIP? EditiON INTERACTIVE STUDENT'S BOOK Enter vvww.whatsup.pearsonelt.com.ar and go to STUDENTS Click on REGISTRATI0N: uncover the access code below and introduce it Note! this access code can onty be used once Do not buy this book if the protective cover has been removed 0NLINE mode From the moment you're registered, go directty to REGISTERED USERS: enter username and password and start using your interactive bookl 0FFLINE mode Once you've registered as exptained above in #2, please downtoad foltowing the instructions below a From your computer with Windows, Mac and/or Linux operative systems GotoWWW'whatsup.pearsanelt'Cam.aranddoWnl.oad'@ IMPORTANT: The materiat witt onty be available once the download is complete Both the App and Tabtet must be open during downloading Once download is comptete, the fottowing pop-up w¡tL appeár: b From other devices Android, please download from Google Ptay i05, please downtoad from App Store Windows tabtet, ptease download from Windows Store NEED HELP? Ptease contact us at: soportefilpearson.com www.frenglish.ru STUDENT'S BOOK + WORKBOOK Pearson www.frenglish.ru www.frenglish.ru Let's wrap ¡t up! Self-assessment activities r UnitS 1& page 27 Self-assessmentactivities r UnitS &fr page 49 - ,u'nits '5 & ó page :.t,t:t Sho# Mak# r:.:r!+ =ili :l:.::::,i:* i:::::ii ::.:::l:É Let's wr p it up! ffr*m*n*i*t!*m Let's wfap,it üp! t$ffi* geirrassessrnent activities www.frenglish.ru 71 Vivian About me Fr{ends (150) PROFITE live in Lo¡dorir am in Yéar Vivian iiirtiii¡,i am 15 t { = o.ii Hey Festival! Here we are! Let's dance! study at Brighton School play the oüitar Welcome su mmer hoLidays Rocky at the beach w¡th my cousin My dog is adorabLe!:) ! PHOTOS Vivian ¡iiiiiliiiiii;!1ffi i¡;ii 'i¡ii'iiii in my nds! An unforgettable moment Hurray! Yes! Tickets O Look at the profile Comptete the sentences Her name is - -.,-: She is She Lives in She studies at,., -,-:.,: She has ! " O Vivian is going to a music festival lmagine the moment whren she rlete the dialogue Work w¡th youti classmate ThBo, act the conversation outr Vivian: H il Assistant: Good Vivianl ¡ Yes, Can I hel.p you? ,, :, , - you got any tickets for the Green festival.? Assistant: Yes How many t O Ask and answer the foLLowing questions with ;rour classmate Vivian: Assistant: Vivian; How oLd are you? How many friends you have on sociaL ? a That's a lot of money, but I Love the bands Here you Where you Live? etwo rks ? hundred a twenty pounds What's your name? n are 30 pou nds each lt Four How much Assistanü Enjoy the Vivian: Bye www.frenglish.ru ! ó aLL O ln gr.oups of four, ffiake tist of aLt the names ' o'f a,hi ¡¡'¿[E in Engtis,h thatyou know Which ones can be pets? Qt Look at th; picture of üivián puldng football True oir fatse? t:¡" Vivian -* She is pLaying with, her f r:ien , o o ó o " She is wearing grey shorts The footbaLL is bLack ', and white She is ocused ilii;.rli i:::ii ,,,,t,, f Happy New Year! New year, new sport He[[o everyone I' m a footbaLler now! O AnsWer: ¡n )/oür notebOok l Do you ptay f ootbát[r ' What you in yourrrf'r,é*r time? So to PAtffi RK &üTITf$TtrH$ Student A: turn to p age 72 Student B: turn to Oiscu$s in pairs Do you lik,e music festivats? What is your favourite band or artist? What is your favourite song? O p age ln this book you witt find the following features: ryM Activities to with your c ffi Lass mate Look at the picture of the dog and comp[etethep.aragrapht W W.W ffi experience Vivian1 : @ Content and Language lntegrated Learning got a dog lts name Questions or activities involving your personaI SociaI EmotionaI Learning They ru n in the Living room That is not aLlowed @ @,.n'#, www.frenglish.ru DownLoad any free QR code Reader App on your mobile to discover our SociaL EmotionaL Learning section, thought and written for you 0NLYI Tracks to master your Listening skiU.s -:* lntroduce yourself l.*- Tatk about schools l;'-r' Tatk about timetables 'ii' Ask and teLL the time l¡ Ask persona[ questions and answer them lp Ask for permission and make requests ".:r Write about a friend H h Ié:Oo-17:OO I Guitar Pr www.frenglish.ru O Find in the pictures o o o o a Lab a Geography teacher a school pLayground a timetabLe O o o o o a guitar cLub 6, a uniform 7, a clock a canteen True or iatse? Jennifer o o o o o o o goes to schooL from Monday to Friday She has Lunch at schooL She cooks her Lunch She has Science Lessons in the Lab Her school day is from a.m to p.m 6- There are 12 obLigatory subjects at schooL There are optionaI subjects io 'i Íl"ii., ir.:ii:!,i:r!irrrffil*.- i:, ,,:,.:,]::.J:,1:rf,lli;tiili:l:,rll:ri::: ¡ ,, r:ii':ilj.l.:lrri*ji.:l¡.,.¡!.I¡i:i:t::J::ilrltir:t:l:i '.;1i¡ ''t,;¡,,iil !rt:::r ft¡irii**¡0¡liliffii¡li¡litftirii¡l riiiittilffi.,, '" Let's create a PowerPoint presentation about speciat peopte at schooL! You wiLL create a presentation of a person in your- schooLyou consider to be speciaL Look for tips on how to buiLd your project on p 11 You wiLL complete www.frenglish.ru the project on p 15 ]]F.,, VOCABULARY $chmü[ $ubj#rt$ O O a Choose the correct option # French & ICT [lnformation I and Communication s Look at the timetabLe and answer the questions Geography Science PE TechnoLogy) does excellent cartwheeLs ?l Lesso n we work with different in the What time What time Lab subject teacher is from France Lessons are in the What time What time is Science? a! eluuo_n o'clocK is PE? is H isto ry? is b re ak? on Mondays b Complete the following sentences What's your teacher's name? My Art teacher My M @ Discuss What are your favourite is is usic teacher Where are the Lessons? What time are your EngLish Lessons? What time are your Science Lessons? Where you go at break? - My Eng Lish teacher is My History teacher is My Maths teacher is - O Time @ uw"woffi Match the times to the clocks "w"woffi O@ OO @O half past ten OO OO nine haLf past four o'clock OO subjects? quarter to two quarter past twelve a Ask and answer questions about your t¡metabte A: What tíme is ficíence? 9: At Bl¿von o'doc\ b Write true and false sentences about your t¡metabl.e Ask your classmate to ident¡fy the wrong ones Th€h, sw¡tch roles A; 0n Thursdays englieh ie at t0 o'clocY in ths gym 9: falsv! 0n Thur$days 1nglish ís at o'clocY ín the claeri.torn midnisht www.frenglish.ru n ( GRAMMAR O a Complete the sentences with b Write questions and answer them Where ln / tfre SLaters / Whgre dp !h9 l.ive? fjgt_e;r9_ lyug? a vio Lin l.esso n eve ry Wh al I they I ¿o I right now? Facebook at the Geog p hy test rig ht Where I flrs Slater / wo rk? Facebook every day Wh al I Richard I eat? computer now? [useJ b Reread the sentences 1a and circle the c ¡n Exerc¡se Correct the sentences The Slaters Live in London time expressions O a Read the text Mrs SLater works in a schooL Rose is [ooking at a cat Richard and Rose go to different schooLs Mr and Mrs Stater are working The SLaters are having a hotiday in Portugat The SLaters are not atways on hol"iday! They usual.[y work very hard They live and work in Coventry Mr S[ater is a teacher in the centre of town and Mrs Slater is a doctor in a locaI hospital Rose and Richard go to the same schooL near their home They l.ike schooL a lot They al.L [ike traveLLing and go to a different country every year This year they are having a great hol.iday in Spain Right now they are sitting in a street café Mr and Mrs Slater are having some coffee Richard is eating an ice-cream Rose is Looking at a dog The dog Looks hungry lt wants some ice-cream r,illisffii ':iiiiii.i,i.::,iiÍi" www.frenglish.ru LISTENING O compLete the text with the correct form of the verb Use the present simpte or present continuous O a W;;' Listen to the conversation Can Nadia go out with Mark today? Why/why not? Miriam is an interpreter and sh e t tr7uels [traveLJ to lots of countries Sh e [speak] Spanish, French and Engtish At the moment sh e [readJ a book of poetry on the plane to Paris She her favourite music [l.ikeJ frer - a [t¡stenJ to heavy metal! She job, but she Nadia is watching a comedy Mark is downtoading music ó Mark is doing homework [want) to be a poet @ b Wll';;' Listen aga¡n True or fatse? Mark's Maths teacher aLways Comptete the sentences with your own ideas Use the present continuous gives him homework Nadia is doing homework Nadia's Maths teacher never grenda is a etudent Toda,¡ ís different because gives her homework Nadia is playing the piano it'g a holida,¡ Nadia plays the piano Brenda has breakfast at ó.00, Nad ia has pia no tessons every Tuesday 2, o o o o o o o o o c Comptete the first part of the conversation Brenda has [unch in the schooL canteen, but today she MARK: Hi, Nadia lt's me, Mark At 5.00 Brenda NADIA: usuatty does her i, Ma rk H ow a re you ? MARK: l'm fine What homework, but today she At 10.00 Brenda goes H you NADIA: to bed, but a comedy lt's rea today she Lty f u n ny And you ? MARK: to music Do you have my mobi[e phone? pl.ease give it 30 exercises in That sou nds [ike a lot MARK: We[t, our Maths teacher always us a l.ot of homework We are pLaying MonopoLy Do you want to with Where NADIA: That's terribl.e 0ur Maths teacher doesn't usuatty gives us ? homework And is Tommy? Why don't you caL[ 17 have any homework for tomorrowl ? al"L! NADIA: to ptay my Maths homework lt's so Long- O Complete the sentences w¡th the correct object pronoun and Sarah Looks sad these days Let's invite d 'Wlll', Listen again and check to the cinema www.frenglish.ru ffiffirr8ruffi O Corptete the sentences using and, G) fn fottowing sentences compare what the ch¡ldren are doing w¡th what they always, usually or sometimes Complete them w¡th your own ideas but, so an d because They aLways go out together they are good friends He doesn't have a mobiLe phone She's very kind - Del.f ina and Danny are having a good time They a re good f riends she Loves to so they aLways have a great time together help peopLe ldon't study much Barbara, Marco, I a Lways pass my tests I have a test tomorrow sun in a park They lmust sit and study ldon't understand a topic My mum is cooking some Maths CXCTCISCS lam heLping her! O Look at a picture of four friends -BarbaFE, Marco, Detfina and Danny Tick1"'.,,r'|what you th¡nk they are doi ng Marco is holding a batl Del.fina and Danny are reading some notes Th ey @ Write a description of the picture lncLude inf ormation bout what the peopLe are doing and what they always, usually or a sometimes Remember to use and , but, because and so to join some of your sentences Use your imagination ! making plans for the weekend doing homework reading for a test Looking at a magazine having a good time sitting in the sun pLaying f ootba taking notes Laughing LL o o o o o o o o o |:ti:tt+liltiilr;14, 'W, www.frenglish.ru SELF-CHECK VOCABULARY O O sentences Complete the sentences l.ike PLease photos on Facebook I Use the informat¡on to write Sophie now me a text message / usual.Ly / Listen I pop music I but I I rock to_phie ws,ually li#Vng_ to pop mulic when you get home lsometimes She loves We often go online ontine games on Skype to I Mari an lalways now / tt",e newspaper read lnovels lbut / right - research O Write an adjective for each description This person makes me laugh 2, This person This person 4, This person never works hard lpl.ay we / always I work hard I I video gam es school, I I but ltoday I celebrate lits anniversary doesn't taLk much is nice to others () GRAMMAR O / usually but/nowlchess My friends Comptete with object pronouns Complete with the present continuous Inot / She's so pretty Here's a pictu re of We don't understand p[ease pLayJ footbal.l this exercise Can you heLp Peter:'s over there Pl.ease, caLL [end Where are my keys? I can't find I @ Complete wlth the present simple - [nol lmake] tr¡ends ENGLISH IN UST O Answer about yourself What are you doing right now? your What time of the day ¡s it? tnot l¿o] homework on What you usuaLl"y at this time of the day? www.frenglish.ru Time to trovel tl.:tl:t::it::l:::tt::lttt:: :i' VffiCAffiULARY O Put the letters in order and complete the crossword about forms of transport O Complete the activities that Jenny on hotidays ffio ffio Waffi affiw,,,ffic, n nffiRsE:',,,ffiioffiNa í.n!;ijijiii.:jljij sub choca nimotanu kieb Down drunedogurn romnoiLa rca netpa xtia yrerf @ M Across H H ffi 10 ,r¡i,i iíj,Íilrtniiiitii!,i il¡ilii1l,:.1¿iii 'ffiaffiafficffiW',ffi ,,ffiw*ffi,ffi lffi Wnffi sffi' WLA:ffi ¡ !¡lilljÍiijiili i!i;i!,.4it¡!ÁLl¡ti i:ítin¡¡¡i¡¡;'ifiiiiÍít?Í+ lt r ¡^ t) -tilriiiiitinnii ti!\A!!iart!1i!i! i .f, i¡',8 W"'E{¡ÉTí rjiiti:tlÍt¿t!.L,j!:ili!¡)441i.+!!jlril :i:t¿ *ffioAffiffi tr+tr!:+i1i! 1< i::iii)'¿t!t' 1+!:j: ffinffiu"ffio ,"ffitffi,'ffi,,,,ffi "ffiffioffiaffiffir m ,,ffiWwffi 'ffi=ffiffiv K E tffi^v'ffiffi l-l tlltiijj¡iililitit Fn{,¡!,¡"8íf¡Y'i"FÉffiT,VEA :iiÍiiii, tfi'.#''j www.frenglish.ru f-\ I V I t L tffiffi e'', t¡r¡t!j!;ar:¡!ti!.!4 !i:i!/.¿!a-ta-.t4tt jt/-t!D::tl:!trt!tr/.t1!t) i;itilit t#.1f.¿liii¡i!ii:!,tf,ji;lj,hi+j!.!j i;:¿;!at:¡ltlÍ!ll tjJjl/,.1?;rf.:r,ta4t) ti:t:i!:Iii:Íti;lttii.lif;i4itir!.)till¡i ''tffit''ffi.,.'¡ !:.r niíÍiiiíj!¿i -L t- v "''ffiffiN A t!.lJiltiÍijljíi.: .',ffiAM' ?;tii¡itiji;!;!;itt sffitr RTADING O Read the text lt is a diary from the yea O Answer the questions r 741 O Was Nanivandak young or oLd in 741? i What was his job when he was young? Was his first journey to Chang'an easy? How otd was he on his first trip? Match the first part of the sentences [1-51 to the second part fa-el Everyyear Nanivandak He started his trip He finished his trip The market in Chang'an Nanivandak took @ o o o o o had many things b traveLLed to China G with cameLs bandits dangerous? d a lot of things home € wlth horses What was Nanivandak's opinion of Chang'an? @ Match the adjectives [1-ól to the nouns [a-fl in the diary o Journey oLd 7, How did they pay for things? How did they take things home? bea utif uI b camels expe ive G winte r ns big d man interesting € city co Ld f www.frenglish.ru ma rket ¡ : i I i O Complete the sentences with the affirmative [*l or negative [-f past simpte form oÍ to be O Write questions using the pr:ompts and answer them Where lyou / Last night? Wh¿ro wo/re you I ast nig:ht? I was at tlhe cino'ma Wholyouwith? Why lyoulthere? Where I your I friends? ¡ W26 t*J on holiday last your parents lat week We [*J ¡n The weathe r tt ll nes {*J g reat l-l [*J su n ny hoteL The rooms They The peopl.e sta rt $artpd travet play I [*] nice t-l big cook walk visit [+) small [*] very friendLy place The waterfalls The @ a Write the past tenses of these regu[ar verbs iny The 6, M isio home? [*) beautiful b Use past time expressions and the verbs in Exerclse 4a to write sentences about the pictures [*] great! O Answer the questions with true informatlon Wh e re we re yo u yeste rd ay 2, Were at 7.00 ? you with your famiLy? Where were you last weekend? What was the weather Like on Sund ay? Last Marc'h he uisrtod ?aris Last Summo-f Were you Late or early to schooL this morning? ,,,t:iiiiii;iii¡t¡,, 1l www.frenglish.ru ,,, LISTENING' O Write past simpte sentences using these prompts, Add any necessary words Rob I be I zoo I Laet woq|epd He ltake He O a Complete the diatogue with the mtsslng Sentences o last weekend kb was at You're wetcome o tho zto: I some / beautifut photos / not go I famiLy o o lt takes aboul 24 hours What day you want to travel? A retu rn ticket is tB9 A: Excuse ffie , I want to go to BarceLona f rom London How much is it by coach? B: ,l¡ngle o-r roturn? He I go lf riends A: Retu rn B: I a Lot of I anima[s They / They / have I They / se e have Lunch A¡ 0n Monday / smaL[ restaurant Ar And how long does it take to get to BarceLona? I great time Ar Thank you B: @ Comptete the sentences w¡th a verb in the past National Express Yesterday was a terrible day First, l Wa6[beJ late to schoot The Maths teacher was furious ln ctass I tOoJ f ou * +*-.w Barcelona 24h 15 r exercises a nd they Ibe] a[[ wrong The teacher [see] f *y exercises and was urious again ! Then l b 4|ffi't'i" Listen and check [have] Lunch in the canteen The burgers Ibe] horribLe! What a day! O @'fii, |,i"' Listen to the man buying tickets and answer the questions Complete the questions wi th How much and How many tickets you want? - Where does he want Two,please are two tickets to the airport? - f to go? Does he want singte or return tickets? When does he want to travel? -" 10.50 you? How many tickets does he want? -fhree: When does he want - Three is that backpa ck? -f 59.99 to return? How much the tickets cost? www.frenglish.ru ¡¡t:if:',ti¡'ti'i'i'¡:¡:l|iliiffi WRITING O a Find seven more mistakes in the emait #wwMw#:###*ffi To: iffi !i!ft üs|]@ sylvio.l98Z@gmoil.com Frorn: Subiect lindorickson@gmoil.com lt's me from NewYorklll HiSylvio, W"',4üilD" o hostei]T66K wonderfr.rl time here in New York We orived on AÁondoy We're stoyng in We meet so-me but our room is very smoll The people here ore very friendly nice boys in the hostel Yesterdoy the weoiher wos tenible - it roinned oll doy so we visit the museums We're eolting lots of different food Lost nighi we goed to o rock concert lt wos greot Wsh you were here! Lots of love Lindq b Write the correct version here H¡ órlvia, " - -'- -.-"t" wo'ro ha:uing a @ wo_nApr{ul ttmp_he:rg Use the words in the box to in Nwt Y_p-rB, comptete the sentences o weather I tove I terrible Wish I people r time r lovety o Hi @ lmagine you are on hotiday Use the prompts to write an ema¡L to your fami[y r o say he[[o good I bad time - p[ace? H¡ Jacky I r weather accommodation We're having a wonderfuI The food is The is great The hoteI is room ! The are friendLy you were here Lots of www.frenglish.ru food peopLe c things you I say goodbye SELF-CHECK GRAMMAR VüCAtsULARY @ Co.pl.ete the sentences with words * coach o ferry $ I taxi e plane these @ Corptete the sentences with the past simpte form of the verbs mountain bike CI underground They crossed the river by The Spanish word for the A 2, They The views to the city centre is very a [seeJ a lot of mou ntains Inot be) c[oudy to London at 8.30 lt takes five hours Th My brother Loves cycling He wants new The [be) beautiful They ! from Manchester ey lstay) i n a h ote t Th e se rvice tbe) good for his birthday a [takeJ the train They Inot take] tfre bus expensive Let's ta ke the bus There is {be) in Salta Th ey Ihave) a wonderfuL time! is'subterráneo' They They tnot hire) mountain bikes They tgo) horseriding The horses tbel ol.d They from Mataga to London takes two hours Inot be) fast U,' RITING @ Complete the tetter Hi Jane, I'm1 a great time on the beach We're in a bea utif u I hotel a nd the is n ice a nd su n ny Yesterday we to the aquarium and I of photos ó you were here a lot ! Love, Kim O Match the verbs [1-101 to the words or phrases fa-jl ride go pLay stay have ta ke see have wal.k 10 swim o a barbecue ENGL¡$H IN USE O Think about what you d¡d at the b in a hotel c board games times given and complete the sentences d a horse Yesterday al 4.00 € to the beach f a good time g photos h in the sea ¡ wiLd j a an rou nd ima [s in the afternoon, I ¿¡d my Geography homeworK Yesterday morn ing Last month Last Friday When I was on hoLiday, The Last time I went to the zoa ,,:;ltiliilii¡,rr, riirl[¡lliill:iii i,:ii:fiÍ,li,lllit'l ','{'iiiiiriiif www.frenglish.ru a { ¡ j I i ri i¡ ! : l Datos de catatogación bibtiográfica I I What's Up? Student's Book / Cathy Myers let aL.]; adaptado por María Aticia Matdonado - 3a ed adaptada - Ciudad Autónoma de BuenosAires:Pearson Education, S A.,2016 112 p ; 30 x 21 cm The PubLisher wouLd Like tq acknowledge María ALicia Maldonado for her adaptation and pedagogicaLsupervision of the What's trp? 3d edition series as weLL as Mónica Rodriguez Salvo for her collaboration on developing the SociaLand EmotionaI Learning content and activities rsBN 978-987 -ó15 -422-2 Ensanza de Lenguas Extranjeras.2.lngLés L Jackson, Sarah ll Lynam, D¡di lll Tiberio, Silvia Carolina lV MaLdonado, María Aticia, adapt V Título CDD 420 Pearson Education S.A Av BeLgrano ó15 piso 11o C1092AAG Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina r @ Pearson Educación, S.A.200ó O Cathy Myers and Sarah Jackson @ Pearson Education S.A.2007 O Pearson Education S.A.2011 O Pearson Education S A 2016 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, etectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or othenuise, without the prior written permission of the Publishers Queda hecho eL depósito que dispone La Ley 1.723 Printed in Perú by Quad/Graphics Perú JuLy, 2016 ISB N : 978-987 -ó -426-0 ISB N : 978-987 Student's Pack -615-422-2 Sludent's Book This edition pubLished by Pearson Education S.A PubLisher C[ara Andrade Editor Anne-Sophie VignoLLes Adaptation María Alicia MaLdonado Limonero Textos S R L Design Ojo del Huracán@ The pubLisher wou[d Like to thank the foLLowing for their kind permission to reproduce their photographs: 123rf.com: U2-P24, U3-P28, U4-P41 , U4-P42 pressmaster, U4-P45 foodandmore, U5-P50 f 123rf.com, Andrey Popovl, U5-P59 [123rf.com, Erik Reis), Uó-Pó0 [123rf.com, bschonewi[[e, levkrJ, Uó-P62, Uó-Pó3 yarruta, Uó-Pó9 Stephen Bonk, WU-P4; 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I i I l t : j { I I ! I iÍ ll ¡ I ,¡ i a I { t { , I ¡ ¡ i ,l { { I ¿ ,t t N I AUICK CHECK Affirmative and negative And: related information / He / She I lt lWe / They can swim | /You I He / Sh e / lt / We I They can't swim | / ca You He Likes online games and he pLays att day n't = cá n not But: constrasting information He Likes ontine games but he never pLays Questions and short answers Can she swim? Yes, she can Because: fact-reason / No, she can't He usuatLy wins because he is a good ptayer Permission and requests So: reason-fact Can I use your camera? Can you open the window? l/You/He/She He is a good player so he usuaLty wins Affirmative /lt/WelTheymustgo l/You/He/She Questions and short answeFs: Must he go? Yes, he must Negative llt/\NelTheymustn'tgo mustn't=mustnor / No, he mustn't Affirmative and negative verb + object pronoun o preposition {for, from, to, at, etc.l + object pronoun Look at these books I bought them for us want to go out I don't want to stay at home He wants to eat pizza, He doesn't want to eat sandwiches Do you want to come? Does she want to stay? , I Í,E+,uluiutu-t Let's go to the cinema Why don't we go to the park? What about going to the shopp¡ng centre? Sha[[ we go for a burger? always usuatty often sometimes 100% never in + Jul.y 0o/o Position I am sometimes late to school I sometimes study on {to be+ Sundays on + Tuesday at + summer 2005 the morning adverb] -'r'r 24rh April g o'clock midday midnight night the afternoon the evening fadverb + other verbs) Affirmative Negative Countabte nouns Singutar a lnl He's buying a book a fnl He's not eating an ice cream PluraI some/a totof He's got some/a Lotof books some/a totof uncountable nouns any/a Lot of He hasn't got any/a Lot of books There is some / a tot of mitk any/a Lot of There isn't a ny la lot of mitk www.frenglish.ru www.frenglish.ru AUICK CHECK Affirmative I'm Engtish He / She / lt's twetve You / We / They're happy 'm = am s = is 're = are Negative l'm not Engtish He / She / lt isn't twetve You / We / They aren't happy isn't = is not aren't = are not Aff ¡rmat¡ve I lYou / We /They Am I Engtish? Yes, I am / No, l'm not twelve? ls he Are they happy? Yes, he is / No, he isn't Yes, they are No' they aren't' Negative l"ike sna 1,.r He Questions and short answers | / You / We / They don't tike snakes He / She / lt doesn't Like snakes Do I tike snakes? Does she tike snakes? / She / lt t¡kes snakes Yes, I / No, I don't Yes, she does No, she doesn't don't = not doesn't = does not Affirmative Negative studying He / She / lt's studying You / We / They're studying' studying He / She / lt isn't reading I'm Ouestions and short answers I'm not You / We / They aren't reading working? ls he working? Am I / No I'm not Yes he is / No, he isn't Yes, I am Are they working? Yes, they are No, they aren't He isn't reading = He's not reading We aren't reading = We're not reading Affirmative Negative l/He/She/ltwas inAfrica l/He/She/ltwasn't You / We / They were Africa in You / We WaSn't = Wefen't Regular in Questions and short answers China / They weren't in China Was itthere? Were we there? Yes, itwas / No, itwasn't Yes, we were No, we weren't h0t Wefe nOt WEIS = verbs negative lrregular verbs Affirmative and negative Affirmative and l/YoulHe/She/lt/We/Theycookedburgers l/You/He/She/lt/We/Theywenttothecinema llYoulHe/She/lt/We/Theydidn'tcookchicken l/You/He/She /lt/We/Theydidn'tgotothezoo didn't = did not VerbsfromUnitó:be-was,do-did,go-went,have-hbd,see-saw,swim-swam,take-took Othercommonverbs:buy-bought,come-came,drink-drank,eat-ate,give-gave,make-made,say-said www.frenglish.ru Welcome to What's up? 3'd edition Engage with eye-opening topics and discover your potential.! := ;'**@ mffi"*ffi "; ffi ' _i ; qul,ffiffisffi Effitu€* r@@irysdr@üd@'-""' rF-É 'f, I , É#F '€reF@@ry*m@ü&s*es)@iw :- : :: "',ffir1 ffi @ Pearson ntr ui$itát, ffiátérlát áválfáulié at* ,, W ha' t$ üp.péál,Sorc l t,; www.frenglish.ru C,,o| rn,,.a l

Ngày đăng: 25/02/2023, 00:05
