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Lesson 3 unit 13 lớp 4 (trang 22, 23 sgk tiếng anh 4)

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Export HTML To Doc Lesson 3 Unit 13 lớp 4 (trang 22, 23 SGK Tiếng Anh 4) Mục lục nội dung • Lesson 3 Unit 13 lớp 4 • 1 Listen and repeat • 2 Listen and tick Then write and say aloud • 3 Let''''s chant •[.]

Lesson Unit 13 lớp (trang 22, 23 SGK Tiếng Anh 4) Mục lục nội dung • Lesson Unit 13 lớp • Listen and repeat • Listen and tick Then write and say aloud • Let's chant • Read and answer • Write about your favourite food and drink • Project Lesson Unit 13 lớp Listen and repeat Nghe nhắc lại beef My favourite food is beef leaf The leaf is yelllow fish Would you like some fish? f sh dish That's a big dish of fish Listen and tick Then write and say aloud Nghe khoanh trịn Sau viết nói to fish beef leaf dish Bài nghe: My favourite food is fish (Đồ ăn ưa thích tớ cá.) Would you like some beef? (Bạn có muốn ăn thịt bị khơng?) What colour is this leaf, Mummy? (Chiếc màu mẹ?) She likes this dish very much (Cơ rât thích này.) Let's chant Cùng hát WOULD YOU LIKE SOME FISH? BẠN CĨ MUỐN ĂN CÁ KHƠNG? Would you like some fish? Bạn có muốn ăn cá khơng? Yes, please I love fish Có Tớ thích cá It's my favourite food Đó đồ ăn ưa thích tớ Would you like some milk? Bạn có muốn uống sữa khơng Yes, please I love milk Có Tớ thích sữa It's my favourite drink Đó đồ uống ưa thích tớ Read and answer Đọc trả lời Bài dịch: Xin chào Tên tớ Linda Tớ thích thịt bị Đó đồ ăn ưa thích tớ Thức uống ưa thích tớ nước cam Tớ khơng thích rau Em trai tớ Peter khơng thích thịt bị Cậu thích thịt gà Đó đồ ăn ưa thích cậu Cậu thích nước chanh Nước chanh thức uống ưa thích cậu ây Cậu uống hàng ngày Favourite food Favourite drink beef orange juice chicken lemonade Write about your favourite food and drink Viết đồ ăn thức uống ưa thích bạn My name is Tony I love chicken It's my favourite food I like apple juice It's my favourite drink Project Dự án Interview your classmates about their favourite food and drink Then report the results to the class (Phỏng vấn bạn lớp đồ ăn thức uống u thích họ Trình bày truớc lớp) Suggested answer (Câu trả lời gợi ý) Name Favourite food Favourite drink Thu Huong chicken orange juice Minh Thu beef apple juice Thanh Long pork milk Nhat Minh vegetable lemonade Interview: Hello everybody, may I ask you some questions about your favourite food and drink? - What's your favourite food, Thu Huong? I like chicken It's my favourite food - And what's your favourite drink? I love orange juice It's my favourite drink - What's your favourite food, Minh Thu? I like beef It's my favourite food - And what's your favourite drink? I love apple juice It's my favourite drink - What's your favourite food, Thanh Long? I like pork It's my favourite food - And what's your favourite drink? I love milk It's my favourite drink - What's your favourite food, Nhat Minh? I like vegetable It's my favourite food - And what's your favourite drink? I love lemonade It's my favourite drink ... bạn lớp đồ ăn thức uống yêu thích họ Trình bày truớc lớp) Suggested answer (Câu trả lời gợi ý) Name Favourite food Favourite drink Thu Huong chicken orange juice Minh Thu beef apple juice Thanh... trai tớ Peter khơng thích thịt bị Cậu thích thịt gà Đó đồ ăn ưa thích cậu Cậu thích nước chanh Nước chanh thức uống ưa thích cậu ây Cậu uống hàng ngày Favourite food Favourite drink beef orange... some fish? f sh dish That''s a big dish of fish Listen and tick Then write and say aloud Nghe khoanh trịn Sau viết nói to fish beef leaf dish Bài nghe: My favourite food is fish (Đồ ăn ưa thích

Ngày đăng: 23/02/2023, 14:54

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