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Tiếng anh 8 sam son 2019 2020

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UBND THÀNH PHỐ SẦM SƠN PHÒNG GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC ĐỀ KHẢO SÁT CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HSG CẤP TỈNH NĂM HỌC 2019-2020 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Ngày khảo sát: 06/01/2020 Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút SECTION B: PHONETICS (5 points) Question I: Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in the group (3 pts) 16 A housed 17 A put 18 A canary B released B putt B share C advised C pussy C baron D cleansed D pulpit D pharaoh Question II: Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions (2 pts) 19 A dormitory 20 A oceanic B university B argument C institute C temperature D scholarship D valuable SECTION C: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR (30 points) Question I: Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence (10 pst) 21 Many road accidents occur because motorists cannot the speed of approaching vehicles A assume B count C assess D value 22 I can’t help what I should next A but to wonder B except wonder C but wonder D apart wondering 23 Jane was shocked when I disagreed with her She’s so used to getting her own _ A mind B way C opinion D views 24 He kept his marriage a secret for years ,but eventually the truth _ A came out B came through C went out D turned out 25 The school was closed for a month because of serious _of fever A outcome B outburst C outset D outbreak 26 To solve this problem, it is advisable _ A a drastic measure to be adopted B that to adopt a drastic measure C that a drastic measure be adopted D that a drastic measure is adopted 27 For months I sat with my binoculars watching birds its young A rear B breed C bring up D grow 28 It was _a victory that even Smith’s fans couldn’t believe it A such surprising B so surprising C too surprising D surprising enough 29.D.W Griffith pioneered many of the stylistic features and filmmaking techniques as the Hollywood standard A that establish B that became established C what established D what became established 30 She is A a well-known but not a widely-read poet B a well-known poet but not read widely C a well-known but not a poet which is read widely D a well-known poet but who is not a widely-read Question II: Write the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets (8 pts) 31 At this time next week, they (sit) _in the train on their way to Paris 32 He got the highest mark in the test yesterday He (prepare) _well for it 33 I’d sooner they (not deliver) _ the new furniture now 34 At no time he (know) she was a teacher 35 The price of gold is said ( go up) now 36 Most films are made (show) in the theatre 37 He insisted that his method (be) correct 38 My plane has been delayed Daniel and Susana (wait) _for me at the airport for hours Question III: Supply the correct form of the words in brackets (7 points) 39 He won the discus event at the Olympic Games but was later when a (QUALIFY) medical check proved that he had been taking drugs 40 The inn is _ situated on the banks of the river (PICTURE) 41 Turn the knob in a _ dirrection to open the door (CLOCK) 42. _ marriage has been made illegal by most modern societies (AGE) 43 Her father doesn’t work because he is seriously sick Her mother is therefore (WIN) the main _of the family 44 He led a simple life, with few , and never owned a home in his own (BELONG 45 The slice of pork was , so she refused to eat it She was afraid of having (COOK) stomachache Question IV There are FIVE mistakes in the text ( from 46 to 50 ) Identify each mistake, write it down and give your correction (5pts) Although a certain percent of graduates will still be unemployed six months after leaving university, the majority will have found employment by then Many of these will even have offered a job while at university, as a result of visiting a job fair Job fairs are held at many universities each year Companies come along to advertise jobs, that are usually in management, and the career structures and benefit packages, that go with them Job fairs are an effective way for undergraduates to find out what kind of job they might be interested in If you go to a fair, dress professionally Don’t wear jeans and a T-shirt Wear a suit! You don’t want to look irresponsibly when you have your first meeting with your potential employer If you are interested in a job on offer, you may have to fill out an application form, so it’s helpful to take along relevant information with you You’ll also need proof of all your qualifications, so not forget to take photocopies of all your certificates with you Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line 10 Line 11 Line12 SECTION D: READING COMPREHENSION (30 pts) Question I Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space (10 pts) THE VALUE OF WALKING New research reveals that walking just 9.5 kilometres (six miles) a week may keep your brain sharper as you get older Research published in the October 13 online issue of Neurology suggests that walking may protect aging brains from growing smaller and, in (51) , preserve memory in old age “Brain size shrinks in late adulthood, which can cause memory problems”, study author Kirk Erickson of the University of Pittsburgh said in a news release “Our findings should encourage further well-designed scientific (52) of physical exercise in older adults as a very(53) approach for preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.” For the study, the team asked 299 dementia-free seniors to record the (54) _ they walked each week Four years later, the participants were tested to see if they had developed (55) of dementia Then after nine years had passed, scientists (56) the participants’ brains to measure size At the four- year test , researchers discovered subjects who walked the most and had(57) _ their risk of developing memory problems by 50 per cent At the nine-year check point, those who walked at least 9.5 kilometers a week, had brains with a larger (58) _ than those who didn’t walk as much This is not the first study to(59) the benefits of walking in seniors For example, the last spring, Harvard University found that women who walked regularly at a (60) _ pace had an almost 40 percent lower risk of stroke 51 A result B turn C sequence D case 52 A trials B attempts C searches D courses 53 A indicative B promising C fortunate D ideal 54 A distance B length C duration D extent 55 A signals B factors C signs D features 56 A skimmed B scanned C screened D sounded 57 A depressed B declined C reduced D dropped 58 A volume B amount C dimension D quantity 59 A advertise B promote C respect D admire 60 A brisk B hard C crisp D brief Question II Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space Use only ONE word in each space (10pts) NEIL ARMSTRONG Neil Armstrong was born on August 1930, in Ohio, United States He was (61) _ in flying from an early age When he was only eight years old, he (62) _his first model plane When he was ten years old, he got a part-time job mowing grass so that he could have (63) _money to purchase newer and bigger planes When Armstrong was a high school student, he continued to (64) up different part-time work He wanted to earn more money (65) was needed to pay for his flying lessons On his (66) _birthday in 1946, Armstrong was very exhilarated on learning that he had gained his pilot's license The following year, 1947, Armstrong finished high school and went to Purdue University to study aeronautical engineering However , before he could finish his university studies, he was called up by the Navy to fight in the Korean War In 1952, Armstrong returned to the USA to (67) his studies at Purdue He graduated from the university in 1955 and worked as a research pilot, testing new aircraft In 1962, Armstrong was selected by National Aeronautics and (68) _Administration (NASA) to be an astronaut He and several others had to go (69) an intensive program of training to prepare (70) _for America's first mission to land on the moon He is still famous for his saying “It's only a small step of ours, but it is a giant leap of the human” Question III Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions below.(10 pts) American Online is one of the big names on the Internet, and unlike many other digital companies, it actually makes a profit But the company which its rivals call the “Cyber – cockroach” was launched only in 1992 Before that, it was a small firm called control Video Corporation, and it made video games Then Steve Case, a former Pizza Hut marketing executive arrived and took the company online, innovative, fast moving, and user - friendly, American online appeals to people who want to search the Internet, but who not have a lot of experience For the same reason “teachies”, people who think they are more expert with computers, look down on American Online and its users Recently, American Online (or AOL, as it calls itself) joined with Time Warn – a multi - million dollar movie and magazine company - to create a multi media giant Now, AOL has begun to expand abroad In many European countries, including the United Kingdom, it is hard to buy a computer magazine that does not have a free AOL introductory offer The company also puts advertisements onto the television, and employs people to hand out its free introductory disks at places like train stations As the Internet gets faster, AOL is changing With many homes getting high - speed connection through fiber optic cables, or the new ADSL technology, the “Cyber - cockroach” will have to show that like real cockroaches, it can survive in almost any environment 71 What is the passage about? A a computer company B a software company C an Internet company D a video company 72 The word “it” in line…… refers to: A American Online B Cyber - cockroach C Control video corporation D digital company 73 Who does Steve Case work for? A Pizza Hut B AOL C Control video Corporation D None of these 74 How “teachies” feel about American Online? A They think it is a Cyber - cockroach B They think it is for experts C They think it is a movie and a magazine company D They feel superior to its users 75 American Online has the following characteristics EXCEPT: A innovative B experienced C user - friendly D fast moving 76 People who use American Online are probably: A video game players B “teachies” C movie fans D people new to the Internet 77 American Online is an unusual digital company because: A it used to make video games B it is innovative C it makes money D is has joined with another company 78 Which marketing idea is NOT mentioned? A advertisements on the Internet B advertisements on TV C free disks in journals D people giving disks away 79 What does the article say about AOL’s future? A it will well B it will badly C it will face challenges D The article doesn’t say 80 What is this passage mainly concerned with? A technology B a history of the Internet C computer users D a successful business SECTION E: WRITING (20 pts) Question I Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it (5 pts) 81 his jealousy increases with his love for her The more 82 He didn’t become a famous film director until he was 55 It was not 83 It was wrong of you to allow a 4-year-old child to walk home alone You should _ 84 It’s such a difficult question that I can’t find the answer So _ 85 He suddenly thought that he might have misunderstood her à It crossed Question II Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one, using the words given (5 pts) 86 People say that the pyramids are worth visiting (SUPPOSED) _ 87 I was about to go out for dinner when he phoned (POINT) _ 88 I am considering visiting my uncle in Da Nang this summer (ABOUT) _ 89 I suggested he phone his mother and he did it immediately (THEN) _ 90 Be careful not to waste water (ECONOMICAL) _ Question III Write a paragraph 120 - 150 words ( 10 pts) "What you think about the values of libraries?" Use your experiences and examples to support your ideas …………… THE END ……………… ... such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed above it (5 pts) 81 his jealousy increases with his love for her The more 82 He didn’t become a famous... (POINT) _ 88 I am considering visiting my uncle in Da Nang this summer (ABOUT) _ 89 I suggested he phone his mother and he did... was not 83 It was wrong of you to allow a 4-year-old child to walk home alone You should _ 84 It’s such a difficult question that

Ngày đăng: 21/02/2023, 12:06


