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105 cau hoi trac nghiem tieng anh lop 12 co dap an va loi giai chi tiet 2023

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MULTIPLE CHOICE 2 1 Taking a gap year will allow you to reach a level of emotional that will stay with you for a lifetime A wisdom B ripeness C adulthood D maturity emotional maturity trưởng thành về[.]

MULTIPLE CHOICE - Taking a gap year will allow you to reach a level of emotional that will stay with you for a lifetime A wisdom B ripeness C adulthood D maturity emotional maturity: trưởng thành tâm lý The list of the sources for the information in this book is contained in the book’s A periodical B acknowledgements C appendix D bibliography bibliography: thư mục This is a very busy office and in your new position you will have to be able to think on your ! A toes B legs C feet D knees think on one’s feet: đưa định nhanh chóng Our plans to hold an end-of-year picnic in the woods were by the bad weather A provoked B thwarted C emulated D vented thwart: ngăn cản I had a that something bad was going to happen to Katy and I rushed straight round to her house, where I found her unconscious A premonition B mind-set C foresight D forethought premonition: dự cảm chẳng lành Giovanni and his family spend hours at the dinner table, but that’s just the Italian to food and eating A nostalgia B attitude C keepsake D respect attitude: thói quen Please these figures to memory, so that you will be able to answer the investors’ questions easily and confidently A memorise B recall commit sth to memory: ghi nhớ C retain D commit A major political party is the campaign for tighter gun controls in the wake of last month’s shooting A procuring B setting C spearheading D fulfilling spearhead: bắt đầu (chiến dịch) I hope I’ll be able to _ today’s performance on the opening night A aspire B emulate C advocate D persevere emulate: tái lập 10 Unfortunately, Jamie’s plans to tour around Australia didn’t _ due to a lack of finances A pan out B pull off C knuckle down D waltz through pan out: (of events or a situation) to develop in a particular way knuckle down: begin to work hard to complete something such as a test easily and successfully 11 Trekkers should be prepared to _ it as there are few facilities in remote areas A struggle B rough C.succumb D tolerate rough it: không thoải mái khoảng thời gian ngắn 12 The challenges Ann encountered while assisting the medical charity in Africa brought _ the best in her personality A up B out C about D around bring out the best in one’s personality: to cause one to exhibit one's best traits 13 The plane had moved onto the runway and the cabin crew were standing _ take-off A by for B in for C up for D up to stand by for : sẵn sàng 14 If you are given a anaesthetic during an operation, you are still aware of what is going on around you A local B tropical local anaesthetic: thuốc gây tê cục C varied D released 15 Garlic being sold as organic was found to contain pesticide and was removed from the market A elements B filaments C residues D variables pesticide residue: dư lượng thuốc trừ sâu 16 Colin is only just ; he gets unemployment benefit, but it isn’t much A scraping by B putting aside C bailing out D tiding over scrape by: vừa đủ sống 17 Insurance companies had to £10 million in storm damage claims A dip in B rip off C bail out D cough up cough up: buộc phải trả tiền 18 We hurried back to our car as we saw the clouds over the mountains A rolling in B holding off C beating down D bucketing down roll in: ùn ùn kéo đến 19 My train at 3.15, so could you be there to collect me? A stops off B pulls up C gets in D heads for get in: đến nơi 20 If we're going to bring this company back to its former glory, we'll need a marketing team that can A justice B business C credit D miracles miracles: mang lại kết tốt 21 The well-known clash between the President and the rebel leader is not making things easier A character B mood C enemy D personality personality clash: encounter between people whose characters/overall behaviour conflict 22 It had been with a heavy that I watched her leave, and I had sunk into a dark and despairing mood A head B mood C mind D heart heavy heart: nỗi buồn miên man 23 In some countries, a bride’s family is still required to pay a to the groom’s family A dowry B bill C relic D heirloom dowry: hồi môn 24 Their religious beliefs were of great comfort in troubled times A age-long B long-gone C strongly-held D time-honoured strongly-held beliefs: tư tưởng thấm nhuần 25 The local area is lacking in places to enjoy art and cinema A properly B rashly C sorely D aptly sorely = seriously 26 I offered to the job, but soon found that I was as it was more difficult than I had thought A pushing up daisies B knocking on wood C in over my head D off my hands in over one’s head: khơng có khả giải 27 He asked the question rather _, as his boss was in a bad mood and he didn’t want to annoy her A tentatively B explosively C insolently D provokingly tentatively: lưỡng lự, không chắn 28 His expression left us in no doubt as to how much her rejection had hurt him A anguished B resigned C downright D placid anguished: đau đớn, buồn bã 29 They are not likely to information during the current armed conflict A cop out B ladle out C peter out ladle out: give somebody a lot of something, especially money or advice D pull out 30 Now that you have more money, you’ll be able to a little; you have no excuses any more A live it up B make a break C cut and run D fly off the handle live it up: tận hưởng sống 31 Although he came to work the day before his retirement, everyone knew he was just A going with the flow B going through the motions C going against the grain D going along with them go through the motions: to or say something because you have to, not because you really want to 32 The characters in the novel are and have no connection with any living person A existential B distorted C fictitious D episodic fictitious: hư cấu 33 They are a real organisation; they are only interested in making a profit A devil-may-care B fly-by-night C open-handed D down-to-earth fly-by-night: a person or business that is dishonest and only interested in making money quickly 34 After over the pros and cons for weeks, she finally quit her job last Friday A moralizing B agonizing C sterilizing D rationalizing agonize: suy ngẫm 35 The philosopher was such a thinker that few could follow his reasoning A surrealist B profound C methodical D plausible profound: showing great knowledge or understanding 36 Our guests are from a of society and so should reflect most point of views A cross-section B cross-fire C cross-purpose D cross-reference cross-section: a group of people of things that are typical of a larger group 37 She decided to with the services of the maid and the housework himself A dispose B dispense C depose D desert dispense with: ngừng sử dụng 38 Her treatment by her employers finally forced her to look for a better job A shabby B messy C grungy D tardy shabby: unfair and unreasonable 39 She was away from the company with promises of better terms and conditions from a rival firm A enhanced B enticed C manipulated D raided entice: lôi kéo 40 I had a disastrous day, but lately that has been par for the A course B track C game D road par for the course: to be just what you expect to happen 41 They’ve been going for so long now that all their friends expect them to marry soon A dutch B berserk C round D steady go steady: have a regular romantic or sexual relationship with a particular person 42 The documentary gave him such a that he gave up smoking immediately A terror B fear C fright D dread fright: the feeling of fear, especially if felt suddenly, or an experience of fear that happens suddenly: give sb a fright 43 It gets my that she expects to look after the children every afternoon A goat B horse C dog D beetle get one’s goat: annoy sb 44 We were just in the sitting area and somehow the window got broken A beetling about B haring off C horsing around D wolfing down horse around: fool around beetle about: hurry hare off: rush off wolf down: eat quickly 45 Uncle Tom’s a who prefer his own company to anyone else’s A drowned rat B lone wolf C lame duck D top dog lone wolf: an animal or person that acts independently or generally lives or spends time alone instead of with a group drowned rat: thoroughly wet lame duck: sb in trouble and needing help top dog: most important person 46 I have to it to William; he put in the hard work and got results A hand B present C give D applaud If you say you have (got) to hand it to someone you mean that they have been very successful or skilful 47 Although the chemist’s initial experiment failed, she upon a strong new material in the process A tripped B fell C broke D stumbled stumble on: find, discover, or happen upon something casually or by chance 48 Lawrence suggested ourselves at the beginning of the long project in order to avoid exhaustion A pacing B rushing C plodding D racing pace oneself: to something at a speed that is steady and that allows one to continue without becoming too tired 49 Julie is a very friendly employee with a smile that happiness and positivity A oozes B radiates radiate: to show an emotion or quality C fosters D boosts 50 There is a(n) desire for more face-to-face contact, perhaps due to the increase in online interaction in today’s world A emergent B divergent C detergent D insurgent emergent : xuất 51 All three siblings agreed to their resources in order to start their new business venture A fuse B blend C mingle D pool pool: to collect something such as money in order for it to be used by several different people or groups 52 Dennis is very about things; he never lets anything stress him out A.tolerant B impetuous C warm-hearted D laid-back laid-back: relaxed in manner and character; not usually worried about other people's behaviour or things that need to be done 53 Vicky walked into the room as brass and made her demands to the group A bright B bold C proud D loud bold as brass: without showing any respect, shame or fear 54 Many linguists fear that global languages could local languages as the main means of communication in these places A displace B disperse C discard D disband displace: thay 55 It’s never a good idea to force people to change by what has to happen A dictating B displacing C disputing D debasing dictate: o control or influence how something happens 56 The changes in the line-up forced the pop group to after friction developed between them A displace B disperse C discard D disband disband: to stop somebody/something from operating as a group; to separate or no longer operate as a group 57 I’d prefer to have a healthy than greasy fried food A chickens salad B chicken-salad C chicken salad D salad chicken 58 The points raised about the exercise technique are not to this presentation A pertinent B opportune C admissible D acceptable pertinent: appropriate to a particular situation 59 The surgery hired a to cover the patients while the doctor was on holiday A practitioner B provider C locum D physician a person who stands in temporarily for someone else of the same profession, especially a cleric or doctor 60 The new consultant is still feeling her in the hospital A bones B pinch C way D weather feel one’s way: to proceed with some task slowly and carefully 61 The clinic experienced an of support from the community when they were threatened with closure A outbreak B overflowing C outbursting D outpouring outpouring: an outburst of strong emotion 62 Her behaviour made her the life of the party; everyone loved talking to her A exhaustive B fragrant C exuberant D aromatic exuberant: full of energy, excitement and happiness 63 The children are by this new app; they can’t stop using it A revitalised B hypnotised C mesmerised D capitalised mesmerise: to have such a strong effect on you that you cannot give your attention to anything else 64 In Britain major decisions are made in the of power in Westminster A aisles B corridors C hallways D landings the corridors of power: the higher levels of government where the most important decisions are made 65 Regional parliaments allow for remote parts of the country or islands far from the capital A self-government B self-sufficiency C self-regulation D self-support self-government: government under the control and direction of the inhabitants of a political unit rather than by an outside authority broadly 66 The system of checks and balances ensures that no individual has to as they please A scope B latitude C carte blanche D franchise carte blanche: a French phrase, meaning 'unlimited discretionary power to act; unrestricted authority' 67 Although citizen-centred schemes involve residents in debates, full political is kept by local councillors and MPs A autonomy B autarchy C.autocracy D authority political autonomy: the situation in which a group of persons or a territory are self-governing, thus not under the control of a higher level of government 68 The high levels of air pollution is a result of local factory emissions A plainly B abruptly C distinctly D markedly plainly: clearly 69 The management are making to increase the company’s efficiency A measures B steps C moves D deeds make moves: thay đổi 70 She marched into the shops, as bold as , and demanded for her money back A bass B grass C.brass D glass as bold as brass: with extreme confidence or without the respect or politeness 71 She had an unclear of him in her mind, although she knew he would be old A sight B picture picture: a mental image or memory of something C vision D figure 72 Those without the major studios’ huge spending are not convinced by the argument that marketing movies can double their budget A force B strength C weight D power specnding power: khả chi tiêu 73 The outcome was a circle whereby women's work, perceived as low status, was poorly rewarded and therefore regarded as unimportant A relentless B vicious C brutal D merciless vicious circle: chu kỳ lặp lặp lại 74 The best travel books of this year fall into three main categories: _ informational, narrative, and anecdotal A truly B fully C literally D purely purely informational: đơn cung cấp thông tin 75 People are dying for _ of medical treatment A need B absence C want D shortage for want of: because of a lack of 76 With just a little preparation and regular feeding and watering, you can guarantee that you have a of colour throughout the summer A disturbance B riot C demonstration D rally riot of colour: đầy màu sắc 77 Through a series of protestations and exclamations, coyness and giggling, I that she was talking to her boyfriend A assembled B amassed C harvested D gathered gather: đúc kết 78 Sheila often borrowed wellingtons from her sisters, even though they were about three too big A sizes B figures C pairs 79 Use Cafélux Descaling Granules, available from your D numbers A provider B seller C supplier D contractor supplier: nhà cung ứng sản phẩm 80 My profession allows me to both satisfy my own curiosity about the world and also to _ some measure of international understanding A prolong B advertise C promote D elevate promote: đẩy mạnh 81 Our guests are from a _ of society and so should reflect most point of views A cross-section B cross-fire C cross-purpose D cross-reference cross-section of society: nhiều thành phần xã hội 82 He was a very _ person, always laughing and telling jokes A jolly B introverted C caustic D gratifying jolly: happy and cheerful 83 He tried to be as _ as possible, but his garish attire made it difficult A accessible B amenable C incessant D inconspicuous inconspicuous: not attracting attention; not easy to notice 84 Mr Jones is _, unfortunately, so you’ll have to call again tomorrow A indifferent B inimitable C indisposed D incongruous indisposed: không khỏe 85 This conservative, evangelical megachurch, just outside San Diego, is a _ of activity on a Sunday morning A mest B home C seat D hive hive of activity: somewhere where there are lots of activities taking place at the same time 86 He must have been hungry; he _ that burger in record time and ordered another A whipped up B tucked in bolt down: to eat something quickly C chopped up D bolted down 87 The only room available was, to say the least, _ There was no carpet, no curtains, and the only furniture was a bed and a small beside table A snug B dreary C stark D cushy stark: unpleasant 88 What are they saying about the art theft is pure ; nobody knows who did it A ambiguity B hoax C scam D speculation pure speculation: suy đoán 89 The spy was told to _ the code to memory, then destroy the document A slip B bear C put D commit commit sth to memory: ghi nhớ 90 _ is Mr Jones; he can tell you all about the issue A The man concerned B The concerned man C Concerning the man D The man concerning 91 Martin’s mother is his only _ relative A live B alive C lively D living living: sống 92 The football stadium was illuminated by _ A spotlights B searchlights C flashlights D floodlights floodlight: a large powerful lamp, used for lighting sports grounds, theatre stages and the outside of buildings 93 I found the training exhausting as the coach always pushed us to the _ A restriction B border C limit D frontier push sb to the limit: đạt ngưỡng thể 94 She loves reading – she always has her _ in a book A nose B eyes have one’s nose in a book: lúc đọc sách C face D brow 95 I couldn’t come to your party as the date _ with my holiday A clashed B struck C opposed D occured clash with: trùng với 96 Amanda was upset by his rejection, but decided to _ the past behind her and get on with her life A push B fix C drop D put put the past behind sb: quên khứ 97 It has taken them all this time to _ on a name for their baby A decide B conclude C assent D consent decide on: to choose something from a number of possibilities 98 It was _ plain to the new employees that they should be polite to the customers A put B stated C made D explained make it plain: rõ 99 The only thing they felt he was capable of was _ film reviews A writing in B turning out C signing off D summing up turn out: produce somebody/something 100 Roads were _ as police searched for the escaped prisoner A washed up B cut off C sealed off D kept out seal off: phong tỏa 101 After months of trying to find a cheap flat in the centre of town, he’s finally _ in the sponge A thrown B swept C cleared D polished throw in the sponge: bỏ 102 It is highly unlikely that I will ever return to my homeland, and now _ memories are all that I have A close B pet C standing D fond fond memories: kỉ niệm thân thương 103 When I started talking about Miranda, Steven _ and left A cut corners B cut it fine C cut short D cut me dead cut corners: sth quickly but not thoroughly cut it fine: achieve sth just in time cut sb/sth short: interrupt sb/sth cut sb dead: ignore sb’s presence 104 I can tell you _ with this work – it’s just not up to your usual standard A cut corners B cut it fine C cut short D cut me dead 105 I looked across the room and saw a woman who made my heart _ A swing B trip make one’s heart flutter: làm trái tim xao xuyến C flutter D glide ... grungy D tardy shabby: unfair and unreasonable 39 She was away from the company with promises of better terms and conditions from a rival firm A enhanced B enticed C manipulated D raided entice:... showing any respect, shame or fear 54 Many linguists fear that global languages could local languages as the main means of communication in these places A displace B disperse C discard D disband... self-government: government under the control and direction of the inhabitants of a political unit rather than by an outside authority broadly 66 The system of checks and balances ensures that no individual

Ngày đăng: 20/02/2023, 09:11

