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Doctoral thesis of philosophy book publishing in australia the potential impact of digital technologies on business models

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BOOK PUBLISHING IN AUSTRALIA: THE POTENTIAL IMPACT OF DIGITALTECHNOLOGIES ON BUSINESS MODELS A Thesis Submitted to RMIT University for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Xuemei Tian B Sc., M BIT JUNE 2008 Declaration I certify that this thesis contains no material, which has been accepted for the award of any other academic award in any institution, college or university, and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, in whole or in part, except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis The content of the thesis is the result of work which has been carried out since the official commencement date of the approved research program, and, any editorial work, carried out by a third party is acknowledged Xuemei Tian Sign Declaration Date i Acknowledgement The person who coined the phrase “no pain, no gain” was obviously in the midst of a PhD research project when he made the observation Although the pursuit of a PhD is based on an individuals’ performance, the demands of the project ensure that there will always be a support team providing essential support and encouragement During my time there have been many who fell into this category, giving both tangible and intangible assistance Special thanks to my senior supervisor Professor Bill Martin It is hard to find the words that can adequately describe the level of support, guidance and encouragement that he has provided His enthusiasm to see me succeed has been a constant source of inspiration He provided the academic impetus which enabled my research to reach its conclusion Amidst the challenges of supervising numerous students and semi-retirement status, he never failed to ensure that a constant stream of advice and guidance was never far away Thanks are due also to my second supervisor, Associate Professor Hepu Deng for his support and input It would be remiss of me if I failed to give a special thank you to Peter Grof, the RMIT University School Liaison Librarian who provided outstanding support and advice to me in technical areas of the research There were also many stakeholders within the Australian publishing industry who graciously allowed me access to their valuable time, providing me with invaluable insights into their industry Their willingness to participate in the research was greatly appreciated There are many others, both friends and family who have contributed, but to name them all is impossible - you know who you are I cannot thank you enough for your thoughts and support Acknowledgement ii There have been many occasions of sacrifice where leisure pursuits have taken a back seat My partner Geoff has borne the brunt of these, but has never wavered in his encouragement to see me complete the project He was there when the tears flowed, when frustration boiled over and threats to quit loomed on the horizon He laughed with me in the good times and consoled me in the bad times Surely this is what love is Finally, I believe that above all else, you must have faith in your God as it is He that controls your destiny I know that in the difficult times God never left my side and when necessary, carried me Psalms 121:1-2 says: I lift up my eyes to the hills Where does my help come from My help comes from the Lord The maker of heaven and earth Acknowledgement iii Abstract This research presents findings from an Australian government-funded research project looking at the implications of digitisation for the book publishing industry in Australia Although digitisation is to some extent synonymous with digital technologies and in fact, the impact of current and emerging digital technologies is clearly central to any such study, the major focus was on business and organisational dimensions, with particular emphasis on current and emerging stakeholders, competition, value propositions and business models, both current and potential The publishing industry has always been linked inexorably to the dissemination of knowledge Publishing and associated printing activities relied on long-standing and proven old technologies to provide a definitive linear progression for the creation of content in print form, providing clear implications for business processes and relationships for the various stakeholders The emergence and development of digital technology has the potential to provide significant opportunities for publishing in both print and electronic formats, and with advances in electronic commerce, offers the prospect of new value propositions and business models New digital publishing formats encapsulate a range of characteristics including multiple option infrastructures, various content formats and viewing modes designed to suit customer requirements, editing processes and information updates on the server These innovations all contribute to reductions in processing time with the speedy, efficient transmission of content resulting in economic benefits to relevant stakeholders However, it must be remembered that even the latest digital tools and applications can only be viewed as enabling mechanisms whose acceptance and implementation must align directly with the business strategy and objectives of organisations Abstract iv This thesis employed both an interpretive research paradigm, using a mixed methodology design, and elements of the design science paradigm The aim was not to develop theories, but to build business models The reporting and analysis of results is based on data gathered from two online surveys, one of publishers and one of end users, and from 14 case studies of Australian book publishers The results indicate that Australian book publishers continue to take a pragmatic approach to technology adoption, governed by both current market conditions and the failure of earlier technologies to deliver the anticipated results Although content management and CRM technologies are by now ubiquitous, the most influential technologies currently in use in publishing continue to be the Internet and the World Wide Web Little explicit interest is currently being shown in such potentially disruptive technologies as for example, the Semantic Web, although evidence for its influence can already be detected, however, there is widespread appreciation of the wider dimension to digitisation and of its potential impacts on organisational structures and strategies This includes renewed attention to issues of value, and of the potential benefits of providing enhanced customer value through digital content and delivery channels, their consequent implications for changes to value chains, and the emergence of new and transitional business models As regards the case studies, it is important to emphasise that what has been reported here are five detailed examples drawn from different categories of publishers Although the resultant business models depicted can hardly be described as being representative of the Australian book publishing sector as a whole, the five categories covered represent a significant portion of the book publishing sector Furthermore, whatever the category of publishing, or the target Abstract v markets, products and services concerned, it is clear that all book publishers must adhere to similar stages and processes in building supply and value chains, and in the design of business models Moreover, as the influence of customers continues to gain momentum, this will undoubtedly impact upon choices in all these areas – from partnerships and delivery channels to formats and value propositions As an analysis of the case study data has shown, all 14 companies participating in this research project recognised the potential as well as the inevitability of digitisation, and had embraced the need for new value and supply chains This research contributes to the literature both by reinforcing many of the arguments for trends in book publishing emerging from around the world, and by its uncovering of specific data on trends in book publishing in Australia and of the implications for value chains and business models Abstract vi Table of Contents DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES xiv LIST OF TABLES xvi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vxiii LIST OF PUBLICATIONS – BASED ON THIS THESIS xx CHAPTER 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 CHAPTER INTRODUCTION Overview Research rational Research objectives Research questions Research outcomes Limitations of the study Structure of the thesis DEVELOPMENT OF THE PUBLISHING INDUSTRY 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Introduction 10 An overview of the publishing industry 11 A brief history of book publishing 14 The book publishing industry 16 2.4.1 Structure 17 2.4.2 Key stakeholders in the book publishing industry 19 2.5 Emerging changes in the book publishing industry 21 2.5.1 External Forces 23 The globalisation of markets and publishing firms 23 Mergers and acquisitions 25 Technological Changes 26 Consumer- demand shifts 35 Competition 37 Table of Contents vii Government policy 38 E-books 39 New media 46 2.5.2 Internal Forces - Actions of top management 47 Outsourcing strategies 48 Niche markets 49 Structure 50 Organisational culture 51 IT strategies 52 2.6 Digital Publishing 54 2.7 Book publishing supply and value chains, and value networks 64 2.7.1 Supply chains 64 Book publishing supply chains 64 Supply chains in digital publishing 65 2.7.2 Value chains 66 Support activities 72 Processing activities 74 2.7.3 Value networks in the digital age 75 2.8 Conclusion 79 CHAPTER 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 CHAPTER 4.1 4.2 4.3 BUSINESS MODELS Introduction 80 Overview of business models and e-Business models 81 3.2.1 Business Model 82 3.2.2 E-Business models 84 3.2.3 Key components of business models 86 Product-Actor and Network-Centric business model frameworks 86 Marketing-specific business model frameworks 89 3.2.4 Business models, business modelling and strategy 91 The importance of business models 93 3.3.1 Use of business models 95 3.3.2 Business models and change 98 3.3.3 Testing and evaluating business models 99 Business models in the publishing industry 100 Business model in digital publishing 104 Conclusion 112 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Introduction .114 Overview of methodology and its selection processes 114 The philosophical perspectives of the research .117 4.3.1 Nature of the research 117 Table of Contents viii 4.3.2 Philosophical Orientations 118 The positivist paradigm 119 The interpretive paradigm .120 The critical realism paradigm 122 The design science paradigm 123 4.4 Rationale for selecting the research methodology 127 4.4.1 The core research methodologies 127 Quantitative methods 128 Qualitative methods 128 Mixed methods .129 4.4.2 The use of quantitative and qualitative methodologies in interpretive research .133 4.5 The methodological approach of this thesis 135 4.5.1 Purpose of research – descriptive and exploratory 135 4.5.2 Philosophical orientation – interpretive and design science 136 4.5.3 Methodology – A mixed approach .137 4.5.4 Research strategy model – Concurrent nested strategy 141 4.6 Conclusion 142 CHAPTER RESEARCH DESIGN 5.1 5.2 Introduction 143 Overview of data collection methods .143 5.2.1 Literature review 144 5.2.2 Data collection methods for quantitative research 144 5.2.3 Data collection methods for qualitative research 145 Case Studies 145 Ethnographic and phenomenological studies 148 5.3 Data collection, management and analysis methods in this thesis 149 5.3.1 Sampling .149 5.3.2 Literature review 150 5.3.3 Data collection methods – Surveys 150 Survey design and data collection 151 Target populations 152 Data encoding for the results of both surveys 153 Descriptive analysis of responses to the end user survey 153 Statistical analysis for the end user survey 154 5.3.4 Data collection methods – Case study 155 Case study design 156 5.4 Procedures .160 5.4.1 Interview guide .160 5.4.2 Selection and description of cases and participants 161 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