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312 Kanji song ngữ Anh Nhật kèm ví dụ (Giáo trình Puni Puni)

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Tự học song ngữ anh Nhật qua giáo trình Puni puni nổi tiếng của Nhật bản dành cho học sinh tiểu học với những mẫu câu ví dụ tương ứng với mỗi chữ Hán. Sách đều có mục luyện tập viết với nhiều ví dụ sinh động, không chỉ giúp bạn đọc tự học cả tiếng Nhật đồng thời tiến bộ cả tiếng Anh

Introduction はじめに Rules for Writing Kanji Kanji are meant to be written in a specific stroke order Similar to how letters in English are actually meant to be written in a certain way (from left to right, top to bottom), Kanji also have rules that you are supposed to follow Of course, like in English, not everyone follows these rules 100% of the time And you could argue that as long as it gets written, the order does not matter The following rules are meant to help you write kanji the way that it is meant to be written, in order Write from left to right kawa (river) 川 Write from top to bottom san (three) 一一 一三 kō (craft) 工 Horizontal strokes are usually written before vertical strokes, even when they are curved jū (ten) 一十 nana (seven) 七 Write the center stroke first, followed by the left and right strokes mizu (water) chiisai (small) 小 水 Write the outside strokes, except for the bottom one, before the center strokes me (eye) hi (sun, day) 日 目 Write a left-hand sweeping stroke before a right-hand one chichi (father) 父 A vertical stroke which pierces the center is written last naka (middle) 中 A horizontal stroke which pierces the center is written last onna (woman) 女 ko (child) 子 Write a short left sweeping stroke before a horizontal stroke aru (to be) 有 10 Write a long left sweeping stroke after a horizontal stroke hidari (left) 左 Of course, there is an exception to every rule Here are some exceptions to the normal stroke order rules ō (king) 王 ku (ward) 区 yo (world) 世 ta (rice field) 田 Kanji Origin and Radicals Kanji originally came from China In Japanese there are two types of readings for kanji: On (Chinese) reading, and Kun (Japanese) reading Most kanji have multiple readings depending on the combination of characters Most kanji are made up of two or more parts which can be combined to create new meaning These parts are called radicals, or bushu in Japanese Radicals are helpful in classifying kanji as well as identifying meaning in kanji Here are some common radicals Hen (on the left) - This is the most common category 木 亻 女 kihen (tree) 校  村  林  ninben (man) 休む やすむ 体   からだ 作る つくる こう kō school むら mura village はやし hayashi woods yasumu to rest karada body tsukuru to make 好き すき  suki onnahen 姉   あね  ane (woman) 妹  いもうと  imouto to like big sister little sister Tsukuri (on the right) 斤 新  しん onozukuri 所  ところ (ax) 折る おる 頁 顔   かお  kao ōgai 頭   あたま  atama (big shell) 願う  ねがう  negau 力 動く うごく  ugoku chikara 功    こう  kō (power) 助けるたすける tasukeru shin new tokoro place oru fold; break face head to wish to move merit to help Kanmuri/Kashira (on the top) 雨 雲  amekammuri 雪  (rain) 電  くも kumo cloud ゆき yuki snow でん den electricity 安い やすい  yasui ukammuri 家   いえ  ie (katakana ウ) 字   じ    ji 宀 亠 nabebuta (lid) 京 きょう  kyō 夜   よる  yoru 高い たかい  takai cheap house character (kanji) capital night high Ashi (on the bottom) 儿 木 見る  みる miru hitoashi さき   saki (human legs) 先  光  ひかり hikari shitagi (tree) to look ahead light 楽しい たのしい tanoshii 集める あつめる atsumeru 薬  くすり  kusuri fun collect medicine Tare (at the upper left) 广 疒 madare (linen) yamaidare (illness) 広い  ひろい hiroi 店  みせ   mise 度  ど wide 病 痛み illness やまい yamai いたみ itami store degree pain Nyō (at the bottom left) 辶 廴 shinnyō (proceed) ennyou (extend) 進む  すすむ 近い  ちかい 道  みち susumu to proceed  chikai near michi road 延ばす のばす 建てる たてる nobasu to extend tateru to build Kamae (an enclosure) - radicals that appear to enclose the kanji 門 冂 mongamae (gate) dōgamae (same) 間   あいだ aida 聞く  きく   kiku 開けるあける akeru 同じ 内 円 between listen, hear to open おなじ onaji same うち uchi inside えん en circle, yen 歌 カ ka うた a song; to sing uta うた(う) uta(u) Common Compounds and Phrases 歌 歌手 uta kashu a song 国歌  kokka national anthem a singer 歌舞伎 kabuki Kabuki (drama) Example Sentences 歌を歌いたい。 Uta o utaitai 歌手になりたい。 I want to sing a song Kashu ni naritai I want to be a singer 歌舞伎が見てみたい。 Kabuki ga mite mitai I want to watch Kabuki Strokes: 14 歌 銀 ギン gin silver Common Compounds and Phrases 銀 gin 金銀 kingin silver 銀行  gold and silver 銀閣寺 ginkō giniro a bank the color silver Example Sentences 銀メダルを取った。 Gin medaru o totta I got a silver medal 銀行はどこですか。 Ginkō wa doko desu ka Where is a bank? 銀色の車が欲しい。 Giniro no kuruma ga hoshii I want a silver-colored car Strokes: 14 銀 銀 to explain ; theory セツ setsu     とく toku ゼイ zei Common Compounds and Phrases 説明 setsumei an explanation 小説  伝説 densetsu a legend 説教 Example Sentences 説明してください。 Setsumei shite kudasai 小説を読む。 Please explain Shōsetsu o yomu I will read a novel 子供に説教する。 Kodomo ni sekkyō suru I preach to the kids Strokes: 14 shōsetsu a novel sekkyō preaching 質 シツ チ quality; matter シチ shitsu     shichi chi Common Compounds and Phrases 質 shitsu quality 品質  質問 shitsumon a question 質素 hinshitsu shisso quality simplicity Example Sentences この服は質が良い。 Kono fuku wa shitsu ga ii These clothes are good quality 質問してください。 Shitsumon shite kudasai Please ask me a question 品質が悪い。 Hinshitsu ga warui The quality is bad Strokes: 15 質 質 線 セン sen line Common Compounds and Phrases 線 sen 直線 chokusen a line 線路  senro a straight line 点線 tensen a railway track a dotted line Example Sentences 線を引きました。 Sen o hikimashita I drew a line 点線を切り取ってください。 Tensen o kiritotte kudasai Cut along the dotted line 一直線に進む。 Icchokusen ni susumu I went in a straight line Strokes: 15 線 線 館 public building カン kan    やかた yakata   たて tate   たち tachi Common Compounds and Phrases 旅館 図書館 ryokan Japanese Inn 映画館  toshokan a library 水族館 eigakan suizokukan a movie theater an aquarium Example Sentences 映画館に行きましょう。 Eigakan ni ikimashō Let’s go to the movie theater 私は図書館で働いています。 Watashi wa toshokan de hataraiteimasu I am working at a library 旅館に泊まりたい。 Ryokan ni tomaritai I want to stay in a Japanese inn Strokes: 16 館 館 シン shin    した(しい) parent; close; intimate shita(shii) おや oya した(しむ)   shita(shimu) Common Compounds and Phrases 親   親切な oya shinsetsu na parents 親しい  shitashii close kind; friendly 両親 ryōshin parents Example Sentences 親と食事に行った。 Oya to shokuji ni itta I went to eat out with my parents 親しい友達がいる。 Shitashii tomodachi ga iru I have a close friend 両親に感謝している。 Ryōshin ni kansha shiteiru I appreciate my parents Strokes: 16 頭 head ; top トウ tō    ズ あたま atama   zu   ト to かしら kashira Common Compounds and Phrases 頭 atama head 頭痛 zutsū a headache; a worry 先頭  sentō the top; the front 頭脳 zunō brains; the head Example Sentences 彼は頭がいい人だ。 Kare wa atama ga ii hito da He is a smart person 頭痛がする。 Zutsū ga suru I have a headache 先頭に立って歩く。 Sentō ni tatte aruku I walk at the head Strokes: 16 頭 頭 薬 drug ; medicine ヤク yaku    くすり kusuri    Common Compounds and Phrases 薬 kusuri a medicine 薬代  kusuridai 薬局 yakkyoku a drugstore 薬草 yakusō a charge for bill a herb Example Sentences 薬を飲む。 Kusuri o nomu I will take medicine 薬局はどこですか。 Yakkyoku wa doko desu ka Where is the drug store? 薬代はいくらですか。 Kusuridai wa ikura desu ka How much does the medicine cost? Strokes: 16 薬 薬 顔 face ガン gan    かお kao    Common Compounds and Phrases 顔 顔色が悪い kao kaoiro ga warui face 丸顔  marugao pale 洗顔 sengan round face facial cleansing Example Sentences かわいい顔だね。 Kawaii kao da ne You have a cute face 洗顔をする。 Sengan o suru I facial cleansing 顔色が悪い。 Kaoiro ga warui You look pale Strokes: 18 顔 顔 験 test ; experience ケン ken    ゲン gen Common Compounds and Phrases 試験 shiken 実験 jikken a test experiment 体験  taiken experience 経験 keiken experience Example Sentences 実験が成功した。 Jikken ga seikō shita たくさん経験を積んだ。 My experiment was a success Takusan keiken o tsunda I have had a lot of experiences 試験を受ける。 Shiken o ukeru I will take the test Strokes: 18 験 験 題 ダイ dai    title ; topic Common Compounds and Phrases 題 dai a title 題名 daimei a title; a topic 問題  話題 mondai wadai a problem a topic Example Sentences 題名は何ですか。 Daimei wa nan desuka What is the topic? 問題を解決する。 Mondai o kaiketsu suru I solve the problem そのアニメはすごく話題になっています。 Sono anime wa sugoku wadai ni natteimasu That anime is a hot topic Strokes: 18 題 題 曜 ヨウ yō day of the week Common Compounds and Phrases 月曜日 getsuyōbi Monday 土曜日  doyōbi Saturday 火曜日 kayōbi Tuesday 日曜日 nichiyōbi Sunday Example Sentences 今日は水曜日です。 Kyō wa suiyōbi desu Today is Wednesday 明日は木曜日です。 Ashita wa mokuyōbi desu Tomorrow is Thursday 金曜日が楽しみです。 Kinyōbi ga tanoshimi desu I am excited for Friday Strokes: 18 曜 曜 Good Job! Now that you have learned over 300 kanji Test your kanji knowledge! Find our new kanji game for ipad and iphone in the app store! www.PuniPuniJapan.com ... (rice field) 田 Kanji Origin and Radicals Kanji originally came from China In Japanese there are two types of readings for kanji: On (Chinese) reading, and Kun (Japanese) reading Most kanji have multiple... Writing Kanji Kanji are meant to be written in a specific stroke order Similar to how letters in English are actually meant to be written in a certain way (from left to right, top to bottom), Kanji. .. characters Most kanji are made up of two or more parts which can be combined to create new meaning These parts are called radicals, or bushu in Japanese Radicals are helpful in classifying kanji as

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2023, 09:12