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De on thi vao lop 10 chuyen tieng anh nam hoc 2019 2020 so 20

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Đề thi vào lớp 10 chuyên Tiếng Anh năm học 2019 2020 số 20 VnDoc com VnDoc Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí ĐỀ ÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 CHUYÊN ANH CÓ ĐÁP ÁN NĂM HỌC 2019 2020 Choose the wor[.]

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí ĐỀ ƠN THI VÀO LỚP 10 CHUN ANH CÓ ĐÁP ÁN NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020 Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest 1.A.note B.mode C.nothing D.notice 2.A.failure B.pleasure C.leisure D.measure 3.A.increase B.meant C.flea D.leave 4.A.examine B.famine C.shoeshine D.determine 5.A.chef B.deaf C.roof D.of Choose the word in each line that has different stress pattern 6.A.deception B.receipt C.receding D.recipe 7.A.arrival B.technical C.proposal D.approval 8.A.philosophy B.phenomenon C.optimism D.petroleum 9.A.emperor B.employer C.conductor D.efficient 10.A.tolerate B.horrible C.amazement D.elephant Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences 11.There was nobody in _ when we came round the comer A.sight B glimpse C glance D seeing 12.Hardly to the bus-stop when the bus suddenly pulled away A.sight B.glimpse C.glance D.seeing 13.Hardly to the bus stop when the bus suddenly pulled away A.did the get B.they had got 14.You may take you please C.they got D.had they got VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A.whatever books which B.whatever books C.any books whatever D.which books whatever 15.My cousin is a third-year student _in economics A.majored B.to major C.major D.majoring 16.I remember _to Paris when I was a very small child A.to be taken B.to take C.being taken D.taking 17.If my grandfather alive now,I’m sure he would be proud of me A.were B.has been C.would be D.is 18.She got up early; otherwise she _next month A.would have missed B.would be missing C.missed D.had missed 19.The house should be finished _next month A.in B.by C.after D.within C.must be D.ought to be 20.You look pale.You _ill A.should be B.can be 21.Mark Twain is an author _I like best A.his books B.the books of whom C.whom books D.whose books 22.The calculations are complicated that they cannot be done without a computer A.so B.such C.too D.more 23.John,are you to take part in the game? A.supposed B.supported C.exposed D.indicated 24.My _is to be a doctor and to specialize in surgery when I grow up A.effort B.encouragement C.ambition D.daring 25.This morning the newspaper had a very interesting _on the population problem VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A.composition B article C.work D.publication 26.I could tell he was surprised from the on his face A.appearance B sight C expression D view 27.In his anxiety to make himself , he spoke too loudly and too slowly A.understand B.understood C understanding D to understand 28.Have you heard about all the complaints? It _ have been a pleasant holiday for them A.can’t B.mustn’t C shouldn’t D mayn’t 29.A doctor who performs operations is a A.dentist B.surgeon C sergeant D operator 30.- “Do you like the weather here?” “Yes, so often.” A.but I wish it doesn’t rain B.but I wish it didn’t rain C.and I’d rather it won’t rain D.and I’d sooner it hadn’t rained Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each question Atmospheric pressure can support a column of water up to 10 meters high But plants can move water much higher, the sequoia tree can pump water to its very top, more than 100 meters above the ground Until the end of the nineteenth century, the movement of water in trees and other tall plants was a mystery Some botanists hypothesized that the living cells of plants in which all the cells are killed can still move water to appreciable heights Other explanations for the movement of water in plants have been based on root pressure, a push on the water from the roots at the bottom of the plant But root pressure is not nearly great enough to push water to the tops of tall trees Furthermore, the conifers, which are among the tallest trees, have unusually low root pressures If water is not pumped to the top of a tall tree, and if it is not pushed to the top of a tall tree, then we may ask: “How does it get there?” According to the currently accepted cohesion- VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí tension theory, water is pulled there The pull on a rising column of water in a plant results from the evaporation of water at the top of the plant As water is lost from the surface of the leaves, a negative pressure, or tension, is created The evaporated water is replaced by water moving from inside the plant in unbroken columns that extend from the top of a plant to its roots The same forces that create surface tension in any sample of water are responsible for the maintenance of these unbroken columns of water When water is confined in tubes of very small bore, the forces of cohesion (the attraction between water molecules) are so great that the strength of a column of water compares with the strength of a steel wire of the same diameter This cohesive strength permits columns of water to be pulled to great heights without being broken 31.How many theories does the author mention? A.One B Two C Three D Four 32.The passage answers which of the following questions? A.What is the effect of atmospheric pressure on foliage? B.When dead cells harm plant growth? C.How does water get to the tops of trees? D.Why is root pressure weak? 33.What the experiments mentioned in lines 4-6 prove? A.Plant stems die when deprived of water B.Cells in plant stems not pump water C.Plants cannot move water to high altitudes D.Plant cells regulate pressure within stems 34.How botanists know that root pressure is not the only force that moves water in plants? A.Some very tall trees have weak root pressure B.Root pressures decrease in winter VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí C.Plants can live after their roots die D.Water in a plant’s roots is not connected to water in its stem 35.Which of the following statements does the passage support? A.Water is pushed to the tops of trees B.Botanists have proven that living cells act as pumps C.Atmospheric pressure draws water to the tops of tall trees D.Botanists have changed their theories of how water moves in plants 36.The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to _ A.top B.tree C.water D.cohesion-tension theory 37.The underlined word “there” in the second paragraph refers to _ A.treetops B.roots C water columns D tubes 38.What causes the tension that draws water up a plant? A.Humidity B.Plant growth C Root pressure D Evaporation 39.The word “extend” in the passage is closest in meaning to A.stretch B.branch C increase D rotate 40.Why does the author mention steel wire in the last paragraph? A.To illustrate another means of pulling water B.To demonstrate why wood is a good building material C.To indicate the size of a column of water D.To emphasize the strength of cohesive forces in water Read the text below and look carefully at each line Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there If a line is correct, put a tick If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00) VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí A LETTER OF COMPLAINT 0.I am writing to complain about our recent holiday, which involved _V 00.several last-minute changes to the arrangements, despite of the fact _of _ 41.that we had made our booking for several months in advance. 42.The journey to the coast took four hours longer than your 43.brochure suggested The coach which took us was far too much old _ 44.and the last part of the journey was terrifying, as if the driver tried to 45.make up for the time we had lost However, this was nothing _ 46.compared with our own horror when we arrived at the hotel Your 47.advertisement promised to us large rooms with colour television In fact, _ 48.our bed room was hardly that big enough to lie down in and the only 49.television was in the lounge We didn’t go downstairs for eat an evening _ 50.meal, but decided instead to go to the bed straightaway. 51.It was quite clear that we could not enjoy our holiday in this hotel 52.Your representative was no help at all, so we had to find 53.somewhere else to stay at for the rest of the week ourselves. _ 54.I expect you to return the money we paid for this trip, which it totally 55.failed to live up to the claims made in your brochure Use the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences 56. _ I am in favour of the plan (BASE) 57.He was born blind But despite his _ he managed to become one of the top pop singers (ABLE) 58.It is worth complaining if you happen to buy goods in a shop (FAULT) VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 59.When a volcano has been long and its vent seems to be closed, it is said to be extinct (ACT) 60.Famine is a state of extreme hunger suffered by the population of an area due to _ of the food supply (SUFFICIENT) Insert a suitable word in each of the blanks to finish the following passage The man who was (61) as the greatest escapologist of all time is Harry Houdini Houdini, whose real name was Erich Weiss, was born in Hungary but grew up in America His first professional engagement was a trapeze (62) _ in vaudeville show Later he taught himself how to escape (63) all kinds of chains and bindings He went on tours of Europe and America and became famous for his amazing escapes.In one of his more spectacular escapes he had his hands and legs (64) then he was locked in a packing case, which was finally (65) with steel tape and dropped into New York Harbour He managed to escape in (66) _59 seconds Despite the fact that he was (67) a superman, Houdi never claimed to have magic powers His habit included regular exercise He depended only (68) his skill, physical strength and fitness He trained very hard He completely denied all claims made by people who said that they had supernatural powers, and insisted that they had (69) power whatsoever To prove this, he would (70) _ how the trick had been done, by performing it himself On his death, he left his library of magic to the nation Rewrite or combine the sentences without changing their original meaning, using the words given at the beginning of each sentence 71.”How heavy your luggage is! What have you got in this suitcase?” The customs officer 72.The farmers had applied new technology in their fields The output of rice was raised Thanks to 73.He said that he thought my electric iron was unsafe and advised me to have it seen to He said: “ “, VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 74.He thought he must have made a mistake somewhere He went through his calculations again Thinking 75.Slates were ripped off by the gale They fell on people passing below Ripped off 76.My grandmother usually gets up very early My grandmother is _ 77.Please don’t touch the things on display Would you mind ? 78.You can’t smoke anywhere in the hospital Smoking is _ 79.Taking notes in shorthand during lectures can help you keep up your shorthand ability You can _ 80.”Won’t you forget to feed the goldfish?” said Mary Mary reminded _ (81 – 100) Write a paragraph of about 150 words to suggest ways to save energy and protect the environment ĐÁP ÁN 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.D 22.A 23.A 24.C 25.B VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 26.C 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.B 31.C 32.C 33.B 34.A 35.D 36.C 37.A 38.D 39.A 40.D 41.for 42.√ 43.much 44.if 45.√ 46.own 47.to 48.that 49.eat 50.the 51.√ 52.√ 53.at 54.it 55.√ 56.Basically 57.disability 58.faulty 59.inactive 60.insufficiency 61.regarded 62.artist 63.from 64.tied 65.bound 66.just/only 67.called 68.on 69.no 70.reveal/show 71.The customs officer exclaimed (that) my luggage was so heavy, and asked me what I had in that suitcase 72.Thanks to new technology (that) the farmers had applied in their fields, the output of rice was raised 73.He said: “I think your electric iron is unsafe You should have it seen to.” 74.Thinking he must have made a mistake somewhere, he went through his calculations again 75.Ripped off by the gale, slates fell on people passing below 76.My grandmother is used to getting up very early 77.Would you mind not touching the things on display 78.Smoking is forbidden/ not allowed anywhere in the hospital 79.You can keep up your shorthand ability by taking notes in shorthand during lectures VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí 80.Mary reminded me to feed the goldfish Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu Ôn thi vào lớp 10 năm học 2019 - 2020 khác đây: https://vndoc.com/luyen-thi-vao-lop-10 ... miễn phí 80.Mary reminded me to feed the goldfish Mời bạn đọc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu Ôn thi vào lớp 10 năm học 201 9 - 202 0 khác đây: https://vndoc.com/luyen -thi- vao- lop- 10 ... escape in (66) _59 seconds Despite the fact that he was (67) a superman, Houdi never claimed to have magic powers His habit included regular exercise He depended only (68) his skill, physical... was raised 73.He said: “I think your electric iron is unsafe You should have it seen to.” 74.Thinking he must have made a mistake somewhere, he went through his calculations again 75.Ripped off

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2023, 15:04

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