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94(2-105)Get Set Go 1 Workbook (Light).Pdf

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C\rr / &eC$e oxIoRD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Strcet, Oxford ox2 6Dp Oxford University Press is a department ofthe University ofoxford It furthers the University''''s objective ofexcellence in res[.]

&eC$e C\ rr-/ oxIoRD No unauthorized photocopying UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Strcet, Oxford ox2 6Dp Oxford University Press is a department ofthe University ofoxford It furthers the University's objective ofexcellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaam HongKong Karachi I(uala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto All rights resewed No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope ofthe above should be sent to the ELT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not clrculate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer With offices in Argentina Austrii Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan SouthKorea Poland Portugal Singapore Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Any websites refered to in this publication are in the public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University press for information only Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content oxrono and oxtoRD ENGLISH are registered trade marks of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries IsBN : 978-0-19-435oS6-3 @ Oxford University Press r995 The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published 1996 2013 36 35 34 33 Designed and typeset by Oxprint Design, Oxford Printed in China This book is printed on paper from certified and well-managed sources ACI(NOWI,EDGEMENT'S Illustraliollsl)\,: David Locl< Sami Sweetcn and Pete Lawrence 32 o write rii";,ii-#i /t ri r \,rrYuVrff' #F,11\ -ai !,',;itry,ffi$*t'i;ffi )€2,7, \ "4 , "- / ,l a) / :7iti f,t>Y*//t i,i5 2\ 1,,"_l ) z ', _ \r'\''*3,$7 "s'ii ) ir= :== :==: =' ': - J-i 1===7+E==:-+\- / ,li"9^/ t&: ,z , ul ! "f if,.i\ t"""" \ ) 't ,n,') (-." /)"d, L - ' )zl / /i'v^ 1l L ' y,') " -:t Z w' '/flll:''&r71t-" -\::fr 1Eo\ :";;;=# -T-'- -'-.1'-,.-ffi1 -ov 7// > > I/ /, , U q o write @) \_-_ , o Write Uour nome o Odd one out r'@ @ A(H; AA \-/ HTHH o Drow ond write r I ! \ J J o Motch ond write H H B T A o write I Adom? Helen c Tobbg Bix? ? ? Helen? Bix? Adom? Tobbg? o Reod ond drow o pen rj]rJl r;TLAI -'r o pencil case l F.'1 r I tal ! - J o rubber o ruler L o pencil o bog o Drow Uour pencil r '1 \ L J /en zie1) @ o o o Odd one out c nr nn o Colour ond write O Motch ond write b r r b p p o Write t 688 G e F c Whot's th s? r" Whot's th s? l l Whot's th S?:'.ll Whot's thi s? ii Whot's thi S? r l Whot's thi S? ri E o Motch ond write o Odd one out cheese pizzo tr\ po rrot choco lote o Tick ond write obout I like | :/;f" \ ".\_/{}r\ ,, ^l -x ''' ira{.,' tr"'] ' & \ ,' \' l \ :7]'-f ,'; i\:, '," /;-/'r'!-*-l '/ l-'/ "L."-:-' :r ) b "_

Ngày đăng: 31/01/2023, 16:09