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Bài tập Tiếng Anh thì hiện tại đơn VnDoc com Thư viện Đề thi Trắc nghiệm Tài liệu học tập miễn phí Trang chủ https //vndoc com/ | Email hỗ trợ hotro@vndoc com | Hotline 024 2242 6188 ÔN TẬP NGỮ PHÁP T[.]

Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí ƠN TẬP NGỮ PHÁP TIẾNG ANH CƠ BẢN THÌ HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN A Cách chia động từ đơn Bước 1: Xác định chủ ngữ ngơi nào, số nhiều hay số Chủ ngữ (S) Tobe/ Be I Do/ Does am Have/ Has have V thường V giữ nguyên V giữ You/ We/ They are have He/ She/ It is does has Vs/es is does has Vs/es are have This/ That/ N số ít/ Tên riêng người/ The + N số These/ Those/ N số nhiều/ Tên riêng nhiều người/ … and … / The + N số nhiều nguyên V giữ nguyên ** Quy tắc thêm s/es vào sau V thường + Thông thường ta thêm “s” vào hầu hết V thường dannce – dances like – likes run – runs work – works + Những V tận s, ss, sh, ch, o, x thêm “es” miss – misses wash – washes watch – watches go – goes Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 fix – fixes Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí + Những V tận “y”  Trước Y nguyên âm (u, e, o, a, i) thêm “s” say – says buy - buys play – plays lay – lays  Trước Y phụ âm  chuyển Y thành I thêm “es” cry – cries try – tries fly – flies study – studies dry – dries Bước 2: Xác định loại câu: Khẳng định, phủ định, nghi vấn hay câu WH-question (câu có từ để hỏi: what, who, where, how, when, which, how often, how far,…) + Câu phủ định với BE/ TOBE: thêm NOT vào sau AM/IS/ARE; với V thường: PHẢI thêm trợ động từ DO NOT DOES NOT trước V thường  V lại giữ nguyên + Câu nghi vấn với BE/ TOBE: Đặt AM/IS/ARE lên đầu câu; với V thường: PHẢI thêm trợ động từ DO DOES lên đầu câu  V lại giữ nguyên, đặt sau chủ ngữ + Câu WH-question với BE/ TOBE: Đặt AM/IS/ARE vào sau từ để hỏi; với V thường: PHẢI thêm trợ động từ DO DOES vào sau từ để hỏi  V lại giữ nguyên B Bài tập I Hoàn thành câu sau: 1) Tom stamps (not/to collect) 2) You songs in the bathroom (not/to sing) 3) Julie in the garden (not/to work) 4) I at home (not/to sit) 5) Tina and Kate the windows (not/to open) 6) Adam French (not/to speak) 7) His sister lemonade (not/to like) 8) We to music (not/to listen) 9) My father the car every Saturday (not/to clean) Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí 10) Johnny and Danny in the lake (not/to swim) II Hoàn thành câu sau: 1) I don’t stay/doesn’t stay at home 2) We don’t wash/doesn’t wash the family car 3) Doris don’t do/doesn’t her homework 4) They don’t go/doesn’t go to bed at 8.30 pm 5) Kevin don’t open/doesn’t open his workbook 6) Our hamster don’t eat/doesn’t eat apples 7) You don’t chat/doesn’t chat with your friends 8) She don’t use/doesn’t use a ruler 9) Max, Frank and Steve don’t skate/doesn’t skate in the yard 10) The boy don’t throw/doesn’t throw stones III Hoàn thành câu sau: 1) We handball at school (not/to play) 2) Laura her room (not/to clean) 3) Mark his homework (not/to do) 4) Susan and Jerry TV (not/to watch) 5) They at 6.30 (not/to wake up) 6) You shopping (not/to go) 7) Mrs Smith a big box (not/to carry) 8) My brother English (not/to teach) 9) The teachers stories (not/to tell) 10) I in a plane (not/to fly) IV Hoàn thành câu sau: (Chuyển sang câu phủ định) 1) They play volleyball every week - They volleyball every week 2) John is nice - John nice 3) This car makes a lot of noise - This car a lot of noise 4) I like computer games - I computer games 5) We are from Greece - We from Greece Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí 6) You wear pullovers - You pullovers 7) They speak English - They English 8) He watches TV - He TV 9) I am from Spain - I from Spain 10) Steve draws nice pictures – Steve nice pictures V Hoàn thành câu sau: (Chuyển sang câu phủ định) 1) She feeds the animals - She the animals 2) We take photos - We photos 3) Sandy does the housework every Thursday - Sandy the housework every Thursday 4) The boys have two rabbits - The boys two rabbits 5) Simon can read English books - Simon English books 6) He listens to the radio every evening - He the radio every evening 7) Anne is the best singer of our school - Anne the best singer of our school 8) The children are at home - The children at home 9) The dog runs after the cat - The dog the cat 10) Lessons always finish at o'clock - Lessons at o'clock VI Hoàn thành câu hỏi sau: Ex: (where / you / go to school?)  Where you go to school? (what / you / do?)  (where / John / come from?)  (how long / it / take from London to Paris?)  (how often / she / go to the cinema?) Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí  (how many children / you / have?)  (when / you / get up?)  (how often / you / study English?)  (what time / the film / start?)  (where / you / play tennis?)  10 (what sports / Lucy / like?)  11 (how / they / get to work?)  12 (how often / I / come here?)  13 (where / she / live?)  14 (why / you / eat so much chocolate?)  15 (what / this machine / do?)  16 (who / she / meet on Saturdays?)  17 (how many brothers / she / have?)  Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí 18 (how much / this / cost?)  19 (where / you / eat lunch?)  VII Hoàn thành câu hỏi sau: Ex Where / John? Where is John? Why / they / hungry? Why are they hungry? Where / we?  Who / you?  Why / he / late?  What / this?  Where / Jimmy ?  How old / she ?  How / you ?  Where / the station?  What time / it now?  10 Where / Pedro / from? Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí  11 Why / they / in the kitchen?  12 How / the food?  13 How long / the journey?  14 How old / you ?  15 Why / I / last ?  16 What time / the concert?  17 Where / she?  18 Who / Julie / with?  VIII Hoàn thành câu sau: Ở dạng nghi vấn Ex (you / like cake?) - Do you like cake? (she / live in London?) (they / hate studying?) (you / drink tea every morning?) (you smoke?) (he / play tennis on Saturdays?) (you / go shopping at the weekend?) (you / drink alcohol?) (she / work in an office?) (they / study French?) Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí 10 (you / meet your friends on Fridays?) 11 (you / read a lot?) 12 (John / come from New Zealand?) 13 (they / like pizza?) 14 (we / arrive at p.m.?) 15 (it / snow here in winter?) 16 (Lucy / study History?) 17 (I / work as a teacher?) 18 (he / eat rice often?) 19 (you / like coffee?) IX Hoàn thành câu sau: Ở dạng nghi vấn Ex John / in the garden? - Is John in the garden? They / hungry? We / late? You / tired? He / French? She / a teacher? Harry and Lucy / from London? I / early? You / thirsty? She / on the bus? 10 We / on time? 11 Pedro / from Spain? 12 They / in Tokyo? 13 Julie / at home? 14 The children / at school? 15 You / in a cafe? 16 I / right? 17 We / in the right place? Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí 18 She / German? 19 He / a doctor? X Hoàn thành câu sau: I (be) in a café now (she / play) tennis every week? They (go) to the cinema every Wednesday (she / be) a singer? You (find) the weather here cold (they / be) on the bus? Lucy (ride) her bicycle to work Why (he / be) in France? I (not / play) the piano often 10 It (not / be) cold today 11 We (be) from Portugal 12 (we / make) too much noise at night? 13 Where (Harry / study)? 14 (it / be) foggy today? 15 We (not / be) late 16 They (not / like) animals 17 Where (you / be)? 18 He (not / be) an accountant 19 (the dog / eat) chicken? 20 She (be) my sister XI Hoàn thành câu sau: She (play) tennis every Sunday He (buy) a cup of coffee every morning Julie (study) French at school Luke (try) hard to be polite She (enjoy) going swimming Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí Lucy (wash) her hair every day John never (cry) My mother always (say) that love is more important than money I hope Julie (pass) the exam 10 The plane (fly) low over the airport XII Hoàn thành câu sau: (he / drive to work every day) (I / not / think you're right) (we / have enough time?) (I / eat cereal in the morning) (they / write e-mails every day?) (you / watch a lot of TV) (he / not / read the newspaper) (she / dance often?) (where / I / come on Mondays?) 10 (what / you / at the weekend?) 11 (you / not / drink much tea) Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí 12 (how / he / travel to work?) 13 (they / not / like vegetables) 14 (she / catch a cold every winter) 15 (I / go out often?) 16 (you / speak English?) 17 (we / take the bus often) 18 (she / not / walk to school) 19 (what / you / buy in the supermarket?) 20 (how / he / carry such a heavy bag?) XIII Hoàn thành câu sau: (they / wear suits to work?) Do they wear suits to work? (he / not / say much) (when / she / study?) (she / know a lot about cooking) (we / make dinner at the weekends) Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí (I / not / leave work on time very often) (she / meet her brother every week?) (they / find London’s weather cold) (we / use the computer every day?) 10 (you / not / smoke) 11 (why / we / always get into trouble?) 12 (what/ they / usually cook?) 13 (what / we / need?) 14 (they / not / win at tennis) 15 (what / they / like to watch on TV?) 16 (I / my homework every night) 17 (why / she / swim every morning?) 18 (you / walk to the station every day) 19 (he / teach in a school?) Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí 20 (he / study English at a night class) XIV Hoàn thành câu sau: (we / not / go out much) (they / think it's a good idea) (he / know how to play the violin?) (why / I / have to clean up?) (she / not / sleep late at the weekends) (I / love studying languages?) (we / not / believe the Prime Minister) (you / understand the question?) (she / not / want to go to the cinema) 10 (I / like trying new kinds of food) 11 (David / want some coffee?) 12 (what / Lucy / at the weekends?) 13 (they / not / work late on Fridays) Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí 14 (she / have three daughters) 15 (you / own a car?) 16 (where / Alicia / work?) 17 (when / she / go to her Chinese class?) 18 (I / not / believe you) 19 (she / think about her holidays often) 20 (you / like going to restaurants?) C Đáp án tập I Hoàn thành câu sau: 1) Tom doesn’t collect stamps (not/to collect) 2) You don’t sing songs in the bathroom (not/to sing) 3) Julie .doesn’t like in the garden (not/to work) 4) I don’t sit at home (not/to sit) 5) Tina and Kate don’t open the windows (not/to open) 6) Adam doesn’t French (not/to speak) 7) His sister doesn’t like lemonade (not/to like) 8) We don’t listen to music (not/to listen) 9) My father .doesn’t clean the car every Saturday (not/to clean) 10) Johnny and Danny don’t swim in the lake (not/to swim) II Hoàn thành câu sau: 1) I don’t stay at home Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí 2) We don’t wash the family car 3) Doris doesn’t her homework 4) They don’t go to bed at 8.30 pm 5) Kevin doesn’t open his workbook 6) Our hamster doesn’t eat apples 7) You don’t chat with your friends 8) She doesn’t use a ruler 9) Max, Frank and Steve don’t skate in the yard 10) The boy ddoesn’t throw stones III Hoàn thành câu sau: 1) We don’t play handball at school (not/to play) 2) Laura doesn’t clean her room (not/to clean) 3) Mark doesn’t his homework (not/to do) 4) Susan and Jerry don’t watch TV (not/to watch) 5) They don’t wake up at 6.30 (not/to wake up) 6) You don’t go shopping (not/to go) 7) Mrs Smith doesn’t carry a big box (not/to carry) 8) My brother doesn’t teach English (not/to teach) 9) The teachers don’t tell stories (not/to tell) 10) I don’t fly in a plane (not/to fly) Mời bạn đoc tham khảo thêm nhiều tài liệu Tiếng Anh khác đây: Luyện kỹ Tiếng Anh: https://vndoc.com/luyen-ky-nang Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh bản: https://vndoc.com/ngu-phap-tieng-anh Kiểm tra trình độ Tiếng Anh trực tuyến: https://vndoc.com/test/kiem-tra-tienganh Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro@vndoc.com | Hotline: 2 8 ... liệu Tiếng Anh khác đây: Luyện kỹ Tiếng Anh: https:/ /vndoc. com/ luyen-ky-nang Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh bản: https:/ /vndoc. com/ ngu-phap-tieng -anh Kiểm tra trình độ Tiếng Anh trực tuyến: https:/ /vndoc. com/ test/kiem-tra-tienganh... Email hỗ trợ: hotro @vndoc. com | Hotline: 2 8 Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí 10 (you / meet your friends on Fridays?) 11 (you / read a lot?) 12 (John / come from New Zealand?)... of noise 4) I like computer games - I computer games 5) We are from Greece - We from Greece Trang chủ: h t t p s : / / v n d o c c o m / | Email hỗ trợ: hotro @vndoc. com | Hotline: 2 8

Ngày đăng: 15/01/2023, 09:01
