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PRACTICE TEST 5 PRACTICE TEST 1 SECTION ONE STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION Part A Structure Questions 1 15 are incomplete sentences Beneath each sentence are four words or phrases, marked A, B, C an[.]

PRACTICE TEST SECTION ONE: STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION Part A: Structure Questions 1-15 are incomplete sentences Beneath each sentence are four words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D Circle ONE word or phrases that best completes the sentence The 'Consumers Price Index' lists A how much costs every car C how much every car costs B how much does every car cost D how much are every car cost Generally speaking, every person the potential to be a teacher, to some extent A has C having B to have D have Statistics have shown that early winter the worst time for traffic accidents A it is C is B they are D when In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar to A the driving of a car C driving a car B when you drive a car D when driving a car The terrain in North Carolina includes both the Highlands and the Coastal Plain, the Piedmont Plateau between them A as well as C and too B also D and so Mr Duncan does not know .the lawn mower after they had finished using it A where did they put C where they put B where they did put D where to put One of of the late Middle Ages was Saint Thomas Aquinas, a scholar who studied under Albertus Magnus A the thinkers who was great C the greatest thinkers B the great thinker D who thought greatly Our flight from Amsterdam to London was delayed the heavy fog A because of C on account B because D as result Jellyfish are probably on Earth A most numerous predators C most numerous of predators B the most numerous predators D the most predators 10 Not only the passengers were frightened when the airplane entered the electrical storm A or the crew C and the crew B but neither the crew D but also the crew 11 The famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, was greatly , who wanted him to study architecture A influenced by his mother C his mother influenced him B from his mother's influence D influencing for his mother 12 is currently available to researchers and physicians who study and treat acromegaly, a glandular disorder characterized by enlargement and obesity A The little information C Little information B Few information D A few information 13 Staying in a hotel costs renting a room in a dormitory for a week A twice more than C as much twice as B twice as much as D as much as twice 14 Everybody congratulated the young teacher for the seminar A extreme well-organized C well-organized extremely B extremely well-organized D well-organized extreme 15 Farmers look forward to every summer A participating in the county fairs C be participating in the county fairs B participate in the county fairs D have participated in the county fairs Part B: Written Expression In questions 16-40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked A., B., C., and D Circle the ONE underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct 16 With American prices for sugar at three times as much the world price, A manufacturers are beginning to use fructose blended with pure sugar, or sucrose B C D 17 More than 300 different kinds of nails is manufactured in the United States A B C D 18 According to the graduate catalog, student housing is more cheaper than A B C D housing off campus 19 An increasing number of office works use computer programs as daily routine A B C D 20 New universities are being establish at a slower rate nowadays due to the lack A B C D of federal and state funds 21 The news of the president's treaty negotiations with the foreign government were A B received with mixed emotions by the citizens of both governments C D 22 Civil engineers had better planning to use steel supports in concrete structures A B C built on unstable geophysical sites D 23 Gold, silver, and copper coins are often alloyed with harder metals to make A B them hard as enough to withstand wear C D 24 The statement will be spoken just one time; therefore, you must listen A very careful in order to understand what the speaker has said B C D 25 One kinds of tool that was popular during the Stone Age was a flake, used A B C for cutting and scraping D 26 Hummingbirds are the only birds capable to fly backward as well as forward, up, and down A B C D 27 The Department of Foreign Languages are not located in the new building A B C opposite the old one D 28 Until diamonds are cut and polished , they just like look small blue-grey stones A B C D 29 Natural gas is compose of hydrocarbon molecules that break apart into A B C hydrogen and carbon atoms when heated D 30 Without alphabetical order, dictionaries would be impossibility to use A B C D 31 Papyrus was used for to make not only paper but also sails, baskets, and clothing A B C D 32 Jim was upset last night because he had to too many home works A B C D 33 Despite the metric system is used throughout the world, it is still not commonly A B C D used in the United States 34 The Alaskan malamute, used extensively for pulling sleds, is closely related A B C about the wolf D 35 If the oxygen supply in the atmosphere was not replenished by plants, it A B C would soon be exhausted D 36 Because there were so few women in the early Western states, the freedom and A B rights of Western women were more extensive than Eastern ladies C D 37 From 1785 to 1790, the capital of the U.S will be located in New York City A B C D 38 The president, with his wife and daughter, are returning from a brief vacation at A B Sun Valley in order to attend a press conference this afternoon C D 39 Whereas Earth has one moon, the planet call Mars has two small ones A B C D 40 Many people don't know that horses can in fact to swim better than A B C many other animals D SECTION TWO: READING COMPREHENSION In this section you will read five passages Each one is followed by several questions about it For questions 41-70, circle the ONE best answer, A., B., C, or D, to each question Passage 1: Questions 41 - 45 In 1723 there arrived in Philadelphia a penniless young man, eager for work and for knowledge As the years passed, this man, Benjamin Franklin contributed greatly to his city and to his country He became a printer and a publisher and a learned man in many subjects He also helped to spread learning by establishing a public library and by founding the American Philosophical Society, which is an important academy of great scholars to this day Franklin initiated many improvements in the city of Philadelphia, making it one of the world first cities to have paved and lighted streets as well as a police force and fire fighting company He also made many practical inventions such as the Franklin stove, which was a very efficient heater, and the lighting rod to protect buildings in electric storms His scientific work with electricity earned Franklin world fame Franklin played an important role in the early history of the United States He took part in drawing up the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution He was the first ambassador to France, and he helped negotiate the treaty of 1783, which ended the Revolutionary War As an active member and as president of the Abolitionist Society, Franklin devoted the last years of his life to the movement to end slavery 41 When Franklin arrived in Philadelphia in 1723, he was A rich B very poor C neither rich or poor D well-off 42 How did Franklin help to spread learning? A He contributed to his city and his country B He was eager for work and knowledge C He became a printer and a publisher D He established a public library and founded the American Philosophical Society 43 What made Franklin famous all over the world? A The Franklin stove C The fire-fighting company B The lighting rod D His scientific work with electricity 44 Which of the following statements is not true? A Franklin was one of those eminent Americans who drew up the Declaration of Independence B Franklin was the first American ambassador to France C.Franklin alone drew up the Declaration of Independence C Franklin helped negotiate the treaty of 1783 45 During the last years of his life, Franklin was active in A the Revolutionary war C his practical inventions B the abolitionist movement D his scientific work Passage 2: Questions 46 - 50 Langston Hughes was one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century He was born in Jonlin, Missouri, and moved to Cleveland at the age of fourteen Several years later he spent one year in Mexico before attending Columbia University in New York For a few years after that he roamed the world as a seaman, visiting ports around the world and writing some poetry He returned to the United States and attended Lincoln University, where he won the Witter Bynner Prize for undergraduate poetry After graduating in 1928, he traveled to Spain and to Russia with the help of a Gugginheim fellowship His novels include Not Without Laughter (1930) and The Big Sea (1940) He wrote an autobiography in 1956 and also published several collections of poetry The collections include The Weary Blues (1926), The Dreamer Keeper (1932), Shakespeare in Harlem (1942), Fields of Wonder (1947), One Way Ticket (1947), and Selected Poems (1959) A man of many talents, Hughes was also a lyricist, librettist, and a journalist As an older man in the 1960s he spent much of his time collecting poems from Africa and from African-Americans to popularize black writers Hughes is one of the most accomplished writers in America literary history, and he is seen as one of the artistic leaders of the Harlem Renaissance, the period when a neighborhood that was predominantly black produced a flood of great literature, music, and other art forms depicting daily city life for African-Americans 46 What is the main topic of this passage? A the life of Langston Hughes B the Harlem Renaissance C African-American writers D American twentieth-century writers 47 As used in line 5, which of the following words could be replace the word “ports”? A island B ships C friends D harbors 48 To which of the following movements might “Shakespeare in Harlem” refer to? A the Civil War B the Harlem Riots C the Harlem Renaissance D the Civil Rights Movement 49 What provided Hughes with assistance for his travel to Spain and Russia? A his job as a reporter B his career as a soldier C a literary fellowship D a college study program 50 According to the passage, Langston Hughes was all of the following EXCEPT A a novelist B a poet C an historian D a journalist Passage 3: Questions 51- 55 The Congressional Medal of Honor is the highest military award an American can receive It is given only to people who have risked their lives to defend America Only one woman in the history of the United States was ever awarded this medal, and fifty years later the War Department wanted it back Dr Mary Walker was the first woman to serve in the U.S Army While treating soldiers on the battlefield, she was captured and held prisoner for four months President Lincoln recommended the Medal of Honor for the brave doctor However in 1916, the War Department decided that Dr Walker had not actually risked her life, removed her name from the list of medal holders, and ask for the medal’s return Dr Walker, then eighty-three years old, refused Today the medal is on display in Oswego, New York, Dr Walker’s hometown Members of the Congress are trying to have Dr Walker’s name reinstated on the list of medal winners 51 The best title is A Woman Winner of the Medal of Honor B Heroes of the Civil War C The History of Medal Winners B The United States Congress 52 Mary Walker served in the army as A a secretary B a truck driver C an engineer D a doctor 53 Today, Dr Walker’s Medal of Honor is A in Washington, D.C B in Oswego, New York C at the War Department D in Congress 54 Dr Mary Walker A was killed in a battle B lived to an old age C returned the medal D is still alive 55 The word “reinstated” in line 12 means A erased B found C put back D taken off Passage 4: Questions 56- 60 Rock climbing is a challenging, sometimes dangerous sport Harsh weather is the one challenge rock climbers might prefer to avoid The rock climbers living in or near Seattle, Washington, no longer have to alter their plans because of rain or snow Instead they can visit the country’s first indoor rock-climbing gym – the Vertical Club Inside a former warehouse, the Vertical Club offers a varied terrain to climbers of all levels of skill The walls, made of four-foot-square panels, can be turned to create different degrees of steepness, from gentle slopes with easy hand-holds to sheer faces with sharply angled overhangs Working out at the club is not only more comfortable than climbing outdoors; it is also safer Ropes stop climbers if they fall, and the areas below the climbing surfaces are cushioned Better still, when climbers are finished, they don’t have to face the long drive home from the mountains 56 The best title is … A The Sport of Rock Climbing B How to Climb a Mountain B Gyms of the Far West D Indoor Rock Climbing 57 The story says that what rock climbers enjoys the least is the … A harsh weather B danger involved C physical effort D thrill 58 The Vertical Club has created rock-climbing surfaces… A on a mountain B in a warehouse C in a field D underground 59 The story suggests that in addition to being comfortable and safe, indoor climbing is also … A easy B convenient C dangerous D bone-chilling 60 The word “faces” in line seven means … A appearances B flat areas C surfaces D difficulties Passage 5: Questions 60 - 65 According to top executives in the industry, cigarette smoking is merely a nice habit, to be compared with chewing gum or drinking your morning cup of coffee, and is no more addictive than eating candies But what is in fact the difference between eating donuts and smoking cigarettes? It is one of possible obesity or possible death In the U.S about 400,000 deaths a year can be attributed to cigarette smoking Cigarette makers insist that there is no proof that heart disease, even lung cancer, or any other disease, is actually caused by cigarettes They deny adding nicotine to cigarettes; they even deny nicotine is addictive They say that if it was, how 40 million Americans could have given up smoking in the last 20 years They compare it to coffee drinking and ask if coffee manufacturers are accused of adding caffeine to their coffee Whatever the facts are, there is no doubt however that cigarette manufacturers try to entice young people, even in their teens, to smoke, by advertisements and promotions that create an image even more addictive than the nicotine in cigarettes 61 What is the best title for the passage? A The Habits of Americans B Comparisons between Eating and Smoking C Death from Smoking D How Addictive Cigarette Smoking Is 62 What is the attitude of cigarette manufacturers to nicotine? A It has to be added to cigarettes B It is not addictive C It is better than caffeine D It is not as good as advertising 63 Why cigarette makers compare cigarette smoking with coffee drinking? A Because both are customary practices people B Because they are both better than eating donuts C Because neither are really nice habits D Because both add an addictive substance to their product 64 As used in line 14 the word "entice" means? A to offer free C to addict B to attract D to show 65 The author implies in the passage that cigarette manufacturers do? A try to avoid making cigarettes addictive B succeed in making cigarette smoking like eating donuts C have an addictive product D.worry about how addictive their products are 10 ... college study program 50 According to the passage, Langston Hughes was all of the following EXCEPT A a novelist B a poet C an historian D a journalist Passage 3: Questions 51 - 55 The Congressional... uncomfortable C healthful D enjoyable 50 The word “constituted” in line two means… A understood B made C listened to D hid 17 Passage 3: Questions 51 - 55 A long-range health study in Framingham... D.worry about how addictive their products are 10 PRACTICE TEST SECTION ONE: STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION Part A: Structure Questions 1- 15 are incomplete sentences Beneath each sentence are

Ngày đăng: 05/01/2023, 21:14

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