Business and Society Business and Society 2008 – 47 1 Articles Introducing the Politics of Stakeholder Influence A Review Essay Frank G A de Bakker and Frank den Hond 8 20 A Social Movement Perspectiv[.]
Business and Society Kinh doanh Xã hội 2008 – 47:1 2008 – 47:1 Articles Các viết Introducing the Politics of Stakeholder Influence: A Review Essay Frank G A de Bakker and Frank den Hond 8-20 Giới thiệu trị học ảnh hưởng cổ đông: Một tiểu luận phê bình Frank G A de Bakker Frank den Hond 8-20 A Social Movement Perspective of Stakeholder Collective Action and Influence Brayden King 21-49 Một nhận thức phong trào xã hội hành động ảnh hưởng tập thể cổ đông Brayden King 21-49 Turning Stakeseekers Into Stakeholders: A Political Coalition Perspective on the Politics of Stakeholder Influence Boris Holzer 50-67 Biến người tìm kiếm rủi ro thành cổ đơng: Một quan điểm liên minh trị trị ảnh hưởng cổ đông Boris Holzer 50-67 Building Chains and Directing Flows: Strategies and Tactics of Mutual Influence in Stakeholder Conflicts Charlene Zietsma and Monika I Winn 68-101 Xây dựng dây chuyền hướng dòng chảy: Các chiến lược chiến thuật ảnh hưởng lẫn xung đột cổ đông Charlene Zietsma Monika I Winn 68-101 Frames and Filters: Strategic Distrust as a Legitimation Tool in the 50-Year Battle Between Public Health Activists and Big Tobacco Robbin Derry and Sachin V Waikar 102-139 Những khung màng lọc: Sự ngờ vực chiến lược cơng cụ hợp thức hố chiến 50 năm nhà ủng hộ y tế công cộng hãng thuốc lớn Robbin Derry Sachin V Waikar 102-139 Business and Society Kinh doanh Xã hội 2008 – 47:2 2008 – 47:2 Articles Các viết Integrating and Unifying Competing and Complementary Frameworks: The Search for a Common Core in the Business and Society Field Mark S Schwartz and Archie B Carroll 148-186 Hợp thống khuôn khổ cạnh tranh bổ sung: Cuộc tìm kiếm cốt lõi chung lĩnh vực kinh doanh xã hội Mark S Schwartz Archie B Carroll 148-186 Corporate "Philanthropy Strategy" and "Strategic Philanthropy": Some Insights From Voluntary Disclosures in Annual Reports David Campbell and Richard Slack 187-212 “Chiến lược Nhân từ” “sự nhân từ chiến lược” doanh nghiệp: Một vài quan điểm nội từ tiết lộ tự nguyện báo cáo hàng năm David Campbell Richard Slack 187-212 Pension Funds and Corporate Social Performance: An Empirical Analysis Paul Cox, Stephen Brammer, and Andrew Millington 213-241 Các quỹ lương hưu thể xã hội doanh nghiệp: Một phân tích dựa kinh nghiệm Paul Cox, Stephen Brammer, Andrew Millington 213-241 The Political Capital of Foreign Subsidiaries: An Exploratory Model Tim Blumentritt and Kathleen Rehbein 242-263 Vốn trị doanh nghiệp bao cấp nước ngồi: Một mơ hình khám phá Tim Blumentritt Kathleen Rehbein 242-263 Business & Society 2008 – 47:3 Articles Petya Puncheva The Role of Corporate Reputation in the Stakeholder Decision-Making Process 272-290 Kelly D Martin and Beverly Kracher A Conceptual Framework for Online Business Protest Tactics and Criteria for Their Effectiveness 291-311 Richard Marens Going to War With the Army You Have: Labor's Shareholder Activism in an Era of Financial Hegemony 312-342 Carol-Ann Tetrault Sirsly and Kai Lamertz When Does a Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative Provide a FirstMover Advantage? 343-369 Robert Gielissen, Chris E Dutilh, and Johan J Graafland Perceptions of Price Fairness: An Empirical Research 370-389 Jared D Harris Financial Misrepresentation: Antecedents and Performance Effects 390-401 Business & Society 2008 – 47:4 Articles Jeanne M Logsdon and Audrey J Murrell Beyond "I Have a Dream": Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Contributions to Management Scholarship and Practice 411-424 Darryl D Roberts, Laura Morgan Roberts, Regina M O'Neill, and Stacy D Blake-Beard The Invisible Work of Managing Visibility for Social Change: Insights From the Leadership of Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr 425-456 James R Jones, David C Wilson, and Peggy Jones Toward Achieving the "Beloved Community" in the Workplace: Lessons for Applied Business Research and Practice From the Teachings of Martin Luther King Jr 457-483 Gregory B Fairchild and Jeffrey A Robinson Unlearned Lessons From Letter From Birmingham Jail: The Work Begun, the Progress Made, and the Task Ahead 484-522 Jeanne M Logsdon and Harry J Van Buren, III Justice and Large Corporations: What Do Activist Shareholders Want? 523-548 Vickie Cox Edmondson Book Review: Thomas, R R., Jr (2006) Building on the Promise of Diversity: How We Can Move to the Next Level in Our Workplaces, Our Communities, and Our Society New York: American Management Association 549-554 .. .Business and Society Kinh doanh Xã hội 2008 – 47:2 2008 – 47:2 Articles Các viết Integrating and Unifying Competing and Complementary Frameworks: The Search for a Common Core in the Business. .. Jared D Harris Financial Misrepresentation: Antecedents and Performance Effects 390-401 Business & Society 2008 – 47:4 Articles Jeanne M Logsdon and Audrey J Murrell Beyond "I Have a Dream": Dr Martin... Fairchild and Jeffrey A Robinson Unlearned Lessons From Letter From Birmingham Jail: The Work Begun, the Progress Made, and the Task Ahead 484-522 Jeanne M Logsdon and Harry J Van Buren, III Justice and