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Impact of subjective norms on the intention to consume organic food

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NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS RESEARCH PROPOSAL THE IMPACT OF THE SUBJECTIVE NORMS ON THE INTENTION TO CONSUME ORGANIC FOOD OF YOUNG PEOPLE IN HANOI Hanoi, 2022 Introduction Along with the growth of the economy, people’s consumption consciousness towards the quality of life is increasingly improved People are becoming more and more aware of the impact of their consumption behavior According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, in the first months of 2021, Vietnam recorded more than 20 cases of food poisoning, causing 531 cases and deaths (“531 người ngộ độc thực phẩm ba tháng đầu năm 2021,” n.d.) According to WHO, dirty foods contain harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, or chemical additives, causing about 200 diseases from diarrhea to cancer (“Food safety,” n.d.) This problem largely stems from the manufacturing process, processing, or environmental contamination The above data can prove that organic food is an option worth considering and is gradually becoming a trend among consumers in countries around the world In recent years, organic food consumption has been growing in Vietnam, especially in the capital Hanoi, meeting the increasing demand for environmental protection and the health of consumers In the past, there have been studies to determine the factors affecting the intention to consume organic food Through this research proposal, the author wants to provide more evidence to strengthen the view on the impact of the subjective norms factor on the intention to consume organic food of young people in Hanoi Literature review 2.1 Studies on the intention to consume organic food 2.1.1 Research of Bo et al in South Korea (2009) Bo Won Suh et al studied the factors affecting consumer perception, consumption intention and actual organic food consumption behavior in the South Korea market They used a research model with Attitude, Subjective norms and Perceived behavioral control factors Then, they added two elements, Faith and Past experiences The results from their study were: Attitude and Perceived behavioral control factors have positive impact to organic food consume and Past experience has a stronger impact than trust factor (“Factors influencing consumers’ perceptions, intention to purchase and realised purchase behaviour for organic food in South Korea - ProQuest,” n.d.) 2.1.2 Research of Huynh Dinh Le Thu et al Huynh Dinh Le Thu et al studied the factors affecting consumers’ intention to buy organic food in Long Xuyen city They combined previous theories about buying intention The factors used are Subjective norm, Attitude, Faith, Transparent information, Organic food knowledge They received two main result are: firstly, Attitude and Faith factor have positive impact on organic food consumption; secondly, Faith not only has an important role as the premise of Attitude but also is medium between Transparent information and Organic food knowledge (Giao and Thu, 2021) 2.1.3 Research of Hoang et al In their research, they used the factors like Attitude, Subjective norm and Perceived behavioral control Then, they added two factors are Faith and Environment care level The research show that, the first, the factors that affect the idea in descending order are Attitude, Subjective norm and Faith respectively; the second, Environment care level and Perceived behavioral control have little impact (Hoàng et al., 2019) The previous studies on the topic of consumer behavior and factors affecting the consumption of organic foods mentioned above often approach the theoretical framework mainly on consumer behavior with factors, such as: Attitude, Subjective norm, Faith, Past experiences, transparent information and Perceived behavioral control Within the allowable limit, this research proposal will provide more evidence to strengthen the view on the impact of the subjective norms on the intention to consume organic food 2.2 Analytical frame work 2.2.1 Define concepts According to the theory of planned behavior, the intention to undertake a certain behavior is directly influenced by three factors, they are: personal attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control In the scope of this research proposal, we are interested in the impact of the subjective norms factor on the intention to consume organic food, so we define the following concepts: Subjective norms are points of view of people around you and impact on your performance of the behavior The people often are family members, friends, peers and so on For example, if a man believes that smoking is acceptable within his social group, then he will more likely to smoke Alternatively, if his social group perceived that the behavior is bad, he will less likely to smoke The definition of organic food varies worldwide In a simple way, this term refers to foods that are grown, handled and prepared in a way that is safe for the environment For agricultural products, it is a product that is grown without the use of most conventional pesticides, using artificial fertilizers, sewage sludge, radiation and genetically modified organisms For animal meat, antibiotics or hormones are not injected (“What is organic food?,” n.d.) Buying intent, also known as buyer and purchasing intent, is the probability, the degree of willingness and inclination of consumers to buy a product or service within a certain period of time (“What is Buying intent,” n.d.) 2.2.2 Mechanisms of relationship  Theory of reasoned action (TRA) The theory said that if an individual evaluates a suggested behavior as positive (attitude), and if he or she believes significant others want him or her to perform the behavior (subjective norms), the intention to perform the behavior will be greater and the individual will be more likely to perform the behavior (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1969) Figure Theory of reasoned action (TRA)  Theory of planned behavior (TPB) For a long time, after finding TRA, Ajzen recognized that behavioral intention does not always lead to actual behavior, because it also depends on the ability of the individual to perform the behavior There for, he extended TRA by adding the component “perceived behavioral control” and his new theory is called Theory of planned behavior (TPB for short) According to TPB, people is more likely to perform a certain behavior when they feel they can it successfully (Ajzen, 1991) Figure Theory of planned behavior (TPB) Data & Method 3.1 Primary data collection method This proposal research used primary data collection method The Primary data source was collected through an online survey on Google Forms The study will conduct a survey with young consumers living in Hanoi city 3.1.1 Data analysis and processing methods Collected data will be cleaned by removing invalid answer sheets and processed using Stata 14.1 and Microsoft Excel software according to the following procedure: + Descriptive statistics; + Evaluating the reliability of Cronbach alpha; + Analysis of exploratory factors; + Regression analysis; + Testing of correlation and multicollinearity Dummy results … … References 531 người ngộ độc thực phẩm ba tháng đầu năm 2021 [WWW Document], n.d URL https://vietnamnet.vn/531-nguoi-ngo-doc-thuc-pham-trong-ba-thang-dau-nam2021-729195.html (accessed 6.26.22) Ajzen, I., 1991 The theory of planned behavior Organ Behav Hum Decis Process., Theories of Cognitive Self-Regulation 50, 179–211 https://doi.org/10.1016/07495978(91)90020-T Factors influencing consumers’ perceptions, intention to purchase and realised purchase behaviour for organic food in South Korea - ProQuest [WWW Document], n.d URL https://www.proquest.com/openview/48856a545798ef3f6cb4c772ab09be1a/1?pqorigsite=gscholar&cbl=51922 (accessed 6.26.22) Food safety [WWW Document], n.d URL https://www.who.int/news-room/factsheets/detail/food-safety (accessed 6.26.22) Giao, H.N.K., Thu, H.Di.L., 2021 Các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến ý định mua thực phẩm hữu người tiêu dùng thành phố Long Xuyên https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/5y2fc Hoàng T.B.T., Hoàng L.K., Nguyễn Thu Uyên, Nguyễn Thị Uyên, 2019 Các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến ý định tiêu dùng thực phẩm hữu người tiêu dùng địa bàn Hà Nội Factors Affect Green Food Consumption Intention of Consumers in Hanoi What is Buying intent: Definition, data and interpretation | Snov.io, n.d URL https://snov.io/glossary/buying-intent/ (accessed 6.26.22) What is organic food? [WWW Document], n.d https://www.vinmec.com/vi/news/health-news/nutrition/what-is-organic-food/? link_type=related_posts (accessed 6.26.22) URL ... evidence to strengthen the view on the impact of the subjective norms factor on the intention to consume organic food of young people in Hanoi Literature review 2.1 Studies on the intention to consume. .. factor on the intention to consume organic food, so we define the following concepts: Subjective norms are points of view of people around you and impact on your performance of the behavior The people...Along with the growth of the economy, people’s consumption consciousness towards the quality of life is increasingly improved People are becoming more and more aware of the impact of their consumption

Ngày đăng: 23/12/2022, 20:37

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