Organizational behavior: Lecture 13 provide students with knowledge about: defining motivation; the motivation process; core phases of the motivational process; motivational theories; Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; modified Maslow model;... Please refer to this lesson for details!
Organizational Behavior (MGT-502) Lecture-13 Summary of Lecture-12 Perception Factors Influencing Perception • The Perceiver • The Target • The Situation Attribution The Process through which individuals attempt to determine the causes of others behavior Fundamental Attribution Error The tendency to attribute others’ actions to internal causes (e.g their traits) while largely ignoring external factors that also may have influenced their behavior Impression Management Self-presentation Is the process by which people attempt to manage or control the perceptions other form of them Perception & Decision Making Rational Decision-Making Model A decision-making model that describes how individuals should behave in order to maximize some outcomes Alternatives to Rational Decision- Making • Bounded Rationality • Intuitive Decision-making • Decision-Making by Objection • The Garbage Can Model Motivational Process • Forces acting on/within person that cause specific, goal-directed behavior • Work motivation productivity • Management’s job is to channel employee energy to achieve organizational goals Motivation • What is so difficult? • Motivation is the set of forces that causes people to engage in one behavior rather than some alternative behavior What “energizes” us? • Unsatisfied needs = deficiencies that a person experiences at any given time • “Energizers” – create tensions feelings of unrest make effort to reduce tensions • Goal – directed efforts – provide focus for energy release p o t s s ’ e t r e e L th i Summary Motivation A state of mind, desire, energy or interest that translates into action Why Do We Care? Ability PERFORMANCE Motivation Opportunity Performance = f (Ability, Motivation, Opportunity) Motivational Theories Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Alderfer’s ERG Theory A three-level hierarchical need theory of motivation that allows for movement up and down the hierarchy • Existence Needs • Relatedness Needs • Growth Needs Theory X Management view that assumes workers generally dislike work and must be forced to their jobs Theory Y Management view that assumes workers like to work and under proper conditions, employees will seek responsibility to satisfy social, esteem, and self-actualization needs Theory Z • A management philosophy that stresses employee participation in all aspects of company decision making Next… Organizational Behavior (MGT-502) Lecture-13 ... Nonprogrammed • Strategic vs Operational • Top-Down vs Worker-Empowered Methods of Improving Decision Making in Organizations • Human-based Methods • Computer-based Methods • Brainstorming • Nominal... order to maximize some outcomes Alternatives to Rational Decision- Making • Bounded Rationality • Intuitive Decision-making • Decision-Making by Objection • The Garbage Can Model A Model of Bounded Rationality... Management Self-presentation Is the process by which people attempt to manage or control the perceptions other form of them Perception & Decision Making Rational Decision-Making Model A decision-making