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Luận văn thạc sĩ VNU ULIS the use of post writing activities in improving grade 10 students english writing skills a case study at gia binh 2 high school, bacninh

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ABSTRACT This study is conducted in an attempt to investigate the post- writing activities used in writing lessons of grade 10 students at Gia Binh High School, their frequency, their performances and their advantages and disadvantages as perceived by teachers and students as well From those, the researcher wish to find out the most effective activity helping grade 10 learners improve their writing ability In order to achieve the aims of the study and obtain reliable information for the study, interviews among teachers, survey questionnaire among students and document analysis of the students’ writing papers are applied The findings of the study reveal that both teachers and students at GB2HS have a rather positive attitude towards post writing activities and their importance in improving learners’ writing proficiency Among all, teacher’s feedback, group’s feedback and peer’s feedback are the activities used to revise 10 th form students’ papers at GB2HS, in which teacher’s comment play the crucial role and mostly applied However, there are numerous problems preventing those activities from working efficiently in the study context Some implications are then drawn up based on the findings for the betterment of the teaching and learning post writing stage at GB2HS With careful and detailed investigations, it is hoped that this study will be a useful source of reference for teachers, students and those who concern about feedback activities in improving writing skill LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com TABBLE OF CONTENT PART A- INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Aims of the study Scope of the study Research questions Methodology Outline of the study PART B- DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Theoretical background to English writing teaching 1.1.1 Overview of writing 1.1.2 Overview of writing teaching Why we teach writing? Theoretical approaches to writing teaching Controlled- composition approach Current- traditional rhetoric approach The process approach The stages in the writing process 10 1.2 Overviews of Teachers and Peers’ Feedbacks in Teaching and Learning Writing12 1.2.1 What is feedback? 12 1.2.2 Teachers’ Giving Feedback in Teaching Writing 13 1.2.3 Peers’ Feedback/ Response in Learning Writing 15 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 17 2.1 The context 17 2.2 The participants 17 2.2.1 The students 17 2.2.2 The teachers 18 2.3 The writing syllabus of grade 10 students 18 2.4 Description of data collection instruments 18 CHAPTER 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDING 20 3.1 Data analysis of teachers’ performances, attitudes and evaluations 20 3.1.1 Teacher participants’ demography information and teaching experience 20 3.1.2 Teachers’ perception of teaching English writing as a process 20 3.1.3 Teacher participants’ representation of stages in writing teaching 21 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com 3.1.4 Teacher participants’ representations in Post writing stage 22 3.1.5 Teachers’ evaluation on the effectiveness of post writing activities 23 Frequency and procedure of using Post- writing activities 23 Teachers’ evaluation on the importance and effectiveness of Post writing activities 24 Teachers’ evaluation on the students’ improvement 25 3.2 Data analysis of students’ performances, attitudes and evaluations 26 3.2.1 Student participants’ learning experience 26 3.2.2 Students’ perception of importance of Post- writing activities 27 3.2.3 Students’ evaluation on the effectiveness of post- writing activities used 28 3.2.4 Students’ evaluations on their improvement in writing skill 31 Students’ perception on factors that affect writing proficiency 31 Students’ self- assessment on their improvement in writing skill 32 3.2.5 Students’ presentation of errors in writing papers and their improvement in writing skill 33 Teacher’s Giving Feedback 33 Pair correction 35 Group correction 36 PART C- CONCLUSION 39 Conclusions 39 Implications 40 Limitations of the study 41 Recommendations 42 Suggestions for further study 43 REFERENCES 44 APPENDICES Appendix A: Writing Syllabus for Grade 10 Students I Appendix B: Researcher’s Observations from Class Hours Attended III Appendix C: Checklists and Error Codes XIV Appendix D: Interview Questions and Survey Questionnaire XVI LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CLT Communicative Language Teaching TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Foreign Language MOET Ministry of education and training GB2HS Gia Binh High School Cont Content Org Organization P Paper B Before A After LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com LIST OF CHARTS AND TABLES Chart 1: Teachers' frequency of using post writing activities Chart 2: Students' experience of learning English Chart 3: Student participants’ experience of learning English in process Chart 4: Students’ frequency of participating in post writing activities Chart 5: Students’ perception of the importance of Post writing activities Chart 6: The post-writing activities used by respondents Chart 7: Respondents’ evaluation on the most effective activities to students’ writing Chart 8: Respondents’ evaluation on the effectiveness of post-writing activities Chart 9: Students’ perception on the factors affecting writing proficiency Chart 10: Respondents’ evaluation on their improvement in writing Table 1: Student participants’ presentation of errors in writing before and after teachers’ giving feedback Table 2: Students’ writing error presentation of errors before and after peer correction Table 3: Students’ writing error presentation of errors before and after group correction LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale As the development of the world; English has, of course, become the official language of human beings and learning English is compulsory in every corner of the earth Learning this language effectively means the learners are sufficiently proficient in all its sub- aspects namely reading, speaking, listening and writing skills Among these skills, teaching how to write English well has been noticed as early as since English was taught English language teaching methods, in general, and English language writing skill methods, in particular, have changed over time It's considered the process-oriented pedagogy approach which has permeated the English language teaching and English writing teaching as well over the past twenty years one of the most effective The process-oriented approach requires teaching writing regularly with numerous stages namely Pre- Writing, Writing and Post- Writing; in addition, each stage can also contain several sub- stages with different techniques to appropriate writing teaching and learning Among those stages, it is very clear that we can not control how and what exactly the learners are writing since writing skill as known is a productive skill- each writer with his/ her own imagination and knowledge can bear different products With the role as an instructor, teachers can only intervene in Pre- writing stage to provide the learners with available vocabulary or suggested ideas and they will start writing more smoothly or in Post- writing stage to help them edit and improve the writing Since process- oriented approach gained its popularity; each of English skills has been treated the same or taught both separated and integrated with one another Especially, thank to the MOET’s policy of textbooks change at high schools in Vietnam in school year 2006- 2007, English skills in general and writing skill in particular have been really taught in process with Pre- writing, writing and Post- writing stages; of which the third one seems worth- asking What are really happening in this stage? Is it really helping learners acquire the skill? To edit a language product, numerous ways have been introduced including peer reviews, teacher-student conferences, and audio-taped commentary and so on However, with written ones in real situations of Vietnam, it seems that handwritten corrections with teachers or peers are the most applicable Gia Binh High School in Bacninh is one like other high schools in Vietnam applying teaching English writing skill in a process as follow the textbook “Tiếng Anh 10, 11, 12” issued by the MOET since at first; therefore, teaching writing skill, in general, and post writing stage, in particular tend to be worth researching LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Last but not least, research on teaching writing skill in general and dealing with students’ written pieces of work in particular in Vietnam has been so rare and books about these are also quite limited Being one of the teachers who are in charge of, the researcher feels really concerned in investigating the effectiveness of the Post- writing activities applied in her context, Gia Binh high school in improving grade 10 students’ writing skill Aims of the study This study is intended to measure the effectiveness of Post- writing activities in teaching English language writing skill for the grade 10 students at Gia Binh High School, Bacninh The study desires to obtain the main following aims: (1) to investigate which Post- writing activities are being used in writing lessons of grade 10 students at Gia Binh High School, Bacninh, their frequency and their relations (2) to investigate the teachers and students’ performances in these activities, their attitudes towards each activity and find out the advantages and disadvantages of each Post- writing activity in writing lessons of grade 10 students at Gia Binh High School, Bacninh (3) to compare among these activities and evaluate the effectiveness of each and draw out which one is the most beneficial Scope of the study This study is hoped to carry out within the following scopes: (1) Being a productive skill and processed in stages; teaching writing is such a broad topic that can not be wholly discussed within the framework of this paper Only one specific and commonly-practiced stage of teaching the skill will be central to the discussion: teaching Post- writing stage (2) Every EFL composition class needs feedback in order to revise their papers successfully However, the study’s context, Gia Binh High School with more than 2000 is so large area Therefore, this study will deal with only 89 student participants among the starterstwo groups of grade 10 students in school Together with these two groups are four teacher participants who are in charge of teaching English for 10 graders in this school (3) Writing skill needs practicing frequently and, of course, will take much time Nothing done in process can get the result over night Therefore, this research will be carried out nearly during the academic year 2010- 2011 along with using the textbook “Tiếng Anh 10” The result hopes to come to an end in the last of the academic year to propose recommendations to improve the next academic year’s teaching of writing These points are made clear to the participants in the process of conducting this study so that LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com the study can be more feasible and its results more applicable into the real classrooms As a result, the result of the study will be recommended to apply in teaching writing skill for the grade 10 students at Gia Binh High School, Bacninh and may be for the others, the grade 11 and 12 ones in this school Research questions With the scopes and the detailed aims as above, this research will be wished to answer the following questions: (1) What are the post- writing activities often used in English writing lessons in grade 10 at Gia Binh High School? (2) What are the 10th form teachers and learners’ attitudes to the post- writing activities applied to teach writing skill at Gia Binh High School? (3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the post- writing activities used in teaching writing for grade 10 students at Gia Binh High School? (4) Which post- writing activity is the most effective? (as perceived by these teachers and learners?) Methodology This study’s scopes, aims and hypotheses need to pick the combined approaches The following approaches will be used to conduct the research: (1) An initial interview is done among the teacher participants to find out which Post- writing activities are being used in writing lessons of grade 10 students at Gia Binh High School The teachers’ attitudes and techniques in conducting post- writing activities are also expected to be revealed through this interview Then the follow-up interview is carried out after writing lessons attended by the researcher to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each post- writing activity in terms of teachers’ opinions (2) A survey questionnaire is piloted among grade 10 students at Gia Binh High School to discover their performance in the post- writing activities and their attitudes to these activities Questionnaire data collection and analysis is also hoped to reveal the learners’ own assessment of each activity (3) Students’ papers will be collected and analyzed to measure each post writing activity’ s interventions on students’ writing and their improvement in the writing proficiency (4) Researcher’s observation and assessment on the post writing activities are also an important source to gain the aims of the study 10 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Outline of the study This study consists of three parts: introduction, development and conclusion The introduction presents the background, aims, research questions, scopes as well as the approaches and outline of the study The development comprises three chapters: Chapter I reviews the literature on the writing teaching and handwritten corrections in teaching and learning writing as well Chapter II describes the research methods used in the process of doing the thesis It consists of the justification of data collection instruments, the description of data collection instruments, the procedure to collect data The subject of the study is also mentioned in this chapter Chapter III presents the results and discussion on the data collected by means of survey questionnaire among student respondents, interview responding among teacher participants and student writing analysis Researcher’s observations are also revealed here The conclusion offers some suggestions for further improvements in feedbacks on students writing and provides future directions for further research which are not touched upon in the limit of this thesis 11 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter reviews important issues in the theories of teaching writing in general and conducting post- writing activities in particular Two main features will be taken into consideration, namely, theoretical background to the teaching writing and theoretical background to feedback: teachers’ feedback and peers’ feedback They are also the foundation on which the questionnaires for the teachers and students are set up 1.1 Theoretical background to English writing teaching 1.1.1 Overview of writing Writing is one of the four skills taught when mastering any languages In English language teaching, writing skill is nominated a productive skill with numerous definitions surrounding it Basically, it is seen as an “act of forming graphic symbols” (Byrne, 1991, p 1) It means writing anything is really simple, we use letters or combinations of letters according to certain conventions to form words, words are combined to make sentence, and then sentences are put with each other to “produce a sequence of sentences arranged in a particular order and linked together in certain ways” In the other word, writing, in Byrne’s view, is reflected from the lowest level- letters to the higher and higher levels of performance- words, sentences and discourses and as strategies to obtain a final product or actions of “making marks on the flat surface of some kinds” Other views consider it as a more complex process which are “profound, or funny, or provocative, or highly persuasive” (Veit, Gould & Clifford, 2001) and involves a number of separate sub- skills “from the basics of handwriting and spelling to the subtler nuances of tone and organization.” as a social process, “Writing is therefore an engagement in a social process, where the production of texts reflects methodologies, arguments and rhetorical strategies constructed to engage colleagues and persuade them of the claims that are made.” (Candlin and Hyland, 1999, p 107) Cognitive view sees writing as decision - making process (Flower & Hayes, 1981) When writing something, whether an email message, a letter, or an essay, the writer is engaged in making decisions one by one He or she has to decide what to begin the text with, whether to include or leave out an idea that comes to mind, whether to begin a new paragraph or continue the same one, what information to place in the beginning of a sentence, and so on Successful writing is the result of making the right decisions most of the time during the act of composing and revising If writing is a mental activity of skillful decision-making, learning to write is defined as “learning to make decisions appropriate for the situation (the purpose of the text, the writer’s objective, the reader’s purpose in reading the text, the circumstances in which the writing and reading take place) and learning to recognize where inappropriate decision have 12 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Teacher's activities Homework checking : (5 mins) - Ask one st to talk about one of the news stories that he/she is interested in - Ask other sts to listen to their friend and give remarks - Check and give remarks Pre writing: (17 mins) + Task 1: - Ask sts to read the advantages and disadvantages of television - Explain some new words: + 'memorable (adj) : easy to remember + en'joyable (adj) : pleasant + popu'larity (n) : the noun of " popular" + be a'ware of (v) : realize + brain (n) : part of the body inside the head + 'violent (adj) : fighting, killing, etc + inter'fere with (v) : get in the way of something - Ask sts listen to the teacher and repeat , then write these words into their notebooks Students' activities - Listen - Listen to their friend and give remarks - Listen to the teacher - Listen to the teacher carefully - Note down these words into the notebooks Then read these words in chorus and individually - Make sure that sts know what "advantage" and - Read the table in pairs "disadvantage" are Then ask them to read about the advantages and disadvantages of television - Ask sts to pay attention to the basic structures - Do as requested used in the table Then ask them some questions to make sure that they understand all the advantages and disadvantages of television - Listen and give remarks + Task 2: - Divide the whole class into three groups and ask - Work in pairs to discuss each pair in group to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of radio, each pair in group discuss those of newspapers, and each pair in group discuss those of the internet - Ask sts to work in minutes - Move round to help if necessary and then ask them to share their ideas with other pairs - Ask three sts to present their ideas - Some sts stand up to give their ideas - Ask other sts to give remarks - Listen to the teacher and take notes - Listen and give remarks While writing:(10 mins) - Ask sts to write a paragraph about the advantages - Do the writing task and disadvantages of one of the mass media they have discussed in task - Ask three students of different groups to write on the blackboard - Let sts write in minutes - Move around to conduct the activity - Aims: Sts practise writing a paragraph about the 59 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com advantages and disadvantages of one of the mass media Post writing:(12 mins) - Get three sts to read their work on the blackboard aloud and others follow - Give general comments on each paper and underline the errors in each paper - Give students about 5’ to compare with the samples and edit their papers - Go around and give support if requested Homework: (1min) - Write a paragraph about other types of mass media - Review the lesson - Read their writing - Listen and take note - Edit their writing - Take note Classroom observation Date: 21st December 2010 By: Teacher Class: 10A3 Number of students: 44 Lesson: writing- Unit Time: 45 minutes Purpose of the lesson: write a letter giving directions to a certain place Teacher's activities Homework checking : (5 mins) - Ask one st to talk about the changes in her home village Other sts listen to their friend and give remarks - Check and give remarks Pre writing:( 16 mins) + Task 1: (8’) - Introduce the situation and explain some new words: + direction (n) : the way that a person or thing moves along + enclose (v): put something in a letter or a parcel - Ask sts to write these words into their notebooks, then listen to the teacher and repeat - Ask sts to work in pairs to read the letter and find Ann's house in the map After 3’ ask them to compare their ideas with other pairs - Ask some sts to tell the whole class where Ann's house is and explain more about their answer - Listen and give remarks + Task 2: (8’) - Ask sts to work in pairs to read the letter again and underline the words and phrases used to give directions - Move round to help - Ask sts to write these words/ phrases on the board Students' activities - Listen to their friend and give remarks - Listen to the teacher - Listen to the teacher carefully - Copy these words into their notebooks - Listen to the teacher and then read these words in chorus and individually - Read the letter in pairs and share their answer with their friends - Present their ideas - Listen to the teacher - Work in pairs to read the letter and underline the words/phrases - Two sts write the words and phrases on the board get out of go over ( a bridge) 60 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - Check and give remarks - Ask sts to make some examples with these words While writing: (10 mins) - Ask sts to write a letter to Jim, telling him the way to his/ her house (A in the map) from Roston Railway Station - Let sts write in minutes - Move around to conduct the activity and give suggestions if requested >> Aims: Sts practise writing a letter to Jim, telling him the way to his/ her house (A in the map) from Roston Railway Station After you write: (13 mins) - Divide sts into 11 groups of four - Ask them to work in groups to comment on papers written by their group members - Guide them to proofread first, then show the errors they find and suggest treatments * Notice them to ask the author their uncertainties and discuss together - Go around to control the activity and give suggestions as requested - Let sts work in groups for about 10’ and then ask them to receive their papers and rewrite as suggested >> Aims: to check sts' work Homework: (1min) - Revise the second draft and rewrite if needed turn right/left centre) keep walking walk past ( a medical take the first/second - Do the writing task - Work in groups as required - Edit their own papers - Take note Classroom observation Date: 8th May 2010 By: Teacher Class: 10A8 Number of students: 45 Lesson: writing- Unit Time: 45 minutes Purpose of the lesson: Students know the ways to describe information from a table then write into passage Teacher's Activities Warm up (4 min) - Ask sts to give whales’ features that they most prefer - Lead in the lesson: Interpreting facts and figures Pre- Writing (20 min) Task 1: (page 99 ) - Explain the aim of the task - Get sts to read the passage quickly (3 minutes) - Explain the new word and grammar Students' Activities - Discuss with the whole as teacher guides (Listen and answer.) - Listen to the teacher - Some work in pair, some work individually and read the text carefully - Listen and take note 61 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com sperm whales ['spə:m'weil] (n) ( ng v t h c) c nh t ng Offspring ['ɔ:fspriη] (n) Life span:kho ng th i gian c i g k o d i ho c m r ng t l c b t u n l c k t th c tricks: tr gian tr ; tr b p b m m nh l i; th thu t; b quy t - Ask sts to fill in the table shortly and compare with their partners (5’) - Check Task 2: (page 101) - Ask sts to look at the table about dolphin in task and explain the new words and phrases: coastal water: ['koustəl] (adj) (thu c) b bi n; (thu c) mi n ven bi n, (thu c) mi n duyên h i carnivores ['kɑ:nivɔ:] (n) ng v t n th t calf [kɑ:f] (n)- s nhi u calves: th (voi con, c voi con, nai con, ngh ) - Ask sts to read and repeat in chorus all the new words in Task and - Listen and correct While-writing: (12min) - Ask sts to write a passage about the dolphins according to the information in the table in task (in separated papers) - Ask sts to consult the passage in task - Go around and give new words or suggestions as requested - Let sts write in about 9-10’ Some can not finish in 10’ It takes them up to 12’ Post-writing: (8min) - Ask randomly students to read aloud their work, other sts listen and then teacher gives general comments on the content and organization - Collect all the students’ papers for revision and promise to return in the next lesson (In the next lesson, teacher return the papers with errors identified and ask sts to rewrite at home) Homework : (1min) Write a short passage about another sea animal they know - Listen and take note - Read the words - Write a passage - Group work - Write a short passage about the sea animals Classroom observation Date: 22nd January 2011 By: Teacher Class: 10A4 Number of students: 43 62 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Lesson: writing- Unit 10 Time: 45 minutes Purpose of the lesson: write a letter to accept or refuse an invitation letter Teacher’s Activities Warm-up (5 minutes) - Ask sts to discuss in pairs about the kinds of letter they learnt and the differences among those kinds of letter - Asks two students to give out the ideas and lead in the new type: writing a letter of invitation Pre-writing (20 minutes) Task (10’) - Explain the requirement of task and ask sts to the task in pairs - Walk around the class to monitor and help sts (Let sts work in about 3’) - Call pairs to give the answers - Check and ask sts to write down the keys in their notebook - Consolidate the task with phrases and structures and emphasize the purposes of those expressions (invite sbd to sth) Task 2: (10’) - Explain the requirement of task and ask sts to work in pairs again and Task - Go around and help as requested (Let sts to work in about 4’) - Call three pairs to give the answers and other pairs feedback (agree/ disagree) - Correct students’ answers Students’ Activities - Discuss with the whole to find out the format of a letter of invitation basing on the letters in Task FORMAT  Greeting  Give the reason/ occasion  State the invitation  Closing While writing: (15 minutes) - Explain the requirement of Task and ask sts to look at the prompts in the textbooks to scan for any prompt that they not understand - Explain all the new words and structures as sts request (4’) - Ask sts to write the letter of invitation using those prompts Three sts write on the blackboard while others write in their notebooks - Walk around and offer help as requested Let sts write in about 9-10’ - Ask all stop writing and check Post writing: (5 min) - Discuss with the whole - Work in pairs - Two sts raise the ideas - Listen and sit in pairs to Task - pairs read aloud the halves matched together - Listen and take note - Listen to teacher and sit in pairs to Task - pairs give the answers - Listen and take note - Take note - Listen and as asked - Ask the teacher to explain the new words and structures, then take note - Write the letter in task Three sts write on the blackboard while others write in their notebooks 63 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - Read aloud the three students’ work on the board - Listen and feedback Teacher gives feedback on the content, organization and underline the errors - Ask sts to suggest how to correct those mistakes - Discuss with the whole about the errors and correct them -Help sts to correct mistakes (typical mistake - Listen correction) Homework: (1min) - Ask sts to write a letter to invite his/ her friend to - Take note go shopping with at the weekend Classroom observation Date: 12th January 2011 By: Teacher Class: 10A1 Number of students: 48 Lesson: writing- Unit 11 Time: 45 minutes Purpose of the lesson: Students can write a letter of acceptance or refusal Teacher's activities Homework checking :( mins) - Ask one st to talk about the special features of Cuc Phuong National Park - Ask other sts to listen to their friend and give remarks - Check and give remarks Pre writing:( 18 mins) + Task 1: - Introduce the topic of the lesson: Write a letter of acceptance or refusal - Introduce some new words: + a'cceptance (n): the noun of "accept" +re'fusal (n) : the noun of " refuse" + dec'line (v) : refuse sth offered ( politely) - Ask sts to listen and repeat and then copy down these words into their notebooks - Ask sts to read the expressions in the table in Task (2’) - Remind sts of three invitation letters that they have already read in Unit 10 and ask them to work in pairs to complete three reply letters by using the expressions in the table - Ask sts to in minutes and move around to help - Get feedback and give remarks + Task 2: - Remind sts of the letter Nam wrote to Lam to invite Lam to spend a weekend with him (Unit 10) And now Lam write a letter accepting Nam's invitation (prompts in Task 2) Students' activities - One st talks as requested - Others listen to their friend and give remarks - Listen to the teacher - Listen - Copy down notebooks the words into their - Read the word in chorus - Do the task in pairs - Share their answer with their friends - Present their ideas - Listen to the teacher - Listen 64 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - Ask sts to work in pairs to rearrange the sentences into a letter (4’) - Move round to help - Call some pairs to give the answers and correct + Format and structures - Remind sts of language used in informal letters and the format FORMAT  Greeting  Thanking for the invitation  Stating the acceptance politely with delight refusal politely with regret  Closing While writing:( 12 mins) - Ask sts to read the requirement of task - Explain the requirements and ask them to write a letter accepting or declining his/her friend's invitation - Suggest that they use letters in task and task as sample letters - Let sts write in 10- 12 minutes - Move around to conduct the activity Post writing:(10 mins) - Get students’ papers (in four different corners), read aloud and feedback Teacher’s feedback focuses on content, organization and typical errors (in Vietnamese) - Give the corrections - Pick 12 papers from students, three each group to comment at home and promise to return in the next lesson Homework: (1min) - Rewrite the letter and write a letter in contrast (accept/ refuse) - Work in pairs to rearrange the sentences into a letter - Present their ideas and take note the keys - Listen to the teacher - Take note - Read the requirement - Listen to the teacher - Do the writing task - Listen - Take note 65 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com APPENDIX C: CHECKLISTS AND ERROR CODES Checklist for writing papers Organization (/ )  Is there a clear introduction, body, and conclusion?  Is the purpose of the writing clear?  Are there sufficient transitions between related ideas?  Is the overall organization murky or clean? Content and Style (/ )  Has the writer reached the aim of the writing and used sufficient examples or details to make his or her points clear?  Does the writing aim at the certain audience?  Is the length appropriate and adequate?  Is the tone of the writing appropriate? Language (/ )  Is the writing grammatically correct?  Does the text use correct punctuation and capitalization?  Are the words meaningful? Symbols for correcting mistakes Symbols S/V VF Examples Meaning It take time away from other activities Wrong agreement If you free, can we meet? fragment sentence Next week, I have a day off Wrong tense or I will come back visit Bacninh on Saturday VC The lifespan of dolphins can live from 25 to 65 Verb choice years WF We can not study English good in such Word form conditions There is not a native teacher but there are Vietnamese teacher WW Dolphins can be found in all oceans on the Wrong word world They aren’t huge by sperm whale 66 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com W.O ^  A dolphin smallest is 1.2 meter in length Word order Look forward to hearing ^ you soon Something is missing How are the members in the your family? Delete the word/ phrase Can you help me buy all thing fruits and bring all the fruits to my house? Sp I feel like visiting you because … Wrong spelling I will bring to you house an hour before the party C.o To watch VTV1, VTV2, VTV3 and VTV4, you Connector revising can press number 1, 2, or You say all the classrooms are air- conditioned and there is only one C I’m pleased that you have decided to come here Capitalization for the new year My english teacher always comes late P Dear Lien Wrong punctuation If you are free, can you help buy all the things for the party ? But have 42 in the class I study I don’t understand what They aren’t fish that they are mammals you mean? 67 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com APPENDIX D: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS The researcher of this study is carrying out a study on the effectiveness of post writing activities applied in improving grade 10 students’ English writing skill at Gia Binh high school The author hopes that the study’s result will contribute a lot in improving teaching and learning English at this school Therefore, your participations in responding the interview questions are highly appreciated Your opinions will play an important role in doing this research All the information provided by you is solely for the study purpose and you can feel pleased to use either English or Vietnamese Interview 1: Name: …………………………… Personal detail: Your age: ………………………… Sex: male/ female Your status: tenured/ contracted How long have you taught English? What you think of teaching English writing skill and teaching English writing as a process in our school? How you often process your writing lesson? Do you divide your lesson into stages namely pre-writing, writing, and post-writing in a writing lesson? How you often conduct your post- writing activities? How important you think post writing activities contribute to improve learners’ writing proficiency? (Your measurement) a very important b a bit important c unimportant Your measurement: …………………… (%) Thanks for your participation! 68 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Interview 2: (after class hours attended) Which post- writing activities you use in your writing lesson? Why you decide to use this activity? Can you give a brief description of the procedure and its specific aims? Can you give a short review of the activity’s advantages and disadvantages? Do you find your students are interested in the activity? (teachers’ observations) Do you find this/ these post- writing activity(ies) really help your students improve writing skill ? (Teachers’ assessment) Thanks for your participation! 69 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com SURVEY QUESTIONAIRE (In English) This survey questionnaire is designed for my research into the effectiveness of post writing activities applied in improving grade 10 students’ English writing skill at Gia Binh high school Your assistance in completing the survey is highly appreciated All the information provided by you is solely for the study purpose and you can be confident that you will not be identified in any discussion of the data Please use either English or Vietnamese You are welcome to fulfill this questionnaire by circle the alternative that match(es) to your case (it’s possible to choose more than one choice Do have any more ideas, please fill in the blanks left.) Your group: ………………………… Sex: male/ female Since when have you learnt English? A Grade B grade 10 C in primary D other: ……… How long have you learnt English in separate sections Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing? A year B years C > years D other: ……… How often you have post writing activities in class? A always B sometimes C never D other………… What you think of post- writing activities? A interesting and essential B essential but boring C unessential D other: …………………… Which post- writing activities you often take part in? A self- correction B peer correction C group correction D teacher’s feedback E other: ………………………………………………………………………… Which post- writing activities you find most effective? A self- correction B peer correction C group correction D teacher’s feedback E other: ………………………………………………………………………… What you think of each post- writing activity? Why? (for one you did not use to take part in please show at the choice “D other”) 7.1 Self- correction A effective and interesting B effective but boring C ineffective D other: ……………………………………… 70 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Reason: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… 7.2 Peer correction A effective and interesting B effective but boring C ineffective D other: ……………………………………… Reason: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… 7.3 Group correction A effective and interesting B effective but boring C ineffective D other: ……………………………………… Reason: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… 7.4 Teacher’s feedback A effective and interesting B effective but boring C ineffective D other: ……………………………………… Reason: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… 7.5 Your other activity: ……………………………………… A effective and interesting B effective but boring C ineffective D other: ……………………………………… Reason: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… Do you find more improved in the skill thank to post- writing activities or other factors? How much? Improved a lot Some Very little Nothing (1) (2) (3) (4) A post- writing activities B other factors Reason: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… What you expect from your teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback? State your point of view …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 Do you have any suggestions to improve your writing lessons? …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Thanks for your participation! 71 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com PHIẾU THĂM DÒ Ý KIẾN Ch ng ang ti n h nh m t nghiên cứu v t nh hiệu qu c a c c hoạt ng sau vi t việc h c kỹ n ng vi t ti ng Anh c a h c sinh l p 10 trư ng THPT Gia B nh s v i hy v ng có th có thay ổi phù h p việc dạy v h c kỹ n ng vi t ti ng Anh trư ng góp ph n gi p h c sinh kh i 10 trư ng c i thiện kỹ n ng n y v thu c k t qu h c t p cao môn h c n m h c s p t i Đ ạt c mục ch nêu ch ng nh gi cao việc tham gia óng góp ý ki n c a c c bạn h c sinh l p 10 trư ng c ch tham gia tr l i phi u th m d ý ki n sau ây m t c ch kh ch quan M i ý ki n óng c a c c bạn óng vai tr quan tr ng qu tr nh t m hi u, phân t ch v tổng h p nghiên cứu Mời bạn tham gia trả lời phiếu thăm dò ý kiến cách khoanh tròn gợi ý phù hợp với (có thể khoanh nhiều đáp án cho số câu hỏi) có điền ý kiến riêng bạn vào chỗ trống Bạn b t u h c ti ng Anh c t n o? L p6 B l p 10 C trư ng ti u h c D Ý ki n kh c: ………………… Bạn b t u l m quen v i việc h c c c kỹ n ng ti ng Anh Đ c , Nói, Nghe, Vi t riêng biệt c bao lâu? A 1n m B 5n m C >5n m D Ý ki n kh c: ……………… Trong gi h c kỹ n ng Vi t, sau vi t b i bạn có c sử dụng kỹ n ng hay hoạt ng g chữa b i vi t c a m nh? A Có, thư ng xuyên B thỉnh tho ng C không D Ý ki n kh c: …………………………… Theo bạn, ph n c c hoạt ng sau vi t n y l : A hay, c n thi t B c n thi t nh m ch n C rư m r , không c n thi t D Ý ki n kh c: ……………………… C c hoạt ng sau vi t l p bạn thư ng sử dụng l : A tự chữa b i B chữa b i theo c p C chữa b i theo nhóm D chữa b i dựa nh n x t t gi o viên G hoạt ng kh c: ………………………………………………………………………… Trong c c hoạt ng thư ng tổ chức sau vi t b i gi h c vi t l p bạn, bạn nh n thấy hoạt ng n o l hiệu qu ? A tự chữa b i B chữa b i theo c p C chữa b i theo nhóm D chữa b i dựa nh n x t t gi o viên G hoạt ng kh c: ………………………………………………………………………… Bạn ưa nh gi kh ch quan c a m nh v ưu c i m c a hoạt ng: (hoạt ng n o bạn chưa t ng sử dụng ghi rõ mục Ý ki n kh c) 7.1 Hoạt ng tự chữa b i: A hay, hiệu qu B hiệu qu nh m ch n C không hiệu qu D Ý ki n kh c: ……………………………… 72 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Lý do: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… 7.2 Hoạt ng chữa b i theo c p A hay, hiệu qu B hiệu qu nh m ch n C không hiệu qu D Ý ki n kh c: …………………………….… Lý do: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… 7.3 Hoạt ng chữa b i theo nhóm A hay, hiệu qu B hiệu qu nh m ch n C không hiệu qu D Ý ki n kh c: ……………………………… Lý do: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… 7.4 Hoạt ng chữa b i dựa nh n x t c a gi o viên A hay, hiệu qu B hiệu qu nh m ch n C không hiệu qu D Ý ki n kh c: ……………………………… Lý do: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… 7.5 Hoạt ng kh c riêng c a l p bạn: ……………………………………… A hay, hiệu qu B hiệu qu nh m ch n C không hiệu qu D Ý ki n kh c: ……………………………… Lý do: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… Bạn có thấy m nh ti n b sau hoạt ng sau vi t b i m nh c tham gia? A Ti n b nhanh B Có khơng nhi u C Rất t D Không Lý do: ………………………………… ………………………………………………… Bạn thư ng mong i g t ph a gi o viên hay bạn l p c a bạn h sửa b i vi t c a bạn? Ghi rõ ý ki n c a bạn a, T gi o viên: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… b, T bạn l p: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 Bạn có ý ki n g óng góp v c c hoạt ng sau vi t gi p gi h c vi t c a l p bạn hiệu qu hơn? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Cám ơn bạn tham gia trả lời phiếu thăm dị ý kiến chúng tơi! 73 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ... download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com 2. 2 .2 The teachers The four teachers taking part in the study are in charge of teaching English in grade 10 classes in Gia Binh High School All of them are... the advantages and disadvantages of each Post- writing activity in writing lessons of grade 10 students at Gia Binh High School, Bacninh (3) to compare among these activities and evaluate the. .. English writing lessons in grade 10 at Gia Binh High School? (2) What are the 10th form teachers and learners’ attitudes to the post- writing activities applied to teach writing skill at Gia Binh High

Ngày đăng: 06/12/2022, 09:15