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  MINISTRY OF FINANCE ACADEMY OF FINANCE Student: Hoàng Ngọc Đại Group: CQ56/51.01 GRADUATION THESIS Topic : A REVISION OF THE METHODS AND PROCEDURES OF TRANSLATION IN THE MARITIME INDUSTRY AT THORESEN VINAMA CO., LTD Major: English for Finance and Accounting Student code: 17522202010135 Supervisor : Bui Thi Tuyet Mai (Ms.) Hanoi – 2022    Academy of Finance Graduation Thesis Thesis MINISTRY OF FINANCE ACADEMY OF FINANCE Student: Hoàng Ngọc Đại Group: CQ56/51.01 GRADUATION THESIS Topic : A REVISION OF THE METHODS AND PROCEDURES OF TRANSLATION IN THE MARITIME INDUSTRY AT THORESEN VINAMA CO., LTD Major: English for Finance and Accounting Student code: 1872202010005 Supervisor : Bui Thi Tuyet Mai (Ms.) Hanoi – 2022    Academy of Finance Graduation Thesis Thesis DECLARATION Letter of Declaration I hereby declare that the Graduation Project A REVISION OF THE METHODS AND PROCEDURES OF TRANSLATION IN THE MARITIME INDUSTRY is the result of my research and has never been published in any work of others During the implementation process of this project, I have seriously taken research ethics; all findings of this project are results of my research and surveys; all references in this project are cited according to regulations I bear full responsibility for the fidelity of the number and data and other  contents of my graduation project Hanoi,(day) 14th (month) March (year) 2022 Student (Signature and Full name)  Dai  Hoang Ngoc Dai ABSTRACTS This study investigated the factual state of working capital management efficiency at Thorasen-Vinama Ltd from the viewpoint of a fourth-year student of the Faculty    Academy of Finance Graduation Thesis Thesis of Foreign Language, Academy of Finance The paper focuses on finding out the deficiencies in the company's translation department and more importantly suggesting the main methods to improve the efficiency of translating in the company In achieving these goals, the graduation paper surveys the current situation of translation and assesses whether it is effective or not using different methods From the received results, the study argues the most practical implications for Thorasen-Vinama Ltd to improve the efficiency of the translation process of the company in the upcoming future ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deep gratitude to all those who have given me the  possibility to complete this graduation thesis In preparing this graduation thesis, I have had generous help and advice from my adviser, colleagues, family, and friends I would like to express my great thanks to all of them    Academy of Finance Graduation Thesis Thesis First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Ms Bui Thi Tuyet Mai, lecturer at the Academy of Finance, who has given immense help and constant guidance with many careful instructions and comments and valuable advice to me whenever I need Without her support, I am not able to have a complete thesis Second, I wish to show my sincere thanks to all my teachers at the Academy of Finance, who have provided me with a great education throughout my years of study Moreover, I have furthermore to thank the staff of Thorasen-Vinama Ltd for their valuable support during the internship period Without their help, it would be impossible for me to finish this work Last but not least, I would like to send my loving thanks to my family whose love and care in both spirit and health encouraged me to complete the thesis LISTS OF ABBREVIATIONS ST: Source Text TT: Target Text SL: Source Language TL: Target Language LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES    Academy of Finance Graduation Thesis Thesis List Chart 1: General hierarchy of THORESEN - VINAMA CO., LTD Page 11 Chart 2: Assessment of the translation quality of documents at 16 Thorasen-Vinama Ltd 17 Chart 3: Criteria used to assess translation quality Chart 4: Level of each criterion assessed 17 TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ABSTRACT iii iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vi LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES vi TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION vii 1 Rationale of the study Aims of the study    Academy of Finance Graduation Thesis Thesis Scope of the study Methods of the study Organization of the study CHAP CH APTE TER R 1: TH THEO EORE RETI TICA CAL L BA BASI SIS S OF TR TRAN ANSL SLAT ATIO ION N 1.1 Overview of the theory of translation   1.1.1 Definition of translation 1.1.2 Basics of translation 1.2 Overview of translation methods 1.2.1 Principles of translating 1.2.2 Methods of translating 1.2.3 Difficulties of translating Problems of equivalence Loss and gain 6 Untranslatability 1.2.4 The role of translation 1.2.5 Factors affecting translation CHAPTER 2: THE STUDY 2.1 Overview of THORASEN-VINAMA Ltd2.1.1 Introduction of THORASENVINAMA Ltd 2.1.2 History of formation and development 2.1.3 Company organization 9 11 2.2 The current situation of translation of documents at THORASEN-VINAMA Ltd 12 2.2.1 Overview of service of THORASEN-VINAMA Ltd 12 2.2.2 The current translation quality of documents at THORASEN-VINAMA Ltd 12 Factors influencing the translation quality 12    Academy of Finance Graduation Thesis Thesis Assessment of current translation quality of documents at Thorasen-Vinama Ltd 14 a Criteria to assess the translation quality 14  b Data collection and analysis 15 CHAPTER 3: SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF TRANSLATION IN THORASEN-VINAMA Ltd 19 3.1 Strengths and weaknesses of translation at THORASEN-VINAMA Ltd 19 3.1.1 Strengths of translation of the documents 19 3.1.2 Weaknesses with the translation of documents 20 3.2 Solutions for translator 20 3.2.1 Improving the translators’ knowledge of the field 20 3.2.2 Organizing translation programs 21 CONCLUSION viii REFERENCES APPENDIX ix x    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis INTRODUCTION RATIONALE OF THE STUDY In the maritime industry, translation plays an essential role to maintain the smooth running of a business No business can run successfully without mutual understanding  between companies companies because it is considered the bridge beyond the borders of an enterprise Companies that have paid a lot of attention to translation and use them efficiently gain a lot of benefits to generate much more working efficiency internally, thereby lowering costs, and improving their performance This affects the fluidity and smoothness of communication between enterprises and adversely affects the whole working process Therefore, to get rid of miscommunication and errors, businesses should ask themselves “How to improve the efficiency of translation” This is not a simple question, but a hard question that enterprises aren't solving immediately They should have appropriate, proper, and reasonable methods that can draw different ways to improve the efficiency of the translation process simultaneo simultaneously usly focusing on the quality of the translation results to be on time and keep clear communication To be aware of the importance of translating and be inspired by the necessity of an effective translation  process during my intern intern time at Thora Thorasen-Vinama sen-Vinama Ltd Ltd,, as well as ba based sed on the knowledge and practical experiences experiences I got during the internship, I’m going to choose the topic: “A REVISION OF THE METHODS AND PROCEDURES OF TRANSLATION IN THE MARITIME INDUSTRY AT THORESEN VINAMA CO., LTD” as my graduate thesis title AIM OF THE STUDY - To provide the knowledge and information on translation activitie activitiess at Thorasen-Vinama Ltd  - To understand the situation of translation activitie activitiess at Thorasen-Vinama Ltd  - To identify and assess the causes of the deficiencies of Thorasen-Vinama Ltd ‘s translation department - To suggest main methods to improve and strengthen the efficiency of translation during work METHODS OF THE STUDY Based on knowledge at the academy, books, and self-accumulation and to achieve these above objectives, several methods of studying the thesis are used as follows:    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis - Figure collection: from websites of Thorasen-Vinama Ltd, books, the internet, and internal information of the corporation - Translation assessment methods – Document evaluation, judgment, and conclusion - Method of analyzing, summarizing, and synthesizing materials and books from the theoretical background SCOPE OF THE STUDY The research focuses on the efficiency of the translation department in Thorasen-Vinama Ltd from 2021 to 2022 and suggestions to improve this task ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY Besides the Contents, Introduction, Conclusion, and References, the thesis consists of chapters    Chapter 1: This chapter provides a general overview of translation theory and the importance of improving the quality of translation Chapter 2: The main part of the thesis It gives an overview of the translating  process of Thorasen-Vinama Thorasen-Vinama Ltd and uses different me methods thods to asses assesss it Chapter 3: This chapter gives the directions for the future development of Thorasen-Vinama Ltd and provides some practical resolutions to enhance the efficiency of translating in this company CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BASIS OF TRANSLATION 1.1 Overview of the theory of translation 1.1.1 1.1 Def Defini initio tion n of tra trans nslat lation ion What is the most basic definition of translation? It is the act of converting the meaning of a text from one language into another in the way that the author intended the text to be It sounds like a fairly simple task If one writes well in one language, then it would be fair to assume they can it in another. As another  As the    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis great novelist, Günter Grass once said: “Translation is that which transforms everything so that nothing changes.” The translation is finding the proper equilibrium between conveying the sense and beauty of the initial text and making the target conversion more efficient and effective 1.1.2 1.1 Bas Basics ics of tr trans anslat lation ion The form of the source language (the language of the text to be translated) is replaced by the form of the target language during translation (the language of the translated text) Translation's goal is to convey the meaning of the source language (SL) to the target language (TL) (TL) This is accomplished  by using semantic structure to trans transition ition from the first language's form to the the second language's form It's meaning that's being transmitted, and it has to stay the same Only the appearance changes Furthermore, translation translation necessitatess not only a comprehension of the communication's broad meaning necessitate  but also the ability ability to comprehend the communication's cul culture ture 1.2 Overview of translation methods 1.2.1 1.2 Pri Princi nciple pless of tra transl nslati ating ng a  Meaning  The meaning of the original text should be faithfully reflected in the translation Nothing should be added or removed at random Consider the following questions: - is th thee mean meaning ing of th thee ori origin ginal al tex textt cle clear? ar? If no not, t, whe where re doe doess the unc uncert ertain ainty ty lie? ar aree an anyy wo word rdss “l “loa oade ded” d”,, th that at is, are th ther eree an anyy unde underl rlyi ying ng impl implic icat atio ions ns? ? (“Correct me if I’m wrong ” suggests “I know I’m right”) is tthe he di diction ctionary ary meani meaning ng of a par particul ticular ar wo word rd th thee mo most st ssuitab uitable le o one? ne? doe doess any anythi thing ng in tthe he tr trans anslat lation ion ssoun ound d unn unnatu atural ral o orr for forced ced? ? b Form The sequence of words and ideas in the translation should be as near as feasible to the originals c Register  In a given setting, languages often differ greatly in terms of formality (say, the busi business ness letter) letter) To reco reconcile ncile these disp dispariti arities, es, the trans translato latorr must differen differentiate tiate  between formal or fixed expressions and personal expressions, in which the tone is defined by the writer or speaker Also, consider : - If tr tran ansl slat ated ed li lite tera rall lly, y, wo woul uld d an anyy expr expres essi sion on in the the or orig igin inal al so soun und d too too  formal/informal,  formal/inform al, cold/warm, pe personal/imperson rsonal/impersonal ? al ? - What is the speaker's or writer's intent? (in order to persuade/dissuade, apologize/criticize?) apologize/crit icize?) Is it reflected in the translation?    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis d Source language influence "It doesn't sound natural," says one of the most common obje ob ject ctio ions ns to tran transl slat atio ion n Th This is is be beca caus usee th thee so sour urce ce te text xt gr grea eatl tly y in infl flue uenc nces es the the translator's views and word choices Setting the material aside and translating a few words from memory is an effective approach to shake off the source language (SL) influence While the eye is fixed on the SL text, this will imply natural patterns of  thought in the first language (L1) that may not occur to the mind when the eye is fixed on the SL text e Sty Style le and cla clarit rityy The origi original nal st style yle sho should uld not be cha change nged d by the trans transla latio tion n However, if the material is sloppily written or contains monotonous repetitions, the translator may correct the errors for the sake of the reader  f Idiom Idiomatic expressions are notoriously untranslatable These include similes, metaphors meta phors,, prove proverbs, rbs, sayin sayings gs (as good as gold ), ), jargo jargon, n, slan slang, g, collo colloquial quialisms isms,, and  phrasal verbs If the the expressions ccannot annot be directly tra translated, nslated, try any of th thee following: - - ke keep ep the the orig origin inal al te term rm in inve vert rted ed comm commas as:: "y "yum um ch cha" a" - ke keep ep the the orig origin inal  al  expression in brackets with a literal explanation: Summer in India (dry, hazy weather in late autumn) Use a cl clos osee ssub ubst stit itu ute Use plain prose or non-idiomatic translation: a little too much = un peu excessif  The golden guideline is to not force an idiom into a translation if it does not work in the L1 1.2.2 1.2 Met Method hodss of tra transl nslati ating ng Word-for-word translation The interlinear translation is a common example, with the TL right below the SL words Out of context, the SL word order is retained, and the words are translated singly by their most common  Literal translation The SL grammatical structures are converted to their closest TL equivalents, while the lexical words are translated separately and out of context once more This serves as a  pre-translation indicator indicator of the iss issues ues that need to b bee addressed Faithful translation Within the restrictions of the TL grammatical structures, an accurate translation seeks to capture the original's precise contextual meaning It 'translates' cultural words while maintaining grammatical and lexical 'abnormality' (difference from SL standards) in the translation  Semantic translation    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis Semantic translation differs from 'faithful translation' primarily in that it must take into ac acco coun untt th thee SL te text xt's 's ae aest sthe heti ticc va valu luee (t (tha hatt is is,, its its at attr trac acti tive ve an and d na natu tura rall so soun und) d),, sacrificing'meaning' when necessary so that no assonance, word-play, or repetition jars in the fin final al for form m It may als also o tra transl nslat atee le less ss imp import ortant ant cul cultur tural al ter termin minolo ology gy usi using ng culturally neutral third party or functional terms rather than cultural equivalents The difference between 'faithful' and ‘semantic’ translation is that the former is rigid and dogmatic, whilst the latter is more flexible, allows for a creative exception to 100% fidelity, and allows for the translator's instinctive empathy with the original  Adaptation This is the ‘freest’ form of translation It is primarily utilized for plays (comedies) and  poetry, with the themes, characters, and storylines being kept, the SL culture being translated to the TL culture, and the text being rewritten by a well-known dramatist or   poet Free translation Free translation reproduces the matter without the manner or the content without the form of the original Usually, it is a paraphrase much longer than the original, a socalled ‘intralingual translation’  Idiomatic translation Idiomatic translation reproduces the original's message, but it tends to distort nuances of  meaning by favoring colloquialisms and idioms in places where they don't exist in the original Communicative translation The communicative translation aims to convey the original's accurate contextual meaning in a way that the readership will find both content and language acceptabl acceptablee and understandable 1.2.3 Difficulties in translating Problems of equivalenc equivalencee Translator Anton Popovic distinguishes four types of equivalence: (1) Linguistic equivalence, (1) Linguistic equivalence, where there is homogeneity on the linguistic level of   both SL and TL texts, texts, i.e word for word tr translation anslation (2) Paradigmatic (2)  Paradigmatic equivalence, equivalence, where there is the equivalence of “the elements of  a paradigmatic expressive axis”, i.e elements of grammar, which Popovic sees as being a higher category than the lexical equivalence (3) Stylistic (translational) equivalence equivalence,, where there is “functional equivalence of  elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive identity with an invariant of identical meaning.” (4) Textual (syntagmatic) equivalence, equivalence, where form and shape are equivalent    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis Equivalen Equiva lence ce in tra trans nslat lation ion sho should uld not be vi viewe ewed d as a que quest st for sim simila ilarit rity, y, bec becaus ausee similarity cannot exist between two TL versions of the same text, much less between the SL and the TL version Popovic's four types are a good place to start Loss and gain As soon as the precept is familiar that sameness can not exist between two languages, it  becomes feasible feasible to approach the qu query ery of loss and adva advantage ntage inside the ttranslation ranslation technique It's far again an illustration of the low reputation of translation that so much time needs to have been spent on discussing what's misplaced within the switch of a text from SL to TL while ignoring what also can be won, for the translator can at times improve or make clear the SL textual content as an instantaneous result of the interpretation process Furthermore, Furthermore, what is often seen as “lost” from the SL context may  be replaced in the the TL context? The issues of loss and advantage in translation, specifically the problems encountered via the translator while confronted with phrases or concepts within the SL that don't exist in the TL can be visible in vocabulary, grammar, rhythm, which means … Untranslatab Untranslatability ility When difficulties are encountered using the translator, the complete issue of the translatability translatabili ty of the textual content is raised Linguist J.C Catford distinguishes varieties of untranslatability, which he phrases as linguistic and cultural On the linguistic level, untranslatability untranslatabil ity takes place whilst there may be no lexical or syntactical substitu substitute te inside the TL for an SL item Catford’s category of linguistic untranslatabili untranslatability, ty, which is likewise proposed using Popovie, is easy, however, his 2d category is more intricate Linguistic untranslatability, he argues, is because of variations inside the SL and the TL, whereas cultural untranslatability untranslatabil ity is due to the absence inside the TL tradition of a relevant situational characteristicc for the SL text characteristi 1.2.4 The role of translation Language is so much more than just a means of communication for us It is a reflection of  a person's culture, society, and beliefs Thousands of cultures exist around the world, each of which uses its language to convey the nuances of its daily life Consider the tremendous cultural resources that would be lost if people abandoned their native tongues in favor of a single universal language Other languages, on the other hand, may be unable to communicate particular feelings, emotions, or exact descriptions    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis 1.2.5 Factors affecting translation  Different types of the source text  text  The combined communicating code between the sender and the receiver is known as text Texts were divided into three groups by Newmark: (1) Expressive text: which includes serious literary works such as poetry, long stories, novels, and drama, among others; authoritative speech, such as political speeches or documents, various rules and law documents, science, philosophy works, autobiography, prose, and personal letters; and authoritative speech, such as political speeches or documents, various rules, and law documents, and science, philosophy works, autobiography, prose, and personal letters (2) Text that provides information, such as science, technology, business, industry, and the economy, as well as teaching materials, technical reports, articles, newspaper and magazine articles, essays, essays, memos, and conference records (3) Appellative text: for example, a notification, a specification, a publicized manual, and so on  Purpose of translation According to Skopos’s theory, judging translation faults cannot be only dependent on whether or not the translation is correct or faithful to the source language Skopos’s theory coherence principle dictates that the translation's text be readable and acceptable to the target language's reader It's crucial to check if it's in line with the translation's goal Different translation methodologies methodologies should be used for diverse readers and translation  purposes, resulting resulting in different functionalities functionalities in the ttarget arget language The ssuccess uccess or failure of a text translation is mostly determined by whether the translation's goal is met From this perspective, a translator's ability to select the appropriate translation objective is a necessary trait Target readers According to Peter Newmark, readers can be divided into three categories: uniformed  people, educated laymen, laymen, and experts experts Different generat generations ions of target langu language age readers may accept the source language and culture differently, resulting in many readings of the same work from the same historical period Because the same word can have multiple meanings at different times, the reader's knowledge, experience, and emotional items are influenced by a variety of characterist characteristics, ics, including age, gender, ethnicity, educational  background, and occupation occupation As a result, readers of all llevels evels require differe different nt translation works, allowing translators to submit several translation versions to fulfill the needs of various readers    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis CHAPTER 2: THE STUDY 2.1 Overview of THORASEN THORASEN-VINAMA -VINAMA Ltd   2.1.1 Introduction of THORASEN THORASEN-VINAMA -VINAMA Ltd Vietnamese name: Công ty TNHH THORESEN - VINAMA LOGISTICS International transaction name: THORESEN THORESEN - VI NA MA LOGISTICS COMPANY LIMITED Abbreviated name: THORESEN - VINAMA CO., LTD Tax Identification Number: 0306464707-001 Head Office: Petroland Tower, 17th Floor, 12 Tan Trao Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: (84 028) 38 113 204 Fax: +84 28 5417 1919 Representative Office: ROOM 432, Thanh Dat Building, No Le Thanh Tong Street, Representative  Ngo Quyen District, District, Hai Phong, V Vietnam ietnam  Number of staff: 10 Hotline: Ngô Xuân Giang Hotline: Ngô Giang (Mr.):  (Mr.): 0989199628 Tel: +(84-225) 3250998 Fax : +(84-225) 3250997 Email: giangnx@vinama.net Website: https://thoresenvinama.com/en/ Establishment: 09/05/2011   2.1.2 History of formation and development Started as Vinama Agencies in 1993 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, THORESEN VINAMA CO., LTD is today a major player as a shipping-trading-logistics shipping-trading-logistics joint venture company The main shareholders are Thoresen Thai Agencies Bangkok, Elkem Chartering Oslo, and Yamamizu Singapore While the head office remains in Ho Chi    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis Minh City, they have established branch offices in Phu My, Vung Tau, and Hai Phong, where 36 dedicated professional staff cover the requirements of their customers in all Vietnamese ports With long-established long-established connections, they are also able to serve customers in Cambodia and Laos The company today can offer full logistic services for their clients in the South of Vietnam – from bringing the vessels alongside to respective ports, to stevedoring and port captain service, to trucking and warehousing as well as all related agency and husbandry matters Through their in-house chartering team, they can also assist with freight requirements Thorasen-Vinama Ltd services include tug boats, trucking, warehouses, chartering and  brokering, marine logistics, logistics, and agenc agency y The fleet today consists of two modern 5,000HP Azimuth tug boats, which are located in Baria Serece port on the Thi Vai River, allowing them to assist vessels up to DWT 100,000t to navigate safely to and from pilot station to respective berths The tug boats are staffed by a highly qualified crew and are operating 24/7 for vessels calling all Thi Vai river ports, as well as a port, calls Ho Chi Minh mid-stream ports With an increased demand concerning volume as well as vessel size, TVT has two additional 5,000HP tug  boats on order and is looking looking to even further in increase crease the flee fleett by the beginning of 2021 On 14th Dec 2021, is a special day with TVT they have reached a milestone with 1001 times port calling It means they have served 500 vessels from beginning to now as recorded   2.1.3 Company organization    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis Chart 1: General hierarchy of THORESEN - VINAMA CO., LTD The company is controlled by Mr Sigmund Stroemme – the Executive chairman who manages the company’s overall activities Below is the diagram showing the hierarchy of the company The above diagram describes the current organizational structure of THORASEN-VINAMA THORASEN -VINAMA Ltd As can be seen from the chart, the Executive chairman is in the highest position in the company under the control of Mr Sigmund Stroemme who has full authority to perform the rights and obligations on behalf of the company Under his  position is the general general director-Mr director-Mr La Nhat Quang F Furthermore, urthermore, THORA THORASENSENVINAMA Ltd consists of four main departments: Forwarding Department, Chartering Department, Agency Department, and Management Department Each Department has its manager or team leader who performs the professional work, supplies concrete guidance in the activities of the department, and makes sure that everything is on work and able to meet the deadlines In terms of the Agency Department only, plays a critical role in the operation and development of the company as it takes responsibility for the logistics end of the company This department currently consists of five leaders: each of which manages the    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis TVA Hai Phong, the tankers/steel/dry sector, a manager in the project cargo sector, the TVA Vau Tau sector, and the port D/A-marine logistics department 2.2 The current situation of translation of documents at THORASEN-VINAMA Ltd 2.2.1 Overview of service of THORASEN-VINAMA Ltd In general, about 10-11 documents are received by THORASEN-VINAM THORASEN-VINAMA A Ltd every day, each of which needs time to prepare before sending to the harbor During the  preparation time, different departme departments nts are responsibl responsiblee for separate w work ork Terms of the TVA Hai Phong Department, they have to prepare legal documents, infographics, and logistics related to the upcoming shipment’s information including time, place, and content inside the cargos, … in both Vietnamese and English forms to provide more information about the shipment for their customers as well as maintaining communication as clear as possible Besides updating the shipment’s information on the company’s worksheet, THORASEN-VINAMA THORASEN-VINAMA Ltd also receives updates from the harbors such as receiving constant updates on the shipment arrival and Infos As a result, the customers can be informed about their cargo fast and efficiently It can be seen how well-prepared these legal documents, emails, and reports play a key position in the output of any logistical work by THORASEN THORASEN-VINAMA -VINAMA Ltd 2.2.2 The current translation quality of documents at THORASEN-VINAMA THORASEN-VINAMA Ltd Factors influencing the translation quality Theoretically, there are several factors affecting translation quality Nonetheless, to examine more about these factors in fact, I have asked the staff members who are in charge of translating documents about the influences that they think critically affect the translation efficiency of documents The first thing that comes to their mind is the quality of the source text Since the meaning of the translation must be authentic to the source document, the translation's quality is primarily determined by the source text's quality The truth is that the translation can be as good as the source text only when any mistakes, omissions, or flaws are eliminated in the final product Fortunately, the source document is created by other staff in the Logistics Department who are professionals in this field, so nearly all source texts have very few errors, which helps the translation process become a breeze and the final translation can be of high quality The second factor is timing Translation cannot be rushed Once they are given the source document to translate and a deadline, they always arrange a timeline and allocate work and be able to finish the translation before the deadline Furthermore, the deadline for translation must be reasonable for the translators to work with The translators not only have to come up with a proper translation of the word or phrase but they also have to    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis focus on grammar, style, and specific terminology, which requires a considerable amount of time Besides revising the translation by going through dictionaries and other resources, they also have to revise the translation a couple of times again for fine-tuning, etc If they are forced to work in a hurry, they cannot guarantee the quality of the translation as they are concentrated on the deadline, not the quality Therefore, the manager of the department always sets an appropriate deadline, from those who are responsible for creating the source documents to those who are in charge of translating these documents The top requirement for the translators is to hand in the most complete translation with sufficient information and high-quality wordings and sentence structure to attend to customers’ concerns about their shipments and cargo The third factors that they agree on are experience and knowledge of the translator Both of them acknowledge the importance of a well-knowledged and experienced translator in creating a great translation The translator that is familiar with the text’s particular subject matter will know which sources are most suitable for researching terminology within the area and the right form to perform In some cases, translators also receive documents that are not their major, but the quality of these translation translationss will be not as good as the translations of their specialized sector However, translators in the Logistics Department at Thorasen-Vinama Ltd are specialized in the linguistic sector (English and French) and mostly focus on translating documents from Vietnamese into English and vice versa; thus, the high quality of these documents in terms of wording can be expected During the translation process, they always try to improve their vocabulary and word usage to create a complete translation that can convey the right content of the documents Finally, the final editing is what the translators put in the list of factors affecting the translation quality of the documents According to them, the last phase of the translation  process plays an important role in gua guaranteeing ranteeing the trans translation’s lation’s quality quality In this phase, the translation will be reviewed once or twice and all the errors or inconsistent terminology will be fixed However, translators, are aware of the importance of this step The more careful they review the better the translation is They always try their best and make use of their knowledge and experience to provide the most complete translation with the best quality Therefore, this final editing phase is essential Assessment of current translation quality of documents at Thorasen-Vinama Ltd a Criteria to assess the translation quality Commonly, the language in the source documents is Vietnamese, and the language in the target text is English Translators must translate the source text into the target text, conveying the information and content to the company’s partners and customers The translators, often evaluate the translation quality of documents by four main criteria namely: accuracy, naturalness, clarity, and consistency    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis A good quality translation should convey the tone and the message as precisely as  possible The translation translation servic services es should consider regional and cultural factors while translating for the target customer The following factors can determine translation quality: Translated content rightly conveys the meaning of the original text, words, and expressions used are in line with the target audience, no room for spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, follow guidelines for dates, addresses, and measurements, preserve the style of the source material, uphold consistency and flow, meet all the requirements of  the client, evaluating errors The gravity of errors is equally important Some errors can be overlooked as they don’t affect the usability and understanding of the translated content However, a few mistakes are just not worth the risk A good translator will look into these errors and categorize them to produce a high-quality translation A reliable translator will use editors and translators who speak the target language It is crucial to have someone translate the document who understands the target language and technicality Expertise Expertise in the subject matter also goes a long way in assuring a highquality translation To get the best quality translation, an experienced language translator plays a vital role,  but that in itself itself is not enough A tran translation slation process should go through a double and triple quality check Once the first round of translation is over, it should be sent to another experienced translator for editing The editor then compares the translated piece with the source text and ensures an error-free translation The first translator incorporates changes and revises to finalize the translated document To ensure that all the client’s requirements are met, one last check of assessment is necessary In conclusion, translating is not easy, and assessing the translated document is even more taxing A high-quality translation can be achieved when a translator follows best  practices, adhere adhere to strict chec checking king policies, and communicate at aall ll points in the process process  b Data collection collection and analysis To understand how another staff assesses transla translation tion quality, I created a short survey for fellow staff to complete The form is created in the Google form with four questions related to the current translation quality of documents at Thorasen-Vinama Ltd Most of these questions are multiple answer ones, except for the last one which requires a written answer I have sent the survey to my fellow staff  Question 1: In general, how you assess the translation quality of documents at Thorasen-Vinama Ltd? Before going into details, I would like to know how they rate the translation quality in general (on a scale of to 5)(1 is bad and is excellent)    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis ... internet, and internal information of the corporation - Translation assessment methods – Document evaluation, judgment, and conclusion - Method of analyzing, summarizing, and synthesizing materials and. .. translate and a deadline, they always arrange a timeline and allocate work and be able to finish the translation before the deadline Furthermore, the deadline for translation must be reasonable... standards) in the translation  Semantic translation    Academyy of Finance  Academ Finance Graduation Gradua tion Thesis Semantic translation differs from ''faithful translation'' primarily in

Ngày đăng: 01/12/2022, 18:03
