Exercise 1 ENGLISH LIGHTS YOUR HOME® 1 BEG 10 1 Worksheet 1 Future time Read the sentences In the blank space in front of each sentence, write the letter of the person who is speaking the words One it[.]
ENGLISH LIGHTS YOUR HOME® BEG 10-1 Worksheet 1: Future time Read the sentences In the blank space in front of each sentence, write the letter of the person who is speaking the words One item is used twice a fortune teller f politician b customer in a store g scientist c doctor h sports announcer d airline captain e newscaster i student √ j weather forecaster j There’s going to be a big storm tomorrow, folks _You’re going to have a long life _The foreign ministers will meet in London next month _When will we have a test on this chapter? _The flight attendants will serve drinks and snacks _ Is the store going to be open on the holiday? _ Do these exercises every day You will improve your strength _ The team isn’t going to win, sports fans The score is 29-3 against us _ There won’t be any ice left on top of the mountains in fifty years, according to our latest study 10 _ I won’t raise taxes! foreign minister = the person in charge of a country’s relations with other countries