Exercise 1 ENGLISH LIGHTS YOUR HOME® 1 BEG 9 12 Worksheet 12 Vocabulary review Circle the letter of the word or phrase that means the same as the word or phrase in bold, or shows its meaning in the se[.]
ENGLISH LIGHTS YOUR HOME® BEG 9-12 Worksheet 12: Vocabulary review Circle the letter of the word or phrase that means the same as the word or phrase in bold, or shows its meaning in the sentence There are many copies of the Mona Lisa, but the original painting is in the Louvre Museum in Paris a final c first b first copy of d large I want to leave something for my descendants a ancestors c students b teachers d direct family in all the years ahead During the lifetime of our grandparents, there were many changes in the world a childhood c marriage b entire lives d recent years We saw a house for sale, but we could not afford to buy it a didn’t like c didn’t have enough time b didn’t really want d didn’t have enough money The audience clapped loudly because they liked the singer a sang c hit their hands together b left early d screamed loudly A: B: a b Are you the owner of that red car? No, I’m not person who has c person who stole person who wants d passenger A: What you during the daytime? B: I take care of my young children and my new baby a watch c give attention to b talk to d listen to Marco lived in Rome for ten years He doesn’t live in Rome any longer a He lives in Rome c He lived in Rome before, but he doesn’t now b He never lived in Rome d He always lived in Rome