STUDENT SCORE DISTRIBUTIONS* A P Exams May 2017 Exam Score Art History Biology Calculus AB Calculus BC Calculus BC Calculus AB Subscore Chemistry no data N % At N % At N % At N % At N % At N % At 5 2,[.]
STUDENT SCORE DISTRIBUTIONS* AP Exams - May 2017 Calculus BC Calculus AB Subscore N % At 64,197 48.4 29,862 22.5 18,684 14.1 13,277 10.0 6,485 4.9 Exam Score no data Art History N % At 2,795 11.1 5,764 22.9 6,854 27.2 6,633 26.3 3,132 12.4 Biology N % At 16,346 6.4 53,341 21.0 93,282 36.7 69,871 27.5 21,430 8.4 Calculus AB N % At 59,250 18.7 56,775 18.0 65,851 20.8 69,631 22.0 64,592 20.4 Calculus BC N % At 56,422 42.6 23,987 18.1 26,341 19.9 18,694 14.1 7,070 5.3 Number of Students 25,178 no data 254,270no data 316,099 no data 132,514 no data 132,505 no data 15,413 162,969 181,876 106,750 112,743 or Higher / % 61.2 64.1 57.5 80.6 85.1 Chemistry N % At 15,985 10.1 25,760 16.2 41,524 26.1 41,674 26.2 33,988 21.4 158,931 no data 83,269 52.4 Mean Score 2.94 no data 2.90 no data 2.93 no data 3.78 no data 4.00 no data 2.67 no data Standard Deviation 1.20 no data 1.03 no data 1.40 no data 1.27 no data 1.21 no data 1.26 no data Chinese Language (Total Group) N % At 9,008 68.8 1,530 11.7 1,580 12.1 410 3.1 563 4.3 Exam Score no data Number of Students or Higher / % Chinese Language (Standard Group)** N % At 628 21.8 455 15.8 943 32.7 348 12.1 506 17.6 Computer Science A N % At 14,623 24.2 12,650 20.9 13,271 21.9 6,970 11.5 13,005 21.5 Computer Science Principles N % At 6,115 13.8 9,607 21.7 17,320 39.1 8,101 18.3 3,187 7.2 Economics - Macro N % At 24,686 17.4 33,024 23.3 23,930 16.9 22,354 15.8 37,655 26.6 141,649 no data 13,091 no data 2,880no data 60,519 no data 44,330 no data 12,118 2,026 40,544 33,042 92.6 70.3 67.0 74.5 81,640 57.6 Economics - Micro N % At 20,614 23.5 24,717 28.1 15,774 18.0 10,502 12.0 16,251 18.5 87,858 no data 61,105 69.5 Mean Score 4.38 no data 3.12 no data 3.15 no data 3.17 no data 2.89 no data 3.26 no data Standard Deviation 1.09 no data 1.36 no data 1.46 no data 1.10 no data 1.46 no data 1.42 no data Exam Score no data English Language N % At 52,636 9.1 105,891 18.3 160,372 27.7 178,066 30.7 82,461 14.2 English Literature N % At 27,455 6.8 65,014 16.1 120,101 29.7 137,159 33.9 54,408 13.5 Number of Students 579,426 no data 404,137no data 318,899 212,570 or Higher / % 55.0 52.6 Environmental Science N % At 15,090 9.5 39,129 24.5 24,591 15.4 39,036 24.5 41,732 26.2 159,578 no data 78,810 49.4 European History N % At 9,788 9.3 19,632 18.6 29,539 28.0 33,600 31.9 12,788 12.1 French Language (Total Group) N % At 3,845 17.0 5,643 24.9 7,562 33.4 4,429 19.6 1,142 5.0 105,347 no data 22,621 no data 17,486 no data 17,050 12,560 71.8 58,959 56.0 75.4 French Language (Standard Group)** N % At 1,919 11.0 4,155 23.8 6,486 37.1 3,939 22.5 987 5.6 Mean Score 2.77 no data 2.69 no data 2.67 no data 2.81 no data 3.29 no data 3.12 no data Standard Deviation 1.17 no data 1.10 no data 1.34 no data 1.15 no data 1.11 no data 1.06 no data German Language (Total Group) N % At 1,169 23.0 1,226 24.1 1,448 28.5 893 17.5 353 6.9 German Language (Standard Group)** N % At 334 9.7 855 24.9 1,176 34.3 767 22.3 300 8.7 Exam Score no data Number of Students or Higher / % Government & Politics Comparative N % At 5,207 23.2 5,481 24.5 4,565 20.4 3,993 17.8 3,158 14.1 Government & Politics United States N % At 35,568 11.1 39,784 12.4 82,182 25.7 78,666 24.6 83,412 26.1 5,089 no data 3,432no data 22,404 no data 319,612 no data 3,843 2,365 15,253 157,534 75.5 68.9 68.1 49.3 Human Geography N % At 21,318 10.7 34,587 17.3 41,868 21.0 34,205 17.1 67,778 33.9 199,756 no data 97,773 48.9 Italian Language (Total Group) N % At 474 18.4 490 19.1 875 34.0 576 22.4 156 6.1 2,571 no data 1,839 71.5 Mean Score 3.39 no data 3.05 no data 3.25 no data 2.58 no data 2.54 no data 3.21 no data Standard Deviation 1.21 no data 1.10 no data 1.36 no data 1.30 no data 1.38 no data 1.16 no data * This table reflects 4,957,931 AP Exams taken by 2,741,426 students from 22,169 secondary schools ** Standard students generally receive most of their foreign language training in U.S schools They did not indicate on their answer sheet that they regularly speak or hear the foreign language of the exam, or that they have lived for one month or more in a country where the language is spoken End of worksheet © 2017 The College Board College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, AP Central and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board STUDENT SCORE DISTRIBUTIONS* AP Exams - May 2017 (continued) Italian Language (Standard Group)** N % At 147 7.6 378 19.7 751 39.1 510 26.5 136 7.1 Exam Score no data Japanese Language (Total Group) N % At 1,096 45.1 267 11.0 506 20.8 200 8.2 360 14.8 Japanese Language (Standard Group)** N % At 234 17.9 167 12.8 392 30.0 177 13.5 338 25.8 2,429 no data 1,308 no data % At 12.5 19.4 31.5 23.0 13.6 Music Theory N % At 3,687 19.2 3,299 17.2 4,719 24.6 4,719 24.6 2,791 14.5 Music Theory Aural Subscore N % At 3,589 18.7 3,516 18.3 4,553 23.7 4,726 24.6 2,829 14.7 6,647 no data 19,215 no data 19,213 no data 4,214 11,705 11,658 Latin N 832 1,291 2,091 1,531 902 Number of Students 1,922 no data or Higher / % 1,276 66.4 Mean Score 2.94 no data 3.63 no data 2.83 no data 2.94 no data 3.02 no data 3.02 no data Standard Deviation 1.02 no data 1.48 no data 1.41 no data 1.21 no data 1.33 no data 1.33 no data Physics N % At 9,243 5.4 27,572 16.2 34,612 20.3 49,614 29.1 49,406 29.0 Physics N % At 3,223 12.9 4,162 16.7 8,484 34.0 6,889 27.6 2,227 8.9 Physics C E&M N % At 7,737 31.9 6,115 25.2 3,461 14.3 4,110 16.9 2,826 11.7 170,447 no data 24,985 no data 24,249 no data 54,862 no data 302,369 no data 15,869 17,313 43,559 194,071 Music Theory Nonaural Subscore N % At 3,677 19.1 3,167 16.5 4,672 24.3 4,967 25.9 2,730 14.2 Exam Score no data 1,869 76.9 793 60.6 63.4 60.9 Physics C Mechanics N % At 19,996 36.4 14,880 27.1 8,683 15.8 6,843 12.5 4,460 8.1 60.7 Psychology N % At 57,744 19.1 75,937 25.1 60,390 20.0 44,203 14.6 64,095 21.2 Number of Students 19,213 no data or Higher / % 11,516 59.9 Mean Score 3.00 no data 2.40 no data 2.97 no data 3.49 no data 3.71 no data 3.06 no data Standard Deviation 1.33 no data 1.21 no data 1.15 no data 1.39 no data 1.29 no data 1.42 no data Research N % At 971 16.8 1,049 18.1 2,046 35.4 1,578 27.3 143 2.5 Seminar N % At 1,340 6.7 3,011 15.1 12,964 65.0 2,308 11.6 320 1.6 Spanish Language (Total Group) N % At 32,843 19.5 58,554 34.8 57,479 34.2 16,888 10.0 2,543 1.5 Spanish Language (Standard Group)** N % At 8,732 15.9 17,511 31.9 19,667 35.9 7,447 13.6 1,482 2.7 Spanish Literature N % At 2,477 9.6 6,732 26.1 9,702 37.6 5,270 20.4 1,653 6.4 Statistics N % At 29,350 13.6 34,386 15.9 53,488 24.8 43,576 20.2 55,040 25.5 Number of Students 5,787 no data 19,943 no data 168,307 no data 54,839 no data 25,834 no data 215,840 no data or Higher / % 4,066 70.3 17,315 148,876 45,910 18,911 117,224 Mean Score 3.19 no data 3.14 no data 3.61 no data 3.45 no data 3.12 no data 2.72 no data Standard Deviation 1.09 no data 0.76 no data 0.96 no data 1.00 no data 1.04 no data 1.36 no data Exam Score no data Studio Art Drawing N % At 4,378 21.9 5,535 27.7 7,148 35.8 2,578 12.9 318 1.6 Exam Score no data 71,427 41.9 86.8 Studio Art 2-D Design N % At 6,331 19.3 10,201 31.2 11,334 34.6 4,273 13.1 593 1.8 63.5 88.5 Studio Art 3-D Design N % At 671 12.0 1,226 22.0 2,092 37.6 1,404 25.2 178 3.2 71.4 83.7 United States History N % At 54,511 10.8 89,586 17.7 112,873 22.3 118,837 23.5 129,495 25.6 79.4 73.2 19,957 no data 32,732 no data 5,571 no data 505,302 no data 298,475 no data or Higher / % 17,061 85.5 27,866 3,989 256,970 164,228 Mean Score 3.56 no data 3.53 no data 3.15 no data 2.65 no data 2.76 no data Standard Deviation 1.02 no data 1.00 no data 1.03 no data 1.32 no data 1.18 no data 71.6 50.9 54.3 World History N % At 25,274 8.5 59,370 19.9 79,584 26.7 88,408 29.6 45,839 15.4 Number of Students 85.1 64.2 55.0 * This table reflects 4,957,931 AP Exams taken by 2,741,426 students from 22,169 secondary schools ** Standard students generally receive most of their foreign language training in U.S schools They did not indicate on their answer sheet that they regularly speak or hear the foreign language of the exam, or that they have lived for one month or more in a country where the language is spoken © 2017 The College Board College Board, Advanced Placement Program, AP, AP Central and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board ... no data 3.61 no data 3.45 no data 3.12 no data 2.72 no data Standard Deviation 1.09 no data 0.76 no data 0.96 no data 1.00 no data 1.04 no data 1.36 no data Exam Score no data Studio Art Drawing.. .STUDENT SCORE DISTRIBUTIONS* AP Exams - May 2017 (continued) Italian Language (Standard Group)** N % At 147 7.6 378 19.7 751 39.1 510 26.5 136 7.1 Exam Score no data Japanese Language (Total... data 2.97 no data 3.49 no data 3.71 no data 3.06 no data Standard Deviation 1.33 no data 1.21 no data 1.15 no data 1.39 no data 1.29 no data 1.42 no data Research N % At 971 16.8 1,049 18.1 2,046