Cracking the SAT Subject Test in Math 2, 2nd Edition Chapter 6 Fundamentals This chapter will cover some of the basic math rules you will need on the SAT Subject Test in Math 2 These rules include som[.]
Chapter 6 Fundamentals This chapter will cover some of the basic math rules you will need on the SAT Subject Test in Math 2 These rules include some basic definitions, order of operations, averages, and exponents This chapter will also give you techniques to help you conquer some of these concepts Finally, this chapter will help you use your calculator more effectively on the SAT Subject Test in Math 2 Throughout this chapter you will encounter questions that use variables As you saw in the last chapter, Plugging In makes many of these questions much easier Many students (especially high-scorers) resist Plugging In, but remember that Plugging In is not only easier than doing the algebra on most problems, but also it’s often faster and more accurate!