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HSG LUYỆN KEY - Tiếng Anh 11 - Đỗ Văn Bình - Thư viện Đề thi & Kiểm tra

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SỞ GD&ĐT VĨNH PHÚC TRƯỜNG THPT LIỄN SƠN HDC CHÍNH THỨC KỲ THI CHỌN HSG LỚP 11 CẤP TRƯỜNG NĂM HỌC 2020-2021 HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM MÔN: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian thi: 180 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề (HDC gồm 03 trang) Total: 20 points PART A LISTENING (4.0 points; 0.2 point/ correct item) Section 1: 01 current 02 14th February 1982 03 Smithfield 04 798643 05 connect card 06 £ 300 07 a reference letter 08 little sister 09 month 10 Internet bank Section 2: 11 C 12 B 13 A 14 cooler 15 maintenance 16 biodiversity 17 unattractive 18 tidy 19 heat 20 pricy/ pricey PART B LEXICO – GRAMMAR (6.0 points) I (1.5 point; 0.1 point/ correct item) 21 B 22 A 23 B 24 A 25 B 26 A 27 A 28 A 29 A 30 C 31 C 32 D 33 C 34 A 35 D II (2.0 point; 0.1 point/ correct item – ERROR&CORRECTION) 36 in  at 37 instructor  instructors 38 Other  Others 39 written  writing 40 a  the 41 former  formal 42 them their 43 make  give 44 discussed  discuss 45 like  alike III (0.5 point; 0.1 point/ correct item) 46 A 47 C 48 B 49 C 50 C IV (2.0 point; 0.2 point/ correct item) 51 explanation 52 introduction 53 scientists 54 possibility 55 building 56 revolutionary 57 discovery 58 appearance 59 researcher 60 importance PART C READING (6.0 points; 0.2 point/ correct item) I (2.0 point; 0.2 point/ correct item) 61 VI 62 II 63 III 64 VII 65 V 66 F 67 T 68 T 69 F II (2.0 point; 0.2 point/ correct item) 71 too 72 about 73 yourself 74 which/ that 76 if/ when 77 what 78 unless 79 all III (2.0 point; 0.2 point/ correct item) 81 C 82 B 83 A 84 D 85 B 86 B 87 C 88 B 89 B 70 NG 75 be 80 but 90 B PART D WRITING (4.0 points) I (1.0 point; 0.1 point/ correct item) 91 Is he likely to come to the party? 92 It can’t have been Jim who did it 93 He gave me his word that he would be back before midnight 94 He would prefer to cycle rather than walk 95 The blue dress is three time as much as that one II Essay writing (3.0 points) Total score: 3.0 points; Task achievement (0.8 point) Grammar range and Accuracy (0.8 point) Coherence and cohesion (0.8 point) Lexical resource (0.6 point) KỲ THI CHỌN HSG CẤP TRƯỜNG 2020-2021 – HDC MÔN TIẾNG ANH 11 Trang 1/3 TAPESCRIPTS Section 1: Question 01-10 You will hear a conversation on opening a bank account Listen and write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer Elme: Good morning I’d like to open a bank account, please Clerk: Yes, certainly If you’d like to take a seat, I’ll just get some details for you Elme: Thanks Clerk: What type of account you want? Elme: Well, I’m going to Edinburgh University this October and I want to open a student account Clerk: I see Is it a current account or a deposit account you wanted? Elme: A current one is much more convenient I think (Question 01) Clerk: Right I’ve got the application form here then First of all, can I have your full name please? Elme: Yes, it’s Elme Lewis That is E – L – M – E Clerk: Ok, and what’s your birthday please? Elme: I was born on the 14th February, 1982 (Question 02) Clerk: Woo, the Valentine’s Day! Where are you living now, Mr Elme? Elme: 17, Smithfield Drive (Question 03) Clerk: I know this place Do you have a day time telephone number? Elme: Yes, I’ve got it here The number is 798643 Clerk: Great! Normally, the student account will offer you an account book and a connect card (Question 04) You can use the card 24 hours a day in the ATMs at any branches Elme: I see Will I get interest on the money in my account? Clerk: Yes, of course The interest depends on the sum in your account, i.e lower than £600, interest is 4.5% 600 and more, the interest goes up to 5.5% (Question 05) Elme: That sounds reasonable What advantages does the student account have? Clerk: We offer a £300 overdraft limit at a low interest (Question 06) Elme: I see Clerk: Now, can I have your passport and your student card? Elme: Here is my passport, but I don’t have a student card right now The university gave me a reference letter (Question 07), would that do? Clerk: Yes, that’s fine Now we usually ask for a piece of information which we can use to check your identity, for security reasons Elme: My little sister’s name? is that OK? Clerk: Yes, It’s less likely to be known Elme: Yes, it’s Emma, E-M-M-A (Question 08) Clerk: Well, let’s see, how often would you like to receive statements? Elme: I haven’t really thought about it Can I have them sent once a month? (Question 09) KỲ THI CHỌN HSG CẤP TRƯỜNG 2020-2021 – HDC MÔN TIẾNG ANH 11 Trang 2/3 Clerk: Yes, that’s fine One more thing I’d like to mention is that we have two types of special services One is the mobile phone service and the other is internet bank account Do you have internet bank account Do you have interest in any of them? Elme: En…I surf the internet almost every day, and I think it’s much more convenient for shopping by using the interest bank account So I would like to register for the internet bank account as well ( Question 10) Clerk: That’s OK then And one last thing, I need your signature and… Elme: Clerk: Section 2: Question 11 – 13 An now it’s straight into the Eco Hotspot for today’s programme We are in fact going to look at an intriguing trend in recent years in the world of eco-friendly developments There has been a constant stream of new “green products” coming into the market for the environmentally conscious (Question 11) A new departure, which I feel needs greater attention drawn to it, is the creasing interest in grass roofs Environmentalists sing the praises of grass roof s as interest in sustainable ecological building has led to the greening of the rooftops of residential and commercial buildings around the world (Question 12) And what does this type of roof consist of Instead of tiles which allow water to run off and create flash, the roof has a waterproof underlay which is laid over the roof deck This waterproof layer is then covered with layers for insulation and drainage Then on top of the insulation and drainage layer is added a final layer of soil or crushed stones for the plants and or grass to grow on (Question 13) The roof can be planted with wild owners to add colour and life to your rooftop Question 14-20 As for the benefits of grass roofs, in spring and in summer they are very pretty as flowers spring into bloom Moreover, in summer grass roofs are of particular benefit in cities because they keep and building cool (Question 14) by reflecting the sun’s rays In writer the grass roof insulate the building, helping to prevent heat loss The roofs require little maintenance (Question 15) and are better than any other roofing material They encourage biodiversity (Question 16) by attracting bees and birds and they absorb water run off which helps prevent flash flooding In winter, the brown soil is a bit more evident, which can look unattractive (Question 17), if the roofs are not tended carefully, but that is a price worth paying and I would say that they come highly recommended by those who have them If you compare grass roofs with tiles, they latter certainly look very tidy (Question 18), but at a price to the future of the planet The main drawbacks of tiles though are the water run-off and the absorption of heat (Question 19) from the sun’s rays in summer So if we are to save the planet from the ecological point of view, tiles not come recommended They only roof that I can think of which has similar ecological credentials to the grass roof is the thatched roof Thatched roofs are good insulators and very attractive, but very pricey (pricy) (Question 20) and not ideal for cities _HẾT KỲ THI CHỌN HSG CẤP TRƯỜNG 2020-2021 – HDC MÔN TIẾNG ANH 11 Trang 3/3 ... them sent once a month? (Question 09) KỲ THI CHỌN HSG CẤP TRƯỜNG 202 0-2 021 – HDC MÔN TIẾNG ANH 11 Trang 2/3 Clerk: Yes, that’s fine One more thing I’d like to mention is that we have two types... pricey (pricy) (Question 20) and not ideal for cities _HẾT KỲ THI CHỌN HSG CẤP TRƯỜNG 202 0-2 021 – HDC MÔN TIẾNG ANH 11 Trang 3/3 ... Emma, E-M-M-A (Question 08) Clerk: Well, let’s see, how often would you like to receive statements? Elme: I haven’t really thought about it Can I have them sent once a month? (Question 09) KỲ THI

Ngày đăng: 19/11/2022, 18:59



