Tài liệu SAP HANA phân hệ FICO CO
SAP CO NOTES INDEX PARTICULARS CO Areas and Basic Settings for Controlling Cost Center Accounting Online Reconciliation Leger Creation of GL Masters CO Customization FI Customization Cross Company Code Postings Maintain Overhead structure Statically Key Figures (SKF) Assessment Internal Orders Budgeting and Availability Control Profit Center Accounting Integration Transaction Key /Process Key Valuation Class Assignment of accounts MM Customization FI Consultant job in MM Assignment of Accounts for Automatic Postings(MM to FI) FI Consultant job in SD SD Steps Co-Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) Data flow in CO-PA Customization SD End user area Report Painter Product Costing Co Consultant Job (Activity based costing) PP Consultant job CO End User area MM End User area PP End user area Actual Costing CO Consultant job PP consultant area Asset Accounting area New General Ledgers (ECC New Features ) Page No 11 23 25 27 28 31 34 38 42 46 60 64 76 77 78 89 90 97 100 115 120 120 122 126 129 132 134 144 146 147 149 153 153 167 174 179 Customization Document Splitting Central Excise and Sales Tax Central Excise Customization (Purchase) Central Excise customization (Sales) SD End user area Financial Statement Version Asset Accounting Area Project Report 180 188 192 195 211 217 228 237 238 CONTROLLING (CO) This is used for internal reporting in Co organizational Hierarchy – Highest node is controlling area In FI Highest node is company , Company code CO AREAS : Cost Elements Accounting: To update Co records / sub modules cost elements are required There are two types of cost elements primary cost elements Secondary cost Elements Cost Center Accounting: This is used to view department wise costs Internal orders: This is used to view costs for specific task Eg: Vehicle wise running expenses / Petrol expenses, Repairs to that Vehicle, Telephone wise expenses production order costs / Exhibition costs Create each vehicle as n order and capture the costs Production order: Create production order as on internal order and capture the costs Exhibition costs: Sales men salaries , Advertisement discounts to customers conveyance Create a exhibition order Profit center accounting : This is used to view profitability product wise / Division wise / Location wise if business area is not used in FI Product Costing :This is used for valuation if inventories Eg: Finished goods and work in process Profitability analysis: This is used to view profitability for number of parameters at a time Eg Sales order wise / Customer wise / Product wise / Plant wise / Sales organization wise profitability this is reporting tool BASIC SETTINGS FOR CONTROLLING: Maintain controlling area FI Organization Structure CO Organization Structure Company | Company code | Business area Controlling | | | Cost Center Scenario – Company | Company code | Business area = - Controlling Area | Cost Center (a)Controlling area at company code level, b)Business area will be assigned in cost centers.) Scenario -2 Company | Company code | Business area = - Controlling Area | | | Cost Center (a )Controlling area at company (group) level no of company codes will have one controlling area, b) Business area will be assigned in cost centers 1) When management wants to view number of company codes cost centers data at a time – It is not possible in 1st Scenario – It is possible 2nd scenario In report it will ask only one controlling area and not multiple controlling area 2) When management wants to view number of cost centers data of company code – Directly it is possible in 1st scenario Also it is possible in 2nd Scenario – By creating cost center groups It means 2nd Scenario is more flexible MAINTAIN CONTROLLING AREA: Path : SPRO – Controlling – General controlling – Organization – Maintain controlling area (Tr.Code is OKKP) If we go for 1st scenario – company code should be the controlling area If we go for 2nd scenario we can use any code for controlling area code Double click maintain controlling area Select new entries button Controlling area Name Company code to controlling area Currency type :BIL :controlling area forBIL : Select controlling area same as company code : select 10 company code currency Once we select 10 company code currency , currency field, Chart of Accounts filed and Fiscal year variant filed will be updated automatically Cost Center standard hierarchy : BILHIER Save Select yes button for the message system to create as a standard hierarchy Select create request button Short description : Co customization for BIL Press enter Press enter once again to save in the request COST CENTER STANDARD HIERARCHY: Cost center standard hierarchy : BILHIER | Cost centers Dept A Dept.B Dept.C At the time of cost center creation – It will ask under which hierarchy we are creating the cost centers In the report – when we give cost center Dept.A – It gives only Dept.A date When we give cost center Dept.B – It gives only Dept.B date When we give cost center hierarchy BILHIER – It gives all the cost centers data Double click on assignment of company codes folder Select new entries button Give the company code : BIL Select save button or Ctrl+S Press enter to save in your request Double click on a activate components / control indicators folder Select new entries button Fiscal year :2007 Cost center : Select component active Select active type check box Order management select component active Select profit center accounting check box Save Ignore the warning message press enter MAINTAIN NUMBER RANGES FOR CONTROLLING DOCUMENTS: CO through posting from FI (Business transaction – COIN CO No rang interval for the business transaction –COIN FI Document type And no.ranges Co SA | 01 COIN | | | 1-100000 1-00000 Automatic posting Manual posting F-02 Repost Co line items (Business transaction –RKU3) Option Posting in FI Wages A/c Wages A/c Wages A/ To bank 1 Dr Dr Dr 100000 200000 300000 600000 Dept.A Dept.B Dept C FI Document Co Document – COIN Note :Automatic posting is a business transaction Option Posting in FI Wages A/c Posting in CO Dr To Bank 1 600000 Dept common Dept.common Dept Common 600000 Post Co line item Documents FI Document CO Document –COIN Dept A Dept B Dept C 100000 200000 300000 No FI document CO Document – RKU3 Transfer document wise/line item wise Total documents generated FI Document CO Documents Wages A/c Dr 600000 Dept Common Dept A 300000 Dept Common Dept B 200000 Dept Common Dept C 300000 Rent A/c Dr 50000 Dept A To bank 650000 Repot CO line item Transfer line item wise Transfer document wise / Line item wise Report costs ( Business transactions – RKU1) This is used when we split the cost center into number of cost centers or transfer for wrong cost center postings No FI document will be generated CO document only will be generated Transfer cost element wise (GL Account wise) 01/07/2007 split into Dept A and Dept X Dept A Dept X 30/04/2008 30/05/2008 30/06/2008 30/04/2008 03/05/2008 30/06/2008 400100 Salaries 200000 400100 Salaries 250000 400100 Salaries 275000 -400100 total 725000 400101 wages 400101 wages 400101 wages Total 400101 30/04/2008 31/05/2008 30/06/2008 400300 400300 400300 400300 Total Rent Rent Rent 400100 Salaries 200000 100000 150000 125000 -375000 400101 wages 125000 500000 50000 50000 -150000 400300 Rent 40000 Planning primary costs ( Business transaction RKP1) Planning cost center wise or no range interval for all the types , budgeting cost center wise for each cost element Path: SPRO- Controlling – General controlling – Organization- Maintain number ranges for controlling document (T.Code is KANK) Controlling area : BIL Select maintain groups button From the menu select group – Insert Text: Co doc no range interval for BIL From number :1 To number :100000 Enter Double click on business transactions COIN RKU3 RKU1 RKP1 Select Co.No.range interval for BIL check box From the menu select Edit – Assignment element group Save Ignore the message press enter Note :Usage of Version locked authorized person only Eg; Cost Accountant MAINTAIN VERSIONS: Version are nothing but budgets Original budgets Revised budget Re revised budget Version version Version We can compare actual with original budget, Revised budget and Re revised budget Path: SPRO – Controlling –General controlling – Organization – Maintain versions Select version (Plant /actual version ) Double click on settings for each fiscal year folder Give the controlling area : BIL Enter Select new entries button Fiscal year :2008 Exchange rate type :select B (Bank selling rate) Once budgeting is completed at end user are a select version locked – So that no body can change budget figures Select save button or Ctrl+S Press enter to save in your request Select bank arrow Planning is made attend user area after planning’s completed we select version locked check box , no body can change planned figures COST ELEMENT ACCOUNTING: To update CO records / sub modules cost elements are required There are types of cost elements Primary cost element A)Primary cost elements are our general ledger accounts B) Posting to primary cost elements are possiable Secondary cost elements A)Secondary cost elements are other than general ledger accounts B) Postings to secondary cost elements are not possible They are used to allocations / Settlements Dept C Dept A Dept B (Service Dept) (Production Depts) Salaries 100000 Wages 200000 Power 5000 In the month end, by using secondary cost element, we allocate costs from service to production Depts COST ELEMENT CATEGORIES PRIMARY COST ELEMENT CATEGORIES: Primary cost / costs redacting revenues This used for expenditure accounts Accrual / Deferral per surcharge :This is used for month end provisions only in CO 11 Revenues: This is used for income accounts 12 Sales Deduction: This is used for expenditure accounts like sales commission Trade discount where CO-Profitability analysis module is activated 22 External settlement( Settlement from CO – FI): This is used for allocation of internal order settlement to GL Accounts / Assets SECONDARY COST ELEMENT CATEGORIES: 21 31 41 42 43 Internal settlement (Settlement from CO to CO) This is used for allocation of internal order settlement cost to cost centers Order/ Project Results analysis: This is used for work in process calculations is product costing Overheads rates :This is used for calculation of raw material overhead rate / Production overhead rate in product costing Assessment: This is used for allocation of primary cost element posing and secondary cost postings from one cost center to other cost centers Internal Activity Allocation: This is used for calculation of activity types in production cost Eg: Machine hours rate / labour hour rate in product costing COST CENTER ACCOUNTING This is used to view department wise costs we use cost center accounting Creation of primary cost elements, we can create A) FI Area | B)CO Area |- Co Area C)Automatic creation | Display cost elements created Creation of filed status group by making cost center required entry field Assign new filed status group in GL expenditure accounts Creation of cost centers Creation of cost center groups Creation of cost element groups To enter exchange rate for type M for INR to Euro Posting of transaction in FI 10 To view cost center wise report 11 To view CO documents A) Creation of primary cost element at FI area Use to FS00 – GL masters creation Give the GL account number : 400100 Salaries Account Company code : BIL Form the menu select GL Account display Now select edit cost element button Valid from date :01.04.2008 To date :31.12.9999 comes automatically Enter Cost element category : Select (Primary cost / cost reducing revenues) Select save button or Ctrl+S 10 Enter Excise group to :2 Serious group :2 Select utilization button (F6) Save Ignore the warning message press enter CENVAT suspense A/c Dr To Excise duty payable Go and see sales billing display (VF03) Give the billing document no.90036108 Select accounting button Select accounting document no RG23A BED posting (F-02) Give the document date :Today’s date Type :SA Company code :BIL Posting key :40 Account no :200156 (RG23A BED) Enter Amount :50000 Business area :BILH Text :RG23A Debit Posting key :50 Account no :200105 Bank account Enter Amount :* Business area :BILH Text :+ Document –Simulate & Save 225 PLA Deposit (F-02) Give the document date :Today’s date Type :SA Company code :BIL Posting key :40 Account no :200159 (RG23A BED) Enter Amount :100000 Business area :BILH Text :PLA deposit Posting key :50 Account no :200105 Bank account Enter Amount :* Business area :BILH Text :+ Document –Simulate & Save Excise duty payment: (Tr code is (J1ILN) Path :Indirect taxes –Sales /Out bond movements –fortnightly payment (J2IUN) Company code :BIL Plant :BILP Excise group :2 Period :01.03.2009 Business area :BILH to Execute RG23A Utilized :6.60 Select duty button 226 Today’s date Select Simulate button (F7) Select right mouse button Select continue button Save Go and see the document (FB03) Document no Company code Fiscal year Enter :38 :BIL :2008 FINANCIAL STATEMENT VERSION Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account format creation In India –Companies Act –Schedule VI format Summary Schedules Amount Share capital Equity share capital Preference share capital 100000 100001 General Reserves Capital Reserve 100101 100102 Reserves & Surplus Secured loans Unsecured loans By using 0-9 levels –we can get all versions consultant creates versions –Summary Schedules In 000 Client SAP has given for India Bain Path :SPRO-Financial Accounting –General ledger Accounting-Business transactions-Closing –Document-Define financial statement versions Select new entries button Financial statement version :BIL1 227 Name Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account Maintain Language :EN Select item keys automatic check box Chart of Accounts :BIL Save Press enter to save in your request Select financial statement item button Keep the cursor on AML1 Select create items button Give the items :Balance Sheet :Profit & Loss account :Net profit /Loss transfer to Balance Sheet Enter Kept the cursor on profit and loss account Double click on No text exists against Liability +Equity Give item :Liabilities Enter Double click no text exists against Assets Give the item Assets Enter Keep the cursor on Assets Press select button (beside reassign button) Keep the cursor on Balance sheet Select resign (Shift+F6) button Select subordinate radio button Enter Keep the on liabilities Press select button (F9) Keep the cursor on Balance Sheet Select resign button (Shift+F6) Select subordinate radio button 228 Enter Keep the cursor on Profit & Loss account Select create item button Give the items :Income Give the items :Expenditure Enter Save Press enter to save in your request Keep the cursor on Liabilities Select create items button Give the Share capital Reserves & Surplus Secured loans Unsecured loans Enter Keep the cursor on Assets Select create items button Give the items :Net Fixed Assets :Net Current Assets :Misc expenditure to the extent not written off Eg: Preliminary exp Enter Keep the cursor on Income Select create items button Give the heads :Sales :Other Income :Inc/Dec in Stocks Enter Keep the cursor on expenditure Select create item button 229 Expenditure : Raw material consumption Personnel expenses Manufacturing expenses Administration Expenses Interest Depreciation Enter and Save Double click no text existent against net result :Profit Give the item :Net profit transferred from P & L Account Enter Keep the cursor on Net profit transfer from P & L Account Press select button (F9) Keep the cursor on reserves & Surplus Select reassign button (shift +F6) Select subordinate radio button Enter Double click on no text exists against net result loss Item :Net loss transferred from P & L Account Enter Keep the cursor on net loss transferred from P & L Account Press select button (F9) Keep the cursor on Misc Expense to extend not written off Select reassign button Select subordinate radio button Enter Save Assignment of accounts are to be assigned to the last note Keep the cursor on Share Capital 230 Select assign accounts button Enter From Account :100000 To Account :100099 Select debit check box Select credit check box From Account :100101 To :199999 Select debit check box Select credit check box Note :Expect 100000 all are same Enter Keep the cursor on net fixed assets Select assign accounts button From Account :200000 To Account :299999 Select debit check box Select credit check box Enter Keep the cursor on sales Select assign accounts button From account :300000 To account :399999 Select debit and Credit check box Enter Keep the cursor on Raw material consumption Select assign account button From account :400000 To account :499999 Select Debit and Credit check box Enter 231 Keep the cursor net profit/loss transferred to Balance Sheet Select Assign account button From account :100100 Select Debit & Credit Check box Enter & Save To check whether all accounts assigned or not Select check button Select non assigned account check box Enter & Save Liabilities Sources of Funds: Share capital Reserves & Surplus Secured loans Unsecured loans Amount 100000 100001 100002 100003 100100 100101 100102 X X X -X ===== Total Liabilities Double click on liabilities Start of group Liabilities End of group total liabilities Select display total check box Enter Double click on share capital Start of group :Source of funds End of group :Share capital Select display totals check box Enter 232 Double click on Reserves & Surplus End group :Reserves & Surplus Select display total check box Enter Note :Same way secured and unsecured loans Double click on assets Start of group :Assets End of group :Total Assets Select display total check box Enter Double click on Net fixed Assets Start of group :Application of funds End of group :Net fixed Assets Select display total check box Enter Double click on Misc expenditure to extend not written off End group Misc expenditure to the expend not written off Select display totals Enter Double click on Profit & Loss Account End of Group :Net Profit /Loss for the year Select display total check box Enter Double click on Income Start of group :Income End of Group :Total Income Select display total check box Enter Double click on sales End of Group :Sales Select display total check box 233 Enter Double click on Expenditure Start of group :Total expenditure Select display total check box Enter Double click on Raw material consumption End of group :Raw material consumption Select display total check box Enter Double click on net profit /Loss transferred to Balance sheet Start of group :Net Profit /Loss transferred to balance Sheet Select display total check box Enter Double click on No text exist against P & L result Item :Net profit/Loss transferred to Balance Sheet End of Group: Net profit/Loss transferred to Balance Sheet Select display total check box Enter & Save Open one more session : Path :Accounting-Financial Accounting –General Ledger-Information system— General Ledger reports-Balance Sheet/Profit loss Statement /Cash flow-General – Actual/Actual comparisons- Balance sheet/Profit Loss Statement (S_ALR_87012284) Company code :BIL Business area :BILH Financial Statement version :BIL1 Reporting year :2008 Reporting period :1 to 16 Comparison year :2007 Comparison periods :1 to 16 Select classical list radio button 234 Select special evaluations tab Balance sheet type :1 (Standard Financial Statement ) Select output control tab Company code summarization :Select (Balance sheet per company code) Business area summarization :select 1(Balance Sheet per business area) Summary report :3 Comparison type :1 Note :2 types of comparison in SAP 2008 2007 Sales 100 75 1) Percentage of Increase Current year –Previous year *100 -Previous year 100-75/75*100=33.3 2) Percentage of growth Scaling :Current year *100 -Previous year 100/75=133 :5/2 Scaling note : A) Only Rupees without paise 0/0 B) Rupees with paise 0/2 C)Rupees in lakhs –without decimals 5/0 D)Rupees in mission without decimals 6/0 E)Rupees in crores without decimals 7/0 F)Rupees in laksh –Thousands in decimals 5/2 Sales Rupees in lakhs (100000) 987654321.55 Decimals decimals decimals 9876.54 235 Select execute button Select back arrow Select special evaluations tab Give the display currency dollar execute ASSET ACCOUNTING REPORTS: 1.Depreciation forecast Path :Accounting –Financial accounting –Fixed assets –Information system –Reports on asset accounting –Depreciation for cost –Depreciation on capitalized assets (Depreciation simulation) (Tr code is S_ALR_87012936) Give the company code Report date Execute :BIL :31.03.2011 Fixed asset schedule as per schedule VI of companies Act Gross block in the beginn ing year Additi ons during the year Sales /Trans fers during the year Gro ss blo ck in the yea r end Dep for the year end Acc.De p.in the beginni ng of year Dep for the year Dep on sales /Trans fer Acc Dep in the year Net blo ck in the yea r end Net block in the beginn ing Information systems –Accounting –Financial accounting –Fixed assets –Asset History sheet (Tr code is AR02 Give your company code :BIL Report date :31.03.2009 Select group totals only radio button Execute (Note :Retirement mean sale of asset) Select asset button Double click on asset retirement 236 PROJECT BIL group (to go for ERP) Packages available Cost / Feature/Time ERP Packages SAP Oracle Financials JD Edwards People soft Decided to go for SAP –Consulting firms Cost/Support /Experience 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) WIPRO Infosys Satyam Intell Zensar Buy SAP package from SAP-India –Bangalore with the support of WIPRO –Hyderabad vendors Implement all the modules at all locations (BIG Bang project) or in a phased manner BIL A) Project Manager B) Accounts Manager C)Cost Accountant D) Purchase Manager E) Sales Manager F)IT Staff WIPRO A) Project Manager B) FI Consultant C)Co Consultant D)MM Consultant E)SD Consultant F) BASIS Consultant G) ABAP Programmers Kick of Date means Start date Form a steering committee BIL Senior people WIPRO Senior people 237 Project Mangers BIL and WIPRO BIL core team members –As is process existing process and requirements from SAP WIPRO- Study the process and prepare to be process GAP reports –Write to SAP the requirement /through programmer/work around /user exits WIPRO-Customization based clients requirement BIL core team –Testing WIPRO –Customization document Before going live Training to the BIL company users will be given Fix ago live date: Customization will be transported from development client to production client Up load masters in production client Upload balances in production client Give the number ranges in production client On go live date :Enter transactions in production client Support: For the issues raised by BIL end users Rollouts : Implementing SAP in different locations afterwards ASAP Methodology (ASAP –Accelerated SAP) Project Preparation Business blue print Realization Final preparation Go and live and support OSS mean Online Support Service Land Scape Development Quality testing Production SAND box –All scenarios configuration selected scenario Development Production 238 Testing R/ Structure Presentation application data base SAP Package data stored in data base server 239 ... node is company , Company code CO AREAS : Cost Elements Accounting: To update Co records / sub modules cost elements are required There are two types of cost elements primary cost elements Secondary... (no.of company codes having one controlling area ) all the company codes should use same Char of Accounts Planning cost center wise Path :Accounting –Controlling cost center accounting –Planning –Cost... Posting by Company code Cross company code no :BIL :15 FI posted by Company code Cross company code no :BSL :2 08 08 By viewing the cross company code document number – We know which company code has