Over 20 Years of Excellence in Environmental Science & Engineering www.kieser-associates.com TMDL Watershed Improvements & Compliance Progress Brian Boyer, P.E Environmental Engineering Manager Kieser & Associates, LLC 536 E Michigan Ave., Suite 300 Kalamazoo, MI 49007 (269) 344-7117 Overview Project Setting Background / Watershed Concerns Implementation Efforts Pre-Post Implementation Monitoring Watershed Impacts and Benefits TMDL Compliance Progress Project Setting Kalamazoo River Watershed: 2,020 sq miles Lake Allegan 10 15 SCALE (MILES) MICHIGAN Portage & Arcadia Creek Subwatershed Project Setting Portage & Arcadia Creek Subwatersheds (36,000-acres) Monitoring Sites Kalamazoo River Arcadia Axtell West Fork Portage Portage Background: Stormwater Concerns Portage Creek 21% urban land use Ranked 1st in phosphorus loading (of 75) Arcadia Creek 42% urban land use Ranked 5th in phosphorus loading (of 75) Background: Stormwater Concerns Watershed Management Plan (2001) Monitoring: 2002-03 & 2013-14 Phosphorus TMDL (2001) 50% load reduction requirement Highly urbanized P/A subwatersheds Portage Creek Arcadia Creek Stakeholders: Western Michigan University (WMU) City of Kalamazoo City of Portage Others WMU: Stormwater Controls 2016 30 BMPs 514 Acres Treated 64% of Campus 55% Reduction in Runoff Volume TMDL Reduction 56% (on campus) Stormwater Neutral® Verified (with “offsets”) Off-Campus Contributing Areas Stormwater Neutral® is a registered service mark of Kieser & Associates, LLC WMU: Implementation of BMPs BMP Efficiency Monitoring (2 sites) Stormwater control measures (141 acres) Infiltration and detention practices Vegetated buffers & bank stabilization Reconnected floodplains Native vegetation Substantial Improvements in TP and TSS loading 85% - 99% monitored BMP removal efficiencies Improved in-stream hydrology & flood reduction WMU: Implementation of BMPs BMP Efficiency - Lot 23 Site WMU: Implementation of BMPs BMP Efficiency – Howard/Stadium Site 10 WMU: Implementation of BMPs Project Control Type WMU Howard/ Stadium CMI Detention/ Infiltration Annual TP Reduction 176 lbs 100% Annual TSS Reduction 27 tons 100% Annual Volume Reduction 184 ac-ft 100% 12 2003-2013 Kalamazoo SCMs Kalamazoo Portage Kalamazoo River Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) 13 Monitoring: 2002-03 & 2013-14 Goals & Objectives: Compare creek monitoring data before/after 10 years of WMP implementation Methods: Automated sampling Creek mouths BMPs Stream stations Wet event sampling Dry event sampling Parameters: Rainfall, flow TP, TSS Temp, D.O., pH, Conductivity, ORP 14 Arcadia Creek Data Analyses Methods: Flow and rainfall evaluation Flow duration curves and/or flow reduction Calculate loading (flow + sample results) Quantify current EMCs Compare/contrast past and present data 15 Data Analyses 16 2013-2014 Data More intense rainfall >1” Moderated response 2002-2003 Data Most rainfall