ACM: LEGAL STUDIES into Seton Hill University's BA, Criminal Justice Joint Degree - Associates to Bachelors Fully online, flexible Seton Hill Course MAJOR CORE: 58 credits ACM Transfer Course CJ110: Intro to Criminal Justice (3 cr) CJ 101 TR CJ 180: Restorative Justice (3 cr) Will take through SHU CJ 200: Law Enforcement in the Community (3 cr) Take CJ 210 - year at ACM CJ220: Juvenile Delinquency (3 cr) Take CJ 115 year at ACM CJ225: The Criminal Court (3 cr) CJ 103 TR CJ 250: Special Topics CJ (3 cr) CJ 203 TR CJ 250: Special Topics CJ (3 cr) LS 206TR CJ 300: Corrections (3 cr) Take CJ 106-year at ACM CJ 325: Female Crime and Delinquency (3 cr) Will take through SHU CJ 405: Policy & Analysis (3 cr) Will take through SHU CJ 425: Applied Criminology (3 cr) Take CJ 111-year at ACM CJ 430: Internship & Seminar (3 cr) Will take through SHU CJ 435: Criminal Justice Capstone (1 cr) Will take through SHU (1cr course) FN 105: Fundamentals of Criminalistics (3 cr) Will take through SHU SO 200: Race Class and Gender (3 cr) Will take through SHU SO 280: Sociology of Deviance (3 cr) Will take through SHU SS 250: Introductory Statistics (3 cr) Take STATS AT ACM as Math Elective SS 251: Research Methods (3 cr) Will take through SHU CJ 260: Profiling or PY 280: Abnormal Psych (3 cr) Will take through SHU PY270 Intro to Counseling or SW 271: Helping Rel (3 c Will take through SHU Major: 27cr Transfer; 31cr through SHU 1/2 the major is required through SHU Page of TR or Take Criminal Justice - Page LIBERAL ARTS Core: 42 credits EL 107 English Comp & Culture II (3 cr) LA 200 Western Cultural Traditions I (3 cr) LA 201 Western Cultural Traditions II (3 cr) Language Study I & II (6 cr) Mathematics (3-4 cr) Science (3 cr) United States Culture (3 cr) Global Perspectives (3 cr) Artistic Expression (3 cr) Theology Elective (3 cr) Faith, Religion, and Society (3 cr) Philosophy Elective (3 cr) Senior Integrative Seminar (3 cr) ACM Transfer Course Take Engl 102 as English Elective Year Take HIST 101 at ACM Year 3-Take HIST 102 at ACM Year 3-Take language at ACM - ASL is approved level 104 is the requirement Stats satisfies the math through major core Lab Science (4 cr) TR Year Take ENG 213 or SOC 203 at ACM Year Take SOC 102 or GEOG 102 at ACM Year Take Art 101 or MUS 112 at ACM Will take through SHU Will take through SHU Year - Take Phil 201 or 202 at ACM Will take through SHU LA Core 33 cr Transfer; cr through SHU (3 classes) All 20 cr electives transfer in ELECTIVES: 20 cr ENG 101, LS 101, LS 202, Pol Sci 101, PS 205, BA 210, LS 204 Why Seton Hill? Adult Degree Program TOTAL: 80 cr ACM TR; 40 cr through SHU (13.25 classes) 120 credits required for degree Preferred Employer Discount: Lower Tuition Rate or Merit-Based Scholarships: $1,000-$4,000 per year Other Financial Aid Available through FAFSA Online Degree Completion Available Access to Life-Time Career Services Support- 98% placement rate Military Friendly-Yellow Ribbon Partner Flexible Schedules, Personalized Advising Expert Faculty, Student Support start to finish To discuss transferring to Seton Hill University, contact the Adult Degree Program at 724-838-4208 or visit