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a Chanticleer Christmas from darkness to light Th e Prog r a m A Chanticleer Christmas from darkness to light Cortez Mitchell, Gerrod Pagenkopf*, Kory Reid, Alan Reinhardt, Logan Shields, Adam Ward – countertenor Brian Hinman*, Matthew Mazzola, Andrew Van Allsburg – tenor Andy Berry*, Zachary Burgess, Matthew Knickman – baritone and bass Tim Keeler – Music Director Khorhurd Khorin Praeter rerum seriem Noe, noe, noe! Komitas Vardapet (1869-1935) Josquin des Prez (ca.1450-1521) Antoine Brumel (1460-1512) Een kindeken is ons geboren A Babe is Born Noël nouvelet† Cornelis de Leeuw (ca.1613-ca.1661) George Walker (1922-2018) Trad French, arr Joseph H Jennings and Matthew Oltman Josquin Steven Sametz (b 1954) Gaude virgo, mater Christi† Gaudete!, from Two Medieval Lyrics† Commissioned in 1995 by Marshall Rutter and Terry Knowles Noel Canon† Sametz Count Your Blessings Silent Night† Irving Berlin (1888-1989), arr Andrew Van Allsburg Franz Xaver Gruber (1787-1863), arr Gene Puerling Komitas Franz Biebl (1906-2001) Trad Spiritual, arr Jennings Barekhosutyamb Ave Maria† Oh, Jerusalem in the Morning† †These pieces have been recorded by Chanticleer *Andy Berry occupies The Eric Alatorre Chair, given by Peggy Skornia Brian Hinman occupies the Tenor Chair, given by an Anonymous Donor Gerrod Pagenkopf occupies The Ning G Mercer Chair for the Preservation of the Chanticleer Legacy, given by Ning and Stephen Mercer A Chanticleer Christmas Not e s a nd Tr a nsl at ions The holiday season usually finds Chanticleer touring around the country, singing concerts to audience members who brave the winter cold to see us in churches and halls as we pass through their hometowns But this year, things are different As the days grow colder and the nights longer, we find ourselves not on tour but at home, trying like so many around the world to find the joy in this transformed Christmas season But neither winter nor isolation last forever The darkness of our current world will eventually give way to light and warmth and connection Our Christmas program this year, recorded by following strict safety measures and with the help of our friends at Stanford Live, reminds us that night is transitory We meditate on the darkness, isolation, and mystery of Christmas Eve We learn from it and grow in it, until the morning comes and light shines once more We begin by candlelight with Khorhurd khorin, a procession from the Armenian Divine Liturgy set by the father of modern Armenian music, Komitas Vardapet Born Songhomon Songhomonian, Komitas studied traditional Armenian liturgical singing in school and developed a life-long interest in Armenian folk music In 1894, Songhomonian became a priest, taking the name “Komitas” from a 7th century Armenian hymnodist That same year he earned the degree of vardapet, or doctor of theology, thus acquiring the name and title we know today His efforts to introduce traditional Armenian folk and sacred music to the Western world were cut short by the Armenian genocide and the deportation of Armenian intellectuals in April of 1915 Komitas was arrested and sent to the interior of the Ottoman Empire, where many of his colleagues and friends were killed Over the next eight years, 1.5 million Armenians would die Komitas survived the ordeal and was allowed to leave the country in 1919 But the experience left a profound impact on him; he spent the remaining 16 years of his life in a mental hospital in Paris In his music, one hears the tragedy, the sincerity, but also the resilient hope of the Armenian people.* Variously translated as “Beyond the natural order of things” and “This is no normal scheme of things,” the text of Josquin’s motet Praeter rerum seriem could be interpreted today as a meditation on the current state of the world: life for the past year has followed no normal scheme of things The otherworldly rumblings, swirlings canons, and structural sonic pillars that appear throughout Praeter rerum seriem lend the piece a sense of profound mystery and, indeed, confusion While originally about the mystery of the virgin birth, when heard today, the piece comments more on the rumbling and swirling of the current moment Antoine Brumel’s Noe, noe, noe ends this first set with an exclamation of intense joy amidst the darkness From the abyss of glory rang the voice: "From heaven to earth, from earth once more to heaven, Shall Truth, with constant interchange, alight And soar again, an everlasting link Between the world and sky." And man was born (from “The Birth of Man” by Emma Lazarus) A Chanticleer Christmas Not e s a nd Tr a nsl at ions In the middle of the night, a child was born In the middle of the darkness, a small light appeared The Dutch song Een kindeken is ons geboren contains an incredibly sweet Christmas melody It is a lullaby as much as it is a carol George Walker’s A babe is born tells the same story from another perspective It’s a setting of a 15th century English text, with each verse ending in a borrowed Latin phrase that comments on the English narrative A native of Washington, D.C., and the first Black American to win the Pulitzer Prize for Music, Walker’s setting of this ancient text oscillates between feelings of wonder, joy, mystery, and fright The thorny harmonic language of the English story gives way to pure and open sonorities for the Latin commentary Walker takes us back and forth between the two We’re never sure whether we should be excited or terrified Such variety also appears in Noël nouvelet, another 15th century retelling of the Christmas story Joseph H Jennings and Matthew Oltman, two former Chanticleer music directors, arranged this familiar and sinewy tune to be at times playful, at times regal, and at times mysterious Though Darkness still her empire keep, And hours must pass, ere morning break; From troubled dreams, or slumbers deep, That music kindly bids us wake: It calls us, with an angel's voice, To wake, and worship, and rejoice; (from "Music on Christmas Morning" by Anne Brontë) Also by Josquin, Gaude virgo mater Christi is a joyful celebration of Mary and the life of her son While written with the same care and craftsmanship as Praeter rerum seriem – imitation and madrigalisms abound – this work contrasts the brooding nature of the opening motet with an air of excitement and expectation The excitement boils over in Steven Sametz’s setting of the ancient text Gaudete: “Rejoice! Christ is born of the Virgin Mary! Rejoice!” Sametz sets the original carol melody with rapidly changing meters and neighboring chromatic triads These traits lend the work a medieval flare, while also highlighting the excitement and mystery of Christmas Eve Finally, Sametz’s Noel Canon, also with text from a Medieval carol, rings in the season with a triumphant shout The angels came from heaven high, And they were clad with wings; And lo, they brought a joyful song The host of heaven sings The kings they knocked upon the door, The wise men entered in, The shepherds followed after them To hear the song begin The angels sang through all the night Until the rising sun, But little Jesus fell asleep Before the song was done (from "Christmas Carol" by Sara Teasdale) A Chanticleer Christmas Not e s a nd Tr a nsl at ions The world settles as the night lingers and the moon rises Joyful reverie gives way to the comfort of the dark Count your blessings comes from the classic Bing Crosby film, White Christmas Arranged by one of our tenors, Andrew Van Allsburg, the piece is a reminder of all the good things that remain in our lives, despite the darkness closing in The arrangement moves from an intimate bedside reflection, to the sound-world of Hollywood magic, and back again, to a gentle, sleepy, ending The stillness and calm of Christmas Eve finds its culmination in Silent Night, here arranged by the master of vocal jazz, Gene Puerling This special adaptation of Franz Gruber’s original melody begins with simple harmonies The middle section, however, is full of lush chords that represent the true warmth, splendor, and magic of Christmas Then, it closes as it began: in stillness and calm Let placid slumbers sooth each weary mind, At morn to wake more heav'nly, more refin'd; So shall the labours of the day begin More pure, more guarded from the snares of sin Night's leaden sceptre seals my drowsy eyes, Then cease, my song, till fair Aurora rise (from "A Hymn to the Evening" by Phillis Wheatley) The final set begins with another excerpt from the Divine Liturgy by Komitas Barekhosutyamb is a prayer for intercession to the Virgin Mary It starts with a reverential tone; one envisions bowed heads and earnest pleading The continuous, chant-like vocal lines ebb and flow as the text moves from supplication to declamation The final climax is a grand plea for assurance and acceptance It is a plea that rings true for us today, and has rung true for the Armenian people throughout their tumultuous history This Armenian prayer to the Virgin Mary transitions seamlessly to Franz Biebl’s Ave Maria, which asks Mary to “pray for us now and at the hour of our death.” Biebl’s setting is actually a version of the “Angelus” Catholic devotional prayer, which tells the story of the annunciation and incarnation Biebl’s Ave Maria is synonymous with Chanticleer We perform it every Christmas, and every time we sing it, it feels like coming home With the dawn comes assurance and hope A new day brings new possibilities It brings warmth and light and connection and joy Oh, Jerusalem in the Morning, arranged by music director emeritus Joseph H Jennings, captures the radiance of Christmas morning Such radiance and warmth is often hard to remember these days But while the darkness feels close, and the wait feels long, the dawn will come Life will return, and music will ring again Program notes by Tim Keeler * Special thanks to Vatsche Barsoumian, founder of the Lark Musical Society in Los Angeles, for his coaching, guidance, and help with all of the Armenian repertoire presented in this concert A Chanticleer Christmas Not e s a nd Tr a nsl at ions Khorhurd Khorin – Komitas Vardapet (1869-1935) Khorhurd khorin, anhas, anəskizbən, Vor zardaretser zverin petutyund I haragast anmatuyts lusuyn, Gerapantz paroq, zdasəs hreghinats Mystery profound, unfathomable, without beginning, You adorned your supernal realm, A chamber of unapproachable light, In splendid glory, with the ranks of fiery spirits Ancharahrash zorutyamb Steghtzer zAdam, patker tirakan, Yev nazeli paroq zgestavoretser I drakhtn Adeni, teghi berkranats With ineffably wondrous power You created Adam, in lordly image, And vested him with gracious glory In the paradise of Eden, the place of delights Charcharanoq qo surb miyatznid Norogetsan araratzq amenayn, Yev verəstin mardn anmahatsav, Zardaryal i zgest ankoghopteli Through the passion of your Only-begotten You renewed all creatures; And man was restored in immortality Appareled in unspoilable raiment Tagavor yerknavor, Yekeghetsi qo ansharzh pahya, Yev zerkərpagus anvanəd qum Pahya i khaghaghutyan Heavenly King, Preserve your Church unshaken, And keep in peace The worshipers of your name Khachatur of Taron (13th century) Praeter rerum seriem – Josquin Des Prez (ca.1450-1521) Praeter rerum seriem parit deum hominem virgo mater Nec vir tangit virginem nec prolis originem novit pater Beyond the natural order of things A virgin mother Gave birth to God as man No man touched the virgin Nor did the father of the child Know the mother Virtus sancti spiritus opus illud coelitus operatur Initus et exitus partus tui penitus quis scrutatur? The power of the holy spirit Accomplished This heavenly work The ins and outs Of your birth, who Can examine them wholly? Dei providentia quae disponit omnia tam suave Tua puerperia transfer in mysteria Mater ave By the providence of God, So sweet, Which arranges all things, Convert into a holy mystery This childbirth of yours, Mother, hail Translation by David Wyatt A Chanticleer Christmas Not e s a nd Tr a nsl at ions Noe, noe, noe! – Antoine Brumel (1460-1512) Noe, noe, noe! Noël, Noël, Noël! Een kindeken is ons geboren – Cornelis De Leeuw (ca.1613-ca.1661) Een kindeken is ons geboren in Bethle’em, des hadd’ Herodes t’oren, dat bleek aen hem, die Wijzen sonder schroomen quamen te Jerusalem, toen Jezus was gekomen na(ar) der Propheten stem: geen moeyten zij ontzaghen, noch kosten groot, haer gaven sach men dragen in haeren schoot A child was born to us in Bethlehem, and Herod learned about him, as all could tell, yet the wise men came to Jerusalem unafraid, after Jesus had been born according to the prophecy: they did not spare efforts nor expense, and all could see the gifts in their laps Translation by André Vierendeels A Babe is Born – George Walker (1922-2018) A Babe is born all of a may, Who brings salvation unto us, To them we sing both night and day, Veni Creator Spiritus [Come, Creator Spirit] At Bethlehem that blessed place, The child of bliss now born He was, And Him to serve God give us grace, O lux beata Trinitas [O Trinity of blessed light] There came three kings out of the East, To worship the King that is so free, With gold and myrrh and frankincense, A solis ortus cardine [From the rising of the sun] The herdsmen heard an angel cry, A merry song that night sang he, O why are you so sore aghast? Iam ortus solis cardine [Now the rising of the sun] The angel came down with a cry, A lovely song sang he, In worship of that darling child, Gloria tibi domine [Glory to you, Lord] A Chanticleer Christmas Not e s a nd Tr a nsl at ions Noël Nouvelet – Traditional French, arr Joseph H Jennings and Matthew Oltman Noël nouvelet, Noël chantons ici; Dévotes gens, crions Dieu merci! Chantons Noël pour le Roi nouvelet: Noël nouvelet, Noël chantons ici A new Noël, now let us sing Noël; Devout people, cry to God your thanks! Sing Noël for the new-born King, A new Noël, now let us sing Noël D’un oiselet après le chant ouïs Qui, aux pasteurs, disait: «Partez ici! En Bethléem trouverez l’Agnelet.» Noël nouvelet, Noël chantons ici Then I heard the song of a little bird, Who, to the shepherds, said: “Go there! In Bethlehem you will find the little Lamb.” A new Noël, now let us sing Noël En Bethléem Marie et Joseph vis, L’âne et le boeuf, l’Enfant couché parmi La crèche était au lieu d’un bercelet Noël nouvelet, Noël chantons ici L’étoile y vis, qui la nuit éclaircit, Qui d’Orient dont elle était sortie, En Bethleém les trois rois conduisait Noël nouvelet, Noël chantons ici L’un portrait l’or, l’autre la myrrhe aussi L’autre l’encens qui faisait bon senti Du Paradis semblait le jardinet Noël nouvelet, Noël chantons ici In Bethlehem I saw Mary and Joseph, The ass and ox, the Infant sleeping among them The manger was there instead of a cradle A new Noël, now let us sing Noël I saw a star, illuminating the night, That came from out of the East, Leading the three kings to Bethlehem A new Noël, now let us sing Noël One carried gold, another also brought myrrh The third brought incense, which made a pleasing smell Like Paradise seemed the garden A new Noël, now let us sing Noël Gaude virgo, mater Christi – Josquin Gaude virgo, mater Christi, Quae per aurem concepisti, Gabriele nuntio Gaude, quia Deo plena Peperisti sine poena, Cum pudoris lilio Rejoice, for full of God you gave birth without pain, with the lily of purity Gaude, quia tui nati Quem dolebas mortem pati, Fulget resurrectio Rejoice, for the resurrection of your Son now shines, whose death you mourned Gaude Christo ascendente, Et in coelum te vidente, Motu fertur proprio A Chanticleer Christmas Rejoice, virgin mother of Christ who has conceived by ear, with Gabriel as messenger Rejoice, as Christ ascends, and, in your sight, is carried into heaven by his own strength Not e s a nd Tr a nsl at ions Gaude que post ipsum scandis, Rejoice, you who riseth after him Et est honor tibi grandis, and to whom great honor is due In caeli palatio in the palace of heaven Ubi fructus ventris tui, Where the fruit of your womb Nobis detur per te frui, is granted us, through you, to enjoy In perenni gaudio in eternal rejoicing Alleluia Alleluia Gaudete! from Two Medieval Lyrics – Steven Sametz (b 1954) Gaudete, Gaudete! Rejoice, Rejoice! Christus est natus Christ is born Ex Maria virgine, Of the Virgin Mary, Gaudete! Rejoice! Tempus ad est gratiae, It is now the time of grace Hoc quod optabamus; that we have desired; Carmina laetitiae, Let us sing songs of joy, Devote redamus let us give devotion Deus homo factus est, God was made man, Natura mirante; and nature marvels; Mundus renovatus est The world was renewed A Christo regnante By Christ who is King Ezechiellis porta The closed gate of Ezechiel Clausa pertransitur; He has been passed through; Unde lux est orta From where the light rises Salus invenitur Salvation is found Ergo nostra cantio, Therefore let our assembly now sing, Psallat iam in lustro; Sing the Psalms to purify us; Benedicat Domino: Let it praise the Lord: Salus Regi nostro Greetings to our King Noël Canon – Steven Sametz Noël! Noël! Sing we Noël! Sing we both all and some: Noël! Out of your sleep awake! For God mankind now hath he take All of a maiden without any make! A Chanticleer Christmas Not e s a nd Tr a nsl at ions Count Your Blessings – Irving Berlin (1888-1989), arr Andrew Van Allsburg When I’m worried and I can't sleep I count my blessings instead of sheep And I fall asleep counting my blessings When my bankroll is getting small I think of when I had none at all And I fall asleep counting my blessings I think about a nursery and I picture curly heads And one by one I count them as they slumber in their beds If you’re worried and you can't sleep Just count your blessings instead of sheep And you'll fall asleep counting your blessings Silent Night – Franz Xaver Gruber (1787-1863), arr Gene Puerling Silent night, Holy night! All is calm, All is bright, Round yon Virgin Mother and Child, Holy Infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace Silent night, Holy night! Son of God, Love’s pure light! Radiant beams from Thy holy face, With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth Barekhosutyamb – Komitas Barekhosutyamb mor Qo yev kusi ənkal zaghachans Qots pashtoneyitss, Vor geraguyn qan zerkinəs, paytzaratsutser surb zekeghetsi aryamb Qov Qristos, Yev əst yerknaynotsən karketser i sma ztass araqelots yev margareyits, surb vardapetats Aysor zhoghovyal dasq qahanayits, sarkavagats, təprats yev kgherikosats, khunk matutsanemq araji Qo, Ter, horinak əst hənumən Zaqariya Ənkal, ar i menj əzkhənkanver maghtans, vorpes pataragn Abeli, zNoyi yev zAbrahamu Barekhosutyamb verin Qo zorats misht ansharzh pahya zAtor Haykaznyayts 10 A Chanticleer Christmas Through the intercession of your virgin mother Accept the supplications of your servants, O Christ, who with your blood Made your holy church brighter than the heavens And ordained in her the orders of the apostles, prophets and the holy teachers after the pattern of the heavenly hosts Today we, order of priests, Deacons, clerks and clerics Offer incense before you, Lord, As Zechariah did of old, Accept from us our offering, As you accepted the sacrifice of Abel, Noah, and Abraham Through the intercession of your supernal hosts, Ever unshaken maintain the throne of the Armenians Not e s a nd Tr a nsl at ions Ave Maria – Franz Biebl (1906-2001) Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae et concepit de Spiritu sancto Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum; benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui Jesus Maria dixit: Ecce ancilla Domini; fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum Et verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis nunc et in hora mortis nostrae Amen The angel of the Lord made his annunciation to Mary and she conceived by the Holy Spirit Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus Mary said, “Behold the servant of the Lord; let it be unto me according to Your word.” And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners Holy Mary, pray for us now and at the hour or our death Amen Oh, Jerusalem in the Morning – Trad Spiritual, arr Jennings Mary, Mary, what’s the matter? Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ I said my po’ Mary, what’s the matter? Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ Oh Joseph, Joseph, what is the matter? Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ Well now Joseph, Joseph, what’s the matter? Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ Night is chilly, what’s the matter? Oh Jeru’slem in the mornin’ The night is chilly, what is the matter? Oh Jeru’slem in the mornin’ I hear the oxen bawlin’, Hear the lambs a-squallin’ Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ I hear the cattle lowin’, Rooster crowin’ Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ Mary, Mary, what’s the matter? Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ A Chanticleer Christmas 11 Not e s a nd Tr a nsl at ions I’m singin’ Oh Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem, Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ Oh well now Little baby Jesus born in a stable, Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ I’m singin’ oh Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem, Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ Oh well now Little baby Jesus lyin’ in the manger, Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ Mary baby born today, wrapped in swadlin’ clothes, Laid him in a manger Lord that’s how the story goes Shepherds bidin’ in the fields, watchin’ o’er their sheep, Angels singing loud and clear woke them from their sleep I’m singin’ oh Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem, Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ Oh well now Little baby Jesus born in a stable, Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ Wise men saw the shining star, shining in the east, Came on camels from afar bringing gifts to the prince of peace I’m singin’ oh Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem, Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ Oh well now Little baby Jesus born in a stable, Little baby Jesus lyin’ in a manger, Little baby Jesus born to be our savior Oh Jerus’lem in the mornin’ See the stars a-glowing, their lustre showin’ Oh Jerusl’em in the mornin’ I see the moon in crescent, phosphorescent, Oh Jerusl’em in the mornin’ 12 A Chanticleer Christmas Mary, Mary what is the matter? Oh Jerusl’em in the mornin’ Mary, Mary what is the matter? Oh Jerusl’em in the mornin’ I see the doves a-cooin’ cows a-mooin’ asses braying horses neighing goats a-bleating birds a-tweeting geese a-squawking parrots talking mice a-prancing lupie dancing heav’nly choir singing higher Mary, Mary Joseph, Joseph, Little baby Jesus What is the matter? Oh Jerusalem in the mornin’! In the mornin’! A bo u t Cha n t i c l e e r The GRAMMY® Award-winning vocal ensemble Chanticleer has been hailed as “the world’s reigning male chorus” by The New Yorker, and is known around the world as “an orchestra of voices” for its wide-ranging repertoire and dazzling virtuosity Founded in San Francisco in 1978 by singer and musicologist Louis Botto, Chanticleer quickly took its place as one of the most prolific recording and touring ensembles in the world, selling over one million recordings and performing thousands of live concerts to audiences around the world Chanticleer’s repertoire is rooted in the renaissance and has continued to expand to include a wide range of classical, gospel, jazz, popular music, and a deep commitment to the commissioning of new compositions and arrangements The ensemble has committed much of its vast recording catalogue to these commissions, garnering GRAMMY® Awards for its recording of Sir John Tavener’s “Lamentations & Praises”, and the ambitious collection of commissioned works entitled “Colors of Love” Chanticleer is the recipient of the Dale Warland/Chorus America Commissioning Award and the ASCAP/Chorus America Award for Adventurous Programming, and its Music Director Emeritus Joseph H Jennings received the Brazeal Wayne Dennard Award for his contribution to the African-American choral tradition during his tenure with Chanticleer Named for the “clear-singing” rooster in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Chanticleer continues to maintain ambitious programming in its hometown of San Francisco, including a large education and outreach program that recently reached over 8,000 people, and an annual concert series that includes its legendary holiday tradition “A Chanticleer Christmas” Chanticleer is a non-profit organization, governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees, administered by a professional staff with a full-time professional ensemble In addition to the many individual contributors to Chanticleer, the Board of Trustees thanks the following Foundations, Corporations and Government Agencies for their exceptional support: O rg a niz at ion BOARD OF TRUSTEES Keith Jantzen - Chair, Palo Alto, CA Parker Monroe - Vice Chair, Oakland, CA Ann Yvonne Walker - Vice Chair, Atherton, CA Kathleen G Henschel – Treasurer, Walnut Creek, CA Philip Wilder – Secretary, San Francisco, CA Dr Susan Carlyle, Houston, TX Eliza C Deissler, Boston, MA Mary Deissler, Boston, MA Mathea Falco, San Francisco, CA Robert Frear, San Francisco, CA Zachary Gustafson, Danville, CA Sandy Macfarlane, Piedmont, CA Winnie Nip, San Francisco, CA Alexander Taussig, San Francisco, CA Zach Talyor, Jr., New York, NY NATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Barbara Barclay, Ann Arbor, MI Mr & Mrs Taylor Bodman, Cambridge, MA John H Gnuse, San Francisco, CA Stephen L Griffith, Portland, OR Tom Gronow, Denver, CO Stephen K Mack, New York, NY Gayle Ober, Minneapolis, MN James R Shay, San Francisco, CA Peggy Skornia, San Francisco, CA Mary C Slawson, St Helena, CA Andreas Tischhauser, Durango, CO The National Endowment for the Arts Grants for the Arts/San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Dunard Fund USA The Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation The Bernard Osher Foundation The Bob Ross Foundation A Chanticleer Christmas 13 Orga n i z at i o n CHANTICLEER STAFF Philip Wilder,, President & General Director Murrey Nelson, Director of Development Curt Hancock, Director of Operations and Touring Brian Bauman, Senior Accountant/Budget Manager Barbara Bock, Development and Marketing Associate Tim Keeler, Music Director Gerrod Pagenkopf, Assistant Music Director Brian Hinman, Road Manager Artist Management: Opus Artists, Ltd Founder: Louis Botto (1951 – 1997) Music Director Emeritus: Joseph H Jennings www.chanticleer.org Fil m C r e d it s Directed and Photographed by Frazer Bradshaw Executive Producer Chris Lorway Creative Producer Elena Park Producers Kimberly Pross Frazer Bradshaw Audio Production, Engineering and Mixing by David v.R Bowles / Swineshead Productions, LLC Editors Emile Bokaer Frazer Bradshaw Assistant Director Vanessa Avery Additional Cameras Ben Lunden Justin Chin Jib Operator Joe Wolohan Assistant Camera Alex Zajicek Gaffer Frank Silva Best Boy Nicholas Dias Re-recording Mixer Dan Olmsted Colorist Frazer Bradshaw 14 A Chanticleer Christmas Art ist s Prof il e s ANDY BERRY, bass, believes that vocal music is vital because it testifies to the power of collaboration, the importance of the present moment, and the beauty of our shared humanity He has performed as a soloist with the Santa Fe Opera, the Pittsburgh Opera, the Vietnam National Ballet and Opera Orchestra, and Singapore’s Metropolitan Festival Orchestra His favorite past roles include the title character in Massenet's Don Quichotte, Isacio in the second U.S performance of Handel’s Riccardo Primo, and Kōbun Otogawa (cover) in the GRAMMY-winning world premiere of Mason Bates’ The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs Andy earned his M.M in voice/opera from the Yale School of Music and a B.S in psychology/neuroscience cum laude from Yale College In 2016, he won second place in the Metropolitan Opera National Council's Northeast Regional Final As an undergraduate, Andy directed the Yale Whiffenpoofs and served as an assistant conductor to the Yale Glee Club He was born and raised in Cabin John, MD, just outside of Washington, D.C., and he now celebrates his (half ) Japanese heritage living in Japantown, San Francisco Andy is proud to return to Chanticleer for his third season Andy Berry occupies The Eric Alatorre Chair given by Peggy Skornia ZACHARY BURGESS, bass-baritone, is a native of Washington D.C Recently he received First Prize in the Vocal Arts DC Art Song Discovery Competition, and as a result was invited to present solo recitals at the Phillips Collection and Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Additionally, Mr Burgess was invited to be featured in Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem by the Alexandria Choral Society Previous engagements include three appearances with D.C Public Opera, where he portrayed Guglielmo from Mozart's Così fan tutte; Masetto from Mozart’s Don Giovanni; and was featured in recital at the Embassy of Austria featuring the works of Franz Schubert He has performed as bass soloist in Haydn’s The Creation with the Alexandria Choral Society; J.S Bach's Magnificat in D-major with the Boston Conservatory Chorale; Handel’s Messiah with the Genesee Valley Orchestra and Chorus; Schumann’s Szenen aus Goethes Faust with the Eastman Rochester Chorus; Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis with the Eastman Rochester Chorus; J.S Bach’s St Matthew Passion with the Eastman Chorale While at Eastman School of Music he performed the roles of Frank Maurrant in Street Scene, Zoroastro in Orlando, Collatinus in The Rape of Lucretia and Keỗal in The Bartered Bride He has also performed Sarastro in Die Zauberflöte at Opera del West and the title role in The Mikado and Crébillon in La Rondine at The Boston Conservatory Mr Burgess is an alumnus of the CoOPERAtive Program, SongFest, Green Mountain Opera, as well as the Crescendo Summer Institute where his portrayal of Leporello in Mozart’s Don Giovanni was recorded and broadcast on regional Hungarian TV Zachary holds his Bachelor of Music from the Boston Conservatory and his Master of Music from the Eastman School of Music This is his fourth season with Chanticleer BRIAN HINMAN has been a part of Chanticleer for nearly fifteen years as both Tenor and Road Manager In addition to performing on eight studio and twelve live recordings since joining in 2006, Brian has been involved in the production end of Chanticleer Records He has recorded, edited, and/or mixed a number of Chanticleer’s live recordings and most notably was Co-Producer on Chanticleer’s pop/jazz album Someone New with Leslie Ann Jones and former Chanticleer member Jace Wittig Brian is also thrilled to have written several pop, gospel, and jazz arrangements for the group in recent years, and he enjoys spending his rare non-Chanticleer hours working as a mixing engineer for other recording artists in the Bay Area No stranger to committees and conference rooms, Brian has also served as Vice-President of the Board of Governors for the San Francisco Chapter of the Recording Academy, the organization that presents the GRAMMY Awards, and served as the Chair of their Advocacy Committee Before joining Chanticleer, Brian built a background in theater, studied Vocal Performance at the University of Tennessee and studied jazz and acting in New York City www.brianhinman.com MATTHEW KNICKMAN, baritone, is proud to be in his tenth season with Chanticleer Born in Korea, he started singing as a boy soprano at St Stephen’s Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania He holds degrees in vocal performance and pedagogy from Westminster Choir College As a member of the critically acclaimed Westminster Choir and Westminster Kantorei, he performed with the New York Philharmonic, Dresden Philharmonic, & New Jersey Symphony, and was led by celebrated conductors, including Alan Gilbert, Lorin Maazel, Kurt Masur, Harry Bicket, Charles Dutoit, Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos, Richard Hickox, Neeme Järvi, Bernard Labadie, Nicholas McGegan, Julius Rudel, Stefan Parkman, Joseph Flummerfelt, and Andrew Megill He has also performed with Les Violons du Roy et La Chapelle de Québec, Early Music New York, Choir of Trinity Wall Street, Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys, Opera Company of Philadelphia, Opera Theatre of Weston, and Spoleto Festival U.S.A He has been a soloist in numerous oratorios and Bach cantatas, including the St John and St Matthew Passions with early music organizations such as Fuma Sacra, Philadelphia Bach Festival, and Carmel Bach Festival He has also been a Finalist in the Sixth Biennial Bach Vocal Competition for American Singers Recently, he has performed as a soloist with Santa Clara Chorale, San Jose Chamber Orchestra, and Symphony Silicon Valley When not singing, Matthew enjoys strawberry ice cream, eating comfort foods around the world, and is an exercise and nutritional science enthusiast A Chanticleer Christmas 15 Art ist s Prof il e s MATTHEW MAZZOLA, tenor, is thrilled to be a part of Chanticleer for his fourth season Matthew received his Bachelor in Music Education from the University of Houston During his undergraduate tenure, he sang with the Moores School of Music’s Concert Chorale under the direction of Betsy Cook Weber He participated with the select group that won first prize ex aequo at the 2013 Marktoberdorf International Chamber Choir Competition, and received three gold medals at the 2015 Grand Prix of Nations competition in Magdeburg, Germany After finishing his degree, Matthew taught elementary music, and sang professionally with Cantare Houston, Houston Bach Society and Houston Chamber Choir In his free time, Matthew is an avid gamer, foodie and sports fan CORTEZ MITCHELL, countertenor, is a native of Detroit, MI He graduated from Morgan State University with a B.A in music and a B.S in mathematics and holds an M.M in voice from the University of Cincinnati's College Conservatory of Music As Minnesota Opera's first resident artist countertenor he performed the role of Cherubino in Mozart's Le nozze di Figaro and covered Nicklausse in Offenbach's Les Contes d’Hoffman With Urban Opera he performed the role of 1st Witch in Purcell’s Dido and Aneas He has been featured in solo performances of J.S Bach's Cantata #147 Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben with the Dayton Philharmonic, R Nathaniels Dett's The Ordering of Moses and Adolphus Hailstork's Done Made My Vow with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Rachmaninov's Vespers in St Petersburg Russia, and Wynton Marsalis's All Rise with the Lincoln Center Jazz Ensemble Cortez has received awards from the National Opera Association, The Washington International competition and the Houston Grand Opera Eleanor McCollum competition Mr Mitchell is in his fourteenth season with Chanticleer GERROD PAGENKOPF, countertenor and assistant music director, returns for a sixth season with Chanticleer A native of Northeast Wisconsin, Gerrod received his Bachelors of music education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and also holds a Masters degree in vocal performance from the University of Houston where he was a graduate fellow under Katherine Ciesinski A specialist in early music, Gerrod has performed with many early music ensembles throughout Boston and Houston including Ars Lyrica Houston, the Handel and Haydn Society, Blue Heron Renaissance Choir, Exsultemus, and the prestigious Church of the Advent in Boston's Beacon Hill In his spare time, Gerrod enjoys exploring the San Francisco Bay Area, geeking out over Handel operas, and discovering local 16 A Chanticleer Christmas coffee shops while on tour Gerrod holds The Ning G Mercer Chair for the Preservation of the Chanticleer Legacy KORY REID, countertenor, is excited to begin his ninth season with Chanticleer Mr Reid studied Music Education at Pepperdine University and completed a Master’s Degree in Choral Conducting from the University of Southern California Kory is a sought-after countertenor soloist who has sung for Los Angeles Zimriyah Chorale, Los Robles Master Chorale, Catgut Trio, USC Chamber Singers, Pepperdine University Concert Choir and Collegium Musicum, and for many diverse choral recitals and church music programs across the country Barbershop music is a salient component of his personality; he earned a barbershop chorus gold medal with the Westminster Chorus in the 2010 International Barbershop Chorus Contest, and can often be found singing tags on street corners Mr Reid teaches private voice and stays active as a music educator, clinician, and ensemble coach for all types of vocal ensembles ALAN REINHARDT, countertenor, is pleased to be in his fifteenth season with Chanticleer He grew up in Long Island, N.Y and prior to joining sang with various ensembles in New York City including The Men and Boys choir at St Thomas Church on Fifth Avenue, Early Music New York and choral performances with the N.Y Philharmonic In 2005, he sang the lead countertenor role in the premiere of the dance/opera A More Perfect Union in the State Theatre in Perm, Russia as part of the Sergei Diaghilev Festival Recently, he has been exploring his love of poetry on the website Voetica.com where you can find him reading such classic poets as Robert Frost, Richard Wilbur, Walt Whitman, William Wordsworth, and John Keats An avid motorcyclist as well, Alan enjoys taking extensive trips in and around California and is a frequent backpacker in the national and state parks of the West coast Alan holds degrees from SUNY Potsdam and the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana LOGAN S SHIELDS, countertenor, is elated to begin his fifth season with Chanticleer A peculiarly proud Michigander, Mr Shields has studied vocal performance at Western Michigan University and Grand Valley State University While living in Grand Rapids, he performed with St Mark's Episcopal, Schola Choir of the Diocese, and OperaGR Most recently, he worked with an array of singers from many of America's top choirs in the professional ensemble Audivi, based in Ann Arbor, under the direction of Noah Horn Outside of the classical realm he has been featured in DownBeat Magazine's Student Music Awards, winning "Best Blues/Pop/Rock Group of 2014" for his contributions on the Aaron Garcia Band's album, Glass Girl Other Art ist s Prof il e s passions include craft beer, absurdism, freestyle rap, pugs, and spending time with his partner, Gabrielle ANDREW VAN ALLSBURG, tenor, is thrilled to begin his fifth season with Chanticleer Originally from Holland, Michigan, Andrew received his Bachelors of Music Education from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI During his undergraduate tenure, Andrew performed with the University Chorale directed by Dr James Bass, and recorded and released an album of Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610 with the Miami-based professional choir Seraphic Fire directed by Patrick Dupré Quigley In addition, Andrew conducted the choir of the early music ensemble Collegium Musicum, and won a Downbeat Award with the vocal jazz ensemble, Gold Company, under the direction of the late Dr Steve Zegree A versatile performer, Andrew has performed globally for various cruise lines, production companies, contemporary a cappella groups, musicals, and has made TV appearances on the Oprah Winfrey Show and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver While living in New York City, Andrew sang with Schola Dominicana at the Church of Saint Catherine of Siena directed by James Wetzel, and was a featured singer in the Radio City Christmas Spectacular featuring the Rockettes, under the musical direction of Kevin Stites Andrew enjoys traveling, spending time with friends and family, and can throw a mean Frisbee ADAM WARD, countertenor, is originally from Tecumseh, Oklahoma At an early age Adam became fascinated with the voice of Patsy Cline As a child he made a number of television appearances singing Cline’s songs Mr Ward began singing countertenor while studying French horn performance at Yale University There he was also a founding member of the Yale Schola Cantorum under the direction of Simon Carrington He has since performed as soloist with the International Contemporary Ensemble and was a member of the Choir of St Mary the Virgin at the famed “Smoky Mary’s” in midtown Manhattan As a horn player, Adam was a member of the Verbier Festival Orchestra, winner of the concerto competitions at Yale and Stony Brook Universities, and was a top prizewinner at the Coleman, Fischoff and Yellow Springs national chamber music competitions As a composer his works have been heard around the world for nearly two decades He was recently composer-in-residence for the New York City based Choral Chameleon directed by Vince Peterson and the Sacramento based Vox Musica directed by Daniel Paulson He is also an avid singer-songwriter Adam holds a B.M from Manhattan School of Music, M.M from Yale School of Music and additional years of study at the Hartt School, Royal College of Music (London) and Stony Brook University Adam is overjoyed to be in his fifteenth season with Chanticleer A Chanticleer Christmas 17 D ir ector s TIM KEELER, Music Director, sang as a countertenor in Chanticleer in the 2017-18 season In Chanticleer’s history he will be the fourth of its six Music Directors to have been a member of the ensemble Prior to moving to San Francisco, Tim forged a career as an active conductor, singer, and educator He performed with New York Polyphony, The Clarion Choir, and the Choir of Trinity Wall Street He also performed frequently as a soloist, appearing regularly in the Bach Vespers series at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in New York City, as well as with TENET, New York's preeminent early music ensemble An avid proponent of new and challenging repertoire, Tim remains a core member of Ekmeles, a vocal ensemble based in New York City and dedicated to contemporary, avant-garde, and infrequently-performed vocal repertoire While transitioning to his role as music director of Chanticleer, Tim is in the midst of completing his DMA in Choral Conducting at the University of Maryland where he studies with Dr Edward Maclary As an educator, Tim directed the Men’s Chorus at the University of Maryland, served as director of choirs at the Special Music School High School in Manhattan, and worked closely with the Young People's Chorus of New York City as a vocal coach and satellite school conductor He was also the choral conductor for Juilliard's new Summer Performing Arts program - a two-week intensive summer course in Geneva, Switzerland Tim holds a BA in Music from Princeton University with certificates in Vocal Performance and Computer Science, an MPhil in Music and Science from Cambridge University, and an MM in Choral Conducting from the University of Michigan While studying with Dr Jerry Blackstone at the University of Michigan, Tim served as assistant conductor of the Grammy award-winning UMS Choral Union, preparing the choir for performances with Leonard Slatkin and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra His dissertation at Cambridge explored statistical methods used in natural language processing and unsupervised machine learning as applied to musical phrase detection and segmentation 18 A Chanticleer Christmas PHILIP WILDER, President and General Director, returns to Chanticleer with a career spanning 30 years as an artistic programmer, educator, fundraiser, musician, promoter, and recording and film producer A graduate of the Interlochen Arts Academy, the Eastman School of Music and the DeVos Institute for Arts Management, Mr Wilder began his professional career as a countertenor in Chanticleer in 1990 He also served as Chanticleer’s Assistant Music Director and Founding Director of Education After leaving Chanticleer in 2003, Wilder served as Associate Director of the capital campaign for the Harman Center for the Arts in Washington, D.C., and was awarded a fellowship at the John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts' DeVos Institute for Arts Management In 2005, Wilder joined 21C Media Group, the New York-based independent public relations, marketing, and consulting firm specializing in classical music and the performing arts During his tenure at 21C Media Group, Mr Wilder developed an impressive roster of clients, including Grammy Award-winners Yefim Bronfman, Susan Graham, and Joyce DiDonato; Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Steven Stucky; and MacArthur “genius” grant recipient Jeremy Denk He also advised organizations, including the Dallas Opera, the Grand Teton Music Festival and Google’s YouTube Symphony Orchestra In 2009, founder Albert Imperato named Wilder vice president of 21C Media Group Mr Wilder recently served as executive director of the New Century Chamber Orchestra (NCCO), leading the organization’s strategic planning and day-to-day business Wilder also worked closely with NCCO’s music directors Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg and Daniel Hope to guide the orchestra’s ambitious artistic programming, including its acclaimed Featured Composer Program, which commissioned major string orchestra works from some of today’s most prominent composers, including Derek Bermel, William Bolcom, Philip Glass, and Jennifer Higdon Wilder is a passionate advocate for classical music and music education, and has teamed up with documentary filmmaker Owsley Brown III on film projects that share stories of the profound impact of music on people and their communities He served as series producer of the PBS web series Music Makes a City Now, and music consultant for the documentary film Serenade for Haiti, which received its world premiere at HBO’s Doc NYC Festival in November of 2016 I nd ivid ua l G if t s Chanticleer extends its deepest gratitude to the following individuals for their generous support Your contributions have never been more invaluable as we navigate these challenging waters It is your generosity that ensures we will emerge intact and be ready to perform live for you again in the future The contributions below were received between August 19, 2019 and November 19, 2020 Angels Circle ($50,000 & Up) Alan Benaroya Willa and Taylor Bodman Wendy E Jordan Christie and John J Mack Howard and Sarah Solomon Milbrey and Zach Taylor Stephen K Cassidy and Rebecca L Powlan Jayne DeLawter and Kenneth Koppelman Suzanne Durling Ambassador James C Hormel and Mr Michael P Nguyen Charles Hostetter Stephen K Mack Ruth Miller Jonathan Riley and David Parsons James Shay and Steven Correll Alexander Taussig includes match by Lightspeed Venture Partners Lisa Taylor You Jia Zhu Founders Circle ($10,000 - $24,999) Choir Master ($1,000 - $2,499) Drs Susan and Dennis Carlyle Kathleen G Henschel and John W Dewes Keith Jantzen and Scott Beth Bill and Ursula Moffett Mrs Alfred S Wilsey Virtuoso Circle ($25,000 - $49,999) Doug Grigg Tom Gronow Karen and Zachary Gustafson Lynne and Mark Humphrey Elizabeth James Christiana Geffen Macfarlane and Charles Macfarlane Nancy and George Montgomery Elizabeth Shattuck Peggy Skornia John and Barbara Vogelstein Pamela and Sedgwick Ward Anonymous Festival Circle ($5,000 - $9,999) Christine and Paul Andrews Mathea Falco and Peter Tarnoff Robert Frear and Tim Kennedy Peter and Barbara Georgescu John and Stacey Gnuse Ken Grant Mary Hargrave Kathleen McCarragher Parker Monroe and Teresa Darragh Gayle and Timothy Ober, Allegro Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation Amy Rao and Harry Plant Victor C Rowley and Stanley K Yarnell Ann Yvonne Walker and David M Jones Anonymous Maestro Circle ($2,500 - $4,999) Wally and Kassy Brohaugh Dennis Buckley Christine Bullin Carole F Alexander David G Anderson and Nancy Kaible Linda E Anderson Paul Angelo Frederick Baumer Paul Bennett Kathryn and J Michael Bishop Barbara C Bock in memory of Dr Walter E Bock and Keith McNabb Victor P Bonfilio in honor of Christine Bullin William Browning Grant Burger Christopher R Campo includes match by The PepsiCo Foundation Ann Sursa Carney Larry and Cecily Cassel Joseph Conklin and Rita Kilduff in memory of Julie Conklin Charles A Cramer Mary Deissler Jean and Chuck Desmond Leigh Emery Nancy and Kenneth Evans Ellen and Allen Fisher Jefferson Todd Frazier William Ginchereau Jeanne Gnuse Robert and Carolyn Hall Linda Henderson Marlene Hess and James Zirin Doug Hezlep Tamara and Greg Jackson Susan Kelton Betsy Koester Jeremy Liew Jay Loucks Curtis McCosh Marietta McPike James R Meehan Peter Musto Charitable Trust Linda C Nelson in memory of John M Nelson Murrey E Nelson in memory of John M Nelson Joyce and Mark Nevins Winnie Nip and Dr Jin Ge Karen Hinman Powell Lori Prince and Robert Hum Gloria Principe Charlie and Barbara Robinson Dr David Robinson in memory of Russ Walton Lynne and Daniel Russell includes match by Google Mary C and Paul Slawson Dr Anne W Smith Cherida Collins Smith Carolyn Spitz Wm Conrad Sweeting Samuel Test Philip Wilder Shariq Yosufzai and Brian James Anonymous in memory of Russ Walton Patron ($500 - $999) Bruce and Sue Adams Stephen and Patricia Ashley Barbara Barclay Barbara Beck Donna Bell Andrew Berry Bob Blazek Roberta Brokaw Annette Campbell-White and Dr Ruedi Naumann-Etienne in honor of Christine Bullin George Cogan and Fannie Allen Karen Commons Jane A Cook Kip Cranna Judith and Harold Dittmer Lynn Dombrowski Mary Falvey in memory of Kaatri Grigg Dr Stephen Follansbee and Dr Richard Wolitz Sherri Foster A Chanticleer Christmas 19 I n d ivid ua l G if t s John Furse and Susanne Nitter Catherine Gudvangen Linda and Simon Haines Linda and Al Herbert Gayle and Bob Hetler Richard and Terry Horrigan Harry Jacobs and Kate Akos John Jay and Scott Miller Sharon Keeler Tim Keeler Alfred and Diane Knoll Ann Kough Nancy and Don La Bash includes match by PG&E Steven and Mary Ann Langer Jane Leatham John Livesay Roger and Margery Lobbes Carol Loden in memory of William A Loden Lynn Luckow Jim Maloney and Andrew Nance Gina Maya Jana Messerschmidt Monika Miethke in honor of Robert Frear and Tim Kennedy Fred Milanovich Christina Miller Douglas and Elizabeth Paul Jim Payne Mona Radice Paul and Pat Sackett Robert and Virginia Salley Chris Shipley and Nancy Latta Karen Smith-McCune Jane Standing Cecilia Stewart Einar and Cameron Sunde Susan Thomas Andreas Tischhauser Jeffrey and Meredith Watts in memory of Louis Botto Mike Wilder Carol and John Woodhouse Kent R Wright, M.D Anna Maria Zara and Robert M English Anonymous (3) Benefactor ($250 - $499) Carolyn Alexander Sue E Alvarez Arthur and Elaine Aron Lee Aurich and Helen Hutchison Stephanie Bangs Wendy Bartlett Charles Beaudrot Carl Becker Rob Bell 20 A Chanticleer Christmas Donald and Sandra Berry Ardith Betts Borden Bloom Emery Bordsodi Thomas Bosserman Katie Brookes James L Bross Alida Buchanan Lilla Burgess Allen Burke Stuart and Elizabeth Calhoon Jack Cargas Roy Castro Sally and Andrew Cedarblade John Chalik and Susan Chamberlain Courtney Coile and Henry Roman Keith Cosbey Tim Dattels and Kristine Johnson in honor of Robert Frear George I Deabill, Ph.D David and Barbara Dobrinen in honor of Joseph Jennings and Christine Bullin Ed and Sandra Dolber-Smith Lynn Dombrowski Barbara Eaton in memory of Richard Eaton Richard Fabian Linda Fawx Donald Fennell Jim and Virginia Fruchterman Renata Gasperi and Donald Frediani Allison G Gagnon Larry and Kathy Glasmire Ewald and Kathleen Goldbach Ellen Gottheil Eugene A Graber Blanca Haendler and Robert Cook Claudia Hamm Beverly Hansberry Yinliang He Anne Heinrich Michael Holfinger Robert and Karen Holtermann Bob Hostetter Cleda Houmes Xinfeng Hu Jessica Huard Patricia and Philip M Jelley in memory of Louis Botto Christine Kibre Mark and Rita Knudsen Ann Kough Rita Leard Rachel Lopatin Patricia and Wolfgang Lusse Nancy Lynch Judy Mackie John and Ann Mahoney Thomas and Shirley Manning Pamela Marvel Tony Mauro Cindy Mazzola Susan and Dennis McGinty Sean Meehan Edith Mendez Denise Merleno Julie Morgan and David Osborn Frances Motley Kathryn and Peter Muhs Ronald O’Connor John Pakula Nathan Patton Sarah Peter Loretta Poveromo Todd Power Rebekah Rabiroff Ahna Rao William Reller Bill Rice Rebecca Rishell Laura Logue Rood in honor of Christine Bullin Judith and Michael Rothman James Rumbaugh and Madeline Morrow Charles Ryan includes match by IBM Mark Salkind Ruth Sandberg Inga and Jon Schmidt Cindy Schlaefer Nancy and Stephen Schwalen Berta Schweinberger Sharon and Clinton Snyder includes match by IBM Ian Stockdale and Ruth Leibig Christopher Stribling James Tibbs C Kim Voss Margaret Waisman Ron Wakefield Claudia Jo Weber and Mary K Morrison Edward Wight Bruce and Lynn Wiley Eve Youngberg Peggy and Lee Zeigler Anonymous (2) Sustainer ($100 - $249) David and Susan Abernethy Katharine J Adamson David Aguilera Ernest Ahl Frank Albinder Gail Allison Rebecca and Duane Anderson Catherine Arnold I n d ivid ua l G if t s Catherine Baca Nora Bacon Helen and Jose Barrios Wayne and Dodie Bauman Carl W Becker Martin Bednarek George and Ann Beers Bruce and Veronica Bennett Mercedes Bent Linda Bernard Sally Berry Nanette Bishopric Louis D Bocchetto Stephen Boniface John Bowers Judith and Lance Boyd William and Ann Marie Bronte Peggy Bruggman Susan C Bryan John Buhite and Elizabeth Myers-Buhite Don and Dana Burrell Alison Campbell James C Campbell, M.D Kay Cheatham Sandra Chen Gary Chock Heather Collins Barbara Colton James Conmy Terry Corbin James Coughlin and Joan Libman John Creighton and Rita Reining Eleanor and Nick Crump Karen Currier Christopher and Kay Dann Linda Davis and Serge Rudaz Eddy De Croock Juan De Jesus Ann de Peyster Mary and Lester De Wall Nancy Dick Vijay Divi Samuel Dixon Vic G Dvorak Dr Sarah E Eeles Gayle Eleanor and Robert McNally Carol Emory Kathleen Empsucha Heather Evans Liz Murphy Evans Kristina Fayyad Marsha Downing Felton Edward Fernandez Leslie Field Roy Fisher Ann and Joe Fitzgerald Holly Fleming Carol Flickinger Peggy Forbes Doug and Chris Fox Nancy Francis in honor of Christine Bullin and Philip Wilder George H Galloway, Jr Robert Galluzzo Erik Gann Sarah Garcia Barbara Gildersleeve Donald Girodano Kathryn Goff May T Goodreau Kevin Grose Timothy Guzman Alan and Janell Haag Jim Hansen and Janet Ellis Grace Hawes David Hinman Ann Hirsch Linda L Hobson Anne Hollingsworth Diane Hooker Fred and Ruth Horiuchi Fred Hosea III Kyle Hovatter Mark How and Toshiaki Kawaguchi Nancy Hug Jeanne and Dirk Huybrechts Mary Idso Constance Ikert Alberto Imperato Laura Iraci Pat Jennerjohn Gregory Jurin and James McCrea Sally Katter Melinda Keck Ayse Manyas Kenmore Sandra Kindermann Kathleen Kinney Laura Kline Martin Kooi Lisa Posey Krakowsky Michelle Lafollette Howard and Eileen Lee Jeanne Leemon John Lehner Baird W Lloyd David Long Ronna Love Diane Jones Lowrey Steve Lutz Randall Matamoro and Nancy Wilkinson Martin Mazzanti Kevin McGinnis Robert McGrath and William Witcher Greg and Gina McHenry Kevin G McHenry Peggy McMahan Karen Metz Kerry Meyer and Sheri Novack Linda Milosky David Miller and Norman Proctor Don Miller Laverne Miller Sharon Modrick Charlene and Henry Morita Chip and Janice Morningstar Elizabeth Moss Elizabeth and Timothy Mount Kay and Stanley Muther Geraldine Nicholson Tyler Ochoa Diane Ogawa Lisa Oliver Kimberley Olson Daniel Palmerlee Barbara Panowitz Sarah Parker Ian Matthew Pascoe Mary Beth Patterson Michael Perkins Penny Phillips Pamela Griffith Pond Frank and Claudia Prather Jan Raissle and Susanne Mulcahy Ellen Rashbaum and John Wallace Kent and Mary Reed Jeff and Julie Reilly Gregory and Valerie Reisinger Scott Robinson Neal Rogers Betsy Ross Julie Rulyak Kirby Sack Cynthia Sauln Casey Schenkel Robert Scott and Tim McDonald William Fred Scott Linda and Ed Selden Mark Senseman Tal Skloot John Smaligo Stephen Smith Elaine Snyder in memory of Father Paul Minnihan Marty Stein Sidney A Stetson Stu and Jo Anne Stoddard Toby Symington Martha Taft A Chanticleer Christmas 21 I n d ivid ua l G if t s Roderic Taft Takako Takami Joseph Tambornino Tom Techentin Lisa Tedesco Cole Thomason-Redus Rodney and Alice Thorn Robert Tompkins Beverly Treuille Hailey Trivella Lynn Upchurch Jon and Susan Van Allsburg Leon Van Steen Bill Wallace Matthew Walsh Jennifer Walwark James Weaver Linda Weaver Christine Webber Orion Weiner JoAnn and Fred Wentker John and Katy Wharton Jay White Ralph White Jacques Williams and Roberta Robar Susan and Tom Willoughby Katharine W Winograd Jennie Woo David Wright and Susan Jones Michael Young Norman Young Stephen Zilles Anonymous (2) Chanticleer's newest recording, Chanticleer Sings Christmas, is a characteristically rich and varied program embracing traditional carols and gospel numbers, plainsong, European and Mexican music of the 16th and 17th centuries, and composers and arrangers of the present day Included are works by Praetorius, Victoria, Hassler, Byrd, Manchicourt and contemporary composers Jaakko Mäntyjärvi, Steven Sametz and Rosephanye Powell as well as carols from the US, Quebec, Germany, Spain and South America To purchase the CD go to www.chanticleer.org Also available on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify and YouTube Music 22 A Chanticleer Christmas Foundation, Government, Organization and Corporate Support Louis A Botto Society When Chanticleer founder, Louis Botto, passed away he left behind a powerful legacy His work in the choral arts inspired singers of all levels and amassed a multitude of lifelong fans This legacy continues to touch the lives of people around the world Chanticleer extends our deep gratitude to the many generous individual donors who have helped secure Chanticleer’s future by including us in their estate plans Jonathan and David Abernathy-Deppe Marilyn W Anderson Rob Bell and Dennis Graham Dennis Buckley Drs Susan and Dennis Carlyle Lloyd and Janet Cluff Jane A Cook Peter W Davis and Pam B Webster Julia Doty Timothy J Guzman Kathleen G Henschel Gail and Bob Hetler Russ Irwin Keith Jantzen and Scott Beth David and Suzie Larwood Lynn D.W Luckow Jim and Nancy Lutz Stephen and Ning Mercer Carl B Noelke Patrick O’Halloran Sheldeen G Osborne John Pence Frederic Sater Robert and Judith Sessler Peggy Skornia Dr Anne W Smith Elaine Snyder and Richard Lindsey Clinton and Sharon Snyder Lynn Upchurch Ann Yvonne Walker and David Jones Anonymous Corporate Support Amazon Smile E-Scrip Theresa Horton, Law Office Government & Foundation Support Anonymous Dunard Fund USA The Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation San Francisco Grants for the Arts The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation National Endowment for the Arts The Bernard Osher Foundation The Bob Ross Foundation Matching Gifts Apple Bright Funds Chevron Matching Gift Program Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Facebook Franklin Templeton Investments Google Gift Matching Program IBM Intuit Foundation Lightspeed Venture Partners McKinsey & Co The Pepsico Foundation PG&E Corporation Tootsie Roll Industries In honor of the Louis A Botto Society members who are no longer with us: Josephine Campbell, Dorothy B Castle, Philip Eisenberg, David L Fortner, Evelyn Hagerthey, Samuel C Hughes, M.D., John E Leveen, Emile B Norman, Rusty Rolland, Peter H Shattuck, Richard W Smith, M.D., Patricia TeRoller, and Russ Walton For more information on how you can support Chanticleer, please contact Murrey E Nelson, Director of Development at 415-230-2511 or mnelson@chanticleer.org A Chanticleer Christmas 23

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 00:14


