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Strategy Review Workshop (Version 24-9-2010) FAO Corporate Strategy on Information Systems for Food Security Casa San Bernardo, Rome Via Laurentina, 289 00142-Roma Tel 065407651 Fax 065407654 Objectives:  Arrive at a common understanding of key pillars of the draft FAO Corporate Strategy on Information Systems for Food Security across stakeholder groups;  Review strategy components and identify gaps, consistency with other strategies, and possibilities for fostering partnership;  Arrive at practical suggestions for finalizing the strategy and identify elements of an implementation plan Meeting Process and Key Outputs:  Invited participants include stakeholder in ISFS across FAO Departments and Regional Offices as well as key partners in ISFS work  Workshop Outputs include:  Appreciation of the range of views that key stakeholders may have on the key elements of the draft strategy;  Agreement on practical proposals that help strengthen and focus the critical components of the draft strategy;  Identification of questions and elements that need to be addressed in a plan to implement the strategy;  A common understanding of entry points for a joint strategy with WFP (and other ISFS partners) Strategy Review Workshop (Version 24-9-2010) FAO Corporate Strategy on Information Systems for Food Security Strategy Review Workshop Tentative Agenda for Day Time 8.30 – 8.45 Session Title Arrival and Registration of Participants Welcome Coffee 9.00 – 9.45 Introduction  Welcome and Opening  Workshop Agenda, Objectives and Process  Introduction of Participants Expected Output: Common understanding of objectives and scope of the workshop Setting the Stage  The Management Response to the Joint FAO/WFP ISFS Evaluation: Key commitments and reference points  Presentation of the Draft FAO Corporate ISFS Strategy Expected Output: Common understanding of the rationale for and core components of the FAO Corporate ISFS Strategy Coffee Break Review Panel 1: Vision, FAO Comparative Advantages and Partnerships  What you see as the new and innovative elements contained in the draft strategy?  Which of FAO comparative advantages does the strategy build on most?  What are key entry points for partnerships? 9.45- 10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-12:00 12.00-13:00 13:00–14:00 Person Hafez Ghanem Günter Hemrich, Facilitation Team Pietro Gennari Tim Frankenberger Panel Members: Arif Husain, WFP Nancy Mock, Tulane University Cristina Amaral, TCE Koffi Amegbeto, FAORAF Expected Output: Focus areas for further Moderator: elaboration by working groups Günter Hemrich Review Panel 2: Strategic Pillars and Focus Panel Members Areas requiring further attention Bruce Isaacson,  How valid is the core structure of four FAORAP ISFS strategic objectives/pillars (global Karel Callens, TCS public goods, neutral assessments, norm- Mark Smulders, ESA and standard setting, and capacity Namann Keita, ESS development)?  Considering each pillar, what strategy Moderator: statements should be included? What gaps Nick Haan you see? Expected Output: Focus areas for further elaboration by working groups Lunch Strategy Review Workshop (Version 24-9-2010) FAO Corporate Strategy on Information Systems for Food Security 14.00-14:30 Set-up of working groups based on outcomes of the panel discussion 14:30-16.30 In depth review of strategy components in working groups (Groups to be validated on with coffee the basis of panel discussion outcomes): in working  Link of the strategy to emerging issues groups at  Guiding principles and priority setting 15.00 hrs criteria  ISFS as a global public good  Capacity building support  Normative and standard setting role of FAO  Partnerships in ISFS  Management Structure Facilitator Working Group Co-ordinators Working Group Co-ordinators Group Output: A set of recommendations to improve and focus the FAO Corporate Strategy in the areas addressed by the working group 16:30–17.15 17.15–17.30 Sharing of results: Three working groups report to plenary Discussion of key recommendations Facilitator Working Group Co-ordinators, Expected Output: A shared understanding and Working Group validation of the working group recommendations Reporters by plenary Reflection and Announcements Strategy Review Workshop (Version 24-9-2010) FAO Corporate Strategy on Information Systems for Food Security Time 8.30-8.45 8.45-10.15 10.15-10.30 10.30-12.30 Tentative Agenda for Day Session Title Person Recap of Day Volunteer Participants Agenda for Day (to be validated upon Facilitator outcomes of Day 1) Expected Output: Common Understanding of agenda and objectives for the Day Sharing of results: Three working groups report Facilitator to plenary and discuss key recommendations Working Group Coordinators, Working Expected Output: A shared understanding and Group Reporters validation of the working group recommendations by plenary Coffee Break Moving towards implementation: tbd Elements of an Implementation Plan: Focus on how to implement the strategy and identification of priority implementation steps Validation of Strategy Components from the viewpoint of implementation challenges Expected Output: A better understanding or opportunities and constraints in implementation and their implications for the strategy 12.30-14.00 14.00-16.00 with coffee break at 15.00 hrs 16.00-17.00 Lunch Working in Partnerships: Identification of entry points for developing joint strategies with partners tbd Expected Output: Options for shaping upcoming work on joint ISFS strategies with partners Workshop Conclusions and next steps, Workshop Evaluation Official Closing Facilitation Team Pietro Gennari Strategy Review Workshop (Version 24-9-2010) FAO Corporate Strategy on Information Systems for Food Security Logistical Information Invited Participants – Approximately no tbd  International Agencies including WFP, IFAD, Joint Research Center European Commission, Tulane University, IFPRI  FAO (TC, AG, NR, FI, FO)  ISFS Core Team Workshop Organization        Responsible Manager: Pietro Gennari Team Leader and Workshop Facilitator: Günter Hemrich Resource Person: Tim Frankenberger Working Group Coordinators: Gina Kennedy Dorjee Kinlay Neil Marsland Renata Mirulla Karl Morteo Luca Russo Rachele Santini John Latham Overall Reporting: Shirley Mustafa and Andi Shiraz Plenary Session Rapporteurs: Maylis Razes, Rachele Santini, Renata Mirulla Logistics: Veronique Levavasseur Workshop Materials and Background Papers: - FAO Corporate Strategy on Information Systems for Food Security v 23-9-2010 - Summary Report of the Joint Thematic Evaluation of FAO and WFP Support to Information Systems For Food Security - Management Response - Joint Thematic Evaluation of FAO and WFP Support to Information Systems for Food Security Contact Details    Casa San Bernardo: 06-5407651 Veronique Levavasseur, FAO Mobile 345-902-4448 Günter Hemrich, FAO Mobile 348-141-6821

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2022, 23:54


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