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ALPFA CSUF Constitution Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I: NAME AND PURPOSE OF THE ORGANIZATION Section I: Name Section II: Vision Section III: Mission Section IV: Values ARTICLE II: REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERSHIP AND SELECTION OF MEMBERS Section I: Eligibility for ALPFA Membership Section II: Nondiscrimination Section III: Minimum Number of Members Section IV: Associate Membership Section V: Voting Membership Section VI: Suspension and/or Expulsion of Membership ARTICLE III: OFFICERS Section I: The Board Section II: Powers and Duties of Officers Section III: Officer Qualifications (President and Treasurer only) Section IV: Recall Election Section V: Vacant Officer Position after Elections ARTICLE IV: MEETINGS Section I: Regular Meetings Section II: Special/Emergency Meetings and Board meetings .9 Section III: Quorum for Business ARTICLE V: ELECTIONS Section I: Timing of Elections 10 Section II: Notice of Elections 10 Section III: Tally of Electoral Votes 10 Section IV: Minimum Number of Electoral Votes 10 ARTICLE VI: ADVISORS 10 Section I: Eligibility 10 Section II: Term of Office 10 Section III: Removal 10 Section IV: Office of Student Life and Leadership 10 A staff member from the Office of Student Life and Leadership or a School Based Assistant Dean may be assigned to work with this organization to assist the faculty advisor and the organization 10 ARTICLE VII: DUES 10 Section I: Establishment of Membership Fees 10 Section II: Bank Account 11 ARTICLE VIII: METHOD TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION 11 Section I: Proposed Amendment 11 Section II: Approval of Board Members 11 Section III: Requirement to File Constitution 11 ARTICLE IX: DISBURSAL OF ORGANIZATION ASSETS 11 Section I: Extinction of Organization 11 ARTICLE X: STATEMENT OF AFFILIATION 11 Section I: Affiliations 11 Section II: Requirement to File Constitution 11 ARTICLE XI: RULES OF ORDER 11 Section I: Roberts Rules of Order 11 Section II: Issues Resolved by Rules of Order 12 ARTICLE I: NAME AND PURPOSE OF THE ORGANIZATION Section I: Name The name of this organization shall be known as the Association of Latino Professionals For America Chapter at California State University, Fullerton (ALPFA CSUF) Section II: Vision ALPFA is a premier business organization for expanding opportunities for Latino Leadership in the global market Section III: Mission ALPFA creates opportunities, adds value, and builds relationships for its members, the community, and its business partners while expanding Latino leadership in the global workforce Our chapter’s mission is to transform students into professional global leaders Section IV: Values ALPFA’s members share seven core values, which include: professional growth, integrity, culture, relationship building, service, inclusiveness, and teamwork ARTICLE II: REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERSHIP AND SELECTION OF MEMBERS Section I: Eligibility for ALPFA Membership Membership in the organization shall be open to all those regularly-enrolled California State University, Fullerton students who are interested in membership There shall be no other requirements for admission to regular membership Each regular member has equal rights and privileges Members must pay membership fee set forth by the Board (including annual ALPFA National renewal fee for those returning members that joined two semesters prior) Section II: Nondiscrimination Membership in this organization shall not be denied to any student at California State University, Fullerton on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation or disability Section III: Minimum Number of Members There shall be a minimum of five (5) CSUF students who are currently enrolled in at least one class with a maximum of 20 percent of the member who are not CSUF students Section IV: Associate Membership Any eligible non-CSU Fullerton student who completes a membership form shall be an associate member upon submitting a membership form Section V: Voting Membership Voting membership is limited to regularly enrolled (non-extended education) students at California State University, Fullerton Section VI: Suspension and/or Expulsion of Membership Any member may be suspended or expelled from the organization for conduct obviously contrary to the Constitution of the organization or for conduct that impairs the rights of the members to enjoy the benefits of the organization The offense must be in writing and submitted by a club member After the offense is submitted to the organization, the offending member has the right to a 24 hour notice of a hearing before his/her peers at a regular meeting and the offending member may be suspended or expelled by a 2/3 affirmative vote of the voting members present ARTICLE III: OFFICERS Section I: The Board The Executive Board shall include the following officer positions: President, Chair, Vice President, and Treasurer The executive board helps the president in setting the vision, and missions of the chapter, as well as helping with the board training, organization, and helps maintain order when needed The Board shall include the other following positions: Secretary, Vice president of Marketing, Vice president of Development, Social Media director, Director of Membership, Director of Development, BICC Representative, Mesa Representative and other officers as necessary All actions involving outside affiliations, contacts, image, etc (public relations) shall be approved by the president or majority vote before any action is taken The board in its entirety shall consist of an odd number of board members for voting purposes The term of office will be a max of two semesters from semester elected Terms may be adjusted on a case by case basis Board members must be re-elected to maintain or change position, and term in office in the same position cannot exceed semesters All board members are not required to attend professional events but are referred to All board members are required to table the first two-three weeks of the semesters Undergraduates are required to earn six semester units per term while holding office Graduate and credential students must earn three semester units per term while holding office Undergraduate officers are allowed to earn a maximum of 150 semester units or 125 percent of the units required for a specific baccalaureate degree objective, whichever is greater Graduate and credential officers are allowed to earn a maximum of 50 semester units or 167 percent of the units required for the graduate credential objective, whichever is greater Section II: Powers and Duties of Officers Clause 1: The President (Executive Board) The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization S/he shall be the official spokesperson of the organization, representing the policies, view and opinions of the organizations in its relations with the campus and community at large S/he has further powers and duties as prescribed by the organization S/he has the authority to veto a vote that S/he feels is not in the mission of the chapter or defies the constitution The President’s primary goal is to keep/set the vision and goals for the chapter, keep organization within the chapter, and be the external face of the chapter when attending ALPFA events and networking to attain sponsors and affiliates The President must have a minimum 2.0 CSUF GPA Clause 2: The Chairs (Executive Board) The Chair is a position that past board members can step into after their term has ended in order to train and guide the new board S/he gives guidance and trains new board members as needed The Chairs has no voting rights but can conduct the voting process as well as guide any board members The positions are to create and maintain an alumni connection Clause 3: The Vice President (Executive Board) The Vice President presides at the organization meetings in the absence of the President S/he performs all duties assigned by the Chair and/or president S/he notifies all board members of organization meetings or assigns secretary S/he adds new amendments to the constitution under the authorization of the President and majority vote by the board S/he keeps contact/relations with CSUF faculty, advisors, and affiliate clubs and organizations S/he makes sure the chapter is compliant with guidelines of National and CSUF in collaboration with the President (Reports to the President) Clause 4: The Treasurer (Executive Board) The Treasurer handles all financial affairs and budgeting of the organization S/he produces financial statements at the end of each semester S/he budgets and deals with funding and collecting membership fees S/he maintains AS Agency Accounts in the organization’s name, which requires signatures of the Treasurer, President and Advisor All disbursements for more than $50 require a majority vote approval of the organization S/he is to take on the BICC representative position if there is no one for the position The Treasurer must have a minimum 2.0 CSUF GPA (Reports to the President) Clause 5: The Secretary The Secretary takes minutes (occasionally creates the agenda) for all meetings of the organization, files minutes and submits required copies to all the organizations’ board members S/he is responsible for all organization correspondence and keeps copies of all correspondence on file S/he acts as historian and maintains all records of the organization The Secretary must have open availability to be present at all meetings and in good academic standing with a minimum 2.0 GPA (Reports to the President) Clause 6: Vice president of Marketing S/he is responsible for organizing the marketing plan S/he assigns the director of marketing and the social media director to set up social media outlets, produce flyers and brochures, and the chalking message needed to promote events S/he is also responsible for making sure the marketing team is on track in a timely manner and works in collaboration with the VP of Development (Reports to the VP) Clause 7: The Director of Marketing The Director of Marketing is responsible for executing the marketing plan S/he sets up as directed by the VP of Marketing social media outlets and produces flyers and brochures, and creates the chalking message needed to promote events (Reports to the VP of marketing) Clause 8: The Membership Director The Membership Director is responsible for recruiting new members, maintaining memberships (records of payment, length of membership etc…), and keeping members active S/he is also responsible for any other task that includes involvement of members however defined by the board (Reports to the Treasurer) Clause 9: The Vice President of Development S/he directs the development team to complete tasks in a timely manner S/he is responsible for making sure the event planning process is being completed efficiently and on time S/he assigns the process of SORC approval of chalking, tabling, and any other activities the chapter holds that need to be approved by the SORC office S/he assigns and executes the passing out and posting of fliers and chalking S/he is also responsible for making sure all events have an assigned room and/or spot for events and activities S/he is responsible for planning events including layouts and types of events in collaboration with the development team and the executive board S/he will organize the year-end banquet and meetings, in collaboration with either an active member or another board member Must have open availability (Reports to the VP) Clause 10: The Director of Development The Director of Development is responsible for planning events and anything assigned by the VP of development The Director of Development must have open availability (Reports to the VP of development) Clause 11: The BICC Representative The BICC Representative attends weekly meetings and coordinates with the treasurer for funding guidelines S/he updates board members at board meetings S/he interacts with other campus clubs for collaborations and alliances The BICC Representative must have open availability This position is usually held along with another position Must be available for mandatory meetings on Tuesdays at 11:30am and sometimes requires extra time constraints (Reports to the Treasurer) Clause 12: Social Media Director S/he makes sure all marketing documents and media outlets of the organization are in compliance with CSUF and ALPFA guidelines S/he is responsible for creating online marketing campaigns in collaboration with the marketing team S/he is responsible for any other internet marketing such as: Facebook, LinkedIn, twitter updates and maintenance, and all other marketing media outlets S/he is also responsible for tasks assigned by the VP of Marketing (Reports to the VP of marketing) Clause 13: Mesa Cooperativa Representative S/he must attend all Mesa meetings and support mesa as needed and other mesa organizations while representing ALPFA CSUF in a good image and promoting what ALPFA does for students of culture This position is usually held along with another position Must be available for mandatory meetings Mondays at 4:30pm (Reports to the VP) Clause 14: Vice President of Mentor Program S/he composes and conducts mentor recruitment, and mentee interviews along with the mentorship committee if available or all board members S/he organizes the program aspects including contacts between our chapter and the mentor, mentee, and the professional chapter S/he is responsible for recruitment of interested members in the program and successfully following up with the mentor process Also must have constant contact with the professional chapter as this program is organized between the professional chapters and within the CSUF chapter and its MBA members S/he is responsible for the marketing of the program in collaboration with the marketing team S/he must build a relationship with the CSUF director of the MBA program in order to launch the MBA mentor aspect of the program as well as build a connect with the surrounding community colleges to promote ALPFA CSUF and create a link for recruiting (Reports to the President) Section III: Officer Qualifications (President and Treasurer only) Clause 1: The President and Treasurer of the student organization are required to meet the Minimum requirements established for Minor Student Representative Student Officers by the CSU Chancellor’s Office a Officers must be matriculated and enrolled (non-extended education) at Cal State Fullerton b Officers must maintain a minimum cumulative 2.0 grade point average each term c Officers must be in good standing and must not be on probation of any kind d Undergraduates are required to earn six semester units per term while holding office Graduate and credential students must earn three semester units per term while holding office e Undergraduate officers are allowed to earn a maximum of 150 semester units or 125 percent of the units required for a specific baccalaureate degree objective, whichever is greater Graduate and credential officers are allowed to earn a maximum of 50 semester units or 167 percent of the units required for the graduate credential objective, whichever is greater Section IV: Recall Election Petition by 1/3 of the total number of members is cause for a recall election The offense must be stated in writing and submitted by a member After the offense is submitted to the organization, the offending officer has the right to a 48-hour notice of a hearing A recall election will be conducted as a "Special Election" Recall requires an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the total voting membership Section V: Vacant Officer Position after Elections In the event an elected officer is unable to fulfill his/her term of office, there will be a "Special Election." Any eligible member, including those already holding office, can be nominated for a vacated officer position In the absence of time for a new election or the nominee runs UN opposed, then S/he wins by default ARTICLE IV: MEETINGS Section I: Regular Meetings Regular meetings are scheduled at least bi-weekly during the academic year Section II: Special/Emergency Meetings and Board meetings Board Meetings are held once a week at a time and place voted upon by majority vote of the board Board members are expected to notify a member of the executive board days in advance if they will be tardy/late or absent Absence is defined as an uncontrollable event, an emergency, or sickness In the case of unforeseen tardiness, the member must notify an executive board member After unexcused absences, the board member will be up for impeachment Two tardy counts, count as one absent An elected officer calls special meetings All board members must be given a minimum 48 hours (2 working days) prior to the Special Meeting time Proposals: Proposals will be proposed in the meeting before the actual vote Voting will be conducted by 51% majority vote, by the full board the following meeting after the proposal is proposed Section III: Quorum for Business Business cannot be conducted unless a quorum of the membership is present Quorum for this organization is defined as 51% of the voting membership ARTICLE V: ELECTIONS Section I: Timing of Elections Officers are elected once an academic year Elections are held at the end of the spring semester for the following year’s term Section II: Notice of Elections At least one week’s notice will be provided for any meeting at which an election is held Section III: Tally of Electoral Votes Votes will be cast by secret ballot and counted by an unbiased committee In cases of small amount of active membership, or small board, elections will be held within the board by secret ballot Section IV: Minimum Number of Electoral Votes A candidate must receive at least 51% of the votes or, if necessary, runoff elections will be held ARTICLE VI: ADVISORS Section I: Eligibility Any non-auxiliary employee on a minimum half time basis employed by CSU Fullerton can serve as advisor to this organization (Please see the Office of Student Life and Leadership for more information on Auxiliary Employee Advisors.) Section II: Term of Office The advisor(s) will serve a term of one academic year and is selected at the same time as the officers of the organization Section III: Removal The advisor(s) may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the membership at a regularly scheduled organization meeting Section IV: Office of Student Life and Leadership A staff member from the Office of Student Life and Leadership or a School Based Assistant Dean may be assigned to work with this organization to assist the faculty advisor and the organization ARTICLE VII: DUES Section I: Establishment of Membership Fees This organization can assess membership fees Assessments are determined each semester or each academic year by the executive board at its regularly scheduled organization meeting Section II: Bank Account All money must be deposited into an Associated Students, Incorporated Accounting Office agency account (The University does not recognize off-campus bank accounts for student organizations at CSU Fullerton.) ARTICLE VIII: METHOD TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION Section I: Proposed Amendment Proposed constitutional amendment or changes will be presented, in writing, to the organization one meeting before this amendment is voted on Section II: Approval of Board Members Approval by 2/3 of the voting members present at a regular organization meeting will pass this proposed amendment The amendment is immediately effective unless otherwise stipulated in the proposal Section III: Requirement to File Constitution A copy of this constitution/by-laws and/or amendments to this constitution must be filed in the Office of Student Life and Leadership at CSU Fullerton every years or within 90 days after any substantive change or amendment ARTICLE IX: DISBURSAL OF ORGANIZATION ASSETS Section I: Extinction of Organization In the event that ALPFA CSUF should become defunct, all assets will be turned over to the CSU Fullerton Associated Students, Inc., to be used to promote student programming on campus ARTICLE X: STATEMENT OF AFFILIATION Section I: Affiliations No affiliations at the moment Section II: Requirement to File Constitution A copy of any constitution/by-laws of ALPFA CSUF must be filed in the Dean of Students' office at CSU Fullerton ARTICLE XI: RULES OF ORDER Section I: Roberts Rules of Order ALPFA CSUF accepts “Roberts Rules of Order” as its Rules of Order Section II: Issues Resolved by Rules of Order Any issue not directly written in this document will be resolved by referring to the Rules of Order

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2022, 23:53

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