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Agriculture & Natural Resource Program Guide Why Agriculture & Natural Resources? Everyone eats and everyone needs a place to live All of our food and shelter come from agriculture and natural resources If you are interested in how we interact with the environment and how we use natural resources to meet our basic needs, then consider a career in Agriculture and Natural Resources Agriculture in Washington employs an estimated 160,000 workers annually and contributes 12% of the state’s economy.* It is big business, it is important business, and it just might be for you! The Agriculture Center of Excellence is an organization designed to encourage economic development through collaborative processes and partnerships that link education to the agricultural industry The Center supports the agriculture and natural resource programs offered by community and technical colleges in Washington State The Center serves over 20 colleges which currently offer a multitude of degree programs Funding for the Agriculture Center of Excellence and its initiatives is provided by the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges *Washington State Department of Agriculture, Retrieved September 23, 2010 from http://agr.wa.gov/AginWA/ Program Guide Table of Contents 12 Animal Science Pathway Using the Program Guide Agricultural Production Operations Community & Technical Colleges with Agriculture & Natural Resource Programs Walla Walla Community College Horseshoeing Walla Walla Community College Agriculture & Natural Resource Program Matrix Career Pathways 10 Agribusiness Pathway 16 Environmental Service Pathway Veterinary Technology Bellingham Technical College Pierce College Renton Technical College Skagit Valley College Yakima Valley Community College Agricultural Business & Management Environmental Technology Columbia Basin College Spokane Community College Walla Walla Community College Yakima Valley Community College Cascadia Community College Lake Washington Technical College Walla Walla Community College 17 Equipment & Technology Pathway Agricultural Mechanization Walla Walla Community College Irrigation Technology Walla Walla Community College Turf Equipment Mechanics Walla Walla Community College 20 Food Processing & Technology Pathway Agriculture & Food Products Processing Yakima Valley Community College Viticulture & Enology Lake Washington Technical College South Seattle Community College Walla Walla Community College Wenatchee Valley College Yakima Valley Community College 22 Natural Resource Pathway Landscaping & Groundskeeping Fisheries Technology Clark College Clover Park Technical College Edmonds Community College South Seattle Community College Bellingham Technical College Peninsula College Forestry & Forest Technology Centralia College Grays Harbor College Green River Community College Spokane Community College Ornamental Horticulture & Floristry Natural Resources & Conservation Clark College Edmonds Community College Spokane Community College Plant Nursery Operations & Management Skagit Valley College Walla Walla Community College Wenatchee Valley College Tree Fruit Production Yakima Valley Community College Water, Wetlands & Marine Resources Management Turf Management Edmonds Community College South Seattle Community College Spokane Community College Walla Walla Community College Green River Community College Skagit Valley College Spokane Community College 38 In-Demand Agriculture and Natural Resource Wildlife, Fish, & Wildlands Science & Management Spokane Community College 28 Plant Science Pathway Occupations 39 Workforce Resources Agricultural Production Operations Big Bend Community College Walla Walla Community College Wenatchee Valley College Yakima Valley Community College Greenhouse Operations & Management Spokane Community College Horticulture Operations Clark College Edmonds Community College Lake Washington Technical College South Puget Sound Community College South Seattle Community College Using the Program Guide Short-Term Certificate (ST) The Agriculture & Natural Resource Program Guide is a tool for K-12 students, parents, faculty, guidance counselors, and dislocated workers to identify programs of study at Washington’s community and technical colleges – Less than 20 credits (typically quarter or up to year) Designed for students who are seeking entry level positions and/or upgrading their skill-set in a particular profession Certificate (C) Agriculture & Natural Resource Career Cluster includes everything that grows in nature – food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture, plants, and animals – More than 20 credits (typically year) Designed for students who are seeking entry level positions in a technical profession Career Pathways: Associate Degree (A) There are seven career pathways in the Agriculture & Natural Resource Career Cluster The seven pathways are focused on similar industry sub-groups and programs of study ff Agribusiness ff Animal Science ff Environmental Service ff Equipment & Technology ff Food Processing & Technology ff Natural Resource ff Plant Science – 90 credits or more (typically years) Designed for students who plan to enter the workforce in a professional-technical field Associate Transfer Degree (AT) – 90 credits or more (typically years) Designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year college/university with an applied science degree in a professional-technical program Certificate & Associate Degree Options: Statement of Clarification & Accuracy When choosing a program, the type of credential earned and length of study may influence selection There are three primary credential offerings for students interested in professional-technical training: Certificate, Associate Degree, or Associate Transfer Degree For students interested in quickly upgrading their skills there is a fourth option, a Short-Term Certificate The courses and programs included in this guide are a direct reflection of agriculture and natural resource programs as defined by CIP and provided by the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges Every effort was made to ensure that this guide is complete and accurate Despite the Center’s best efforts to be inclusive and correct, this publication may contain inaccuracies, which should not reflect negatively on the programs, organizations, or individuals included To report inaccuracies, please contact the Agriculture Center of Excellence at www.agcenterofexcellence.com Community & Technical Colleges with Agriculture & Natural Resource Programs Bellingham Technical College 13 Olympic College Big Bend Community College 14 Peninsula College Cascadia Community College 15 Pierce College Centralia College 16 Renton Technical College Clark College 17 Seattle Central Community College Clover Park Technical College 18 Skagit Valley College Columbia Basin College 19 South Puget Sound Community College Edmonds Community College 20 South Seattle Community College Grays Harbor College 21 Spokane Community College 10 Green River Community College 22 Walla Walla Community College 11 Lake Washington Technical College 23 Wenatchee Valley College 12 North Seattle Community College 24 Yakima Valley Community College Bellingham Technical College Big Bend Community College Cascadia Community College Centralia College Clark College Clover Park Technical College Columbia Basin College Edmonds Community College Grays Harbor College Green River Community College Lake Washington Technical College Peninsula College Pierce College Renton Technical College Skagit Valley College South Puget Sound Community College South Seattle Community College Spokane Community College Walla Walla Community College Wenatchee Valley College Yakima Valley Community College Wildlife/Wildlands Managemnt Water/Wetlands Resources Management Viticulture & Enology Veterinary Technology Turf Management Turf Equipment Mechanics Tree Fruit Production Plant Nursery Operations & Management Ornamental Horitculture & Floristry Natural Resources & Conservation Landscaping & Groundskeeping Irrigation Technology Horticulture Operations Horseshoeing\Farriery Greenhouse Operations & Management Forestry & Forest Technology Fisheries Technology Environmental Technology Agricutural Production Operations Colleges are listed below and programs are listed to the right If the intersection between a college and program is colored, the college is currently offering a training program in that area of study Agricultural Mechanization see which programs are currently being offered at each of the community and technical colleges in Washington State Agriculture & Food Products Processing Interested in a particular training program? Do you want to know what is offered at your nearby community or technical college? Use this matrix to Agricultural Business & Management Agriculture & Natural Resource Program Matrix Career Pathways 17-19 Equipment & Technology Pathway Career clusters identify the knowledge and skills students need as they follow a pathway toward their career goal The Agriculture & Natural Resource Career Cluster is divided into seven career pathways Pathways are grouped by common knowledge and skills required of occupations in the agriculture and natural resource career fields People who work in the equipment and technology pathway apply knowledge of engineering, hydraulics, pneumatics, electronics, power, structures, and controls to the field of agriculture 10-11 Agribusiness Pathway 20-21 Food Processing & Technology Pathway People who work in the agribusiness pathway coordinate activities that contribute to the production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing and development of agricultural commodities and resources People who work in the food products and processing pathway discover new food sources, analyze food content and develop ways to process, preserve, package or store food according to industry and government regulations 12-15 Animal Science Pathway 22-27 Natural Resource Pathway People who work in the animal science pathway work to develop better, more efficient ways of producing and processing meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products People who work in the natural resource pathway perform a variety of tasks from helping to develop, maintain, and manage the forest and natural environment, to catching and trapping various types of marine life for human consumption, animal feed, bait, and other uses 16 Environmental Service Pathway People who work in the environmental service pathway are involved in water and air pollution control, recycling, waste disposal and public health issues 28-37 Plant Science Pathway People who work in the plant science pathway study plants and their growth, helping producers of food, feed, and fiber crops continue to feed a growing population while conserving natural resources and maintaining the environment Agribusiness Pathway Agricultural Business & Management Industry Description: Individuals in agribusiness apply a wide range of knowledge of markets, products and laws to local, regional, national and international agricultural commerce Producing and marketing food and fiber products is a vital and important industry Job Titles: ff Agriculture Sales Associate ff Commodity Broker ff Farm Advisor ff Farm Manager ff Store Manager Knowledge & Skills: ff Applied Mathematics ff Computer Skills ff Economics ff Oral and Written Communication Skills Natural Resource Pathway Water, Wetlands & Marine Resources Management Skagit Valley College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: ST - Advanced Wetland Delineation ST - Basic Wetland Delineation AT - Environmental Conservation – Marine Emphasis Transfer Options: Evergreen State College University of Washington, College of Forest Resources University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources Western Washington University, Fairhaven College Industry Description: The water resources industry is concerned with the physical, chemical, and biological composition of flowing and still water Individuals in the industry measure stream flows, monitor and sample water quality, and engage in stream restoration projects Contact Information: Claus Svendsen, (360) 416-7816 claus.svendsen@skagit.edu www.skagit.edu/directory.asp_Q_pagenumber_E_202 Job Titles: Spokane Community College Knowledge & Skills: Contact Information: Erin Rudders, (509) 533-7266 erudders@scc.spokane.edu David Stasney, (509) 533-7278 dstasney@scc.spokane.edu www.scc.spokane.edu/?envsci ff Biological Technician ff Environmental Science Technician ff Fisheries Technician ff Hydraulic Technician ff Water Quality Technician Certificate & Associate Degree Options: A - Water Resources Tech ff Applied Mathematics ff Ecology ff Oral and Written Communication ff Plant and Soil Science Green River Community College ST – Short-Term Certificate / C - Certificate / A – Associate Degree / AT– Associate Transfer Degree Certificate & Associate Degree Options: A - Natural Resources - Water Quality Contact Information: Dick Hopkins, (253) 833-9111x4509 dhopkins@greenriver.edu Rob Sjogren, (253) 833-9111x4582 rsjogren@greenriver.edu www.naturalresourceseducation.com/ 26 Wildlife, Fish & Wildlands Science & Management Industry Description: The wildlife and wildlands management industry is concerned with the conservation and management of wilderness areas and the flora, marine, and aquatic life therein Individuals in the industry measure and manage wildlife reservations and zoological/aquarium facilities for recreational, commercial, and ecological purposes Job Titles: ff Environmental Science Technician ff Habitat Technician ff Hatchery Technician ff Outdoor Recreation Manager ff Wildlife Technician Knowledge & Skills: ff Animal Science ff Applied Mathematics ff Ecology ff Oral and Written Communication Spokane Community College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: A - Wildlife/Fisheries Transfer Agreements: Oregon State University University of Idaho University of Montana, Western University of Washington Contact Information: Brian Gilbert, (509) 533-7271 bgilbert@scc.spokane.edu www.scc.spokane.edu/?envsci 27 ST – Short-Term Certificate / C - Certificate / A – Associate Degree / AT– Associate Transfer Degree Plant Science Pathway Agricultural Production Operations Big Bend Community College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: A - Agriculture Transfer Agreements: Washington State University Industry Description: Contact Information: Mary Shannon, (509) 793-2056 MaryS@bigbend.edu http://academics.bigbend.edu/programs/ag/Pages/default.aspx Agricultural production focuses on the general planning, economics, and use of facilities, natural resources, equipment, labor, and capital to produce plant products Individuals in agricultural production may be employed in farming, ranching, and agribusiness Walla Walla Community College Job Titles: Certificate & Associate Degree Options: C - Agriculture Science & Technology – Plant & Soil Science A - Agriculture Science & Technology - Plant and Soil Science AT - Emphasis in Agriculture Science and Technology ff Farm and Ranch Advisor ff Farm, Ranch, and Other Agricultural Manager ff Farm Worker and Laborer for Crops, Nurseries, and Greenhouses ff Field Consultant ff Grower Representative Transfer Agreements: Eastern Oregon University University of Idaho Washington State University Knowledge & Skills: ff Applied Mathematics ff Oral and Written Communication ff Plant & Soil Science ff Technical Skills Contact Information: Jerry Kjack, (509) 527-4225 jerry.kjack@wwcc.edu www.wwcc.edu/agscience 28 Wenatchee Valley College Yakima Valley Community College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: ST – Advanced Hispanic Orchard Employee Education Program ST – Beginning Hispanic Orchard Employee Education Program ST – Hispanic Orchard Employee Education Program IV/ Farm Management ST – Integrated Pest Management Program A - Sustainable Agriculture & Resource Systems (Emphasis areas in Agribusiness, Horticulture, Sustainable and Organic, and Tree Fruit Production) Certificate & Associate Degree Options: A – Agriculture Production/Pest Management Transfer Agreements: Washington State University Contact Information: Trent Ball, (509) 882-7007 tball@yvcc.edu www.yvcc.edu/ag Transfer Agreements: Washington State University ST – Short-Term Certificate / C - Certificate / A – Associate Degree / AT– Associate Transfer Degree Contact Information: George Ruddell, (509) 860-2108 gruddell@wvc.edu Bob Gillespie, (509) 682-6624 bgillespie@wvc.edu Leo Garcia, (509) 682-6628 lgarcia@wvc.edu www.wvc.edu/ag 29 Plant Science Pathway Greenhouse Operations & Management Industry Description: The greenhouse operations and management industry focuses on the production, storage, and delivery of plant species in controlled indoor environments for wholesale, commercial, research, or other purposes Individuals in the industry are well versed in plant propagation, harvesting, and transplantation as well as plant science, irrigation, nutrition control, equipment operations, and inventory control Job Titles: ff Garden Center Sales/Manager ff Greenhouse Grower/Manager ff Horticulture Consultant ff Park Manager ff Plant Propagator Knowledge & Skills: ff Applied Mathematics ff Business Skills ff Oral and Written Communication ff Plant & Soil Science Spokane Community College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: C - Greenhouse/Nursery A - Greenhouse/Nursery Contact Information: Cindy Deffe, (509) 533-7260 CDeffe@scc.spokane.edu Brian Green, (509) 533-7259 BGreen@scc.spokane.edu www.scc.spokane.edu/?envsci ST – Short-Term Certificate / C - Certificate / A – Associate Degree / AT– Associate Transfer Degree 30 Horticulture Operations Industry Description: Lake Washington Technical College The horticulture operations industry focuses on the general production and processing of domesticated plants, shrubs, flowers, foliage, trees, groundcovers, and related plant materials Individuals in the industry are concerned with basic scientific principles needed to understand plants and manage their care, as well as business operations connected with horticultural services Certificate & Associate Degree Options: C - Environmental Horticulture A - Environmental Horticulture Contact Information: Don Marshall, (425) 739-8356 don.marshall@lwtc.edu Chris Smith, (425) 739-8424 chris.smith@lwtc.edu www.lwtchort.com Job Titles: ff Arborist ff Garden Center Sales/Manager ff Groundskeeper ff Habitat Restoration Technician ff Plant Propagator South Puget Sound Community College Knowledge & Skills: Certificate & Associate Degree Options: C - Landscape Horticulture C - Sustainable Plant Production A - Horticulture Technology ff Applied Mathematics ff Business Skills ff Oral and Written Communication ff Plant & Soil Science Transfer Agreements: Evergreen State College Clark College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: A - Agriculture - Horticulture Contact Information: Peter Punzi, (360) 596-5473 ppunzi@spscc.ctc.edu hort.spscc.edu Contact Information: Herbert Orange, (360) 992-2302 horange@clark.edu Tim Carper, (360) 992-2025 tcarper@clark.edu www.clark.edu/academics/programs/agriculture_ horticulture/index.php South Seattle Community College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: C - Design & Construction C - Horticulture A - Horticulture A - Landscape Design & Construction AT – Landscape Design & Construction AT - Landscape - Horticulture Edmonds Community College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: ST – Irrigation ST - Perennial Gardening ST – Pest Management ST – Plant Identification C – Ornamental Horticulture C – Ornamental Horticulture - Nursery Growers A - Restoration Horticulture AT - Restoration Horticulture Contact Information: Polly Hankin, (425) 640-1709 phankin@edcc.edu www.edcc.edu/hort/ Tim Hohn, (425) 640-1454 thohn@edcc.edu Contact Information: Van Bobbitt, (206) 768-6717 vbobbitt@sccd.ctc.edu Sarah Skamser, (206) 768-6717 sskamser@sccd.ctc.edu www.southseattle.edu/programs/proftech/land.htm ST – Short-Term Certificate / C - Certificate / A – Associate Degree / AT– Associate Transfer Degree 31 Plant Science Pathway Landscaping & Groundskeeping Clover Park Technical College Certificates & Associate Degree Options: ST – Ornamental Plant Materials ST – Production Horticulture A - Landscape Management Industry Description: An industry that manages and maintains ornamental plants, recreational plants, groundcovers, and related conceptual designs established by landscape architects, interior designers, and individual clients This industry includes horticulture, gardening, plant and soil irrigation and nutrition, turf maintenance, equipment operation, personnel supervision, and purchasing Contact Information: Dan Roberts, (253) 589-5743 dan.roberts@cptc.edu http://www.cptc.edu/index.php/programs/degrees_ certificates/landscape_management/ Job Titles: Edmonds Community College ff Garden Coach ff Habitat Restoration Technician ff Landscape Construction ff Landscape Designer ff Landscape Management Certificate & Associate Degree Options: ST – Garden Skills A - Landscape Design A - Landscape Management & Installation Contact Information: Polly Hankin, (425) 640-1709 phankin@edcc.edu Tim Hohn, (425) 640-1454 thohn@edcc.edu www.edcc.edu/hort/ Knowledge & Skills: ff Applied Mathematics ff Business Skills ff Oral and Written Communication ff Plant & Soil Science Clark College South Seattle Community College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: C - Landscape Maintenance A - Landscape Technology Certificate & Associate Degree Options: C - Landscape Management A - Landscape Management AT - Landscape Management Contact Information: Herbert Orange, (360) 992-2302 horange@clark.edu Tim Carper, (360) 992-2025 tcarper@clark.edu www.clark.edu/academics/programs/agriculture_ horticulture/index.php Contact Information: Van Bobbitt, (206) 768-6717 vbobbitt@sccd.ctc.edu Sarah Skamser, (206) 768-6717 sskamser@sccd.ctc.edu www.southseattle.edu/programs/proftech/land.htm ST – Short-Term Certificate / C - Certificate / A – Associate Degree / AT– Associate Transfer Degree 32 Ornamental Horticulture & Floristry Job Titles: ff First-line Supervisor/Manager of Retail Sales Worker ff Floral Designer ff Florist ff Florist Manager ff Retail Salesperson Industry Description: Floristry management is an industry where individuals operate commercial and contract florist enterprises, supply and delivery services, and flower catering services The industry includes plant science, purchasing, storage, and delivery systems, as well as floral design and arranging Knowledge & Skills: ff Applied Mathematics ff Business Skills ff Oral and Written Communication ff Plant & Soil Science Spokane Community College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: C - Florist A - Florist Contact Information: Loretta Etchison, (509) 533-7277 LEtchison@scc.spokane.edu www.scc.spokane.edu/?envsci ST – Short-Term Certificate / C - Certificate / A – Associate Degree / AT– Associate Transfer Degree 33 Plant Science Pathway Plant Nursery Operations & Management Edmonds Community College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: A - Nursery/Greenhouse Specialist Industry Description: The plant nursery operations and management industry focuses on the production, storage, and delivery of plant species in controlled outdoor environments for wholesale, commercial, research, or other purposes Individuals in the industry are well versed in plant propagation, harvesting, and transplantation as well as irrigation and nutrition control Contact Information: Polly Hankin, (425) 640-1709 phankin@edcc.edu Tim Hohn, (425) 640-1454 thohn@edcc.edu www.edcc.edu/hort/ Job Titles: ff Garden Center Sales/Manager ff Greenhouse Grower/Manager ff Park Manager ff Plant Propagator ff Nursery Manager ST – Short-Term Certificate / C - Certificate / A – Associate Degree / AT– Associate Transfer Degree Knowledge & Skills: ff Applied Mathematics ff Business Skills ff Oral and Written Communication ff Plant & Soil Science Clark College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: C - Nursery Operations Contact Information: Herbert Orange, (360) 992-2302 horange@clark.edu Tim Carper, (360) 992-2025 tcarper@clark.edu www.clark.edu/academics/programs/agriculture_ horticulture/index.php 34 Tree Fruit Production Industry Description: Individuals in the tree fruit production industry, produce, process, and market fruit grown on trees Tree fruit production professionals work with machinery and equipment used in the production of fruit, pruning, grafting, fertilization, irrigation, thinning, harvesting, and the application of chemicals Job Titles: ff Fruit Marketer ff Fruit Processor ff Harvest Worker ff Orchardist ff Production Specialist Knowledge & Skills: ff Applied Mathematics ff Oral and Written Communication ff Plant & Soil Science ff Pruning Yakima Valley Community College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: C - Tree Fruit Production Contact Information: Trent Ball, (509) 883-7007 tball@yvcc.edu www.yvcc.edu/ag ST – Short-Term Certificate / C - Certificate / A – Associate Degree / AT– Associate Transfer Degree Plant Science Pathway Turf Job Titles: ff Golf Course Maintenance ff Golf Course Superintendent ff Lawn Care Technician ff Sports Field Manager ff Turfgrass Specialist Management Industry Description: Knowledge & Skills: The industry focuses on turfgrasses and related groundcover plants Individuals in the industry develop ornamental or recreational grasses and related products, including planting, transplanting, and managing grassed areas ff Applied Mathematics ff Oral and Written Communication ff Plant & Soil Science ff Turf Grass Equipment Knowledge Edmonds Community College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: ST – Turf Contact Information: Polly Hankin, (425) 640-1709 phankin@edcc.edu Tim Hohn, (425) 640-1454 thohn@edcc.edu www.edcc.edu/hort/ 36 South Seattle Community College Walla Walla Community College Contact Information: Van Bobbitt, (206) 768-6717 vbobbitt@sccd.ctc.edu Sarah Skamser, (206) 768-6717 sskamser@sccd.ctc.edu www.southseattle.edu/programs/proftech/land.htm Transfer Agreements: Washington State University Certificate & Associate Degree Options: C - Turf Management A - Turf Management Certificate & Associate Degree Options: ST – Sports Turf Management Training Level Contact Information: Bill Griffith, (509) 527-4269 bill.griffith@wwcc.edu www.wwcc.edu/turfmanagement Spokane Community College Certificate & Associate Degree Options: C - Landscape/Turf A - Landscape/Turf ST – Short-Term Certificate / C - Certificate / A – Associate Degree / AT– Associate Transfer Degree Transfer Agreements: Washington State University Contact Information: Bob Peregoy, (509) 533-7258 BPeregoy@scc.spokane.edu www.scc.spokane.edu/?envsci 37 In-Demand Agriculture & Natural Resource Occupations Projected Growth for mid-2011 and 2018 Projected Growth, 2011 & 2018 Education/Training Requirement Agricultural Workers 2011 0.8% 2018 5.8% Short-term on the job training Biological Technicians 2011 0.8% 2018 12.7% Associate Degree Hourly Average Projected Growth, 2011 & 2018 Education/Training Requirement Hourly Average $16.75 Farm & Home Management Advisors 2011 1.2% 2018 20.1% $23.98 Bachelor Degree $19.68 Farm Worker & Laborers 2011 1.3% 2018 8.6% Short-term on the job training $11.65 Bookkeeping & Accounting Clerks 2011 0.0% 2018 5.6% $18.08 Certificate First-Line Landscaping Supervisors 2011 2.2% 2018 26.8% $23.77 Associate Degree and/or related experience Computer Support Specialists 2011 1.0% 2018 14.7% $24.07 Associate Degree Landscaping & Groundskeeping Workers 2011 2.4% 2018 26.9% $14.57 Short-term on the job training Environmental Science & Protection Technicians 2011 1.1% 2018 16.1% $22.26 Associate Degree Veterinary Technicians 2011 3.2% 2018 35.2% Associate Degree $15.00 Data used to develop the In-Demand Agriculture & Natural Resource Occupations was retrieved in August 2010 from Qualifying Occupations, www.wilma.org/wdclists/ and Workforce Explorer, www.workforceexplorer.com 38 Workforce Resources For more information on careers in agriculture and natural resources, visit these sites: Career Bridge www.careerbridge.wa.gov Qualifying Occupations www.wilma.org/wdclists/ Washington State Dept of Agriculture www.agr.wa.gov Workforce College www.workforcecollege.com Workforce Explorer www.workforceexplorer.com WorkSource Washington www.Go2WorkSource.com 39 500 Tausick Way Walla Walla, WA 99362 www.agcenterofexcellence.com Jaime Clarke, Director (509) 524-5192 jaime.clarke@wwcc.edu Funding for this project provided by the Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges Printed 12/2010