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THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT GREENSBORO School of Health and Human Sciences Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders CSD 471.01: Honors Clinic Tuesdays 12:30 – 3:00 pm Ferguson Building Room 322 Fall 2019 COURSE SYLLABUS Instructor Information: Instructors Chris Atkins, Ph.D., CCC-SLP Office Ferguson 343 Office Phone 336.334.3784 Email caatkin2@uncg.edu Ferguson 311 Ferguson 301 Ferguson 319 Ferguson 323-A Ferguson 318 Ferguson 309 Ferguson 318 Ferguson 326 336.256.2003 336.256.2005 336.256.1105 336.334.3924 336.256.1442 336.334.5590 336.256.1442 870.230.3460 sdcrutch@uncg.edu pflynn@uncg.edu elpraste@uncg.edu ktharrin@uncg.edu msmay@uncg.edu lgmcdona@uncg.edu ccwillia@uncg.edu klnix@uncg.edu Instructor of Record Sena Crutchley, M.A., CCC-SLP Perry Flynn, M.Ed., CCC-SLP Emily Hamuka, M.A., CCC-SLP Kelly Harrington, M.A., CCC-SLP Melissa May, M.Ed., CCC -SLP Lisa McDonald, M.A., CCC-SLP Connie Williams, M.A., CCC-SLP Karen Nix, M.S., CCC-SLP Simucase Supervisor Clinical Teaching Teams Location Harrington and McDonald’s Teams Ferguson 341 Atkins and Crutchley’s Teams Ferguson 327 Flynn’s Team Ferguson 312 May, Hamuka and Wiliams’ Teams Ferguson 304 Atkins’ Office Hours: Mondays 11:00 and 11:30 am Tuesdays 11:00 and 11:30 am Fridays 11:30 am and 12:00 pm *Please email to schedule an appointment Other Faculty Office Hours: By appointment Course Description: CSD 471.01 offers one to three undergraduate seniors majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of communication disorders or differences Students may acquire up to 10 clinical practicum hours during this course Students are assigned to work with a graduate student and their assigned client who has a communication disorder or seeks accent modification, code-switching training, or pragmatic skill development Intervention with those clients is conducted in the UNCG Speech and Hearing Center or another specified facility under the close supervision of a clinical faculty supervisor Students CSD 471.01Honors Clinic Fall 2017 Syllabus page attend a weekly class and Clinical Teaching Team (CTT) meetings to help them begin to develop the planning, instructional and interpersonal skills necessary for clinical practicum For Whom Planned: This three-semester hour practicum course is open to select undergraduate CSD seniors who want to gain clinical experience at the undergraduate level Required Texts: Paul, R (2014) Introduction to clinical methods in communication disorders 3rd edition Baltimore, Maryland: Paul Brookes Publishing ISBN: 978-1-59857-286-5 Student Learning Outcomes: Content for this course is related primarily to ASHA Standard V-B A complete list of the current 2014 standards with 2016 Revisions are available online: https://www.asha.org/certification/2014-speech-language-pathology-certificationstandards/ By the conclusion of this course, students will be able to: A Develop and use appropriate materials for intervention B Write Treatment/SOAP Notes for each therapy session that include appropriate and well-formulated, measurable goals and accurate documentation of client’s performance C Plan and conduct treatment and assessment demonstrating sound clinical skills in the areas of oral and written communication, interaction and personal, professional qualities, and evaluation and treatment D Adhere to the ASHA Code of Ethics and behave professionally Course Design and Teaching Strategies: Each class will include a 90-minute lecture followed by a 50-minute clinical teaching team meeting A 30-minute session for practice activities will occur weekly as part of the lecture or clinical teaching team meetings Teaching strategies will include a) verbal instruction supported by written, visual, audio, and video material as appropriate, b) interactive learning activities, c) hands-on practice and writing assignments, d) direct/active methods of clinical supervision for evaluation and treatment/practice sessions, and e) guided group discussion in clinical teaching team (CTT) meetings Focus will be placed on collaborative and cooperative learning Individual meetings with supervisors will be held mid-semester, at the end of the semester, and as needed throughout the semester Throughout the clinical experience, the student is invited to initiate interactions with the supervisor and the assigned graduate student, engage in joint problem-solving and perform independent research on the disorder or elective service (e.g., accent modification) area The student will participate in treatment as mutually agreed upon with the supervisor and lead some treatment activities CSD 471.01 Honors Clinic Fall 2019 Syllabus Course Requirements: A Attend all clinic classes, CTT meetings, treatment sessions with assigned clinician and clients, and individual supervisory conferences (as needed) B Actively participate in CTT meetings and class C Complete any written documentation associated with therapy within the allotted time frames D Work actively and cooperatively with an assigned lead graduate student in the delivery of clinical services Primary clinical responsibilities for clients belong to the graduate student; however, the undergraduate student will participate in treatment to the extent pre-determined by the supervisor E Plan and conduct at least three therapy activities demonstrating clinical skills in the areas of oral communication (2014 ASHA Standard IV-B), interaction and personal, professional qualities (2014 ASHA Standard IV-G, #3a-b and 3c) and intervention (2014 ASHA Standard IV-G, #2b & 2c) F Write Treatment/SOAP Notes for at least three therapy activities that s/he plans and conducts that contain well-written behavioral objectives and appropriately completed documentation of the client’s performance for each activity (2014 ASHA Standard IV-B, IV-G, #2b-2e) G Complete, by the end of the semester, a clinical project that has been preapproved by the clinical supervisor Examples include a resource notebook in a designated disorder area, an oral presentation to parents, teachers, clients or students, a literature review on a selected topic, etc H Communicate effectively, recognizing the needs, values, preferred mode of communication, and cultural/linguistic background of the client/patient, family, caregivers, and relevant others I Regularly check Canvas in order to stay apprised of announcements pertaining to the course J Strictly abide by the ASHA Code of Ethics which can be found at: http://www.asha.org/Code-of-Ethics/ K Comply at all times with all HIPAA rules as they relate to maintaining privacy and security of PHI (protected health information) in the UNCG Speech and Hearing Center Failure to abide by HIPAA policies can result in lowering of the course grade and implementation of a Performance Remediation Plan or dismissal from the course L Adhere to the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy found in the UNCG Student Policy Handbook under Student Code of Conduct at https://osrr.uncg.edu/academic-integrity/ Failure to abide by all policies associated with this course may result in a lowering of the course grade, loss of clinical clock hours accrued during the current semester, dismissal from the course, or any combination of the above based upon the offense Attendance Policy: Regular class attendance is necessary to master the material in the course Students are expected to take responsibility for their learning in this course Students are also expected to arrive for class and/or CTT meetings on time and stay for the entire class period Coming to class late and leaving early may disturb the other students in the class If you know you will arrive late or leave early, please notify your supervisor before class starts If you must miss class, you are responsible for all assigned material plus everything covered in class University Inclement Weather Policy: If you ever have a question on whether classes are delayed, canceled, or if the university is closed, call the Inclement Weather Hotline at 336/334-4400 or the UNCG Switchboard at 336/334-5000 A recorded CSD 471.01 Honors Clinic Fall 2019 Syllabus message will give you the most accurate information The Speech & Hearing Center follows the same inclement weather policy as the university If you are a commuter, you will need to decide if road conditions are safe for you to travel to campus In addition, delays and closing are always communicated Health and Wellness Your health impacts your learning Throughout your time in college, you may experience a range of health issues that can cause barriers to your learning These might include physical ailments, illnesses, strained relationships, anxiety, high levels of stress, alcohol/drug problems, feeling down, or loss of motivation Student Health Services and The Counseling Center can help with these or other issues you may be experiencing You can learn about the free, confidential mental health services available on campus by calling 336-334-5874, visiting the website at https://shs.uncg.edu/ or visiting the Anna M Gove Student Health Center at 107 Gray Drive Help is always available Academic Accommodations The University of North Carolina at Greensboro respects and welcomes students of all backgrounds and abilities If you feel you will encounter any barriers to full participation in this course due to the impact of a disability, please contact the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS) The OARS staff can meet with you to discuss the barriers you are experiencing and explain the eligibility process for establishing academic accommodations You can learn more about OARS by visiting their website at https://ods.uncg.edu/ or by calling 336-334-544 or visiting them in Suite 215, EUC Any requests for special accommodations must come through the OARS office with the appropriate paperwork Pronoun Usage: Pronouns are words that a person may use to identify themselves instead of their chosen name For example, she/her/hers and he/him/his are typically feminine and masculine pronouns, respectively However, some feel more comfortable with gender-neutral pronouns The most common gender-neutral pronouns are they/them/theirs, used in the singular to refer to an individual in a way that isn’t gendered Please let me know, if you prefer to be addressed by pronouns other than those typically used in the singular CSD 471.01 Honors Clinic Fall 2019 Syllabus Evaluation and Grading Methods: Assignments are graded according to the following weights: Therapy activities (20%), treatment notes (20%), and final project (60%) The grading scale is as follows: A+ 97 and above A 93-96 A90-92 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C70-72 D+ 67-69 D 63-66 D60-62 F Below 60 All written final projects should be typed on 81/2 x11 inch paper, with 12 point Times New Roman font and 1” margins Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation are expected References must be properly cited using APA style An accompanying works cited section should be included if applicable Students should contact the UNCG Writing Center, if necessary, for assistance with written projects Please refer to the CSD 671 Syllabus on Canvas for the schedule of class meetings, topics to be covered, assignments for the course, and important events and deadlines CSD 471.01 Honors Clinic Fall 2019 Syllabus

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2022, 16:54

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