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jobs in local revenue to Wyoming Wyoming 4.5% 3.0% It provides It provides well-paying decarbonized energy jobs in Wyoming 78.4% 76.4% 18.6% 19.1% 3.0% It provides decarbonized energy The energy delivery is inconsistent 78.4% 18.6% 2.4% 89.1% 8.4% 2.4% The energy delivery It has negative is inconsistent impacts on wildlife 86.7% 89.1% It has negative It has negative impacts impacts on wildlife on environmental footprints 7.2%8.4% 6.0% 4.9% 86.5% 86.7% Survey Summary: Wyoming’s Energy Future ItIt has has negative negative impacts impacts recreational footprints activities on on environmental 65.4% 7.2%8.6% 6.0% 86.5% 7.4% 4.9% 27.1% 8.6% It has negative impacts This summary provides results from a recent survey of Wyoming residents’ values and beliefs related The survey27.1% was conducted 65.4% to energy in Wyoming 7.4% on recreational activities jointly by the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources OIL & GAS and the Ruckelshaus Institute in fall 2019 and winter 2020 The survey was sent to 3100 randomly-sampled addresses in Wyoming, with 522 responses The margin of error is +/- 4.3 percentage points It provides and local OILstate & GAS revenue to Wyoming Support and opposition for Wyoming’s energy technologies and production Percentage of Wyoming residents who support or oppose types of energy technologies and production in Wyoming 0.5% 99.5% It provides state and local It provides well-paying revenue to Wyoming Wyoming jobs in 97.9% 13.2% well-paying It provides 18.1% It provides reliable energy jobs in Wyoming 23.0% 4.1% 18.2% It supportsreliable our country’s It provides energy 11.0% energy needs 8.5% 95.1%19.8% 16.4% It supports our country’s energy needs 2.1% 0.5% 99.5% 100% 2.1% 2.8% 90% 17.2% 97.9% 97.1% 39.0% 44.8% 97.1% 36.5% 2.8% 5.0% 55.8% 17.2% 97.0% 3.0% 27.7% 82.7% Oppose Neutral or not sure 65.5% 63.0% 51.9% 69.6% It has negative impacts on recreational activities 69.6% Oil coal Solar Wind Coal 8.8% 97.0% 94.1% It negatively impactsimpacts climate It has negative changeactivities globally on recreational Natural Gas 5.0% 86.1% 3.2% It negatively impacts wildlife, air and water quality It negatively impacts It negatively impacts climate 70.9% wildlife, air and waterglobally quality 68.6% change Support 60.0% 95.1% 43.7% 94.1% Uranium 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 3.0% 35.8% 35.4% 3.0% Energy Storage 3.0% 5.8% 5.8% 80% Nuclear Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding 5.8% 26.9% 0.7% 34.2% 13.2% 26.9% Carbon Capture Rare Earth Elements Storage & Utilization 20% 10% 0% Other coal WIND & SOLAR WIND & SOLAR Why Wyoming residents support or oppose coal mining and coal-based power generation It provides state and Percentage of Wyoming residents that agree or disagree with the following statements about why they support coal mining and coalbased development Percentage of Wyoming residents that agree or disagree with the following statements about why they oppose coal mining and coalbased power generation local revenue to It supports ourWyoming country’s energy needs It supports ourstate country’s It provides and It provides well-paying energy local revenue to Wyoming Wyoming It provides stateneeds and jobs in local revenue to Wyoming It provides state and It provides well-paying revenue to Wyoming Itlocal provides reliable energy It provides jobs inwell-paying Wyoming jobs inwell-paying Wyoming It provides It supports our jobs inItcountry’s Wyoming It provides reliable energy provides energy energy needs decarbonized It provides decarbonized energy It supports our country’s energy needs The energy delivery is inconsistent The energy delivery is inconsistent It negatively impacts It has negative climate change impacts onglobally wildlife It has negative impacts onimpacts wildlife It negatively It has negative impacts on It has negative impacts climate change globally wildlife, and water quality on environmental footprints Itair has negative impacts on environmental footprints has negative impacts It has negative impacts on ItIthas negative impacts onItrecreational recreational activities hasand negative impacts wildlife, air water quality on activities on recreational activities It has negative impacts on recreational activities 0.6% 2.1% 2.1% 5.8% 0.6% 2.1% 99.4% 92.1% 92.1% 99.4% 96.5% 96.5% 95.6% 5.8% 2.0% 2.0% 12.7% 2.1% 0.6% 4.5% 12.7% 4.5% 19.1% 3.0% 0.6% 19.1% 0.3% 3.0% 3.0% 18.6% 4.1% 3.0% 98.0% 85.3% 98.0%85.3% 76.4% 76.4% 78.4% 78.4% 95.6% 18.6% 0.3% 4.1% 2.4% 2.4%8.4% 89.1% 89.1% 96.1% 86.7% 86.7% 96.1% 86.5% 92.2% 86.5% 65.4% 58.2% 65.4% 92.2% 1.0% 8.4% 7.2% 6.0% 1.0%2.9% 7.2% 1.0%6.0% 4.9% 6.9% 4.9% 8.6% 8.6%2.9% 1.0% 6.8% 6.9% 7.4% 7.4% 6.8% 6.9% 58.2% 27.1% 34.9% 27.1% 6.9% 34.9% OIL & GAS OIL & GAS Why Wyoming residents support or oppose oil and gas development Percentage of Wyoming residents that agree or disagree with the following statements about why they support oil and gas development Percentage of Wyoming residents that agree or disagree with the following statements about why they oppose oil and gas development Agree Disagree It provides state and local revenuestate to Wyoming It provides and local revenue to Wyoming It provides well-paying jobs inwell-paying Wyoming It provides jobs in Wyoming It provides reliable energy It provides reliable energy It supports our country’s needs It supportsenergy our country’s energy needs It negatively impacts wildlife, air and water impacts quality It negatively wildlife, air and water quality It negatively impacts climate It negativelychange impactsglobally climate change globally It has negative impacts onIt recreational has negativeactivities impacts on recreational activities Neutral coal coal 0.5% 0.5% 99.5% 99.5% 2.1% 2.1% 97.9% 97.9% 2.8% 2.8% 97.1% 97.1% 5.0% 5.0% 95.1% 95.1% 3.0% 3.0% 97.0% 97.0% 94.1% 94.1% 69.6% 69.6% 5.8% 5.8% 3.0% 3.0% 26.9% 26.9% Why Wyoming residents support or oppose WIND &wind SOLAR and solar development Percentage of Wyoming residents that agree or disagree with the following statements about why they support wind and solar development 2.1% It supports our country’s energy needs 92.1% It provides state and local revenue to Wyoming 85.3% It provides well-paying jobs in Wyoming 4.5% 76.4% It provides decarbonized energy 18.6% 2.4% 89.1% It has negative impacts on wildlife 8.4% 86.7% It has negative impacts on environmental footprints 7.2% 6.0% 4.9% 86.5% It has negative impacts on recreational activities 65.4% 7.4% It provides state and local 8.6% 27.1% Agree OIL & GAS Wyoming residents’ values 12.7% 19.1% 3.0% 78.4% The energy delivery is inconsistent Percentage of Wyoming residents that agree or disagree with the following statements about why they oppose wind and solar development 5.8% 2.0% Disagree Neutral 0.5% 99.5% to Wyoming Survey participants were asked to distribute 100 pointsrevenue among the following 14 values based on what is most important to them about Wyoming 2.1% For example, if a value was most important, they gave it the most points; if a value was not important, It provides well-paying 97.9%they didn’t give it any points 97.9% It provides reliable energy Aesthetic value I value Wyoming because I enjoy its scenery, sights, sounds, smells, etc Biological diversity value I value Wyoming because it provides places with a variety of fish, wildlife, plant life, etc 5.0% Economic value I value Wyoming because it provides places for my favorite outdoor recreation activities I value Wyoming because it provides economic opportunities related to minerals, tourism, hunting, manufacturing, energy production and other sectors I value I value I value Wyoming Wyoming Wyoming because it is because coal I because it the location want future has places of my generations and things of community to know and natural and and I wish to experience human preserve that It the State as provides statehistory and that community it is now matter to me, local revenue to Wyoming and its others health, It provides well-paying and/or the security and nation jobs in Wyoming welfare It provides reliable energy 31.8 35.5 Wyoming because it contains places that make me feel better, $ physically and/or mentally I value Wyoming because it helps produce, preserve, clean, and renew air, soil, and water 96.5% Cultural value Intrinsic value I value I value Wyoming Wyoming in because it is and of itself, a place for whether me to people are continue to present or pass down not the wisdom 99.4% and knowledge, traditions, 98.0% and way of life of my ancestors 2.38 3.51 3.0% 69.6% Therapeutic Life value Sustaining value I value 26.9% Subsistence Spiritual value value I value Wyoming because it provides necessary food and supplies to sustain my life 0.3% Totals not add up to 100 due to averaging and categories reported 1.0% It negatively impacts Survey Participant Demographic Information climate change globally 96.1% It has negative impacts on 2019 Wyoming Survey wildlife, air and water quality It has negative impacts 56.1% Older than 64 Years on recreational activities 43.9% Gender Education Income 3.0% 4.1% Percentage of Wyoming residents who felt this value was important to some extent 18 – 64 Years Learning value I value I value Wyoming Wyoming because it because we has sacred, can learn religious, or about the spiritually environment special through 0.6% places to me scientific or because it observation contains and/or 2.1% places for experimentawhich I feel tion reverence and respect 0.6% for nature It supports our country’s Average number of points out of 100 allocated to this value (measures theenergy intensity with which the value 95.6% is felt) needs Age 3.0% 5.8% 5.78 94.1% 4.78 5.41 5.88 6.86 It has negative impacts on recreational activities Community Future Historic value value value 5.66 97.0% It negatively impacts climate change globally 8.93 9.73 11.14 Recreation value 37.8 39.4 43.7 43.9 52 95.1% 26.7 It supports our country’s energy needs 56.7 58.9 59.5 2.8% 97.1% It negatively impacts wildlife, air and water quality 9.7 12.57 13.82 63.4 72.5 73.3 jobs in Wyoming 58.2% 2019 Census Data 92.2% 46.0% 6.8% 6.9% 16.5% Women 42.8% 49.0% Men 57.2% 51.0% High School Diploma or Higher 97.2% 92.9% Bachelors Degree or Higher 46.2% 26.9% Median Household Income $50,000 to $74,999 $62,266 Funding for this study was provided by the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources and SER Center for Economic Geology Research 1.0% 2.9% 6.9% 34.9%

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2022, 16:22

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