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a comparison of n polar formula gan surface preparations for the atomic layer deposition of al2o3

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ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, (10) N127-N131 (2014) N127 ¯ GaN Surface Preparations for the A Comparison of N-Polar (0001) Atomic Layer Deposition of Al2 O3 D Wei,a T Hossain,a D P Briggs,b and J H Edgara,∗,z a Department of Chemical Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506, USA b Nanofabrication Research Laboratory, Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6496, USA Nitrogen-polar gallium nitride offers several advantages over Ga-polar GaN for high frequency-high power electronic devices, but its processing has not been fully developed Here we report on a systematic study of the effect of surface pretreatments on N-polar GaN ¯ substrates were prepared with a variety of treatments for metal oxide semiconductor capacitors (MOSCAPs) Bulk n-type GaN (0001) including: HF; HCl; base-piranha; H2 plasma; and no pretreatment for comparison Then 14nm thick Al2 O3 layers were deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) Both the original surfaces of GaN and ALD films were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) MOSCAPs were fabricated and characterized by capacitance-voltage (C-V) and current voltage (I-V) measurements The surface morphology and electrical performance was greatly affected by the pretreatments due to the reactive nature of N-polar GaN The MOSCAP fabricated on GaN as-received with no additional preparation had the best performance including the smallest hysteresis (0.03V), lowest leakage current density (2.09 × 10−8 A/cm2 at +4V) and total trap density (2.47 × 1010 cm−2 eV−1 ) This was correlated to the smoothest surface morphology (0.23 nm) © The Author(s) 2014 Published by ECS This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 License (CC BY-NC-ND, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is not changed in any way and is properly cited For permission for commercial reuse, please email: oa@electrochem.org [DOI: 10.1149/2.0201410jss] All rights reserved Manuscript submitted May 22, 2014; revised manuscript received August 5, 2014 Published August 15, 2014 The wide bandgap semiconductor gallium nitride (GaN) is of great interest not only for optoelectronic devices such as blue LEDs,1 laser diodes,2 and UV detectors, but also for highly efficient electronic devices operating at high frequency, temperature and power After years of development, Ga-polar GaN based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) have been demonstrated with excellent performance and high RF output power.3,4 Increasing the maximum frequency by scaling down the GaN HEMT dimensions to reduce electron transit time, establishing control of the contact resistance and capacitive elements are critically important to prevent device delay times and to achieve the best possible device performance.5 Nitrogen-polar GaN has potential advantages over Ga-polar GaN for high-frequency applications due to its low contact resistance and a natural back barrier to improve electron confinement.6–8 For example, an extremely low contact resistance of 23 -μm was reported by Mishra et al.9 To date, most of the N-polar GaN HEMT devices employ structures with a Schottky barrier as the gate contact.6,10,11 However, a metaloxide-semiconductor structure is preferred, as it provides a higher input impedance, larger gate voltage swings, and lower gate leakage currents.12,13 Aluminum oxide (Al2 O3 ) is an excellent gate dielectric for IIInitride based devices due to its large bandgap (7∼9 eV), relatively high dielectric constant (∼9) and high thermal stability (up to 1000 ◦ C).14–20 Precise control of this dielectric’s thickness is necessary to maintain the aspect ratio between the gate length and the oxide thickness for good high frequency performance Atomic layer deposition (ALD) offers excellent thickness control for the deposition of such dielectrics,21 but the initial condition of the substrate surface is crucial for the nucleation of the oxide layer and the subsequent surface morphology and interface electrical properties Multiple studies on Ga-polar GaN have shown good surface treatments prior to ALD of a high-k oxide film is essential For instance, Chang et al.22 used an HCl solution cleaning method but residual Cl was detected on the GaN surface, causing an increase of interface traps Diale et al.23 used an aqueous solution of (NH4 )2 S to clean the GaN surface, producing low C and O concentration and a low the root mean square (RMS) roughness Nepal et al.24 compared several GaN surface pretreatments on the Ga-polar face including H2 O2 : H2 SO4 solution (piranha), HF solution and HCl solution, among which piranha produced the most ∗ z Electrochemical Society Active Member E-mail: edgarjh@ksu.edu uniform surface morphology, and had the smallest hysteresis and lowest interface trap states However, preparing N-polar GaN is more difficult, since the surface is more reactive.25 To date there have been few published studies reporting the effects of different pretreatments on N-polar GaN English et al.26 compared the surface morphology change of the N-polar GaN surface after various pretreatment method, but they did not report any the electrical properties of the ALD oxides nor did they correlate the effect of pretreatments In this work, a series of pretreatments before ALD Al2 O3 were conducted on N-polar GaN, then metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors (MOSCAPs) were fabricated to investigate the resulting electrical properties The electrical results were also compared with respect to different pretreatments and correlated with the surface morphology of the ALD oxide Surprisingly, the MOSCAP with best performance received the least surface preparation Experimental MOS capacitor fabrication.— The single crystals used in this study were bulk n-type (1 × 1018 cm−3 ) GaN substrates 400 μm thick and 10 × 10 mm2 in area grown by HVPE Chemical mechan¯ GaN to achieve ical polishing (CMP) was applied on N-polar (0001) a smooth surface of less than 1nm root mean square (RMS) roughness The substrates were treated individually with different chemical cleaning methods before ALD, to remove impurities absorbed from the air and to improve the nucleation of the ALD oxide layer The methods studied included: [1] etching in an aqueous solution of HCl (H2 O:HCl = 1:1) at room temperature for 1min; [2] etching in an aqueous solution of HF (H2 O:HF = 1:1) at room temperature for 1min; [3] etching in an aqueous solution of basic piranha (H2 O:NH4 OH: H2 O2 = 3:1:1) at 80◦ C for 10 min; and [4] treating in a hydrogen (H2 ) plasma (200 mTorr, 50 sccm) at 150◦ C with forward power of 400 W for 10 [5] Due to the reactive nature of N-polar GaN, an as-received, non-pretreated sample was also tested to preserve the integrity of GaN surface After the various surface pretreatments, Al2 O3 was deposited on the surface of N-polar GaN by ALD at 150◦ C in an Oxford FlexAL Plasma Atomic Layer Deposition System Each cycle of Al2 O3 included a 30 ms trimethylaluminum (TMA) pulse followed by a 1500 ms argon (Ar) purge; and a 2000 ms oxygen (O2 ) plasma dose (60 sccm, 15mtorr, forward power 400 W) followed by 800 ms post Downloaded on 2015-04-11 to IP address Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see ecsdl.org/site/terms_use) unless CC License in place (see abstract) N128 ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, (10) N127-N131 (2014) capacitive ground contact around the measured capacitors was used; its impedance at the frequency (1MHz) of the capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurement was negligible High-k film and device characterization.— Changes in the surface morphologies caused by the pretreatments were assessed by atomic force microscopy (AFM, Digital Instrument MultiMode SPM from Veeco Instruments Inc.) The thickness and refractive index of ALD Al2 O3 was measured using spectroscopic ellipsometry (JA Woollam M-2000U) on a silicon witness sample Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) measurements were conducted at room temperature on the (Ni/Au)/Al2 O3 /GaN MOS capacitors using a Keithley 4200 semiconductor characterization system operating at MHz To evaluate charge trapping in the oxide layers from the hysteresis behavior of the oxide, the gate was biased in the accumulation region for sec and then swept back and forth from the accumulation to the depletion regions (A to D), and from depletion to the accumulation region (D to A) with a sweep rate lower than 0.1V/sec to let the interface traps further react with the bias voltage I-V measurements were taken by sweeping the voltage from +4V to -4V, and leakage current densities of each sample were compared at +4V gate bias voltage Results and Discussion Figure Schematic illustration of the N-polar GaN MOS capacitor with a top view (upper) and a side view (lower) plasma Ar purge This yields a growth rate of 1.35Å per cycle, and a total 112 cycles were conducted To pattern the circular MOSCAPs (Fig 1), a Ni/Au (20/50 nm) alloy was evaporated on the oxide and subsequently went through a lift-off process in acetone Instead of an ohmic contact, a large Transformation of surface morphology by AFM Observation.— Fig 2a is an AFM image representing the N-polar surface of all five samples prior to Al2 O3 ALD Figure also shows the AFM results of Al2 O3 deposited at 150◦ C on N-polar GaN pretreated with (b) HCl, (c) HF, (d) base piranha, (e) H2 plasma and (f) no pretreatment The RMS values of sample before and after pretreatments are listed in Table I From this data, the Al2 O3 deposited on HF and H2 plasma pretreated samples preserved the smooth surface morphology similar to the non-pretreated samples Bumps approximately ∼20 nm high were observed on the HCl pretreated sample, however, a smoother surface was observed by English et al.26 with a more concentrated HCl solution, which left the effect of HCl on N-polar GaN undetermined Deep (50 nm) trenches form on the base piranha etched samples, which indicates that base piranha pretreatments aggressively etched Figure Three dimensional AFM images of N-polar GaN a) before ALD and after ALD pretreated with b) HCl, c) HF, d) Base piranha, e) H2 plasma, f) No pretreatment Downloaded on 2015-04-11 to IP address Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see ecsdl.org/site/terms_use) unless CC License in place (see abstract) ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, (10) N127-N131 (2014) Table I Surface roughness of N-polar GaN before and after ALD of Al2 O3 Surface pretreatment RMS roughness before surface treatment (nm) RMS roughness after ALD (nm) HCl HF Base Piranha H2 Plasma No pretreatment 0.34 0.31 0.26 0.3 0.27 4.73 0.33 26.51 0.37 0.23 the reactive N-polar GaN surface Specifically, after base piranha treatment, the bulk transparent GaN chip was visually cloudy on the Npolar surface This phenomenon was quite different from acid piranha cleaning (H2 O2 :H2 SO4 solution, piranha) with similar experimental condition reported by English et al.26 This rough surface features could lead to a high interface trap density and be detrimental for the device performance C-V and I-V measurements for Al2 O3 on GaN MOSCAPs.— In this section, the MOSCAPs are named according to their respective surface pretreatment method The hysteresis of all the samples is presented in Figure and calculated from the voltage difference ( VFB ) at the flatband capacitance (CFB ) at each pair of sweeps27 CFB Cox ε0 εs A λ = ε0 εs A + Cox λ N129 where Cox is the oxide capacitance measured in accumulation; ε0 is the vacuum permitivity; εs is the dielectric constant of GaN (εs = 8.9); A is the area under the gate contact; and λ is the Debye length calculated from27 εs kT q2 ND λ= where k is the Boltzmann constant, and ND is the doping concentration (ND = × 1018 cm−3 ) A rough estimation of the average density of interface traps and oxide traps (QT ) was performed with the hysteresis and Cox as QT = Cox VF B E BG EBG is the bandgap of GaN (EBG = 3.4 eV) The dielectric constant of the ALD Al2 O3 was also determined by εox = Cox d ε0 A where d is the thickness of Al2 O3 determined on silicon wittness samples, and the thickness of the native SiO2 was subtracted from the result The calculated results are listed in Table II The samples showed a strong correlation between surface morphology and electrical properties; specifically, smoother surfaces led to lower trap densities The samples with no pretreatment has the lowest surface roughness and the lowest trap density, 2.47×1010 cm−2 eV−1 A similar correlation was reported by Nepal et al.24 for Gapolar GaN where the piranha cleaned sample exhibited the smallest hysteresis corresponding to the smoothest surface morphology, Figure C-V sweeps from accumulation to depletion (red) and from depletion to accumulation (black) for samples with different pretreatment methods Downloaded on 2015-04-11 to IP address Redistribution subject to ECS terms of use (see ecsdl.org/site/terms_use) unless CC License in place (see abstract) N130 ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, (10) N127-N131 (2014) Table II Summary of electrical properties of ALD Al2 O3 on N-polar GaN with different pretreatments Surface pretreatment Cox (μF/cm2 ) εox CFB (μF/cm2 ) Hysteresis VFB (V) Total trapped charge density (cm−2 eV−1 ) Leakage current density at VG = 4V (A/cm2 ) Breakdown Field (MV/cm) HCl HF Base Piranha H2 Plasma No pretreatment 0.45 0.51 NA 0.25 0.48 7.2 8.2 NA 4.0 7.6 0.38 0.42 NA 0.23 0.39 0.11 0.33 NA 1.87 0.03 8.81E+10 3.10E+11 NA 8.62E+11 2.47E+10 5.33E-02 8.19E-05 NA 2.09E-05 2.09E-08 3.2 6.7 NA 6.4 6.4 followed by HF and HCl pretreated samples In this study, the interface quality of non-pretreated sample is an improvement over Al2 O3 grown by thermal ALD on N-polar GaN as reported by Hung et al.,20 and interface trap density is lower than the Al2 O3 on less reactive Ga-polar GaN reported by Nepal et al.24 In contrast, a rough surface could destroy a device For example, the base piranha etched sample had the roughest surface, and the metal/Al2 O3 stack failed to exhibit MOSCAP behavior but instead showed the Schottky behavior at positive gate bias (Fig 3) The capacitance should have saturated; instead it exponentially increased to unreasonably large values Besides the surface morphology, hysteresis could also be affected by the crystalline quality of the GaN substrate Although roughness of the HF-etched and H2 plasma-treated samples were similar, the hysteresis of the latter was almost times higher than the former The highly energetic H2 plasma could effectively remove absorbed carbon and hydroxides on the surface, but it could also create dangling bonds and generate defects such as vacancies and intersitials in the GaN crystal that leads to interface traps The hysteresis originates from the combined effects of the interface states of Al2 O3 /GaN and oxide traps in the ALD Al2 O3 28,29 The interface states of Al2 O3 /GaN distributed within the bandgap of GaN So electrons could be captured by these states when the voltage is changed However, those electrons captured in the deep-lying states (further away from the conduction band) cannot emit to the conduction band at room temperature due to an exponentially increasing emission time constant and thus, form negative fixed charges.30 So if a deep-lying state is empty before the forward sweep (A to D) and filled after the forward sweep, it is unlikely to be emptied during the following backward sweep (D to A), which contributes to part of the CV hysteresis Another contribution to hysteresis is from the oxide traps that are filled and emptied through electron tunneling.28 Oxide traps can be divided into bulk traps (further from the interface) and border traps (close to the interface).31 Bulk traps have almost no effect on the hysteresis, as the probability of electron capture is low because of an exponetial decay of their capture cross section with increasing distance from the interface.28 The border traps respond to C-V sweeps, and theoretically contribute to every hysteresis.28,29 A schematic illustrating the motion of electrons interacting with oxide traps in a single loop of CV sweeps was well explained by Nepal et al.24 The VFB shift for the pretreated samples varied considerably Specifically the H2 plasma treated sample had the largest positive VFB shift followed by HF and HCl treated samples This phenomenon has also been seen with Si-based MOS structures with deposited highκ oxides.32,33 The H2 plasma may have preferentially attacked the N in GaN leaving a high concentration of N vaccancies which could act as negative fixed charges and cause the positive shift of VFB The HF and HCl pretreatment yielded a F and Cl terminated GaN surface The high eletronegativity of F and Cl could also act as negative fixed charges and shift the VFB Similar VFB shift was observed on the Gapolar GaN after surface pretreatment of HF and HCl reported by Nepal et al.24 A quantative study on the correlation of the electronegativity of surface termination elements and the VFB shift could be valuable, but is beyond the scope of this study All the samples exhibited deep depletion feature without inversion capacitance characteristics, which agrees well with the wide bandgap semiconductor MOSCAPs.34,35 Because the generation of minority carriers is slow at room temperature, it might take tens of years to achieve inversion in C-V measurement at room temperature as proposed by Wang et al.36 on the SiC MOS structure The leakage current density was compared at a positive gate bias of +4V (Table II) The leakage current density correlates with the Al2 O3 roughness; The smoother the surface, the lower the leakage current density For example, the leakage current density of the rough HCl treated samples were about to orders of magnitude higher than the untreated, smoother samples Conclusions A series of surface preparations for N-polar GaN surface prior to ALD Al2 O3 were compared The electrical properties showed a strong correlation with the surface morphology: MOSCAPs fabricated on smoother surfaces had better electrical performance Surface pretreatments could severly affect the morphology of N-polar GaN surface due to its reactive nature, and this was detrimental to the device performance HCl and HF surface pretreatment terminated the N-polar surface with high eletronegativity Cl and F atoms which performed as negative fixed charges and shifted the flatband voltage Non-pretreated sample preserve the integrity of GaN substrate with a smooth surface morphology leading to the lowest QT among all the pretreated samples Acknowledgment This work was supported by Office of Naval Research (ONR) with grant number N00014-09-1-1160 Work at the U.S Naval Research Laboratory is 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