crystals down into a saucepan when making caramel When dry, they are very useful for brushing flour off pastry I recommend one small brush and one medium one The bristles should be soft Source: CAKE PANS You will need a 7-inch (18centimeter) cake pan or Flexipan mold for smaller cakes like the Black Forest Cake For all other cakes a standard 9-inch cake pan will be fine Source:,, for Flexipans; for metal pans, including an 18-centimeter pan by Matfer BREAD PAN(S) You can make pound cake and pain d’épices recipes in a regular 5 × 9–inch bread pan, but the longer, skinnier pans produce a more attractive loaf Matfer produces very nice 9.9 × 3.1–inch and 10 × 3.5–inch pans Source:, PIZZA STONE A pizza stone does not conduct heat like metal but instead provides a constant and gentler heat that bakes product more slowly and is very efficient at creating a crust That is why true artisan bread is always baked in an oven lined with a brick bottom Source: BREAD SCORER (RAZOR BLADE FOR SLASHING BREAD) Many breads are slashed right before the shaped loaf goes into the oven so that they don’t tear as they open out when they bake This tool does the job very efficiently Source: ... Many breads are slashed right before the shaped loaf goes into the oven so that they don’t tear as they open out when they bake This tool does the job very efficiently Source: ... That is why true artisan bread is always baked in an oven lined with a brick bottom Source: BREAD SCORER (RAZOR BLADE FOR SLASHING BREAD) Many breads are slashed right before the shaped...You will need a 7-inch (18centimeter) cake pan or Flexipan mold for smaller cakes like the Black Forest Cake For all other cakes a standard 9-inch cake pan will be fine Source:,,