688 Author Index Lewicki, P., 9, 504 Lewinsohn, P M., 67 Lewis, C., 663 Lewis, J R., 658 Lewis, R L., 638 Lewis, S., 334 Lewis, V J., 436 Leyhausen, P., 39, 40 Liang, C.-C., 306 Liberman, A., 257 Liberman, A M., 252, 255, 256, 528, 541, 608, 609, 612 Liberman, M C., 128 Liberman, N., 628, 636 Liberman, P., 238 Liberman, S., 257 Libet, B., 13 Licklider, J C R., 654 Liddle, P F., 506 Lieberman, K., 436 Lien, K G., 465 Lien, M.-C., 309 Light, L L., 481 Light, P., 633 Lilienfield, S O., 651 Lima, S D., 559, 561, 562 Lin, J., 503 Lindblom, B., 240, 241, 248, 259 Lindenbaum, L E., 311 Lindsay, D S., 8, 490, 658 Lindsay, P H., 94 Lindsay, R C L., 658 Lindsay, R O., 643 Lindsey, D T., 276, 281 Link, S W., 96 Linnett, C M., 282 Lintern, G., 514, 515, 659 Linton, M., 486, 487, 488, 491 Linville, P W., 663 Lippa, Y., 301 Lippold, O C J., 318, 322 Lishman, J R., 228 Liske, D., 320, 325 Lisker, L., 253 Lissauer, H., 199 Litovsky, R., 136 Liu, A B, 15 Liu, W., 560 Lively, S., 258 Livesay, K., 463 Llinás, R., 18, 20, 21, 23, 24 Lockhart, R W., 480 Locurto, C., 361 Loebell, H., 539 Löfquist, A., 248 Loftus, E F., 13, 448, 449, 453, 454, 483, 485, 489, 490, 492, 658 Loftus, G R., 424, 426 Loftus, J., 661 Logan, G D., 309, 463, 500, 501, 517, 606, 608 Logie, R., 515 Logie, R H., 435, 436 Logothetis, N K., 10, 17, 22 Logue, A W., 358, 384 LoLordo, V M., 42, 43, 362, 368, 372, 379 Long, J., 659 Long, L D., 143 Longstreth, L E., 299 Longuet-Higgins, H C., 215 Lonsbury-Martin, B L., 128 Loomis, J M., 135, 148, 150, 152, 161, 162, 164, 167, 220, 221, 222, 224, 662 Loosch, E., 336 Lopez, D F., 663 Lorch, E P., 561, 583 Lorch, R F., 457, 458, 561, 583 Lorenz, B., 345 Lorenz, K., 34, 39 Los, S A., 308 Lott, D., 552 Lotto, A., 253, 254, 257 Lou, L., 297, 298 Loukopoulos, L D., 336 Lovatt, P., 431 Love, B C., 601, 610 Loveless, N E., 312 Lowe, D G., 201, 205, 307 Loxterman, J A., 583 LSA Research Group, 592 Lu, C.-H., 301, 305, 310 Lu, Z., 505 Lu, Z L., 277 Lubin, J., 609 Lubker, J., 248, 257 Luborsky, L., 12 Lubow, R E., 362, 372 Lucas, G A., 40, 359, 364 Lucas, M., 457 Luce, P., 257, 260, 261 Luce, R D., 96, 280, 382, 604 Luchins, A S., 642 Luck, S J., 277, 281 Lui, F., 614 Lukas, K E., 662 Lukatela, G., 530 Lund, K., 451, 452 Lundstrom, R., 152 Lunenburg, R K., 220 Lunn, J H., 507 Lupker, S J., 457 Luppino, G., 299 Lurito, J T., 326 Luzzatti, C., 18 Lyman, B J., 481 Lynch, D., 405 Lynch, E B., 599 Lynch, J S., 627 Lyons, J., 575 Lyons, R., 49, 50, 51 Lyubomirsky, S., 490 Ma, J.-J., 432 Macaulay, D., 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 MacDonald, J., 256 MacDonald, M C., 532, 534, 535 MacDonald, P A., 12 Mace, W., 93 MacGregor, D., 663 Mach, E., 193, 228 Mack, A., 10, 12, 14, 282, 330 Mack, R., 276 MacKay, D G., 14, 245, 247, 538 MacKay, D M., 111 MacKay, I., 244 Mackeben, M., 276 MacKenzie, C L., 320, 321, 325, 339, 340 MacKenzie, T B., 15, 71, 78, 79 Mackie, D., 65 Mackintosh, N J., 362, 364, 369, 372, 373, 374, 377, 403, 404, 405 Mackworth, N H., 654 MacLeod, C., 67, 550, 552 MacLeod, C M., 304 Macmillan, N A., 96, 108, 109 Macrae, M., 365 Maculuso, E., 165 MacWhinney, B., 538 Madalena, J., 329 Maddieson, I., 239, 240, 241 Maddox, W T., 284, 607, 608, 609 Magill, R A., 511 Magnuson, J S., 529, 535 Magyar, R L., 658 Mai, N., 345 Maier, S F., 53, 379 Makhoul, J., 659 Makin, V S., 374, 602 Maldonado, A., 375 Malik, J., 184, 185, 217 Mallemat, H., 366 Maloney, L T., 101, 219, 220 Malpass, R S., 658 Malsburg, C von der, 21 Malt, B C., 599 Mamassian, P., 101 Mana, M J., 46 Mancini, R L., 165 Mandell, C., 386 Mandler, G., 462, 463, 465, 484 Mané, A., 514, 516 Manga, D., 161 Mangun, G R., 298 Mankin, D A., 223 Mankowski, T A., 68 Manktelow, K I., 627, 628, 633, 635, 636, 637 Mann, R W., 662 Mann, V., 253, 254, 257, 260 Manning, C G., 4990 Manzey, D., 345 Mapstone, H C., 464 Marburger, W., 492 Marceglia, A H., 155 Marcel, A., 460 Marcel, A J., 11, 17, 192, 553 Marchetti, F M., 159, 425 Marcoen, A., 662 Marcus, A., 658 Marcus, G F., 605 Maren, S., 34, 48 Marian, V., 532 Marin, J W., 537 Marini, G., 338 Marinos, C., 217 Maris, E., 530 Author Index Mark, T A., 383 Markman, A B., 602, 604 Markman, E M., 610 Marks, L E., 159, 162, 163 Marler, P., 400 Marley, A A., 100 Marlin, N A., 360 Marmie, W R., 515, 517 Marohn, K M., 287 Marquardt, C., 345 Marr, D., 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 95, 152, 180, 183, 185, 187, 202, 203, 230, 286, 613 Mars, F., 463 Marsh, E J., 13, 15, 71, 165, 358, 371, 434, 447, 461, 490, 499, 657 Marsh, N W A., 306 Marsh, R L., 429 Marshall, B S., 368 Marshall, J., 555 Marshburn, E., 338 Marslen-Wilson, W., 245, 260, 531 Marslen Wilson, W D., 457, 528, 529, 531 Marsolek, C J., 465 Marteniuk, R G., 320, 321, 325, 339, 340, 509, 510 Martensen, H., 530 Martin, G K., 128 Martin, J H., 575 Martin, L., 64, 65 Martin, L T., 53 Martin, M., 72, 76 Martin, N., 538 Martin, R C., 456, 457, 459 Martin, S., 431 Martin, Z., 338 Martindale, S., 385 Mason, R., 577, 581 Mass, J B., 225 Massaro, D., 253, 260 Massaro, D W., 201, 219, 424, 425 Massey, J T., 326, 327 Massion, J., 323 Masson, M E J., 454, 458 Mast, M., 42, 43 Masterson, J., 431 Matessa, M., 437 Mathews, A M., 66, 67 Mathis, C E., 37 Matin, E., 558 Matin, L., 424 Mattes, S., 154, 297, 298 Matthews, C., 592 Matthews, G., 511 Matthews, P B C., 333 Matthies, M., 250, 251 Mattingly, I., 252, 255 Mattingly, I G., 528, 541 Matula, D E., 157 Matute, H., 362, 365, 369, 372 Matzel, L D., 365, 367, 368, 369, 373, 375, 376 Maughan, S., 431 Mauner, G., 534 Maurer, R., 367, 370 Maurer, T J., 662 Mauro, B C., 384 Mavor, A S., 169, 660 May, C P., 307 Mayberry, M T., 433 Mayer, J D., 63, 71, 77 Mayer, R G., 380 Mayhew, J E., 215 Mayr, U., 338, 514 Mazur, J E., 385, 386 Mazziotta, J C., 299 McAdams, S., 140 McAfee, E A., 227 McAlister, E., 188 McBeath, M K., 229, 231 McBee, W., 75 McCabe, B., 338 McCabe, G P., 320 McCann R S., 451, 556 McCarthy, D., 381 McCarty, D L., 657 McCauley, C., 553 McClelland, J L., 192, 260, 261, 296, 297, 305, 359, 451, 453, 463, 518, 528, 529, 530, 552, 554, 556, 561 McCloskey, D I., 333 McCloskey, M., 226, 227, 448, 605 McConkie, G W., 552, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 567, 568 McConnell, J., 436 McCormack, T., 429 McCormick, C B., 657 McCready, D., 222 McDaniel, M A., 481, 585, 611 McDaniels, C., 226 McDermott, J., 513 McDermott, K B., 13, 466, 479 McDonald, J E., 552, 554 McDonald, J L., 539 McDowell, J J., 384 McDowell, M J., 340 McElree, B., 284, 285, 432, 433 McEvoy, C., 657 McEvoy, C L., 459 McEwen, B., 43 McFadden, D., 609 McFarland, C., 492 McFarland, R A., 653 McGaugh, J L., 482 McGee, J P., 660 McGee, T., 132 McGehee, D V., 661 McGeoch, J A., 417, 428, 482 McGilly, K., 667 McGinnies, E., 10 McGonigle, B O., 343 McGown, C., 325 McGuire, T W., 658 McGurk, H., 256 McIntyre, J., 331 McKenna, F P., 663 McKeown, M G., 583 McKinley, S C., 600, 605, 607, 611 McKinzie, D L., 373 McKittrick, C., 43 McKoon, G., 448, 450, 452, 454, 458, 461, 462, 466, 535, 582 689 McLaren, I P L., 369, 372, 374, 377 McLaughlin, C., 334 McLean, A P., 384 McLean, J P., 278 McLeod, P., 334 McMullen, T., 144 McNair, S., 661 McNamara, D S., 427, 429, 517, 580, 582, 583 McNamara, T P., 11, 13, 165, 302, 358, 363, 456, 457, 458, 465, 499, 601 McNaughton, B L., 413 McQueen, J., 257, 258, 260, 261 McQueen, J M., 529 McRae, K., 454, 457 McRoberts, G., 229 McWilliam, C L., 661 Meachum, C L., 368 Mead, S E., 662 Meck, W H., 410, 412 Meddis, R., 142 Medin, D L., 599, 600, 601, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 610 Medler, D A., 638, 645 Meehl, P E., 387 Melcher, J M., 507 Melo, B., 19 Melton, A W., 427, 429, 431, 476, 481 Members of the Clever Project, 665 Méndez, C., 503 Menzel, E W., 414 Mercer, C D., 657 Merikle, P., 460 Merikle, P M., 7, 8, 11, 12, 16 Merisalo, A., 323 Merkel, J., 298, 310 Mersch, P P A., 106 Mervis, C B., 195, 602, 605–606, 613 Merz, F., 343, 344 Messick, D M., 661 Mestre, D R., 332 Metcalfe, J., 75, 76, 640 Metelli, F., 191 Metz, A M., 319 Metz, C E., 105 Metzger, V., 157, 162, 164 Meulenbroek, R., 340 Meulenbroek, R G J., 336 Meunier, C., 529 Mewhort, D J K., 278, 310, 425 Meyer, A., 245, 246, 247, 261 Meyer, A S., 238, 450, 468, 536, 537, 538, 541, 537, 549, 566, 590, 602, 604, 606, 608, 610, 612 Meyer, C C., 419 Meyer, C E., 320 Meyer, D E., 11, 308, 309, 448, 453, 468, 553, 556 Meyer, D W., 320, 324, 333 Meyer, R K., 504 Meyerhoff, J., 45 Michaels, C F., 301 Michalski, R S., 605 Michotte, A., 226 Mickler, T S., 661 Middendorp, H M., 106 690 Author Index Middlebrooks, J C., 135 Midgett, J., 223, 224 Mikolinski, M., 463 Millar, S., 159, 161, 166, 167 Millard, R T., 217 Miller, C A., 540 Miller, D G., 483 Miller, D J., 405, 407 Miller, D L., 601 Miller, G A., 169, 427, 430, 479, 590, 654 Miller, G E., 657 Miller, H., 71, 76, 78 Miller, J., 192, 270, 296, 297, 300, 304 Miller, J D., 254, 258, 609, 612 Miller, J L., 259, 260 Miller, J M., 143 Miller, J R., 577, 583 Miller, J S., 365, 373 Miller, M., 387 Miller, N E , 71, 373 Miller, P., 658 Miller, R M., 405, 406 Miller, R R., 35, 42, 360, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 378, 399 Milliken, B., 12 Millis, K K., 587 Millman, P., 169 Mills, A W., 135 Milner, A D., 89, 90, 221, 222, 334 Minda, J P., 600, 611 Mineka, S., 42, 44, 409 Miner, C S., 463 Mingolla, E., 217 Minkoff, R., 405 Minsky, M., 205 Miozzo, M., 537, 540 Misceo, G F., 165 Mish, F C., 241 Mishkin, M., 89, 334 Mitchell, C., 36, 37 Mitchell, D B., 464, 465 Mitchell, D C., 534 Mithen, S., 401, 417 Miyake, A., 423, 576, 577 Miyawaki, K., 612 MoBIC Consortium, 168 Modaresi, H A., 46 Moffitt, K H., 487 Mol, C R., 322 Monahan, J., 651 Mone, S., 320 Monsell, S., 307, 323, 463 Monti, L A., 466 Mon-Williams, M., 214 Moody, M J., 432, 433 Mook, D G., 37, 49 Mooney, R D., 54 Mooney, R J., 610 Moore, A U., 362 Moore, B A., 65 Moore, B C J., 132, 133, 134, 143 Moore, B R., 363 Moore, C., 467 Moore, C M., 272, 278, 281, 283, 284 Moore, J., 382 Moore, K S., 661 Moore, M K., 229 Moore, T., 45 Moran, J., 18 Morato, S., 37 Moravcsik, J E., 581, 583 Moray, N., 14, 269, 661 Mordkoff, J T., 305 Morgan, C T., 654 Morgan, R L., 511 Morrell, F., 464 Morris, C D., 465, 484, 485 Morris, D., 41 Morris, J., 167, 530 Morris, J S., 18 Morris, P E., 657 Morris, R G., 436 Morris, R K., 559, 561, 565, 566, 567 Morrison, R., 558 Morrison, R E., 567 Mortimer, R G., 660 Morton, J., 340, 426, 427, 466, 562 Morton, N., 436 Mosak, S., 168 Moscovitch, M., 19, 454, 458, 468 Moses, A M., 658 Moss, H E., 454, 457, 460, 531 Moss, S M., 658 Mosteller, F., 371 Motley, M., 244, 245 Mounoud, P., 344 Moussavi, Z M K., 345 Movshon, J A., 91 Mowafy, L, 229 Mowbray, G H., 310 Mowrer, O H., 44 Mowrey, R., 244 Moylan, S J., 64, 66, 67, 68 Mozer, M C., 287 Mross, E F., 588 Muir, C., 431 Mullennix, J., 530 Müller, H J., 276, 335, 336 Muller-Gethmann, H., 297, 298 Munson, W A., 653 Munte, T F., 278 Murdock, B B., 280, 454, 459 Murdock, B B., Jr., 428, 429 Murphy, D L., 71, 76, 78 Murphy, G L., 468, 532, 599, 601, 610, 611 Murphy, J., 415 Murphy, T D., 600 Murray, A M., 169 Murray, D J., 435 Murray, W S., 536, 558, 563 Musen, G., 462, 463, 467 Mussa-Ivaldi, F A., 345 Muter, P., 429 Myers, J L., 535, 564, 577, 581 Myerson, J., 385 Näätänen, R., 278, 323, 426 Nadel, L., 412 Nader, K., 47 Nader, R., 655 Nagle, M., 334 Nagy, A L., 284 Naigles, L R., 615 Nair, S N., 662 Nairne, J S., 165, 358, 371, 367, 427, 434, 435, 436, 437, 439, 476, 479, 499, 536, 576, 588 Naish, J M., 514 Nakahara, H., 505 Nakamura, S., 228 Nakayama, D., 282, 285 Nakayama, K., 88, 111, 189, 216, 219, 276 Nakayama, T., 54 Narvaez, D., 585 Näsänen, R., 109, 110, 112 Nash, M., 490 Nash, S M., 368 Nashner, L M., 323 Natelson, B H., 388 Naveh-Benjamin, M., 431 Navon, C., 191 Navon, D., 284, 516 NcNamara, T P., 279 Nearey, T., 253 Neath, I., 425, 427, 429, 430, 438, 439 Neely, J H., 302, 363, 455, 456, 459, 460, 461, 484 Neff, D L., 137 Neff, J., 183 Neff, R., 664 Neill, W T., 11, 307 Neisser, U., 10, 11, 90, 183, 270, 488, 550 Nelligan, D W., 487 Nelson, B., 278 Nelson, D L., 459 Nelson, D O., 51 Nelson, K., 486 Nelson, R., 183 Nelson, W L., 321 Nespor, M., 540 Neumann, O., 501 Neuringer, A., 299 Nevin, J A., 382, 386, 387 Newcombe, N., 464 Newell, A., 301, 310, 502, 507, 518, 624, 626, 631, 637, 638, 639, 640, 642 Newell, A F., 659 Newell, F N., 163 Newell, K M., 321, 509 Newland, M C., 383 Newman, R., 260 Newsome, S L., 552, 554 Newsome, W T., 91 Newstead, S E., 14, 624, 627, 629, 630, 631, 635, 636 Nicely, P E., 169 Nicholson, D E., 511 Nickerson, R S., 96, 167., 616, 634, 657, 651, 656, 659, 660 Nicol, J., 540 Nicoletti, R., 299, 300 Niedenthal, P M., 62, 66 Nielsen, T I., 333 Nielson, J., 657 Niemi, P., 559 Nijhawan, R., 183 Nikulina, J N., 43 Author Index Nimmo-Smith, I., 334 Nisbett, R 605 Nisbett, R E., 626, 633 Nishihara, H K., 185, 203, 613 Nisipeanu, P., 15 Nissen, M J., 15, 71, 78, 79, 310, 502, 503, 504, 505 Niswander, E., 559 Noble, M., 333 Nolan, C., 167 Nolen-Hoeksema, S., 490 Noma, E., 96 Noordman, L G M., 581 Norcia, A., 229 Norman, D A., 94, 505 Norman, G R., 607 Norman, J., 90 Norman, J F., 218, 219, 220, 221 Norman, K., 658 Norris, D., 258, 260, 261, 437, 438, 529 Norris, D G., 529 North, N C., 49, 50, 51 North, R A., 661 Nosofsky, R M., 600, 603, 605, 606, 607, 608, 611 Nougier, V., 330, 331 Noveck, I., 636 Novick, L R., 375 Nowak, D., 345 Null, C E., 651 Nussbaum, B., 664 Oakes, L M., 613 Oakeshott, S M., 362 Oakhill, J., 629 Oaksford, M., 602, 633, 634, 635, 644, 645 Oberlander, J., 644 Ober-Thompkins, B A., 195 O’Brien, D P., 624, 630, 636 O’Brien, E J., 535, 564, 577, 581 O’Connell, D N., 217 O’Connell, J M., 368 O’Connor, F., 658 Oda, K., 560 Ogden, W C., 659 Ogle, K O., 215 Ohala, J., 239 Ohlsson, S., 518, 641 Ohman, S., 249 Ohmi, M., 218 Ohta, N., 464 Ojanpää, H., 109, 110, 112 O’Keefe, J., 412 Oldak, R., 229 Older, L., 531 Olsen, J F., 143 Olson, R K., 558, 559 Olson, M E., 343 Olsson, H., 226 Olsson, N., 657, 658 Ono, H., 215, 218 Ono, M E., 218 Ooi, T L., 223 Oram, M W., 613 Orden, G van, 242 O’Regan, J K., 281, 286, 558, 561, 563, 567 Orliaguet, J P., 248, 250, 251 Ortony, A., 586 Osaka, N., 560 Osborn, J., 429, 430 Oscar-Berman, M., 461 O’Seaghdha, P., 537 Osgood, C E., 365, 428, 451 Osman, A., 297, 298, 300, 301, 302, 305, 309 Osterle, E C., 142 Ostrin, R K., 457 Oswald, D L., 661 O’Toole, A J., 613 O’Vary, D., 50 Over, D E., 627, 628, 633, 635, 636, 637, 643 Owens, D A., 660 Owings, D H., 43, 46 The Oxygen Project, 665 Oyama, T., 222 Paap, K R., 552, 554, 658 Pachella, R G., 295, 297 Pacht, J M., 565, 587 Pagano, C C., 158, 220, 221 Page, M P A., 437, 438 Paillard, J., 328, 330, 331, 334 Paivio, A., 481 Palincsar, A S., 584 Palmer, C., 504 Palmer, J., 276, 281 Palmer, J C., 485 Palmer, S., 183, 271, 272 Palmer, S E., 9, 10, 87, 88, 92, 179, 181, 183, 184, 186, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 224, 271, 336, 602, 606, 613 Palmeri, T J., 600, 603, 605, 607, 611 Pankratz, C., 601 Panksepp, J., 36 Panter, A T., 491 Pao, L Y., 169 Papagno, C., 423, 436 Parasuraman, R., 288, 660, 662, 665 Pardo, J., 257 Pare, D., 23 Parisi, D., 576 Park, D., 254 Park, J., 307 Park, N S., 644 Parker, A J., 91, 215 Parker, E M., 253, 254 Parkes, C M., 601 Parkes, D., 168 Parmelee, C M., 553 Parsons, H M., 667 Pas, F G W C., 301 Pashler, H., 274, 277, 284, 285, 288, 302, 303, 308, 508 Passingham, R E., 506 Pastore, R E., 609 Patalano, A L., 605 Patel, V L., 578 Patterson, K., 451, 528, 530, 555, 556 Patterson, M Q., 151, 662 Patterson, R D., 133, 142, 144 Paullin, R., 481 Pavani, F., 164, 271 691 Pavlov, I P., 39, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 368 Payne, D G., 657 Payne, S J., 311 Pazzani, M J., 610 Peacock, B., 660 Peacocke, C., Pear, T H., 509 Pearce, J M., 369, 371, 372, 373, 374, 379, 403 Pearce, S C., 100 Pearlstone, Z., 476, 477, 483, 484 Pearmutter, N J., 532, 534 Pechman, T., 538 Pedroarena, C., 20 Peereman, R., 530, 541 Peery, S., 335 Pena-Correal, T E., 384 Pennington, B., 242 Pennington, B F., 556 Penrod, S D., 658 Penrose, R., 25 Pentland, A., 202 Pentland, A P., 217 Pentland, J., 489 Peper, C E., 337, 338 Peper, L., 332 Perani, D., 340 Perenin, M T., 334 Perfetti, C A., 530, 555, 577, 583 Perkell, J., 250, 251 Perona, P., 185 Perotti, V J., 220, 221 Perrett, D I., 608, 613 Perrier, P., 248, 250, 251 Perruchet, P., 467, 503 Perry, C., 530, 549 Perry, D H., 514 Perry, J., 576 Perry, J S., 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 Pérusse, R., 407 Peterhans, E., 190 Peters, M., 340 Peters, P., 400 Petersen, A., 562 Peterson, E W., 505 Peterson, I., 403 Peterson, J., 613 Peterson, L., 552 Peterson, L R., 428 Peterson, M A., 186, 187 Peterson, M J., 428 Peterson, R R., 459, 538 Petrides, M., 326 Petrovich, G D., 48 Petty, R E., 66, 68 Pew, R W., 167, 333, 510, 616, 634, 656, 665 Pezdek, K., 490, 658 Pfaff, D W., 49 Pfaffman, C., 49 Pharr, V L., 42, 49 Philbeck, J W., 135, 221, 222, 224 Phillipp, J., 345 Phillips, J R., 150, 153, 159, 161 Phillips, W A., 281 Piaget, J., 603 Pichert, J W., 586 Pick, H., 343 692 Author Index Pickering, M J., 532 Pickles, J O., 125, 127, 128, 129 Pierce, C S., 7, Pillemer, D B., 491, 492 Pinel, J P., 46 Pineño, O., 365 Pinker, S., 197, 205, 239, 277, 401, 402, 415, 416, 419, 605, 611, 614, 615 Pinto, J., 226 Pisoni, D., 256, 258, 260 Pitt, M., 257, 260, 261 Pittman, T S., Pitts, G S., 460 Plack, C., 132, 134 Plamondon, R., 320, 321 Platt, J., 664, 677 Plaut, D C., 451, 454, 456, 457, 458, 528, 530, 556 Plunkett, K., 576 Poggio, T., 196, 201, 205 Pola, J., 424 Polanyi, M., Polit, A., 318, 325, 328 Polk, T A., 624, 631 Pollack, I., 281 Pollard, P., 632, 636 Pollatsek, A., 450, 530, 549, 552, 553, 555, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 566, 567, 569, 576, 587 Polson, P., 580 Pomerantz, J R., 192 Pont, S C., 155, 156 Poole, D A., 658 Popper, A N., 126, 127, 128, 131, 136, 144 Popper, K R., 25 Porter, R., 257 Posnansky, C., 553 Posner, M I., 164, 276, 277, 279, 283, 294, 303, 328, 455, 500, 501, 506, 603, 606, 607, 611 Post, R M., 71 Postma, A., 541 Postman, L., 366, 387 Potegal, M., 45 Potosnak, K M., 658 Potter, M C., 285, 287 Poulton, E C., 333 Pourtois, G., 18 Povel, D J., 509 Prabhu, P., 658 Prather, J R., 160 Predebon, J., 217 Preece, T., 437, 438 Preilowski, B., 340 Prelec, D., 382 Premack, A J., 415 Premack, D., 387, 408, 414, 415 Presti, D., 283 Preston, R A., 385 Prevett, T T., 659 Pribe, C., 326, 337 Price, C J., 538 Pridgen, D., 657 Priest, A G., 643 Prince, A., 242 Prince, C., 660 Pringer, K., 227, 228 Prinz, W., 293, 299, 325, 331, 332, 334 Prinzmetal, W., 272, 283, 284, 305 Pritchett, B L., 532, 533 Proctor, R W., 13, 14, 15, 111, 279, 287, 297, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 309, 310, 322, 344, 429, 502, 506, 509, 553, 652 Proffitt, D R., 216, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 230 Proffitt, D S., 10, 87, 90, 159, 179, 189, 193, 329, 330, 332 Prohaska, V., 492 Prosser, C L., 51 Proteau, L., 337, 509, 510 Proust, J., 15 Prussin, H A., 427 Pulleyblank, D., 242 Pullman, S., 327 Pylshyn, Z W., 93, 94, 95, 286, 451, 601 Qian, X., 161 Quick, R F., 100 Quilliam, T A., 148 Quillian, M R., 448, 449, 450, 453 Quinlan, P T., 465 Quinn, J G., 436 Quinn, J T., 320, 324, 336 Quirk, G J., 48 Raaijmakers, J G W., 462 Rabbitt, P M A., 276 Rabin, M D., 508 Rabiner, L., 659 Rabinowitz, W M., 168, 169 Rachlin, H C., 382, 384, 387, 388, 389 Rack, P M H., 318 Radach, R., 567 Radvansky, G A., 582 Rafal, R D., 272, 273, 279 Rajaram, S., 478 Ramachandran, V S., 15, 19, 89, 217 Ramsay, G I., 169 Rand, M K., 505 Rand, R P., 52 Randall, C K., 363 Raney, G E., 559, 560 Ransdell, S., 541 Rapaport, D., 62 Rapp, B., 419 Rappold, V A., 466 Rashotte, M E., 368 Rastle, K., 530, 549 Ratcliff, R., 433, 448, 450, 452, 454, 458, 461, 462, 466, 535, 582 Rattermann, M J., 639 Raugh, M R., 657 Raveh, M., 463 Raybeck, D., 650 Raye, C L., 72, 478 Raymond, J E., 286, 287 Rayner, K., 450, 530, 532, 533, 534, 536, 549, 551, 552, 553, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 576, 587 Rayner, R., 62 Raynor, H A., 37 Razran, G H S., 62 Read, D., 657 Reales, J M., 161, 167 Reales, S., 161 Reason, J., 661 Reber, A S., Recasens, D., 249 Recht, D R., 583 Redden, M R., 662 Reder, L M., 483 Redfearn, J W T., 322 Reed, A V., 433 Reed, C L., 157, 166 Reed, C M., 168, 169 Reed, S K., 191 Reese, B., 364 Reeve, T G., 299, 300, 304 Regan, D., 227 Regian, J W., 516 Rehder, B., 582, 583, 592 Reichel, F., 223 Reichel, F D., 217 Reicher, G M., 192, 551, 552 Reichle, E., 566, 567 Reichmuth, C J., 600 Reid, E S., 93 Reilly, R., 564, 567 Reingold, E M., 557 Reisdorf, P., 577 Reiser, B J., 625 Reitman, J S., 427 Remez, R., 242 Reminger, S L., 464 Remington, R W., 273, 274, 275 Rensink, R A., 281, 286, 287 Rentoul, J., 531 Repa, C., 48 Repp, B., 260 Repp, B H., 609 Requin, J., 327 Rescorla, R A., 361, 362, 365, 367, 368, 369, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 379, 380 Restle, F., 225, 413 Reus, V I., 71 Revlin, R., 581 Reynolds, G S., 378, 383 Reynolds, H N., 224 Rhenius, D., 641 Rhinehart, E D., 492 Rhoades, M V., 310 Ribary, U., 20, 21, 23 Ribaupierre, Y de, 128 Riccio, D C., 364, 410 Richards, W., 88, 93 Richards, W A., 187, 204 Richardson, R., 364 Richardson-Klavehn, A., 463, 478 Richman, S., 219 Richmond-Welty, 530 Richot, K F M., 577 Richter, C P., 36 Rickard, T C., 517 ... 306, 308, 309, 310, 322, 344, 429, 502, 506, 509, 553, 652 Proffitt, D R., 216, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 230 Proffitt, D S., 10, 87, 90, 159, 179, 189, 193, 329, 330, 332 Prohaska,... Meyer, D E., 11, 308, 309, 448, 453, 468, 553, 556 Meyer, D W., 320, 324, 333 Meyer, R K., 504 Meyerhoff, J., 45 Michaels, C F., 301 Michalski, R S., 605 Michotte, A., 226 Mickler, T S., 661 Middendorp,... 192, 270, 296, 297, 300, 304 Miller, J D., 254, 258, 609, 612 Miller, J L., 259, 260 Miller, J M., 143 Miller, J R., 577, 583 Miller, J S., 365, 373 Miller, M., 387 Miller, N E , 71, 373 Miller,