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The treasury of knowledge, books 9 and 10 journey and goa (98)

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GLOSSARY - eight major siddhis ! dngos grub chen 501 ~ta mahasiddhi i pobrgyad j I eight modes of i rnam par thar pa brgyad i complete liberation i !! eight modes of Ii thim lugs brgyad I ! dissolution agavimok~a f + , -f J eight mundane values I 'jig rten chos brgyad ~ta lokadharma -+ ~ eight qualities of \ powerful mastery ! eight sense fields l that eclipse ordinary \ perceptions i eight supremely blissful t \ experiential qualities eighteen distinctive i qualities !J dbang phyug brgyad ~tc:Svarya i \ zil gyis gnon pa'i skye ! mched brgyad agabhibhava I i !! bde chen ro brgyad aga mahasukhiisvada ' \ rna 'dres pa bco brgyad ~ , -+ ~ I i j eightfold path of [ noble ones J i ! \ 'phags lam yang j lag brgyad eighth, level of the i brgyad pa'i sa eighty usual overt patterns of thought \ rang bzhin brgyad [ cu' i rtog pa I ~~arya marga ~tamaka bhfuni I elaborate !1 spros bcas prapaiica l elimination i spong ba prah:U,a -1 -·· -+ ~ I emerging from the ! gzhi las 'phags pa : ground of being l : emotionally affected consciousness I ! nyon mongs pa can gyi : yid kyi rnam par shes pa r ! empowerment into :: shes rab ye shes kyi dbang l sublime intelligence I: and timeless awareness i L_ kli~ta manovijfiana i prajfia jfiana abhi~eka ii ~ _ 502 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE empowerment of the great master slob.dpon chen po'idbang empowerment that matures smin byed kyi dbang emptiness stong pa nyid emptiness endowed with the most sublime of all attributes rnam pa'i mchog thams cad dang !dan pa'i stong pa nyid emptiness that entails all possibilities rnam pa kun !dan gyi stong pa nyid I mahacarya abhi~eka- I siinyata \ sarvakaraiiata siinyata , -,~ empty Stong pa siinya ! ' Enacting the Activity of Buddhahood,level of r sangs rgyas kyi las byed pa'i sa f i t ! I Endowed with Metaphor , dpe !dan gyi sa '' endowment with power dbangldan engagement through firm conviction mos spyod kyi sa engagement with dedicated intent, level of mos pas spyod pa'i sa enhancement 'bogs'don i j i adhimukti carya bhiimi I i -1 l I -adhimukti di.rya bhiimi enjoyme~_t_o_f_s_p-ac-e t-m-kh a_'s_p_y_o_d ~eca~a enjoyment of the richness ofbeing longs spyod rdzogs pa enlightened activity phrin las j sambhoga I ! karma t · t · +1- - - - - - - - - - - enlightened embodiment of timeless awareness ye shes kyi sku i jnanakaya ' I f -+ enlightened intent dgongs pa I abhipraya ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GLOSSARY - I enlightened mind IIi asnonconceprual a supreme srate i I enlightened mind ! mnyam pa chen po'i thugs l 503 mi rtog chen po'i thugs ' ! I I : as a supreme srate of equalness i I -· \ enlightened mind as j manifest enlightenment ! knowing anyming I 1· whatsoever i enlightened mind as the : indivisible vajra state r-mngon byang gis cir yang sa ler mkhyen pa'i thugs I \ mi phyed rdo rje'i thugs ; I : ; i: enlightened mind that liberates beings i 'gro ba sgrol ba'i thugs '· ' enlightened perspective of total freedom ' ' enlightened speech as manifest enlightenment enlightened speech as ! the symbolic expression • of enlightened intent ! I I ! ' mgnon byang gi gsung I l dgongs pa brda'i gsung I \ ! ! iI enlightened speech I rnam grol gzigs pa i II skye med don gyi gsung as the ultimate unborn nature ' l I enlightened speech as the utterance of words ! i brjod pa tshig gi gsung ! i l dbyer med rdo rje'i gsung ! enlightened speech i i as the vajra state of inseparability ii ! I' rgyas pa'ilas enriching activity enrichment of meditative experience ! nyams snang gong 'phd · i-·- ensuring benefit I don byedpa · arthakriya · · 504 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE - l Ensuring Total Realization of the Metaphor of All Metaphors, level of dpe chams cad kyi dpe rab J tu rtogs par byed pa'i sa · entirely sufficient preparatory phase nyer bsdogs mi lcogs med equal taste rosnyoms equalness mnyam pa nyid equipoise of cessation 'gogpa'i snyoms 'jug equivalent cause skal mnyam gyi rgyu j establishing a distinction bye brag phyed pa ' even mnyam pa nyid i samata I ever-present rtagpa ! nitya exceptional joy khyad par gyi dga' ba exercise of mastery dbangpo nyid exercising miraculous powers, level of rdzu 'phrul 'phrul ba'i sa expedient cause nyergyu j upakar:u;ta explanatory commentary lung i agama external aspects of manifest enlightenment phyi'i mgnon byang I! i anagamya samantaka I i i samarasa J +l samata ! nirodha samapatti ' - sabhaga hetu ' ! vise~a mudita I ! ! I' I i bahaya abhisambodhi iI I extreme clarity rab tu gsal ba extreme magnitude shin tu che ba extreme subtlety shin tu phra ba I extremely empty shin tu stong pa i extremely precise analysis of phenomena chos rab mam 'byed i j ' prakasa sumahat ! suk~matama I I I I dharma pravicaya GLOSSARY - extremely unelaborate shin tu spros med sun~prapaftca extremely unelaborate mode of conduct shin tu spros mcd kyispyodpa suni~prapaftca carya eye ot phenomena chos kyi spyan dharmacalqu eye of sublime intelligence shes rab kyi spyan prajfii calqu eye of timeless awareness ye shes kyi spyan jninacalqu I - ~- factor to be eliminated factors that contribute to enlightenment spangbya pariheya byang chub phyogs kyichos bodhipalqa dharma I faculty endowed with all-knowing awareness faculty of all-knowing awareness I I I kun shes ldan j pa'i dbang po i kun shes pa'i dbang po faculty that brings allknowing awareness kun shes byed pa'i dbang po faith, level of dad pa'isa faith based on a desire to emulate 'dod pa'i dad pa ~raddhi bhfuni I faith based on awe I dang ba'i dad pa faith based on trust I yid ches pa'i dad pa family type rigs gotra father tantra pha('i) rgyud pitr tantra fearlessness in consummate realization rtogs pa phun tshogs la mi 'jigs pa fearlessness in consummate renunciation spangs pa phun cshogs la mi 'jigs pa 505 ... enrichment of meditative experience ! nyams snang gong 'phd · i-·- ensuring benefit I don byedpa · arthakriya · · 504 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE - l Ensuring Total Realization of the Metaphor of. ..502 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE empowerment of the great master slob.dpon chen po'idbang empowerment that matures smin byed kyi dbang emptiness stong pa nyid emptiness endowed with the most... gsung as the ultimate unborn nature ' l I enlightened speech as the utterance of words ! i brjod pa tshig gi gsung ! i l dbyer med rdo rje'i gsung ! enlightened speech i i as the vajra state of inseparability

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:58

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