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The treasury of knowledge, books 9 and 10 journey and goa (97)

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496 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE conduct of pure awareness rig pa'i spyod pa conduct of pursuing the pach of spiritual deportment brtul zhugs lam slong gi spyod pa ! l I i I I phyogs las rnarn conduct of total victory in all ways I rgyal gyi spyod pa 1 ~ -~: -+ · ~ conduct chat brings i snang ba dbang sgyur mastery of che phenomenal world gyi spyod pa 1· 11 conduct chat delineates che gap between sarpsara and nirv~a ! I 'khor 'das ru shan i \ 'byed pa'i spyod pa i J ' I : rdzu 'phrul gyi spyod pa conduct chat involves miraculous powers i II conduct chat is focused tphyogs gcig pa'i spyod pa on one point ! nduct chat is involved ch elaboration ngruent cause consciousness, aggregate of I consciousness as che basis of all ordinary experience consciousness as che coordinating mental faculty J !I spros pa dang bcas pa'i spyod pa r-r - -·-· -· I skal mnyam gyi rgyu sambhaga hetu i rnarn shes kyi phung po vijflana skandha I I I kun gzhi'i rnarn I par shes pa alayavijfiana i J I yid kyi rnarn par shes pa manovijfiana I I i I \ co.nsecratin~~~ag I own body gones I byin rlabs consolidation sorsdud pratyah:i.ra consort of activity las kyi phyag rgya karma mudra GLOSSARY - 497 , - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - -, · ·-1 ! vidyamudra li consort of awareness rig rna I I consort who embodies i shes rab rna i sublime intelligence prajii.a mudra , [ -l -· - consort who embodies \ timeless awareness i ye shes kyi phyag rgya ! : constancy ! rtag pa jii.ana mudra nitya I \ consummate qualities \ of basic space ~yings kyi yon tan I i consummate state i mthar phyin pa I I 'dod dgur sgyur mtha' can 'i regpa spar5a rgyun mi chad pa avicchinna ensuring all that is wished for ! I : contact i continuity ' ; _ + -1 -I bslab pa rgyun gyi sa continuity of training, level of i i continuum I ! continuum of i, the inexhaustible , adornment ofbeing 'i i I : rgyud i I tantra mi zad pa rgyan gyi 'khor lo \ ' corruptible ! zag bcas ! asravin I \ corruptible path ! of meditation i! co'urage ! zag bcas sgom lam asravin bhavana marga i \ dpa' ba vira I ~-~ourage~us mind ~~ems dpa' :~t:~ -1 cutting through ~ seeming solidity I khregs chod ! dance of the buddhas I sangs rgyas kyi gar ! [ ~ -· ~ -4 : day ) zhag ~ -~ -· · ~ · 498 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE deafening activity 'on par 'gyur pa'i las decisive phase of decisiveness chod pa'i chod pa decisive phase of dedicated interest mos pa'i chod pa decisive phase of engagement 'jug pa'i chod pa ! I ! i ! - e. - - i decisive phase of transformation sgyur ba'i chod pa dedicated intent mospa dedicated phase of decisiveness chod pa'i mos pa dedicated phase of dedicated interest mos pa'i mos pa dedicated phase of engagement 'jug pa'i mos pa dedicated phase of transformation sgyur ba'i mos pa ! I ! -l I I adhimukti I i i l ! i ! 'II i i' I I deeper insight lhagmchong deeply ingrained affiictive states kun nas nyon mongs pa definitive excellence ngeslegs li.W j n reyasa deity yoga lha'i rnal'byor I devata yoga delineator j vipa5yana i ' ! saq1kli~~a II j vyavaccheda(ka) rnam par bead pa - ··· Dense Array scug po bkod pa ! ghanavyiiha desire 'dodchags raga I dialectical approach mtshan nyid kyi cheg pa I l~a.J)ayana diligence brtson 'grus ! virya ; GLOSSARY - I i dimension ofbeing j enjoying its own richness I J i dimension of emanated form i dimension of ~ightened betng longsspyod rdzogs pa'i sku sambhogakaya sprul pa'i sku nirmil;lakaya I sku kaya \ dimension of \ immutable being i rdo rje'i sku vajrakaya \ dimension of manifest ; enlightenment mgnon par byang chubkyisku abhisambodhikaya choskyisku dharmakaya \ dimension of the actual nature of phenomena I I I ! I direct cause i! dngosrgyu salqii.tkar~a I direct experience II rnngonsum pratyalqa II direct experience I ; I I ii direct perception I through reflexive awareness I I i direct realization I discipline disengagement destabilizing obscurations I II rang rig mngon sum svas:up.vedana pratyalqa ~l mgnon sum rtogs pa I discerning timeless [_ awareness ! chos nyid rnngon sum I of the actual nature of phenomena I 499 dissolution of conceptual mind and subtle energy I I so sor rtog pa'i ye shes pratyavelqanii jfiii.na I tshul khrims §ila bra! ba vis:up.yoga ! 'dzag pa'i sgtib pa yid rlung thim pa 500 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE ! vi~~aka vastu distinctive aspect of the actual stage (of meditative stabUity) dngos gzhi khyad par can distinctness, levd of rna 'dres pa'i sa ! avel].ika bhiimi distorting influences drima I divestment bral ba I visarp.yoga divine eye lha'ispyan divine hearing lha'i mana Domain zhing doubt thetshom I ! mala devayarp calqu I devayarp ~rora l}qetra I ! sarp.hya dream image rmilam dualistic perceptions gzung'dzin I grii.hyagrahyaka ! Early Translation School snga'gyur iI echo bragcha I prati~rutka eight analogies for illusoriness sgyu ma'i dpe brgyad ! ~ta mayopama eight avenues of ordinary consciousness rnam shes tshogs brgyad svapna i I I I I I J I ~ta vijniinakaya I I eight enlightened qualities yon tan brgyad !; ~tagu.Qa ! eight experiential qualities ro myang brgyad I ~taii.svada I eight great lineages of spiritual accomplishment sgrub brgyud shing rta chen po brgyad eight kinds of erroneous and mundane thought patterns I 'jig rten gyi phyin ci log gi rnam rtog brgyad ! i : I; i ! ... I discerning timeless [_ awareness ! chos nyid rnngon sum I of the actual nature of phenomena I 499 dissolution of conceptual mind and subtle energy I I so sor rtog pa'i ye shes pratyavelqanii... rlung thim pa 500 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE ! vi~~aka vastu distinctive aspect of the actual stage (of meditative stabUity) dngos gzhi khyad par can distinctness, levd of rna 'dres pa'i sa... dimension of immutable being i rdo rje'i sku vajrakaya dimension of manifest ; enlightenment mgnon par byang chubkyisku abhisambodhikaya choskyisku dharmakaya dimension of the actual nature of

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:58

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