GLOSSARY - 491 r ··· authentic discernment of meanings don so so yang dag par rig pa artha pratisa~pvid authentic discernment of poise spobs paso so yang dag par rig pa pratibhana pratisa~pvid authentic discernment of spiritual teachings chos so so yang dag par rig pa dharma pratisa~pvid ·authentic effort yang dag pai rcsol ba samyak vyii.yama authentic livelihood yangdagpai 'tsho ba samyak ii.jiva authentic meditative absorption yang dag pai ting nge 'dzin samyak samii.dhi authentic mindfulness yang dag pai dran pa samyak smrti authentic overcoming of habitual patterns bag chags yang dag parbcompa -· yang dag pai ngag samyak vii.k authentic speech ·-·· ' - authentic thought yang dag pai nog pa samyak sa~pkalpa authentic view yang dag pa'i Ita ba samyakdmi authenticity bdenpa sat awakened mind byang chub kyi sems bodhicitta awakening and unfolding sangs rgyas buddha awakening attitude byang chub kyi sems bodhicitta awareness in which tangible impressions are absent rnam med shes pa nirakii.rajfiana - awareness reaching full expression rig pa tshad phebs awe rngampa baffiing, activity of rmugs par 'gyur pai las adbhuta 492 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE banishing, activity of -, I ! bskrad pa'i las ! basic space of phenomena chos kyi dbyings basis of all ordinaty experience kungzhi dharinadhacu I I ii alaya I - -1 basis of ordinary experience as true linkage sbyor ba don gyi kun gzhi ! i i r -1 I i ! j i i I basis of reliance, levd of I brten pa gzhi'i sa bearer ofbindu i I II i i ! basis of experience chat is gzhi don gyi kun gzhi the true ground ofbeing -1 chig le 'dzin pa I ; becoming srid pa bhava : I I ! i beginner's stage i las dang po pa'i sa ! beholding che truch j bden pa mchong ba i ' satya darsana I iI being an embodiment of i yid dang dung gi Ius mind and subtle energy ! ·being free in che immediacy of chat distinction bhaga of che vajra queen hindu +· i ! i l ·· -·-·· r ~ phyed chog tu grol ba ! I I i ! ! rdo rje btsun mo'i bha ga I chigle ' ! i hindu I ~ '! birch I skye ba jati I birch canal I skye gnas bhaga ll byin dabs adhi~~ana ! : blessing i ~i -i blinding activity bliss ' i long bar 'gyur pa'i las I bdeba i iI sukha !' ! GLOSSARY ~ · -· 493 blockage in subtle channel rtsamdud I bodhicitta as abiding naQ.igranthi gnas pa byang chub kyi sems bodhicitta ~-application bodhicitta as aspiration prasthana bodhicitta 'jug pa'i byang chub kyi sems ··-1 -. -pra!).idhana bodhicitta smon pa'i byang chub kyi sems bodhi-;:itta as consummation mthar phyin pa byang chub kyi sems bodhicitta as directed resolve g.yo !dang byang chub kyi sems bringer of darkness muncan tamasv'at bubbles on water chubur buQ.buQ.a calm abiding zhignas §amatha cannot be found to exist magrubpa asiddha ! - ) I causal meditative absorption rgyu'i ting nge 'dzin cause-based approach rgyu'i theg pa hetuyana rtsadbuma avadhiiti 'gogpa nirodha central channel -cessation - - - - - · - - - - - -··-·· · · cessation of perception and sensation chain formation· - 'du shes dang tshor ba'gogpa lugurgyud - · · changing one's form, activity of gzugs yongs su brje ba'i las Charnel Ground durkhrod §amsana dri za'i grong khyer gandharva nagara city of the gandharvas -·· · - 494 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE Cloud of Dharma chos kyi sprin dharma rnegha ! cognitive obscurations shes bya'i sgrib pa jfieyavar;u:ta corning together tshogs pa sarpgata I ! i committed phase of dedicated interest rnos pa'i rnos pa common states of spiritual attainment thun rnong gi dngos grub sadharal)a siddhi compassion snying rje karUQa cornpkte attainment nyerthob complete liberation marn thar ' ! I ! i I i virno~a ~mpk