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The treasury of knowledge, books 9 and 10 journey and goa (91)

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466 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE May all that is positive and excellent flourish! With this, following the completion of the basic text itself the conclusion discusses both the author and the act of composing the text Sri sri sri siddhaqt svasti sarvada sphara.J).aqt kurvantu 1101 The teachings are the light of this world, the complete accomplishment of what is positive and excellent, victorious over the' two extremes From the blossoming lotus of my undivided faith in these flow the sweet drops of nectar that nurture and protect me 1102 While this will not serve to sustain the learned, whose stomachs are filled with the nectar of truly excellent explanations, it may serve as a flutelike melody of my speech, to inspire the bees-those ofless substantial intelligence [ 4.2.33.b] My vision is too feeble for me to explain the dharma well, in ways that have not been used before My intelligence is too feeble for my explanations to come to terms with the myriad topics encompassed by enlightened intent But the explanations I have given herein follow the example of authoritative sources, not something I made up on my own In particular, they are part of an oral tradition that delights the protector Maiijusri, and so are worthy of one's trust People endowed with both merit and intelligence are hard to come by in this world Their excellent explanations are like a pile of gems that are not kept polished nowadays However, since those who rely even slightly on these gems find that they remove the poverty that hampers liberation, may this work, which distills the essential worth of their crucial points long be available to intelligent people How could one's vision be flawless when it is clouded by a hundred veils of deep-seated delusion? THE CONCLUSION OF THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE - 467 Yet because I have looked into all traditions and hold them in my esteem, it pains me to see those with fanatical adherence to some biased perspective While the statements in this work may not please some great beings who hold that their individual interpretations are true, may it serve as· a massing cloudbank of offerings to delight my gurus and the victorious ones and their heirs For those whose minds feel only a biased regard, learn herein of the single path to which all the Buddhadharma leads, like those who, upon having their eyesight restored, behold the sky May they drink to their hearts' content, imbibing the quintessence of the Buddha's teachings without sectarian bias, their throats filled with threefold faith May this experience act as an emetic, purging them of all the poisons of sectarianism, so that the ocean of the sacred Buddhadharma unfolds for them This work does not involve the haughtiness of pedants, who refute the beliefs of others while asserting their own It follows the example set by the truly wise of old, for it illustrates, if only partially, the incredible avenues of the teachings It is a lamp of gem light for those plunged in the darkness of delusion and a treasure trove of nectar for those deprived of studying the teachings May they not fall into sectarianism, and may this precious spiritual source yield to them all that they wish for [4.234.a] By gaining unerring insight into the process of interdependent causes, conditions, and results, may they dispel confusion concerning the ground and path by becoming wise in making moral choices of what to accept and what to reject May the golden sun of noble awareness radiate knowledge of all things and an undeluded mastery of skillful means, 468 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE shining always in the sky of the spiritual realm, illuminating the path of the authentic view of reality This work is positive at the outset, for it presents the path of benefit and well-being in the threefold world It is positive in the interim, for it presents the middle way that avoids dualistic extremes, bringing well-being and excellence when it is followed to the fullest It is positive in the end, for it is the symbolic expression of the unique state of flawless and consummate peace May the auspiciousness of this adorn the immeasurable jeweled mansion that lies at the very heart of space, so that it stands forever in all its magnificence! This text was composed as a somewhat brief commentary on the source verses entitled the Encompassing ofAll That Is Knowable, with an emphasis on promoting ease of understanding It was specifically requested by one who illuminates the entire range of the Sage's teachings, the omniscient and all-seeingJamyang Khyentsei Wangpo, who presented me with abundant gifts, first and f~remost among these some fine representations of enlightened form, speech, and mind He bestowed his request on me like a garland of udumvara ~lossoms coming to rest on the crown of my nead 1103 I, the author, have also been nurtured by many extraordinaty mentors, especially the lord of the world, the Karmapa, and the lord Maitreya, Tai Situ, resting myself in the cool shade of their compassion 1104 I am but a mere shadow of a well-studied spiritual renunciate, a poor excuse of a practitioner who goes by many names, such as Karma Ngawang Ycinten Gyatso Trinle Kunchap Palzangpo1105 and Loter Rabga Tsangjung Nyempai Langtsoi Danang1106 (the name given to me by my Sanskrit tutor) I wrote the commentary, based on my source verses, at the retreat center ofTsadra Rinchen Drak, "the third glorious Devikop," 1107 the hermitage associated with Palpung Tupten Chokorling, the primary monastic seat of the Kagyii lineage in eastern Tibet The text was written in a more-orless continuous period from summer through the next winter 1108 [ 4.2.34.b] The scribe who prepared the entire manuscript was Karma Tashi Ozer, who upholds the principles of the Three Compilations and maintains the THE CONCLUSION OF THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE - 469 discipline of his spiritual training in an excellent manner 1109 The work was finally completed on the morning of the second "day ofjoy" in the waxing phase of the moon/110 when there was a favorable aspect between Jupiter and the constellation P~ya, during the fourth month of the Wood Rat Year, a most majestic year in the sexagesimal cycle 1m May this endeavor serve as a cause for the precious teachings of the Victorious One to endure long as a source of benefit and happiness arid for the noble and authentic spiritual path to be brilliantly illuminated for all countless beings! May virtue and excellence flourish! ... upholds the principles of the Three Compilations and maintains the THE CONCLUSION OF THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE - 4 69 discipline of his spiritual training in an excellent manner 11 09 The work... completed on the morning of the second "day ofjoy" in the waxing phase of the moon/ 110 when there was a favorable aspect between Jupiter and the constellation P~ya, during the fourth month of the Wood... purging them of all the poisons of sectarianism, so that the ocean of the sacred Buddhadharma unfolds for them This work does not involve the haughtiness of pedants, who refute the beliefs of others

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:57