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The treasury of knowledge, books 9 and 10 journey and goa (90)

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THE CONCLUSION OF THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE - 461 place, [4.231.a] who established the various vehicles of spiritual practice, what profound key points these contain, which instruction manuals are major and which are minor, and where interpolations exist or not-if those such as myself remain unaware of even such things as these, how could they have even a partial understanding of the words and meanings that characterize these teachings? So even though learned people who have undergone great training have no need of this work; I composed it out of an unfeigned altruism, thinking that it would serve to nourish such people as I have just described, by opening the eyes of their intelligence I have not told anything that has not been told before, nor spoken out of any sense of competitiveness But people nowadays are of such small intelligence and dillgence that they cannot cross to the far shore of the ocean of the mainstream Buddhist traditions, so I have summarized these spiritual approaches to benefit those like me The heir of the victorious ones, Santideva, said: I have not spoken here of anything that has not been heard before, nor have I any skill as a poet Therefore, I cannot think that this will benefit others; I have composed it in order to meditate upon it in my own mind.Jos9 Similarly, I have neither the merit nor the intelligence to reveal anything that has not been told before regarding the traditions of spiritual vehicles or to explain things in some novd and degant way Truly holy people are those who have, for their own benefit, reached the pinnacle of sublime intdligence in three ways 1090 and who have, for the benefit of others, illuminated the precious teachings with the blazing radiance of the three activities of explaining, debating, and writing However, I have not spoken in order to compete with them, driven by some desire to become famous But the majority of people nowadays, born in these times of spiritual degeneration, have such a small degree ofintelligence and such extremdy 462 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE feeble diligence that they cannot begin to follow the path of hearing and contemplating teachings Even if, by some chance, they can apply themselves to something positive due to a modicum of faith and intelligence, due to the paucity of those very two causes [4.231.b] it is exceedingly difficult for them to master even some minor secular field of knowledge So it is plainly evident that they cannot cross to the far shore of the oceanlike expanse of the mainstream Buddhist traditions I have written this work in order to train my own mind in these fields of knowledge and to be of benefit to others like me, who are ofinferior intelligence, by collecting the crucial points of the teachings that will sustain them I have abridged the words and meanings into a compendium of the methods of all spiritual approaches, 1091 so that if one understands them well, one will be capable of"encompassing all knowledge" 1092 through exercising the untrammeled discernment of one's intelligence How the Treasury of Knowledge Came to Be Written Those who have read and are familiar with a few major source texts use their minds to skim over the general range of knowledge in the most cursory manner Those whose path is one oflaboring with minor secular fields of knowledge find the eye of th~ir intelligence dulled for viewing the vast scope of the Buddha's excellent teachings I myselfhave not realized these in any authentic way Nevertheless, due to my having heard many teachings and having relied on the writings of holy masters, I have composed this work with the intention of benefiting others May it serve to Uluminate the Sage's flawless teachings for a long time! Nowadays, those who have read, and are familiar with, a few of the major Buddhist source texts that are well known (dealing with the Madhyamaka philosophy, the Prajii.aparamita literature, Vinaya, the Abhidharma, and so forth) are cynical about the more common fields of knowledge; they interpret the enlightened intention of the vict&ious ones through the filter of their own concepts; and they make snap judgments about the pro- THE CONCLUSION OF THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE - 463 found and definitive secret teachings found in the classes of tantra They lise their minds clumsily, to skirt over the general range of knowledge in the most cursory manner, treating them with disrespect Those whose path is one of laboring assiduously with minor secular fields ofknowledge (such as Sanskrit grammar, valid cognition, medicine, and astrology) find that the eye of their int~ligence is dulled for viewing, just as they are; the Buddha's excellent teachings in all their vast scope and profound depths-the siitras and tantras, as well as the commentaries on the enlightened intention of these sources (4.2.32 a) To say nothing of having realized these more common and extraordinary fields of knowledge, as well as their auxiliary subjects in any authentic way, I myself have not gained the confidence that comes from studying and becoming familiar with them to even a partial degree Neverthdess, in these times ofspiritual degeneration Vajradhara has indeed manifested in the forms of my spiritual mentors, and in particular Mafijugho~a, the sole father of the victorious ones, has taken the forms of two of my masters 1093 It is due to the kindness of these learned and spiritually accomplished tutors that I have heard many teachings of the siitras and tantras, of the mainstream traditions of Sarma and Nyingma, and of other spiritual instructions, secular fields of knowledge, and related subjects My studies have included the works of the great mainstream textual traditions of the holy country of India, the ten great pillars who upheld the lineages of explanation in the Land of Snows, and the masters of the eight great lineages of spiritual accomplishment in this land 1094 In particular, I have studied the sublime writings that were composed in so excellent a manner by many great and holy masters who have become authorities~ including the omniscient Rangjung Dorje and the eighth lord and their followers;1095 the king of the dharma, the noble Longchen Rabjam; the hereditary masters of the Sak.ya school, who were emanations of Mafijusri; 1096 the great and venerable master of the Jonang tradition; 1097 and Chokyi Jungne, 1098 an omniscient being in these times of strife Having relied on these works, I have composed this work with the intention ofbenefiting others who are my peers, if only slightly May anything that derives from this undertaking, contributing to the increase of what is positive, be capable of serving to illuminate the Sage's flawless teachings for a long time! 464 - THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE Prayer ofAspiration Through this, may beings enjoy happiness, well-being, and increase of spirituality; observe completely pure discipline; train themselves by hearing, contemplating, and meditating on teachings; reach the consummation of the spiritual paths and levels, with their manifest states of realization; and attain as one the state of the three kiyas! With sincere motivation and dedication to my task, I have completed this trifling good work, my intention being to emulate truly holy masters [ 4.232.b) Through the power of this undertaking, may countless beings, who are the foundation in whom any and all spiritual teachings take root, enjoy physical and mental happiness and well-being, attaining higher states of rebirth in the shorter term May they enjoy the increase that comes with spiritual activity, so that they eventually reach the conclusion of the path that leads to the definitive excellence of enlightenment On that basis, may the precious teachings of the victorious ones, which are the embodiment of scriptural authority and experiential truth, flourish and last for a long time May all who embrace the teachings observe the higher training of completely pure discipline, unsullied by a single flaw Then, may they train themselves through the sublime intelligence that comes from hearing, contemplating, and meditating on teachings May they thus reach the consummation of the spiritual paths and levels, with their manifest states of realization With this, may all beings without exception, whose numbers fill space, switcly attain as one the state that embodies the three kayas and the five aspects of timeless awareness! This source verse completely subsumes all the topics covered in this treatise from beginning to end Confession ofErrors and Auspicious Prayers For any contradictions or errors, in the presence of the Three Roots and those endowed with the eye of spirituality, I request forbearance, and ask that you grant that I be inspired to attain the most sublime state of purity and absolution; THE CONCLUSION OF THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE - 465 please ensure the auspicious conditions for this treatise to endure as long as the Sage's teachings, casting illumination on all, like the sun and moon! With these words, I acknowledge that there may be any number of flaws in this work: there may, for example, be contradictions in the way I express myself in words due to my mind's falling under the sway of delusion and ignorance; there may be errors due to my misconstruing the meaning of the topics I discuss; and there may be ways in which I have treated especially profound and secret topics with disrespect, however unintentional In the presence of the Three Jewels and the Three Roots and those learned and accomplished masters who are definitely endowed with spiritual vision and stand as my witnesses, from the depths of my heart I acknowledge and request forbearance for all such flaws In doing so, I a8k that they inspire me to attain the most sublime state of purity and absolution [4.2.33·a] I ask that they please grant their blessings in an ongoing flow, to ensure the most auspicious conditions of all that is auspicious-that this treatise, which brings together the quintessential and profound topics found in the mainstream traditions of India and Tibet, will endure as long as the precious teachings of the Sage; to ensure that for that long it will remain uncorrupted; to' ensure that it will cast illumination pervasively and without bias, like the shining sun and moon, radiating as a constant source ofbenefit for all who desire liberation; and to ensure the auspiciousness offame, so that the positive effects of this treatise's renown will pervade the three planes of existence This treatise was written by me, who has heard many teachings, the positive effect ofwhich has given rise in me to constant faith and pure attitude toward the entire tradition of the Sage's teachings and those who uphold it, without any sectarian bias I have been guided by the compassionate embrace of many holy masters, including the lord Maitreya, Tai Situ I, Karma Ngawang Yonten Gyatso Trinle Kunchap Pal Zangpo, also known as Lodro Taye Pai De/0~~ composed this at Kunzang Dechen Osel Ling, in front of the cliff face ofTsadra Rinchendrak on Devikop, the site of the retreat center associated with Palpung Tupten Chokorling 1100 May this work bring great benefit to the teachings and to beings ... followers;1 095 the king of the dharma, the noble Longchen Rabjam; the hereditary masters of the Sak.ya school, who were emanations of Mafijusri; 1 096 the great and venerable master of the Jonang... country of India, the ten great pillars who upheld the lineages of explanation in the Land of Snows, and the masters of the eight great lineages of spiritual accomplishment in this land 1 094 In... through the filter of their own concepts; and they make snap judgments about the pro- THE CONCLUSION OF THE TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE - 463 found and definitive secret teachings found in the classes of

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:57