120 Modern Food Microbiology late stage of spoilage A Pseudoalteromonas sp from the marine environment around Chile was found to be the most abundant bacterium in oysters spoiled at 18◦ C.78 Due to the relatively high level of glycogen, the spoilage of molluscan shellfish is basically fermentative Several investigators, including Hunter and Linden51 and Pottinger75 proposed the following pH scale as a basis for determining microbial quality in oysters: pH 6.2–5.9 pH 5.8 pH 5.7–5.5 pH 5.2 and below Good “off” Musty sour or putrid A measure of pH decrease is apparently a better test of spoilage in oysters and other molluscan shellfish than volatile nitrogen bases A measure of volatile acids was attempted by Beacham6 and found to be unreliable as a test of oyster freshness Although pH is regarded by many investigators as being the best objective technique for examining the microbial quality of oysters, Abbey et al.1 found that organoleptic evaluations and microbial counts were more desirable indexes of microbial quality in this product Clams and scallops appear to display essentially the same patterns of spoilage as oysters, but squid meat does not In squid meat, volatile base nitrogen increases as spoilage occurs much in the same manner as for the crustacean shellfish An extensive review of fish and shellfish spoilage has been presented by Ashie et al.5 REFERENCES Abbey, A., R.A Kohler, and S.D Upham 1957 Effect of aureomycin chlortetracycline in the processing and storage of freshly shucked oysters Food Technol 11:265–271 Ahmed, A., and J.R Matches 1983 Alcohol production by fish spoilage bacteria J Food Protect 46:1055–1059 Allen, J.R., and E.M Foster 1960 Spoilage of vacuum-packed sliced processed meats during refrigerated storage Food Res 25:1–7 Andrews, W.H., C.R Wilson, P.L Poelma, and A Romero 1977 Bacteriological survey of the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctalus) at the retail level J Food Sci 42:359–363 Ashie, I.N.A., J.P Smith, and B.K Simpson 1996 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