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Learning Collaborative Meeting Nov 2019 Minutes website

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November 12, 2019 | 3:00 pm ET / 2:00 pm CT / 1:00 pm MT / 12:00 pm PT Website: sbirt.webs.com Email: SBIRTTeam@norc.org November 12, 2019 | 3:00 pm ET / 2:00 pm CT / 1:00 pm MT / 12:00 PT Go To Meeting Info: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/558495013 (use your computer audio) If you are using phone only: Dial in: (872) 240-3311 Enter the Access Code: 558-495-013 NORC SBIRT PROJECT TEAM: Tracy McPherson, Project Director Mcpherson-Tracy@norc.org Hildie Cohen, Project Manager Cohen-Hildie@norc.org Christina Drymon, Research Scientist Drymon-Christina@norc.org Julia Price, Research Assistant Price-Julia@norc.org Welcome! Welcome to Go To Meeting! o https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/558495013  If you are not using a computer, then dial in using your phone: Dial in: (872) 240-3311; enter the Access Code: 558-495-013 o Please type your name and institution in the chat box o If you are joining this meeting with multiple members from the same office, please type the names of all attendees present into the chat box Learn and Share: o Barbara Gray, PhD, RN, CPNP  Barbara is an Associate Professor in the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) program coordinator at Texas Woman’s University (TWU) TWU has three campuses in Denton, Dallas, and Houston, Texas The University is not associated with a medical center but its campuses are all close to various hospitals and medical centers TWU has a strong nursing program along with physical and occupational therapy programs Barbara implemented Adolescent SBIRT in the Nurse Practitioner programs after identifying a need in the program  Barbara introduced SBIRT and motivational interviewing in the spring 2019 Child Health Nursing I course because it relates with the topic The students took a pretest and posttest She then introduced it in the fall 2019 Child Health Nursing III class to review SBIRT, motivational interviewing, and also administer a pretest and posttest She also added the Kognito modules to this class  o o o o o Barbara reported that it was difficult to properly teach SBIRT in one class and having it in multiple courses was one way to effectively cover all of SBIRT She discussed the following considerations:  Adding SBIRT curriculum to advanced assessment/differential diagnosis classes and other nurse practitioner tracks  Funding the Kognito simulation using lab fees which each student pays She noted the simulation was a very valuable tool to learn about interviewing styles  Partnering graduate students with undergraduate students to learn and use SBIRT She learned undergraduate students were learning about it in some classes and she suggested creating a partnership between the two students  The possibility of offering SBIRT training to clinical preceptors She discussed that it would be difficult to pay them and suggested developing a program that could cover the costs of training NORC noted that they could potentially offer licenses to clinical preceptors and offered to speak with Barbara about this possibility NORC discussed how this could be a helpful opportunity to develop literature about SBIRT especially because you can estimate dosage of SBIRT education and it could help improve the understanding of outcomes based on exposure Deborah added that she has completed an analysis of four cohorts who underwent SBIRT training at Johns Hopkins They conducted a pre/posttest of level of knowledge of screening and perceptions of alcohol and drug use Deborah and Barbara discussed how they used the same pre/posttest which will make it possible to compare data Deborah suggested to Barbara that one way to get SBIRT training to clinical preceptors is by organizing an annual recognition event that also includes SBIRT training and continuing education credits Deborah described the Johns Hopkins event which is an after work reception that gives recognition to outstanding preceptors along with different education sessions Deborah also announced that in the upcoming Journal of Substance Abuse there is going to be a published article of all the substance use competencies developed by pharmacists and social workers The unpublished document is available at amersa.org NORC is excited for this to be published because it will provide guidance to nursing and social worker educators NORC will add the competencies to the list of SBIRT teaching resources Update from the Conrad N Hilton Foundation Annual Convening o NORC reviewed findings from the evaluation of the Hilton Foundation’s Youth Substance Use Prevention Initiative o NORC shared the following key learnings of SBIRT that could help grantees work:  Health professionals vary in readiness to implement SBIRT and ongoing education and technical assistance are needed to sustain practice change  Technology increases access to substance use prevention and early intervention o  Engaging parents and caregivers in substance use prevention offers potential for greater impact  Outcome evaluation measures are needed to assess the short and long-term impacts of SBIRT on youth  Brief interventions may be more impactful if they address risk and protective factors NORC discussed ways to build effective communication strategies such as creating SMART goals and understanding the audience and decision makers NORC also provided a high-level overview of the Reframing Adolescent Substance Use and Its Prevention Communications Playbook by the Frameworks Institute NEW! SBIRT Teaching Resources: https://sbirt.webs.com/sbirt-teaching-resources o Report on CSWE Annual Program Meeting o Nursing teaching resources o NORC asked attendees to contact them with any other resources and links to add to the list o Deborah will email NORC with the links to the AMERSA competencies and an upcoming publication on nursing essentials with SBIRT o LC members suggested adding videos to the teaching resources NORC agreed that videos can be helpful and noted the need for shorter videos since some have found long videos difficult to incorporate Adolescent SBIRT Curriculum Implementation o Track C and F Learn and Shares – sign up below January – June 2020: https://doodle.com/poll/ururk7squhv5dcw7 o Track C: Program Implementation and Evaluation Program – OPEN https://sbirt.webs.com/track-c o Track F: Academic-Community Partnership Implementation Program - OPEN https://sbirt.webs.com/track-f Track Participant Reminders o Pretest/Posttest Survey Administration o Participating Programs Typeform: https://norcsbirt.typeform.com/to/XSRYz2 2019/2020 Adolescent SBIRT Webinar Series o See webinar schedule here: https://sbirt.webs.com/webinars  All webinars are FREE and a Certificate of Completion is available o Coming in January 2020: Using SBIRT to Talk to Adolescents about Substance Use: Four-Part Webinar Series https://sbirt.webs.com/talking-2-adolescents-series o Need a recording for a class assignment or pre-training requisite? Email the SBIRTeam@norc.org Upcoming Learning Collaborative: o Next Call: Dec 10, 2019 @ 3pm EST  LC calls are held on the second Tuesday of each month @ 3pm EST  Look out for the LC e-newsletter the day prior with a reminder about the meeting and other helpful resources!  See the e-newsletter to download a calendar invite to your computer Resources Project Website: http://sbirt.webs.com/ Social Media: Follow us on Twitter! @NORCSBIRT Instructor’s Toolkit: Request materials at http://sbirt.webs.com/curriculum Web Resources o Now Available! Visit our library of upcoming live and on demand webinars at https://sbirt.webs.com/webinars o Find other resources here: https://sbirt.webs.com/resources Upcoming Conferences – Mark Your Calendar! Let’s Have Coffee! o Contact the SBIRTTeam to set up an in person meeting at an upcoming conference! SBIRTTeam@norc.org o American Association of Colleges of Nursing Upcoming Conferences: http://www.aacnnursing.org/Professional-Development/UpcomingConferences o 2020 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine (SAMH) Annual Meeting “Adolescent Health: Transforming Risk to Wellness”, March 11-14 in San Diego, CA https://www.adolescenthealth.org/Meetings/2020-AnnualMeeting.aspx o National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners National Conference, March 25-28, Long Beach CA, http://www.napnap.org/future-napnap-conferences o National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Annual Conference, April 22-26, 2020 in Chicago IL, https://www.nonpf.org/page/36 o School-Based Health Alliance (SBHA) Convention, June 23-25, 2019 in Denver, CO https://www.sbh4all.org/training/convention/ ... assignment or pre-training requisite? Email the SBIRTeam@norc.org Upcoming Learning Collaborative: o Next Call: Dec 10, 2019 @ 3pm EST  LC calls are held on the second Tuesday of each month @... and Medicine (SAMH) Annual Meeting “Adolescent Health: Transforming Risk to Wellness”, March 11-14 in San Diego, CA https://www.adolescenthealth.org/Meetings/2020-AnnualMeeting.aspx o National Association... day prior with a reminder about the meeting and other helpful resources!  See the e-newsletter to download a calendar invite to your computer Resources Project Website: http://sbirt.webs.com/ Social

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 20:45
