VNDIRECT Development Milestones 2006 Established with initial authorized capital of VND 50 billion 2007 First comprehensive online stock trading platform 2008 Developed its own Core technology system.
VNDIRECT Development Milestones 2006 Established with initial authorized capital of VND 50 billion 2007 First comprehensive online stock trading platform 2008 Developed its own Core technology system and premise for its digital platform 2009 Pioneered derivatives and other trading financial instruments 2010 Raised authorized capital twice, achieving VND 1,000 billion 2011 Led the securities brokage market share on HNX 2012 2014 2015 2016 Launched FIX Bloomberg portal + Direct Market Access products + CIMB signing Became one of the three securities company with the largest capital on the exchange market Honored to be in Top 10 securities companies with largest bond transactions + Top companies with best brokage service Led the individual customer segment Awarded the Certificate of eligibility for derivatives trading and 2017 provided clearing and settlement services for derivatives transactions 2018 Increased capital to VND 2,204 billion