List of Articles A Adrianople, Battle of (378 c.e.) Aeneid Aeschylus Aesop African city-states African religious traditions Ahab and Jezebel Akhenaten and Nefertiti Akkad Alcibiades Alexander the Great Alexandria Alexandrian literature Ambrose Andes: Neolithic Antonine emperors Anyang apocalypticism, Jewish and Christian Apostles, Twelve Arabia, pre-Islamic Aramaeans Archaic Greece Arianism Aristophanes Aristotle Ark of the Covenant Armenia Artaxerxes Aryan invasion Ashoka Assyria Athanasius Athenian predemocracy Augustine of Hippo Aurelius, Marcus Axial Age and cyclical theories B Babylon, early period Babylon, later periods Bactria Bamiyan Valley Ban Biao (Pan Piao) Baruch Basil the Great Benedict Bhagavad Gita Bible translations Boethius Book of the Dead Boudicca Brendan the Navigator Buddhism in China Buddhist councils Byblos Byzantine-Persian wars C Caesar, Augustus Caesar, Julius Cambyses II Cappadocians Caracalla, Edict of (212 c.e.) Carthage caste Cato, Marcus Porcius (the Younger) cave paintings Celts Ceylon Chandragupta II Chang’an choregic poetry Choson Christian Dualism (Gnosticism) Christianity, early ix