THE SCHOOLMEN medium of the best writers among Wyclif’s contemporaries, such as Chaucer and Langland The Hundred Years’ War between England and France placed a barrier between Oxford and Paris The two universities went on their separate ways, impoverished By the end of the fourteenth century, however, new universities had begun to Xourish in various parts of Europe The Charles University of Prague dated its foundation to 1347; by 1402 the debates in its schools between Ockhamists and WycliYtes were reverberating throughout Europe The University of Heidelberg was founded by papal bull in 1385, with a former rector of Paris, Marsilius of Inghen, as its Wrst rector In 1399 the University of Padua received its Wrst buildings In 1400 the Jagiellonian University was chartered at Cracow St Andrews, the oldest Scottish university, was founded in 1410, at a time when Scotland and England belonged to the allegiance of two diVerent schismatic popes The Wrst university in the Low Countries was Louvain, founded in 1425 Replacing the old close partnership of Paris and Oxford a new international network of universities grew up In the decades around 1500, for instance, a group of Scottish scholars, of whom the central Wgure was John Major or Mair, later principal of the University of Glasgow, studied together at the University of Paris They made signiWcant contributions to logic and epistemology which one recent scholar has not hesitated to compare to the Scottish Enlightenment of the eighteenth century.19 Simultaneously, a quite diVerent kind of philosophizing was being practised outside the universities The split between two styles of philosophy was to have serious long-term consequences for the non-academic world In Paris in the early years of the fourteenth century, while Duns Scotus was lecturing, lectures were also being given by another philosopher of genius, the German Dominican Meister Eckhardt Eckhardt went on to acquire a great reputation as a preacher and lecturer in the University of Cologne; and if Scotus can be seen as the Wrst protagonist of the analytic tradition of philosophizing in the fourteenth century, Eckhardt can be regarded as the founding father of an alternative, mystical tradition The devotional writings of the thinkers of this tradition—the Devotio Moderna of Eckhardt’s pupils John Tauler and Henry Suso—are not part of 19 See A Broadie, The Circle of John Mair (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985) and Notion and Object (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989) 103