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UNIT SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM EXERCISE 1: (Use each word only once) educate fee-paying break syllabus parallel academic half term set schooling independent made up of separated The northern and southern areas of the city are by a river The book is a number of different articles The famous inventor Thomas Edison didn’t receive much formal when he was a boy The _ covers various aspects of physical and organic chemistry In England, each term is separated by a one-week break called _ The manager has a good example to his colleagues by cycling to work every day In England students who go to _ schools have to pay school fee Some students make use of their _to review lessons In Vietnam, all private schools are 10 There are two _ school systems in England: the state school and the independent one (independent: public) 11 State schools in Vietnam _ more than 95% of the students throughout the country 12 The year in Vietnam runs from the middle of August to the end of May EXERCISE Maths is an intrinsic part of the school (half term/ curriculum/ system /age) Maths, literature, and foreign language is the subjects at most high school.(core/ divided/ academic/ public) In Vietnam, schooling is _ for all children up to the age of 14.(compulsory/ free-paying/ separated/ independent) There are sporty and non-sporty people, and I’m definitely in the second (stage/ level/ category/ system) Schoolgirls about 60% of the student number (put up/ make up/ set out/ point out) With black hair and eyes, she is _ of the people from her country (the same/ typical/ similar/ identical) Military is _ in this country Every man who reaches the age of 18 has to serve in the army for two years (compulsory/ optional/ illegal/ unnecessary) People tend to work hard at this of life (level/ stage/ space/ distance) Concern for the environment is now at the of many governments’ policies (aim/ purpose/ target/ core) 10 Which authors are on the Vietnamese literature this year? (curriculum/ syllabus/ education/ school) EXERCISE 3: The year in Viet Nam runs from September to May and is divided into two terms (academy) He's learning how to gain _ from parents as an adult (dependent) There have been a lot of improvements in the state _ system recently (educate) _speaking, it's quite a fair settlement (general) Is military service in your country? (compulsion) How often you take part in extra-curricular _? (act) He's an _ student of English He can speak and write English perfectly now (advance) The Minister of the Education and Training Department appeared on TV last night to _ his new policy (public) Watching television can be very (education) 10 You have to well _ to get into medical school (academy) 11 His towards her was becoming more and more aggressive (behave) 12 Teachers must keep a record of students' (attend) 13 Attendance at my lectures has fallen off _(consider) 14 Our school set up a project to _ the library system (computer) 15 Over 600 workers were made _ redundant.(compulsory) EXERCISE 4: Someone reported that the situation was under control The situation _ It is said that she works 16 hours a day She Someone thinks that the company is planning a new advertising campaign The company Nobody expects that the soap opera will end next year The soap opera It is alleged that the man drove through the town at 90 miles an hour The man _ Someone reported that the President had suffered a heart attack The President _ They think that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall The prisoner It is reported that the buildings have been badly damaged by fire The buildings It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods Many people 10 We all expected Marta would pass her driving test Marta _ 11 People believe that he was killed by terrorists He 12 We knew that you were in town on the night of the crime You _ 13 Journalists supposed that the footballer Wayne Johnson was earning £10 million a year The footballer Wayne Johnson 14 It is said that there is a secret tunnel between those two houses There _ 15 We know that they live in a small flat on the fifth floor They _ 16 Lots of people believe that the Prime Minister and his wife have separated The Prime Minister 17 It is believed that the boy is wearing a white pullover and blue jeans The boy _ 18 Everyone expects that the hostages will be released soon The hostages 19 It is reported that two people were injured in the explosion Two people _ 20 The housemaid noticed the thief breaking into the kitchen The thief _ 20 We saw him drive past our house this morning He _ 21 Send this letter immediately Let 22 Why don’t you arrange for someone to fix the motorbike? Why don’t you _ 23 Someone must send the money to my bank account in London I _ 24 Your car is not reliable It’s time to service it I think you should _ 25 They will have to change the date of the meeting again The date _ 26 People think that the man has stolen the precious painting from the gallery The precious _ 27 He showed his photo to the policeman The policeman _/ His photo _ 28 I don’t want people to treat me like a child I don’t want _ 29 We like our parents taking us to the zoo every weekend We like _ 30 No one told me you were arrested for robbery I _ EXERCISE 4: WORD FORM Air pollution in the city had reached four times the levels (accept) It is that the disease has a genetic element (probably) Speech is the fasted method of between people (communicate) Such behavior is totally _ in a civilized society (acceptable) I want to apologize for my the other day (rude) I enjoy with the other students in the university (social) They told me _ that I had got the job (informal) You owe him an _for what you said (apologize) They were discussing the problems of Western _ (social) 10 In all she wouldn’t come even if we invited her (probable) 11 Communication without words is called communication (verbal) 12 The hotel staff are unfriendly and (discourtesy) 13 _, we don’t want to spend too much money (obvious) 14 Most autistic children have difficulty in interacting with others They are _ people (communicative) 15 The hotel staff are friendly and (attention) 16 These new facts make the theory _ (probable) 17 He enjoyed the relative _ of the occasion (informal) 18 He introduced himself to everyone _ (brief) 19 The government has been accused of not responding to the needs of the homeless (appropriate) 20 There are no on students to attend classes (compulsory) 21 She seemed intelligent and well (education) 22 _, he wasn’t very well qualified but had a lot of experience (academic) 23 Although he had had little formal _, he could read and write well (educate) 24 That matter will be considered _ from the main agenda (separate) 25 No analysis has ever been carried out in this area (system) 26 The price is in monthly installments (pay) 27 They were reunited after a of more than 20 years (separate) 28 The two departments work _ of each other (dependent) 29 She was perhaps the most significant _of the 20th century (education) 30 There is no _education in this part of Africa (compulsorily) 31 She continued with her _after a long period of illness (school) 32 There are deep in the party over the war (divide) 33 It is not always possible to make neat historical (category) 34 There will be a penalty for late of bills (pay) 35 You need to develop a approach to your studies (method) UNIT - TEST I/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others A break B teach C educate D age A machine B architecture C chemistry D school A science B primary C children D kind A school B two C soon D would A listened B called C divided D followed II/ Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others A compulsory B academic C independent D information A government B educate C parallel D education A geography B curriculum C algebra D technology A primary B secondary C computer D politics 10 A disruptive B science C carefully D national III/Choose the underlined word or phrase (A,B,C or D) that needs correcting 11 Most of Vietnamese children attend kindergarten before to enter primary school A B C D 12 Mary speaks English very well She spoke English since she was a little girl A B C D 13 Her son was arrested with the police last night because of fighting A B C D 14 Cheques should only be accept with proof of identity A B C D 15 Keeping calmly is the secret of passing your driving test A B C D IV/ Choose the best answer to each of the following sentences 16 the end of the school year, students take an exam in each subject A At B To C In D On 17 Water is made hydrogen and oxygen A for B of C up of D from 18 Tom is working in a bicycle firm He there since 1998 A had worked B has been working C were working D was working 19 everything before the visitors came? A Had they prepared B Were they preparing C Have they prepared D Are they preparing 20 The United Nations Charter signed in 1945 A are B were C has been D was 21 The road in front of your house A repairs B is preparing C is being repaired D repairing 22 When we arrived, the winner of the art competition a prize A awarded B were being awarded C was awarding D was being awarded 23 The examinations next month A will give B will have given C would have given D will be given 24 Traffic rules at all times A must observe B must have observed C must be observed D must been observed 25 The students in this class were made very hard A learning B having learnt C to learn D learn 26 is the study of the events of the past A History B Geography C Arts D Literature 27 She is the first in her family to enjoy the privilege of a university A science B education C schedule D technology 28 English is an important that is required in several national examinations A language B word C evaluation D subject 29 The college offers both and professional qualifications A academic B government C experience D requirement 30 Mathematics, a required subject in all schools, is into many branches A grouped B prepared C divided D added 31 Why don’t you have the document _ ? A photocopy B to photocopy C photocopied D photocopying 32 The state school system is for by the state A paid B looked C waited D asked 33 In Britain it is _for children to attend school between the ages of five and sixteen A enforced B obliged C made D compulsory 34 We found his report about the car accident very A informative B information C informing D informed 35 Despite many recent advances, there are parts where schools are not equipped with computers A technology B technological C technologically D technologist 36 Helen enjoys A listening to music and play the piano B to listen to music and play the piano C listening to music and playing the piano D listen to music and playing the piano 37 The trees _ A were grown by John yesterday in the backyard B were grown in the backyard by John yesterday C were grown yesterday in the backyard by John D were grown by John yesterday in the backyard 38 Football is thought in the world A is the most popular sport B to play the most popular sport C the most popular sport D to be the most popular sport 39 Do you know when ? A was the accident happening B the accident was happening C did the accident happen D the accident happened 40 Many students were disappointed A when they knew the result B after the result was known C so that they knew the result D which they knew the result V READING COMPREHENSION A/ Choose the word or phrase that best fits each blank in the following passage The Korean education system basically 41/ _ primary schools, secondary schools, high schools, and colleges or universities, with graduate courses leading to Ph.D degrees Primary education is compulsory for children aged six to eleven The basic primary school curriculum is generally divided into eight 42/ : the Korean language, social studies, science, mathematics , ethics, physical education, music and fine arts Students in secondary schools are required 43/ _ a number of additional subjects, such as English, and can take electives, such as technical or vocational courses Afterwards, students can 44/ _ between general education and vocational high schools In general, high school tends to be strict, as college and university 45/ is very competitive 41 A combines B consists of C makes up of D contains 42 A subjects B courses C topics D titles 43 A to make B for learning C with taking D to take 44 A choose B test C wish D include 45 A beginning B graduation C admission D reception B/ Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question The American education system requires that students complete 12 years of primary and secondary education prior to attending university or college This may be accomplished either at public or government-operated schools, or at private schools These 12 years of schooling or their equivalent may also be completed outside the USA, thus giving foreign students the opportunity to pursue the benefits of the American system and obtain a quality American education Perhaps one of the most impressive facts is that a large number of presidents, prime minister and leaders from other countries have experienced American education system and graduated from a university or school in the USA Whether you want to study at a top USA university, a top USA college, a vocational or high school, a thorough understanding of how the American education system works is essential Without a clear grasp of the American education system, an international student will find it difficult to make the right academic choices It is no surprise that the American education system and the American school system host more international students than any other country in the world 46 According to the text, students in the USA A needn’t take primary and secondary education B are made to take primary and secondary education in the country C are not necessary to take primary and secondary education in the country D spend less than 12 years of primary and secondary education 47 Which of the following sentences is true ? A The Us education is not suitable for foreign students B Foreign students are not offered opportunities in the US C There are not many foreign students in the US D Many leaders all over the world have studied in the US 48 What is the writer’s advice ? A International students should not spend a long time studying in the US B International students should not study at a top USA university, a top USA college C Anyone can make the right academic choices without a clear grasp of the American education system D International students should have a thorough understanding of how the American education system works before going there to study 49 The writer the US education A underestimates B overstates C appreciates D dislikes 50 The expression government-operated in line could best be replaced by A state B independent C boarding D compulsory UNIT – TEST I/ Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others A certain B term C modern D concern A separated B faced C educated D needed A school B chemistry C character D charming A begins B ends C consists D saves A optional B consist C compulsory D category II/ Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others A September B general C division D dependent A usually B separate C tuition D educate A national B difficult C primary D effective A disruptive B similar C different D carefully 10 A easily B introduce C cinema D physical III/ Choose the underlined part among A,B,C or D that needs correcting 11 Mr Harris will be divided the biology class into two sections to prevent overcrowding in his classroom A B C D 12 It said that prevention is better than cure A B C D 13 The capital of Yemen is situating 2,190 meters above sea level A B C D 14 Starches provide people with important nutrients which they are needed A B C D 15 The oceans contain many forms of life that has not yet been discovered A B C D IV/ Choose the most suitable word or phrase ( A, B, C, or D ) to complete each sentence 16 This bicycle you lent me badly needed A to clean B cleaning C clean D to be cleaning 17 I want you to these instructions exactly A take up B put out C carry out D turn up 18 A battery is a device electricity by chemical means A it produces B which produces C produces D by which production of 19 The children are divided small groups A from B to C up D into 20 Can you tell me some information about the school system in England? A educate B educational C educative D education 21 Mary was the last applicant A to be interviewed B to be interviewing C to interview D to have interviewed 22 I hate _ personal questions by newly-acquainted friends A to be asking B to be asked C being asking D of asking 23 If you require any more about the holiday, please telephone us A description B information C news D fact 24 _ the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished A Until B In C By D On 25 Cellulose, which for making paper, can be found in all plants A is used B are used C uses D is using 26 Java Man, who lived before the first Ice Age, is the first manlike animal A It is generally believed that B Generally believed it is C Believed generally is D That is generally believed 27 We had a French architect our villa A to design B designing C designed D design 28 Geography is my favourite at school A material B matter C class D subject 29 I’ll show you around the city when you to visit me A are coming B will come C come D will be coming 30 They great difficulty studying English A felt B got C had D achieved 31 Children start _1 when they are years old A level B grade C step D stage 32 People have difficult ways of preparing A their exams B to exams C in exams D for exams 33 You can learn as much theory as you like, but you only master a skill by _ it a lot A training B practising C exercising D doing 34 The teacher gave an talk to his students A encouraged B encouragement C encouraging D encouragingly 35 He will only pass the examination if there is a (an) in his class- work A rise B increase C improvement D activity 36 My classmate gave this book to me A My classmate was given this book by me B This book was given to me by my classmate C This book was given my classmate by me D This book was given to my classmate by me 37 More than ten victims _ missing in the storm last week A are reported to be B are reported to have been C are reporting to have been D are reporting to be 38 _ by your father? A Did that book write B Did that book written C Was that book written D Was that book be writing 39 No one has opened this box for a hundred years A This box hasn’t been opened for a hundred years B This box has been opened for a hundred years C This box has belonged to nobody for a long time D Someone opened this box a hundred years ago 40 They made David work hard A David was made to work hard B David was made work hard C David worked as hard as they did D David was made working hard V/ READING COMPREHENSION A/ Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question Instructors at American colleges and universities use many different teaching methods Some instructors give assignments every day They grade homework Students in their classes have to take many quizzes, a mid-tern exam, and a final exam Other instructors give only writing assignments Some teachers always follow a course outline and usually use the textbook Others send students to the library for assignments The atmosphere in some classrooms is very formal Students call their instructors ‘Professor Smith’, ‘Mrs Jones’, and so on Some teachers wear business clothes and give lectures Other classrooms have an informal atmosphere Students and teachers discuss their ideas Instructors dress informally, and students call them by their first names American teachers are not alike in their teaching styles At most American colleges and universities, facilities for learning and recreation are available for students Students can often use typewriters, tape recorders, video machines, and computers at libraries and learning centers They can buy books, notebooks, and other things at campus stores They can get advice on their problems from counselors and individual help with their classes from tutors Students can relax and have fun on campus, too Some schools have swimming pools and tennis courts Most have snack bars or cafeterias 41 According to the passage, instructors at American colleges and universities _ A not grade homework B not give students quizzes and exam C never follow a course outline D use different teaching methods 42 Which of the following statements is TRUE? A The atmosphere in all American classrooms is always formal B The atmosphere in all American classrooms is always informal C American students can call their teachers by their first names D American teachers are never allowed to dress informally 43 At American colleges and universities, A students only write down their teachers’ explanations B students discuss their ideas with their teachers C students don’t like their teachers’ teaching styles D students can freely talk in class 44 ‘Business clothes’ in the third sentence of paragraph two can be understood as A formal clothes B informal clothes C clothes that only business people wear D casual clothes 45 At most American colleges and universities, _ A students can not only use computers at libraries but also buy books and other things at campus stores B students can ask their counselors and tutors for advice C students can relax and have fun on campus D all of them B/ Read the passage below and decide which answer best fits each space : In Australia most children (46) _ primary school from the age of five Only two percent of children of primary school age are (47) _ at home Some children who go to school always take up extra activities such as playing a musical instrument or dancing, and they go to private classes for these and for school subjects they find difficult or particularly interesting Ninety per cent of population go on to secondary school, but a much smaller percentage pass the final year of secondary school examinations and complete a university (48) _ At the moment university students and graduates make up less than a third of the total population Australian universities are modern and well- equipped Most teaching is by a (49) _ of lectures, tutorials and practical classes The humanities courses like History and Philosophy, usually involve a lot of extra reading in the library To become a primary or secondary school (50) _, it is usually necessary to study at university for three years or more 46 A attend B go C come D take 47 A trained B educated C raised D nourished 48 A degree B certificate C permit D license 49 A compound B mingling C connection D combination 50 A professor B lecturer C teacher D trainer ... The Korean education system basically 41 / _ primary schools, secondary schools, high schools, and colleges or universities, with graduate courses leading to Ph.D degrees Primary education is... American education system D International students should have a thorough understanding of how the American education system works before going there to study 49 The writer the US education. .. choices It is no surprise that the American education system and the American school system host more international students than any other country in the world 46 According to the text, students in

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