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Tieng Anh lop 3-Bai 4-My friend-Let's learn English 1

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Week Week UNIT 4 MY FRIENDS SECTION A Period 18 A4 A5 A6 A7 1 AIM by the end of the lesson, students will be able to Introduce the orther people Speak and use the sentences Sit down and Stand up 2 LAN[.]

Week UNIT 4: MY FRIENDS SECTION A Period 18 A4 A5 A6 A7 AIM: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Introduce the orther people Speak and use the sentences Sit down and Stand up LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Vocabulary Friends, Miss Chi, He, She, Stand up, Sit down, Good morning, please - Structure: He’s , She’s , Stand up, Sit down MATERIAL: Tape, cassette, picture PROCEDURE: Stage A4 Teacher’s activities LISTEN AND CHECK - Students will listen about the names in prethe picture there are two picture and you listening will listent one conversation You have to check the picture you hear - Look at the A4 and give out what is different between two pictures in the part one and part two While- You have to tick in the picture you hear listening - Open the tape twice students listen and Post tick the picture you hear Listening - Students relisten and check the answer + Answer key: 1a; b A5 Students’ activities - Look at the book and listen to teacher - Look at the A4 - Listen and tick the picture you hear - Listen and correct - Check the answer and write in the book SAY IT RIGHT - Students to practice how to pronounce E in “ Hello” and IE in the Friend read / e/ but E in the He and She read / i:/,Y in My and i in nice read / ai/ - Open the tape and listen the sound of the words - Let’s some students to stand up and read - Listen to teacher - Look at three letters and listen - Listen and repeat - Read and other listen and give thier idear - Stand up and read the words - Do exercise in the exercise book the numbers - Answer key: He is Peter She is my friend She is Mai A6 A7 LET’S WRITE - Students have to complete the sentence Some pairs stand up and read their answer And call one students to go on the board and write thier answer - Look at the exercise book and the number - Answer key: He is Nam He is my friend She is Chi She is my friend Look at the exercise book and the exercise number four – c Hi, my name is Alan – d This is my friend, LiLi – b How are you, LiLi? – a I’m fine Thank you LET’S PLAY - Look at the picture in A7 - give some words and divice class in to some groups from to 10 students speak one word and piont the one student and student have to say twice and continuce.and student say not true or not enough time have to reject - Do exercise number in the exercise book - Correct the answer - Look at the conversation and complete the conversation Then one student go on the board and write the answer - Practice in pairs and other listen and give their answers - Do exercise the number - Look at the answer and correct the answer in their notebooks - play the game in the groups Week UNIT 4: MY FRIENDS SECTION B Period 19 B1.B2 B3 AIM: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Introduce the orther people Speak and use the sentences Sit down and Stand up LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Vocabulary Friends,Miss Chi, He, She, Stand up, Sit down, Good morning, please - Structure: He’s , She’s , Stand up, Sit down MATERIAL: Tape, cassette, picture PROCEDURE: Stage B1 Teacher’s activities Students’ activities LISTEN AND REPEAT - Look at the picture and answer the questions + What are they talking? let’s student the retuals whene come in the class - Open the tape Listen and repeat - Open the tape twice and call some pairs stand up and read aloud Good afternoon: Good bye: Good evening: Good night: - Listen to teacher - Look at the conversation and listen Read and other listen and give comment - Some pairs stand up and practice read aloud - Listen to teacher LET’S TALK B2 - Introduce to students satand up or sit down look at the picture and discuss - Look at the B2 practice in group and give out their answer and completer the words in the sentence - Some students to stand up and practice other students listen and give comment - Look at the exercise book and the - Look at B2 and complete the sentence - Practice and give their answer - Open the exrcise book and exercise then go B3 exercise in number (page29) Answer key: – c He’s Peter, Sit down, Peter – b She’s Linda Stand up, Linda – a She’s LiLi Sit down, LiLi LISTEN AND NUMBER - Listen and write the number in the picture you hear - Who are they in the picture? - Let’s students to listen twice - Let’s students to give their answer in the class - Check the answer, open the tape once and check Answer key: a.2; b.3; c.1 - Look at the exercise book and exercise in number - Answer key: Good morning, Miss Chi Good morning, Nam Miss Chi, this is LiLi She’s my friend Nice to meet you, LiLi Nice to meet you too on the board write out - In pairs or groups and guess - Listen and give their answer in the class - Correct the answer and write in their notebooks - Look at the exercise and it - Look at the board and corect the answer and write it in the notebooks Week UNIT 4: MY FRIENDS SECTION B Period 20 B4.B5 B6.B7 AIM: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Introduce the orther people Speak and use the sentences Sit down and Stand up LANGUAGE FOCUS: - Vocabulary Friends,Miss Chi, He, She, Stand up, Sit down, Good morning, please - Structure: He’s , She’s , Stand up, Sit down MATERIAL: Tape, cassette, picture PROCEDURE Stage B4 B5 Teacher’s activities Read and match - Let’s studets to speak about the picture a,b and c and introduce to students how to the B4 - Read the sentence and match it Read the sentence - Some students to stand up and one read in the sentence and the picture - Read and match 1- c; 2- a; - b - Look at the exercise book and the number + Answer key: 1.My; What’s; name’s; friend; hi/ Hello; Hello/ hi Students’ activities - Discuss the picture a Alan is siting, picture b Linda is standing, and the picture c LiLi is standing - Some students to stand up and read and other listen and give answer - Open the exercise book and - Look at the exercise book and exercise number Let’s write B6 - Let’s student to remember the He’s She’s - Write and complete the sentence use the He’s She’s Practice in pairs or in groups students have to find the words to complete the sentence - Call some pairs to stand up and read aloud their answers - Look at the exercise book the number Answer key: She’s Mai She’s my friend My friend is LiLi Linda is my friend - Write and complete the sentence - Write their answer in the book and go on the board and write it on the board and other students give their idear - Look at the exercise book and it after that some students go on the board and write out - Correct the answer Let’s play - Let’s students to look at the English alphabet and sing - Call some students to stand up and read the English alphabet - Look at the English alphabet and sing - Sing a song the alphabet and look at the B7 - Open the tape and students sing the alphabet after the tape - Do exercise in number - Look at the exercise book and it summary - Let’s students to review the vocabulary and structure in lesson - Look at the summary and answer the questions + how many tabes are there in the summary? + how many columns and rows are ther in the tabe? Email: huynhhuutho999@gmail.com Dia chi:Hong Ngu, Dong Thap picture after that write the name of the people out LINDA LILI MAI NAM ALNA - Do exercise - Look at the summary and learn by heart the structure and vocabulary answer the questions ... answer Let’s play - Let’s students to look at the English alphabet and sing - Call some students to stand up and read the English alphabet - Look at the English alphabet and sing - Sing a song the... and one read in the sentence and the picture - Read and match 1- c; 2- a; - b - Look at the exercise book and the number + Answer key: 1. My; What’s; name’s; friend; hi/ Hello; Hello/ hi Students’... answer in their notebooks - play the game in the groups Week UNIT 4: MY FRIENDS SECTION B Period 19 B1.B2 B3 AIM: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Introduce the orther people Speak

Ngày đăng: 28/10/2022, 23:48
