Europe, Ecosystems of Table 337 Continued Classes O A Diagnosis Note I.F Mediterranean Biome Quercetea ilicis 23 Relictual in realm of Nemoral Biome Rosmarinetea officinalis 17 Cisto-Micormerietea Cisto-Levanduletea Onosmo-Ptilostemetea Cytisetea scopario-striati Oleo-Rhamnetea crenulatae Cytiso-Pinetea canarensis Thero-Brachypodietea Mediterranean maquis, pine, and oak forests and associated sclerophyllous scrub West and Central Mediterranean scrub (tomillares, esplegueras, romerales, matorrales, garrigue) on calcareous substrates Thermo- to supramediterranean phrygana and garrigue of the Central and Eastern Mediterranean West and Central Mediterranean scrub (jarales, matorrales, garrigue, phrygana) on acidic siliceous and ultramafic substrates Mediterranoid garrigues on raw flysch and lime-rich substrates of the Euxinic seabords West Mediterranean (mainly Iberian) broomy scrub (retamares, piornales, escobonales) and related mantle communities Macaronesian dry forest, matorral, and tomillar 15 Stipo-Agrostietea castellanae Stipo-Trachynietea 19 Helianthemetea guttati 18 I.G Warm-Temperate Semidesert Biome Kleinio-Euphorbietea Pegano-Salsoletea I.H Continental Semidesert Biome Artemisietea lerchianae Petrosimonio-Kalidietea 15 II Vegetation of orobiomes II.A Boreal and Nemoral Orobiomes Elyno-Seslerietea Endemic to Macaronesia Macaronesian succulent scrub on semidesert lava beds (taibal and cardonal) Thermo-mediterranean and Macaronesian halo-nitrophilous coastal scrub of (semi)arid regions Endemic to Macaronesia (possibly Late Tertiary relict) Also associated with Mediterranean biome in azonal habitats Aralo-Caspian semideserts Continental hypersaline scrub of edges inland saline lakes and seaboards of Eastern Europe and Central Asia Azorean broad-leaved evergreen laurisilva and related matle and thickets 22 Alpine and subalpine calcareous swards of nemoral mountain ranges Alpine acidophilous grasslands of Central European and Balkan mountains and Arctic and boreo-arctic rush swards Scrub and tall-herb vegetation at high altitudes, moistened and fertilized by percolating water Juncetea trifidi 22 Mulgedio-Aconitetea 20 Endemic to Macaronesia Canarian pine forests and related juniper scrub Mediterranean pseudosteppe grasslands on calcareous rocks and relic steppes on deep clayey soils Ibero-Atlantic and Madeirean meso- to supra-mediterranean perennial grasslands Mediterranean calciphilous communities of annual and ephemeroid herbs and grasses Mediterranean acidophilous communities of annual and ephemeroid herbs and grasses I.I Warm-Temperate Evergreen Forest Biome (Laurisilva Biome) Pruno hixae-Lauretea 10 Macaronesian laurisilva and related scrub Lauro azoricaeJuniperetea Endemic to the Black Sea region Also associated with Steppe Biome (relictual?) Endemic to Macaronesia (including Madeira); Late Tertiary relict Endemic to Azores; Late Tertiary relict Also associated with Tundra Biome Also associated with Boreal Biome (Continued )