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- - W H E R E S E AT T L E COMES TO LIFE Pacif ic Place Pacif ic Place BELLEVUE SQUARE #1 I N TH E U S Number of cranes - UNIVERSITY VILLAGE Pacif ic Place WHY SEATTLE? Top expansion market for Bay Area tech companies Population growth of 20-somethings Multifamily construction spending per capita Percentage of the population with a college degree PACIFIC PLACE #4 AIRPORT #4 #8 #9 IN THE US IN THE US IN THE US IN THE US Wealthy millennial households GDP per capita for total passenger traffic at Seatac Airport Wealthiest city #15 2x 38 16% IN THE US NATIONAL AVERAGE MILLION VISITOR SPENDING Largest population with 3,798,902 residents Projected population growth by 2023 Visitors to Seattle each year From international tourism each year Pacif ic Place A CITY ON THE RISE IT’S ALL HAPPENING - DOWNTOWN Enter tainment Resident ial Of f ice Retail Hotel Bill & Melinda G ates Foundat ion 2 Apple Facebook (Arbor Block s) G oog le Cor porate Ama zon Campu s Ama zon World HQ & Spheres Li g ht Rail Westlak e Stat ion Pik e Place Mark et Seat tle Ar t Mu seum Benaroya Hall 11 The 5th Avenue Theat re 12 Wa shin g ton State Convent ion Center 13 Paramount Theat re AVE R AG E H O U S E H O LD I N CO M E Mile Miles In 2018, Seattle ranked #1 in the US for multifamily construction spending per capita Mile Miles In 2018, Seattle ranked #1 in the US for expansion markets for Bay Area tech companies Metro Area P A C IF IC P L A C E Metro Area $200k 250k 300k 1MM 1.5MM 2MM 2.5MM P O P U L ATIO N 3MM 3.5MM 4MM Pacific Place M I LLE N N IAL S (20 TO 39) University Village Bellevue Square Pioneer Place Cherry Creek City Creek Galleria Edina $108,723 200k $91,683 150k $76,171 100k $106,780 50k $130,596 0 $101,885 D EN V ER P A V IL ION S $99,905 $67,128 GA L L ERIA ED IN A $82,425 $108,723 $50k $96,092 $78,466 C IT Y C REEK $100,785 $108,013 $118,413 $118,413 $143,477 $95,131 $118,413 $103,315 $100k C HERRY C REEK $128,823 P ION EER P L A C E $194,014 $165,759 $150k B EL L EV U E S QU A RE $184,707 U N IV ERS IT Y V IL L A GE - P O P U L ATIO N Pacif ic Place DEMOGRAPHICS Denver Pavilions EMPLOYEES AVG H O U S E H O LD I N CO M E CENTER MILE MILES MSA MILE MILES MSA MILE MILES MSA MILE MILES MSA Pacific Place (Seattle, WA) 84,194 242,973 4.0MM 42.7% 40.4% 30.5% $103,315 $128,823 $118,413 189,299 325,147 1.7MM University Village (Seattle, WA) 40,015 208,202 4.0MM 47.5% 40.8% 30.5% $95,131 $143,477 $118,413 17,518 105,954 1.7MM Bellevue Square (Bellevue, WA) 25,431 84,372 4.0MM 33.5% 30.5% 30.5% $165,759 $184,707 $118,413 51,580 100,316 1.7MM Pioneer Place (Portland, OR) 38,461 189,653 2.5MM 40.5% 37.3% 28.7% $78,466 $108,013 $100,785 109,397 280,759 1.1MM Cherry Creek (Denver, CO) 18,446 225,016 2.9MM 31.8% 42.4% 30.1% $194,014 $96,092 $108,723 23,935 225,344 1.4MM City Creek (Salt Lake City, UT) 25,299 136,589 1.2MM 36.0% 36.6% 31.0% $67,128 $82,425 $99,905 65,667 145,647 615,615 Galleria Edina (Edina, MN) 18,423 111,516 3.7MM 30.1% 26.8% 27.7% $101,885 $130,596 $106,780 27,496 113,547 2.1MM Denver Pavilions (Denver, CO) 43,457 238,914 2.9 MM 46.8% 41.9% 30.1% $76,171 $91,683 $108,723 127,754 253,841 1.4 MM Pacif ic Place SEATTLE WORKPLACES 30 0,0 0 jobs are located Downtown—approximately 30 jobs per day were added from 2010 through 2018 MA J O R E M P LOY E R S - M M square feet of of f ice space Downtown represents 79% of the total of f ice inventory in Seattle 69,0 0 + TECH WO R K E R S companies within mile: Amazon, Facebook, Google, Apple O F FICE OCCU PAN CY P E RCE NT O F ALL CE NTR AL B U S I N E SS D I STR IC T O F FICE CO N STR U C TIO N Compared to peer U.S cities in the U.S by city in 2017 San Francisco 93% Seattle 90% Nashville 89% Austin 89% 20.4% SEATTLE 88% Portland 86% Boston Denver 85% Los Angeles 85% 48.3% ALL OTHER CITIES 19.9% CHICAGO 81% Atlanta 80% Phoenix 11.4% 76% Houston WASHINGTON, DC 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% N E AR LY 13 M M square feet of of f ice was added to Downtown Seattle since 2010 to support the 39% increase in jobs Pacif ic Place A $ B I L L I O N A D D I T I O N TO T H E WA S H I N G TO N S TAT E CO N V E N T I O N CENTER WILL OPEN IN Q1 2022 , - D O U B L I N G I T S S I Z E A N D P OT E N T I A L CO NVE NTIO N CE NTE R AT TE N DAN CE 420k 422k 400k 404k 420k 400k 380k 380k 383k 2015 2016 2017 300k 200k 100k Washington State Convention Center Expansion Project ©LMN2017 2011 2012 2013 2014 2018 Pacif ic Place RESIDENTIAL 82 ,0 0 residents (more than one in ten Seattleites) call Downtown home R AN K E D # in the U.S in 2018 for greatest population growth for 20-somethings by CBRE and for the highest net millennial migration by JLL M E D IAN R E NTS compared to peer U.S cities 33 ,0 0 more housing units are planned for Downtown M O R E THAN ,0 0 H O U S E H O LDS in Downtown Seattle, and eight out of ten are renters R AN K E D # in the U.S in 2018 for multifamily construction spending per capita 17,454 18k $4,550 San Francisco $3,595 Los Angeles $2,700 Boston $2,600 Seattle $2,095 Denver ,78 new residential units were completed in 2018 R E S I D E NTIAL U N ITS by scheduled completion date - 8% I N CR E A S E in Downtown Seattle population since 2010 10k $1,995 Portland Atlanta $1,725 Austin $1,695 Nashville $1,675 5,677 2,446 $1,550 Houston $1,397 Phoenix $0 $1k 3,292 3,600 1,875 $2k $3k $4k $5k 2012 5,617 3,780 3,535 2018 2019 2,199 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2020 2021 Pacif ic Place TOURISM DOWNTOWN H OTE L OCCU PAN CY TH E 201 E M E R ALD CIT Y E XP E R I E N CE - Upon recent completion of the Hyatt Regency, the largest hotel in the Pacific Northwest, Downtown Seattle now has 16,000 hotel rooms and 2,00 Airbnb listings 100% 92.2% 91.6% 89.8% 87.8% 85.9% 84.8% 83.7% 80% 73.5% 73.2% 60% 40% Seattle Boston Portland SF Denver Nashville Since 2010, Downtown Seattle has seen a 63% increase in sales for entertainment, food, recreation, sports, and arts LA Atlanta Austin 58.6% 58.4% Phoenix Houston 15 M I LLIO N visitors to Pike Place Market M I LLIO N museum and performance attendees $1 B I LLIO N in entertainment industry retail sales M I LLIO N hotel room nights booked M I LLIO N sports fans 1 M I LLIO N cruise passengers board or disembark at Piers 66 & 91 CR U I S E S H I P PA SS E N G E R BOAR D I N G S Cruise ship passengers disembark from Pier 66 and Pier 91, mile away 1.2MM 1,071,594 1,100,600 2017 2018 983,539 1MM 898,032 823,780 800k 600k 400k 200k 2014 2015 2016 DOWNTOWN SEATTLE RETAIL Paramount Theatre 9TH AVE Hyatt Regency Washington State Convention & Trade Center Tower @ 801 8TH AVE RT S WA blue acre T IA S GIN VIR United States District Courthouse 1700 7th Office Towers Olive Hyatt Hotel and Condos Paramount Hotel 1600 7th Office Tower Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Club Monaco Timbuk2 - 10 Mr West OLIVE WAY STE Credit Union Grand Hyatt Hotel I-5 7TH AVE T ST LA KE Do The Extraordinary AV E Lloyd Bldg Plaza 600 Bldg Mario’s Hotel Andra The Warwick Hotel Roche Bobois One Union Square Park Place Building North Face Washington Athletic Club U.S Bank Centre Brooks Brothers 5th Ave Theater 5TH AVE Centennial Bldg Motif Hotel Westlake Center Rainer Square Redevelopment Office Tower, Hotel and Retail Mayflower Park Hotel 4TH AVE UW Store Doc Marten’s Bed Bath & Beyond Securities Bldg Ross Dress For Less Capital Grill 3RD AVE Triple Door Seattle Symphony Mountain Hardwear $1 B in brick-and-mortar retail sales Downtown in 2018 Seattle Hilton UNIVERSITY ST Westin Hotel Times Square Bldg 6th & Lenora Bldg Two Union Square Despite being less than 6% of Seattle’s land mass, Downtown Seattle is home to 1/3 O F B R ICK-AN D - M O R TAR R E TAI L SALE S and nearly 1/2 of leisure spending (including dining ) 6TH AVE Bank of America Westin Bldg Seattle Sheraton Hotel UNION ST WE The Tower Bldg PIKE ST PINE ST Zane+Wylie’s Hotel Game Theodore Works Pacif ic Place Light Rail Construction Site IBM Plaza Fairmont Hotel M O R E THAN A M I LLIO N square feet of retail leases were signed in the past five years MARRIES WITH N AT U R A L E L E M E N T S TO C R E AT E A CO N T E M P O R A RY U R B A N R E TA I L ENVIRONMENT D E D ICATE D SOCIAL M E D IA & MAR K E TI N G TE AM 24 H R S ECU R IT Y VALE T COVE R E D R I D E S HAR E D RO P O F F CO N CI E RG E 339,0 0 SQ UAR E F E E T & f ive le vel s of shoppin g span an ent ire D owntown cit y block PI OL IVE WA Y| STR EE TL EV EL CO NC NE R OU | ST SE R ST EE T VE L D R AMATIC N E W E NTR AN CE open s up to Seat tle’s tech nei g hborhood s LI G HT- FI LLE D ATR I U M and t ran sfor med inter iors energ i ze gather in g spaces & connec t the outdoors to The Great Indoors - 11 AND DINING , 20 PAR K I N G S PACE S LE Pacif ic Place FIVE LEVELS OF FASHION, FLAVOR & FASCINATION MODERN DESIGN be fore PAC I F I C P L AC E ’ S EIGHT FIGURE RENOVATION af ter - 13 Pacif ic Place - 14 Pacif ic Place - 15 Pacif ic Place Pacif ic Place - 16 PA C I F I C P L A C E S E AT T L E C O M F O L L O W U S O N I N S TA G R A M : @ PAC I F I C _ P L AC E F O R L E A S I N G I N F O R M AT I O N ROSS PEYTON ROSS.PEY TON@MADISONMARQUETTE COM RICH JOHNSON R I C H @ O DY S S E Y R E TA I L A D V I S O R S C O M DANIE L LE WIS D A N I E L @ O DY S S E Y R E TA I L A D V I S O R S C O M L I Z M C L AY L I Z @ O DY S S E Y R E TA I L A D V I S O R S C O M

Ngày đăng: 28/10/2022, 00:48
