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Rollins Alumni Record October 1961

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Rollins College Rollins Scholarship Online Rollins Magazine Marketing and Communications Fall 1961 Rollins Alumni Record, October 1961 Rollins College Office of Marketing and Communications Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarship.rollins.edu/magazine Recommended Citation Rollins College Office of Marketing and Communications, "Rollins Alumni Record, October 1961" (1961) Rollins Magazine Paper 205 http://scholarship.rollins.edu/magazine/205 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at Rollins Scholarship Online It has been accepted for inclusion in Rollins Magazine by an authorized administrator of Rollins Scholarship Online For more information, please contact rwalton@rollins.edu i ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD OCTOBER, 1961 No FIELD Ml HOUSE FUND PASSES $100,000 MARK 321 NEW STUDENTS Three hundred and twenty-one new students were welcomed to the Rollins Campus during orientation week Forty-three are transfer students and 48 are day students from the Winter Park-Orlando area Newcomers are from eight foreign countries and 34 I VOL XXXVIII Foreign students represent France, Netherlands, Canada, Cuba, Germany, China, Colombia and Venezuela From points in the U.S farthest from Winter Park are freshmen from California, Oregon, Maine and Wisconsin There will be 249 boarding freshmen on the Campus and 121 of them are men students Entering students from Florida, including the Winter ParkOrlando area make up one-third of the entering group New York again claims second place with 27 students while New Jersey and Ohio tie for third place with 20 each Seventeen came from Illinois, 15 from Connecticut and 14 from Massachusetts A total of 209 courses are offered to new and returning students this year "How to Study Week" attendance grew this year, the second, to 92 Inaugurated last year by President McKean, the course is aimed at giving new students a practical introduction to college life Orientation week followed when all entering students were introduced to Rollins and told of the traditions, philosophy and expectations of the College Included in the schedule for the week were meetngs with faculty advisers, placement tests The orientation program will continue on a weekly basis during the fall term The 1962 Alumni Reunion, the sixth under the plan adopted in 1957, will be held on Campus the weekend of April 27, 28, 29 Anniversary classes, those with numerals ending in and 7, will be guests of honor at the annual celebration All graduates and former students are invited to return to the Campus for this special weekend—just for Alumni It's not too early to begin making plans to attend BASEBALL WEEK The second annual Baseball Tournament at Rollins has been set for the week of March 26-31, 1962 Teams from Amherst, Duke University, Princeton University and Rollins will participate PATRONS INVITATIONS Again this year we are sending out invitations to the friends of Rollins College to become patrons for the year 1961-62 Patrons contribute $50.00 annually ($100 for a husband and wife) to the Diamond Jubilee Fund which is used to strengthen faculty salaries Patrons are guests of the College at the annual Founders Week dinner, and seats are reserved for them at important academic functions Every Alumnus is cordially invited to join with the many nonalumni friends of Rollins and become a patron of the College Please consider this a formal invitation to every graduate and former student who wishes to join in this Rollins activity This method is being used for all our Alumni, however your name will be placed on the Patron's invitation list if you wish Checks may be sent to Alumni House or the College Alumni Patrons contributions will be credited to the Alumni Fund Hugh F McKean CENTRAL FLORIDA CLUB PROGRAM Members of the Central Florida Alumni Club were the guests of the Annie Russell Theatre at a special dress rehearsal of the opening play of the 1961-62 season Sunday night, Nov 12 at 8:00 o'clock "Thieves Carnival," a comedy by Jean Anouilh, was the first presentation and the special performance was especially for Rollins Alumni, their husbands, wives and dates A special program of events for the year is being prepared by officers and directors of the club which will include free admission to the first basketball game of the season, Dec 2, when the Tars will meet Huntingdon College of Montgomery, Ala Club members also are invited to attend the first baseball game of the home season March 22 when Rollins plays Ohio State University at Harper-Shepherd Field Also on the program is the annual Reunion Dance, during Reunion Weekend, April 27, 28, 29 More than $100,000 has been given and pledged to the Field House Fund, according to H S Lauterbach '37, national chairman for the campaign, who was recently in Winter Park working with committee members This amount has come from 418 Alumni Contributors and 27 non-alumni sources which include the Rollins Student Council, fraternities and sororities on the Campus, members of the classes of 1959, 1960 and 1961, in the form of class gifts from the graduating classes, local corporations and friends of the college and the late Dean Enyart The gifts and pledges to the campaign up to now are as follows: Amount $15,000 5,000 3,000 2,500 to 3,000 2,000 to 2,500 1,500 to 2,000 1,000 to 1,500 500 to 1,000 Under 500 Number 1 13 16 405 Plans have been completed for the personal solicitation phase of this allAlumni project to furnish this desperately needed facility for Rollins College Organizations are being set up in every section of the country where there are concentrations of Rollins Alumni Area chairmen and workers are being contacted and every effort is being made to reach every Rollins Graduate and former student, seeking their active support and help In urging full cooperation and financial support Chairman Lauterbach says: "Many of us already have given generously of our time and money to get a Field House for our College So far we have been able to contact personally only a few of our fellow Alumni We are now going into the areas where the concentration of Rollins people is greatest We hope to reach as many of you as possible through our workers "A great many of you are so scattered that a personal call is impossible I want each of you to know that you are just as important to the success of this undertaking as those readily accessible to our workers Won't you take this as a personal solicitation and make a serious effort to contribute generously in this our first major undertaking for Rollins "We are most encouraged by the amount that has already been given and pledged True, we are far from our goal but I know that we all have enough of the 'Spirit of Rollins' to rally to this great need of our College and contribute generously "If you would like to help out in your area please write to me in care of Alumni House We can always use your support and help." THE ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD SPACE, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTES POSSIBLE FOR ROLLINS coSftomJettt^&r^dTcSn0,; needs of Central Flordia, including a space science institute and an institute of technology, according to President Hugh F McKean Speaking to a group of businessmen at the Orlando Country Club recently McKean said, "Rollins' Institute for General Studies, a new entity distinct from the liberal arts college, already offers Bachelors and Masters degrees "The Institute courses are fully accredited at all levels," McKean said "A Bachelor of General Studies degree, a Master's degree in physics, a Master's degree in business administration, and a Master of Arts in teaching are offered at present," he added "Other programs could and will be introduced "The Institute was formally inaugurated last February and is planned to meet the needs of Central Florida's new industries "Of the 55 students now enrolled in the graduate physics program, 48 are from The Martin Company alone "The graduate program in business administration draws 120 students from 21 Central Florida companies Ninety-one are from The Martin Company "The newest program, offering a Master of Arts in teaching, already has an enrollment of 40 "The local undergraduate program of the Institute has an enrollment of 226 The branch of the Institute at Patrick Air Force Base has a total enrollment of 269 "The total enrollment, therefore, of Rollins' new Institute for General Studies exceeds 700 "The Institute in cooperation with the Columbia Broadcasting System is offering work for credit through educational television "Rollins was founded by men who planned for the future," McKean said "The charter of 1885 empowered the trustees ' to establish, as their judgment and the exigencies of the case may at any time require and as their funds and property may from time to time allow, and as a part of said college, schools of every description and kind.' "This, of course, means the trustees could establish a wide variety of schools, including a space science research institute and an institute of technology "Under what circumstances would the trustees follow this course? They are dedicated and thoughtful men and women I believe they would give the most careful consideration to a request for an institute of technology and an institute of space science if it came from responsible spokesmen and if it were accompanied by tangible proof that Central Florida not only needs but will support such institutions," McKean said "I must point out that support for new institutions must come from new sources Rollins' present trustees are putting hundreds of thousands of dollars into maintaining the standards and prestige of Rollins They cannot and should not be asked to more ALUMNI SONS, DAUGHTERS WELCOMED Entering students who are related to Rollins Alumni were guests of honor at the annual reception, sponsored by the Rollins Alumni Club of Central Florida, at Alumni House during Orientation Week Mrs H C Andrews '38, left, chairman of the reception for Alumni connected freshmen welcomes sons and daughters of former Rollins students Left to right they are: Heather McFarlin, daughter of John McFarlin '36; Sandy McLeod, daughter of the late Mary Kinser McLeod '33; Mary Ann Tone, daughter of Frederick and Betty Childs Tone '34; Sharon McDonald, daughter of Howard A '29 and Georgina Jefferys McDonald '32; James Lindamood, son of Betty Beyer Lindamood '36; Peggy Bingham, daughter of Anita Cross Bingham '30, and Suzanne Gheen, daughter of Jean Wilcox Gheen '36 "Because of my position it is my responsibility to share with you my personal convictions," he said, "and I will now so "Central Florida should have an institute of technology, one of quality and distinction Associated with it should be an institute for space science "Rollins' extensive reference library, its administrative organization and its distinction in the educational world all point to it as a logical instrument through which to create these institutions and give them the stamp of quality "I see no reason why Orlando should lag behind Miami which has put millions of dollars into its distinguished university, or Sarasota which is now in the process of raising $15 million for its new undergraduate college, or the Tampa-St Petersburg area which recently gave approximately $3 million to the Presbyterian College "We should consider other factors, too," McKean said "Our country may not yet be at war, but we certainly are at something Whatever it is we must win it decisively "Coexistence means tension, billions spent on hellish devices, and waiting for some low-grade mentality to decide when to bomb us "This country must be strong We should leave our coexistence philosophy behind us and take a vigorous offensive in the idealogical struggle The ideals of responsible citizenship and freedom for the mind must spread over the earth Communism must vanish This can be done most effectively without violence "Russia's rulers see the importance of the race for knowledge Knowledge is a powerful weapon any time It may be the deciding factor in this present conflict Luxuries, detergents, refrigerators, air conditioning and speeches will not give this country and our allies the victory we must have The ability to defend ourselves, dedication to our ideals, determination to learn the new knowledge faster than our enemies, and a determination to see freedom triumph will give us eventual victory "What knowledge will come from Rollins' new space science institute? "That will depend on who comes here to work No one except possibly the Russians knows what gravity is or how to control it We not know how to travel to the stars We not know who else lives in the Milky Way We not know what cosmic rays are The origin of the solar system is a mystery Looking for the answers to the riddles of the universe is an important and rewarding adventure We must not let Russia lead us in the race "What does the future hold for Rollins and for Central Florida? "As I look out into the years ahead, I can see a distinguished research institute in the mansion Martin and Gracia Andersen gave the college last year I can see an institute of technology on a campus of a thousand or more acres lying somewhere to the east I can see possibly another school fulfilling yet another need and lying somewhere in the rolling hills to the west Not far to the north I see a school of fine arts "In the center, physically and symbolically, is Rollins College, dedicated to 'the Christian education of youth.' "Man will eventually reach the farthest stars in the Milky Way, and possibly the galaxies beyond But he will take with him his human nature with the built-in problem of how to live a good life, good in the sense that it is colored by virtue and faith rather than evil and violence "The liberal arts college must always be the cornerstone of Rollins' plans for the future because it is irrevocably dedicated to the ideas of man living in harmony with his Maker." THE ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD 1UMNI CLUB GROUP MEETINGS HELD IN THREE AREAS Meetings for Rollins Alumni have been held in three areas this fall, At1 lanta, Washington and Chicago Clubs have been reactivated in Atlanta and Chicago and a group of Alumni in Washington are reorganizing the Alumni in the area The meetings in Atlanta September and Washington, October 9, were attended by President McKean, Eva Thompson Carson '26, president of Rollins Alumni Inc., Frank Williamson '48 Alumni member of the Board of Trustees of Rollins and Jack Redding '48 who has been pushing the Field House campaign in the southeastern area At the Atlanta meeting the following officers were named: Trammell Whittle '49, president; Fred Hartley '49, vice president; Jeanne (Volkert) Eastwood '48, secretary Approximately 60 Alumni attended the dinner which Frank Williamson gave at the Atlanta Athletic Club Bernie Bralove '34 was host to the Washington area Alumni at a dinner meeting at the Shoreham Hotel, assisted by Dottie Aubinoe Griffith '48 and Jane Freeman '49 Forty Alumni from the area attended A Rollins Alumni organization for that area is being set up and a personal solicitation campaign for the Field House Fund is planned In Chicago, Paul Thoren '17 organized a Dutch Treat Dinner meeting at the Knickerbocker Hotel and was assisted by the newly elected officers of the Chicago group They are: David Jaffray, Jr., '55 president; Donald Weber '54, James Robinson '55 and Ralph Seidel '55 vice presidents Richard and Sarah (Brenner) Kay are cotreasurers and Mary Ann (Norton) Seidel '57 secretary Edgar P Overstreet '57 and Richard H Baldwin '52 make up the entertainment committee Officers of the Chicago Club are planning another meeting soon to formulate plans for the Field House campaign in the area As this issue of the Record goes to press a meeting has been scheduled in Jacksonville for the evening of December A dinner is being planned for Alumni in and near Jacksonville just preceding the basketball game betweed the Tars and Jacksonville University William Scheu '39 is in charge of the arrangements Complete information will be sent to all Rollins Alumni in the area before the meeting Plans are being made to extend the organization of Rollins Alumni Clubs to all areas where the concentration of Alumni will make it possible Alumni House is anxious to cooperate with Alumni groups everywhere in organization work and the full facilities are available Just let us hear from you SPORTS PICTURE THEATRE PROGRAM SOCCER The Tars won the first three of their eight game schedule by defeating Emory University 6-2 in the opener on October The following week they won over Florida Southern by 3-1 and took a fast, hard fought win from Stetson by a 3-2 count in the third game of the season, Oct 20 They will meet U, of F at Gainesville, Florida Southern at Lakeland, Stetson at DeLand Two games with Miami will close the season, one at Winter Park Nov 17 and at Miami Nov 23 Miami has taken a place in the Florida conference, replacing Jacksonville U, which has dropped the sport Two great American dramas, a British musical, and a French comedy will be produced in the 1961-62 year by the Rollins Players, marking their 30th anniversary season The College actors under the direction of Robert Chase will open the Annie Russell Theatre season Nov 1418 with "Thieves Carnival" by Jean Anouilh This farce, in the style of "An Italian Straw Hat," is a hilarious comedy about pick-pockets and aristocrats The stage adaptation of Thomas Wolfe's "Look Homeward Angel" will be presented Jan 30-Feb This will be the first drama directed at the college by a new member of the Theatre Arts Department, Eugene Miller, who has acted and directed in the professional theatre across the country The Pulitzer Prize play starred Rollins' own Tony Perkins in the Broadway production "A Streetcar Named Desire," Tennessee Williams' most powerful drama, will be staged from March 6-10 Miller will team up with musical director Robert Hufstader to present the musical comedy, "The Boy Friend," from April 24-28 This spoof of the 1920's was a hilarious hit in both London and New York, and it has since delighted audiences in theatres all over the country Season tickets for the four plays will be the price of three, or a savings of 25 per cent Subscribers will also receive opportunity to obtain the choicest seats to the Readers' Theatre or to any special event during the year, such as last season's "A Song for Rollins." JUSTICE NAMED Athletic Director Joe Justice '40 has been named sports chairman of the Atlantic Coast Region of the college division of the NCAA As sports chairman he will be responsible for arranging all college division athletic tournaments for the NCAA in this region for the 1961-62 year BASKETBALL The varsity basketball squad will open a 21 game schedule at the Winter Park High School gymnasium Saturday night, Dec 2, when they meet the team from Huntingdon College of Montgomery, Ala In addition they are scheduled to play in two invitational tournaments — the Citrus Invitational at Lakeland, Dec 11 and 12, and the Hatter Invitational at DeLand Dec 15 and 16 Eleven games will be played at home Coach Dan Nyimicz has some promising new material in four freshmen who are more than 6-3 tall Of the 24 men expected to try out this year only three are lettermen Five experienced non-lettermen are back from last year's squad and Coach Nyimicz expects a great improvement over last year CLASSIFIED INFORMATION 'Oft 7U Ethel Bender has sold her home in Kirkwood and moved into St Louis to live with her nephew Her new address, as well as that of Ida Missildine, is 5535 Arthur Ave., St Louis 9, Mo A number of friends called to honor Stella Waterhouse on her 90th birthday, Aug 28, 1961 She has lived in Maitland, Fla., more years than any other living person It was through her efforts over a period of 30 years that the Maitland Public Library survived #AQ Friends and classmates will be uo interested to know that Helen Steinmetz has moved to California where she will make her home Her address is: The White Sands of La Jolla, La Jolla, California '1ft SECRETARY: Marguerite Doggett, 11920 Union Turnpike, Kew Gardens, L 1., N Y Your class secretary writes that she had luncheon recently with Florence Windham and Agnes Smith She said it was an enjoyable occasion as there was time to speak of many things This past summer Marguerite visited the campus with her sister who came down with her iic IJ Jack Shannon is presently director of the North Salem Improvement Society and is active in the civic life of the community He says the "latch string is always out to old friends" at their delightful old home His address is Dongle Ridge Farm, North Salem, N Y 4 THE ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD CAMPUS BOOK STORE MOVED - POSTOFFICE IS ENLARGED Above right is a part of the new Campus Book Store which is now located in Carnegie Hall The move was made during the summer The Campus Postoffice has expanded and a new bank of mail boxes added Above John Rankel of the maintenance department puts the finishing touches to the post office addition Both departments had been badly crowded in the two rooms in the Student Center # |Q w Anne C Stone, 1808 Stonehurst Road, Winter Park, Fla Sara Muriel leads an active and interesting life in Jacksonville, where she is engaged in AAUW work, Civic Round Table affairs and is at present program chairman of her church guild of Business Women Sara had the pleasure of visiting her sister Gerry (Mrs Eugene Tittle) x21 in Woodbine, Ga., this summer, and also welcomed back to the States the family of a niece, who had spent two years in Buenos Aires 'ID SECRETARY: Dr Florence M Stone, 10 Montague Terrace, Brooklyn 2, New York Leonard Fletcher, who served as president of the Orlando Board of Realtors in 1958, and, in that year was honored as Realtor of the Year by the Florida Association of Realtors, has been appointed district representative of the National Institute of Real Estate Brokers The Institute is the largest affiliate of the National Association of Real Estate Boards and has as its main objective the education of its members to serve the public better One of his duties will be to stimulate panel discussions on brokerage problems at real estate board meetings and during state conventions 'OH SECRETARY: SECRETARY: T DeWitt Taylor, P O Box 356, Pierson, Fla After 19 years of working on the advertising staff of the Sentinel-Star (Fla.) newspaper, J Harold Hill retired in July He plans to spend his retirement "staying around the house," at 134 Magnolia Rd., Maitland Hal has been active in Maitland politics, being mayor in 1928 Since that time he has served on many of the city's municipal boards and committees and presently is on the Committee of 15 of the Citizens Advisory Board, and is chairman of the board of the Maitland Public Library He is active in church work and is an elder in the First Presbyterian Church Your secretary was interested in the account by Anne Stone, concerning retirees of the class of '18 Congratulations, Anne et al It is my humble opinion that live wires that we profess to be not really retire We change status, and I can visualize each of you living as busy a life as ever It will be a more relaxed busyness, and you will enjoy it To demonstrate my point I shall name a few of the things I I teach, without contract, a class in Latin in the T DeWitt Taylor High School and supply for the Lutheran pastor in his absence I am president of the Lutheran Brotherhood, chairman of the zoning board, secretary pro tern of the Northwest Volusia Chamber of Commerce, past president of the Lions Club, and an active member of the Beeps Club (an organization promoting the interests of the public school) We moved into a new home last December, so with taking care of our 200 by 290 lot, with an added assortment of activities, I am a busy retiree Will other members of the class of '20 please write me something about yourselves '91 *-1 SECRETARY: Mrs Norma McFadden Wells, 3417 West 5th St., Fort Worth, Texas Friends and classmates join in sympathy to Fred Ward and brothers Carroll x21 and Orrin x34 whose father, C Fred Ward 90's, died in Winter Park, July 28, 1961 "11 *•*• SECRETARY: Ruth Waldron Stone, (Mrs Alvord L.) Rohles Ave., R 6, Box 941, Tampa, Florida (Anniversary Reunion April 27, 28, 29) Evelyn Haynes writes that she has been working on a research study for Laubach Literacy Fund on how to share resources of voluntary agencies with 60,000 foreign students, etc here She is also devoting much of her time to RESOURCES, U.S.A., an active personnel center in the process of organization, to be set up by trained specialists to maintain rosters of competent professional and technical people from business, industry, education, government, and voluntary agencies Her address is P O Box 3116, Washington 10, D C Note the dates for our fortieth anniversary reunion above Plan now to return to the Campus for the three day celebration # 24 SECRETARY: Helen Waterhouse, P.O Box 24, Maitland, Fla Donald Knowles was appointed chairman of the Trans-Atlantic Passenger SS Conference Friends and classmates of Helen Hanna Moore (Mrs J Sherman) will be sorry to hear that her husband, J Sherman Moore passed away August 8, 1961 Harold and Blanche (Whitney) Brandt returned recently after more than three weeks traveling in Europe They went to Lisbon, Portugal, first, to visit for a week with their daughter, Wilhelmina Brandt, who is stationed there working under the U.S State Dept Then accompanied by Miss Brandt, they all traveled through Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and France THE ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD STUDENT UNION REDECORATED the death of Madame Grand's husband, Mr Paul Edmond Grand, Sept 28, 1961 H George Carrison, Jacksonville financier and Trustee of Rollins College, has been appointed head of a committee for the development of Blount Island into an industrial site and warehousing area with modern docks with a deep water harbor for ocean going vessels in the St Johns River George is senior vice president of the investment banking firm of Pierce, Carrison and Wulbern and prominent in Jacksonville financial circles IOQ 00 Marita Stueve Stone QMrs Wendell) Rollins College SECRETARY: George Young was confirmed by the Senate to a "roving" federal judgeship in Florida He will serve both the northern and southern districts of the state A former administrative assistant to Sen George Smathers, he was endorsed by both Smathers and Sen Spessard Holland and by the Florida and American Bar Assn He was president of the Duval County Bar Assn 'Art HU Palm trees a new circular bulletin board and space around the fireplace for Trt exhiWts mark the new look in the Student Union The inter.or was rePainted new seats and tables added and new lighting fixtures were installed during the summer vacation period _^ _ #00 SECRETARY: Nancy Brown, 1307 14tJi L' St., Apt 4, Santa Monica, Calif Dorothy Wilson Strunk has just recently moved to Colorado and would appreciate it if those living in Denver who attended Rollins after 1925 would get in touch with her Address: Apt 308, Bargar Apts, 1430 Albion St., Denver 20 #OA OU Clara Adolfs, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida SECRETARY: As most of you know, Ruth Cole Russell passed away August 24th Ruth was able to attend her son's graduation from college, and fought a good fight to the end Our love and sympathy is with Cloyde in his great loss During the summer Barbara Daly Graham spent her vacation in the hospital under an oxygen tent for a heart condition She was able to return to her work in the Rollins Library for a short time, but had to return to the hospital for a complicated disorder Our best wishes for a complete and speedy return to health Our Class is now represented on campus by three girls: Catherine Lloyd whose mother was Helen Cavanaugh, has returned for her second year; Abigail, daughter of Ralph Lasbury; and Peggy, daughter of Anita Cross Bingham While your Secretary was in Nassau in July Frances Porter Williams came with her daughter who, she hopes, will enter Rollins in another year or two It was a great disappointment not to see them but she did have a good look at the campus and saw some other friends When you plan to drive around Europe ask Louise Howes Duckworth about the joys of a rented car! They met their son in Italy when his ship docked and then visited art galleries, took in concerts, etc Louise could not say enough about the wonderful help and kindness of Gottfried Dinzl while they were in Vienna Friends and classmates of Virginia Stelle will regret to hear of the death of her mother, Mrs M S Stelle, Oct 13, in New York City Mrs Stelle will be remembered as director of the College Commons from 1923 through 1925 "JO SECRETARY: Lucille Tolson Moore, oz (Mrs Wm S.) 4555 S.W 2nd St., Miami 44, Florida (Anniversary Reunion April 27, 28, 29) Friends and classmates of Mrs Terry B Patterson (Gwendolyn Bartholomew) will be sorry to hear of the death of her husband Judge Patterson died in an Orlando hospital after a long illness on June 12, 1961 Note the dates of our thirtieth anniversary reunion Plan now to return to the Campus for the three day celebration "JO SECRETARY: T helm a VanBuskirk °° Douglass (Mrs Henry) 2646 Fairway Ave., S., St Petersburg, Fla Tommy Miller, son of Bill and Judy (Estes) Miller, was married to Sandra Lee Huey on Aug 12, 1961 Guests at the wedding were Judy's sister Dot (Mrs William N.) Estes Ellis x32 and her two daughters, Judy and Ramelle Friends and classmates of Madame Eugenie Grand extend their sympathy to her and her daughter Anne Marie Grand Nilsen (Mrs Arnold N.) '36 upon SECRETARY: Sue Terry Downs (Mrs George), 3314 Knights Ave., Tampa 11, Fla Joe Justice has been appointed sports chairman of the Atlantic Coast Region of the College Division of the NCAA In this position he is responsible for arranging all tournaments for the NCAA in the Atlantic Coast region He is also acting secretary of the committee lAt) HZ SECRETARY: Betty Knowlton Shore (Mrs Jack L.) 2070 Venetian Drive, S.W., Atlanta, Ga (Anniversary Reunion April 27, 28, 29) The Rev Rankin L Shrewsbury has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Congregational Church at Rockton, 111 Presently serving as chairman of the committee on the Ministry, he has served on the Board of Directors and as chairman of the committee on Christian Education of his Congregational Conference Note the dates of our twentieth anniversary reunion Plan now to return to the campus for the three day celebration 'AC HJ Edith Bennett Confehr (Mrs W D.), 9904 Parkwood Dr., Bethesda, Md SECRETARY: The Center Street Gallery in Winter Park was the scene of an exhibit of Lee Adams' paintings of tropical fruits, flowers and birds Oct 2-14 Lee, who has been called a "modern Audubon", and Mimi (Stockton) x48 met many Central Florida admirers of these paintings at a preview party lAf ^' SECRETARY: Ainslie Embry, 2604 Valetta Road, Louisville 5, Ky (Anniversary Reunion April 27, 28, 29) Joan M Dunlevy writes that she has been employed for the past eight years as a social worker for the Vermont Dept of Social Welfare and is now attending the Graduate School of Social Welfare at Florida State Univ on the masters program She is hoping that her period of field placement will be in or around Winter Park, and would enjoy receiving mail from any former classmates Plan now to return for our fifteenth anniversary reunion next April THE ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD AND A NEW BOATHOUSE BUILT Fleet Peeples is proud of his new headquarters The new boat house above was built last summer west of the old one which finally succembed from the damage by Hurricane Donna a year ago A new swimming dock has been built also west of the old one MQ SECRETARIES: Jack Redding, 3815 Waterfront Parkway, Orlando, Via Lee Bongart Hilkene (Mrs Bruce) 851 Westchester Way, Birmingham, Mich The Martin Dibners have settled at 253 South Linden Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif., until their two boys, Eric (14) and Steve (12) finish schooling They lived in Spain for a year (Sitges); Martin says he's "ready to go back at the drop of a peseta." Doubleday is publishing his next novel, A GOD FOR TOMORROW, his fifth with the same publisher, in November; it's an entertainment-chase kind of novel about present-day Berlin The last one, O SLEEPING GIANT, had a Florida background and a couple of studios are interested in it Alan Ladd made THE DEEP SIX, which has gone into seven languages, some years back Joseph Mankiewicz bought SHOWCASE but hasn't made it as yet Martin is west coast editorial scout for Bantam Books and conducts a novelist's workshop at UCLA Pat Williams Polgar (Mrs Thomas) wrote that Tenna Head Pomper (Mrs Anthony W.), her husband, mother-inlaw and two handsome children visited the Polgars and their three children in Hamburg last May Pat's husband, who is in the Foreign Service, had been assigned to the American Consulate General, Hamburg, Germany Transferring to the American Embassy, Vienna, Austria, in September, Pat wrote, "We would love to see other Rollinsites who may visit there Can be reached through the American Embassy, Wien." Pat's address is: c/o American Consulate General, APO 69, Box 2, c/o Postmaster, New York, N Y Nancy Tusler Redfearn (Mrs William C, Jr.) writes that she attended National Science Foundation Mathematics Institute at The Catholic Univ of America this summer and enjoyed learning about the Foundations of Mathematics from the Modern Viewpoint Her address is 8321 Robey Ave., Annandale, Va Your class secretary has received several bits of news Carolyn (Alfred) Espich, husband Dale, and children, Mike (4) and Tamara (1) have moved to Cincinnati, Ohio Address: 2711 Powell Dr Dale is with Life Circulation Dept Carolyn had heard from Jean (Wiselogel) Elliott at 1943 Paddock, Wheaton, 111 Her husband, Dick, is advertising manager of a publishing company there They have two girls Jean sees Diane Evans Moore '53 in nearby Western Springs about every two months The Moores have three children, two girls and a boy Mary (Graham) Muncey's husband, Bill, has achieved great heights racing hydroplanes; he won the Governor's Cup at the Madison Regatta with his hydroplane, Miss Century 21, for the second straight year and claimed the first prize laurels valued at $5,000 and valuable points in the national standings Daniel W Eastwood, Jr., has been promoted to assistant credit auditor of the Citizens & Southern National Bank at Atlanta, according to a recent announcement He and Jeanne (Volkert '48) and their three children are living at 1228 Church Street, Decatur, Ga '52 SECRETA RY: Diane Vigeant Matthews (Mrs Daniel), 5260 Brantford Road, Memphis, Tenn Anniversary Reunion April 27, 28, 29 Perhaps you recognized your classmate Dick Bate, CBS TV correspondMO SECRETARY: Pat German West (Mrs ent, who did such fine reporting on ^' Wm B., ]r.~) 6204 Newhurn Drive, hurricane Carla You may remember Washington 16, D C he was one of the first TV reporters to interview Castro after his rise to Joe and Jean (Otey) Beard and their family are now living in Yokahama power and he also interviewed Jacqueand have been for several months as line Kennedy following news of JFK's Joe is IBM representative in the presidential nomination Orient Jean who has a real flair for Saretta Hill Joffe writes that she redecoration and design has done their ceived her M.S in Social Work from home in Eastern style to match the the New York School of Social Work view from the house of snow-capped in June, 1961 Saretta majored in SoMount Fujiyama cial Casework # Q SECRETARIES : Carol Posten Miller (Mrs Mariella Waite, who received her Wm.') 175 Stanmore Rd., Baltimore Ph.D in June from the Univ of Flor12, Md George Spencer, 3613 Royal ida and who was awarded the Phi Beta Rd., Endicott, N Y.) Kappa key, has taken a position at Lander College, Greenwood, S C, as June (Nelson) and Richard Glatthar are living in June's Mother's lovely head of the history department home at 851 Georgia Ave., in Winter Marian (Eberson) Knight is living in Park, Fla., for four months while they Ohio, at 4926 LeBlond, Cincinnati 26 look around for a place to build June She has a baby daughter, Karen Laurie is delighted as there will be no more (see Births) Marian's husband, Bill, snow to shovel (their former address is a mechanical engineer working on is in Shaker Heights, Ohio) his own as a manufacturer's agentT Phil Nicely, who was with PAA at 'Cl SECRETARY: Ann Turley Warinner Patrick Air Force Base as manager of (Mrs David C.),3460 Principio Avethe Operations Evaluation group, is nue, Cincinnati 26, Ohio Project Engineer with Melpar Graham Wallace, Jr., writes Alumni now His address is 1415 Graham Rd., Falls House that he received his Master of Church, Va Business Administration, June, 1961, from the Univ of Calif, at Los AngelesJack Reardon is presently singing Graham is Marketing Plans Coordi- the lead in "Do Re Mi" on Broadway nator, Marketing & Sales Dept, Gen- Jack sang a selection from the Broadway musical on the Ed Sullivan Show eral Telephone Co of California Norman Catledge is pastor of Bethel earlier in the season In October he Baptist Church, outside gate one, also sang the leading role in a new Ramey Air Force Base He has mis- opera by Douglas Moore, "The Wings sion stations on other sections of the of the Dove," which the New York City Puerto Rican Islands He says for any Opera Company presented going down that way to let him know Your secretary has received calls when they will arrive, etc His address from many alums in the Memphis area, is: P O Box 36, Ramey AFB, Puerto among them Sally Lellyett Fletcher Rico (Mrs Richard D.) '53 She had lunch- THE ROLLINS ALUMNI RECORD eon at the home of Frances Burnet Oursler (Mrs Waddy) '51, whose husband is a dentist in Memphis They have built and decorated a home that is so much like a Winter Park abode, vou have difficulty remembering you are in Tennessee We also visited with Bob '53 and Corky Hall Tiller '51 Dick Vreeland wrote that he just received his Ph.D from the Univ of Florida and is now Head of the Marketing Dept at Miss Southern College, Hattiesburg, Miss "If any old pals can spare a U stamp (refundable upon request if a letter is received)—I would like to know if they're still alive." Dick will be speaking at the Southern Economics Assn convention in Memphis on Nov 19 He told us that Dan Bradley is teaching theatre arts at Pomona Junior College In his spare time he's promoting talent Dan can be reached at 6953 Sylvia, Receda, Calif Norm Gross has recently been made sales supervisor for the state of New Jersey for the Alfred Allen Watts Company of Belleville, N J He was a campus visitor early this month while vacationing in Florida 'C~J J/ Billy Jo Whipple Graves (Mrs Jo Anderson), 3425 Villa Rose Drive, Apt 3, Baton Rouge, La SECRETARY: Anniversary Reunion April 27, 28, 29 Jonathon Dunn-Rankin, one of midFlorida's best known TV personalities, is now with KYW-TV in Cleveland He assumed his new duties July 10 Preston Hull is the owner and manager of a new service station in St Petersburg The station is located on 19A Pres has been in St Petersburg since July 1st and Phyllis and the children hope to join him in the near future They have bought a house in St Petersburg Alumni House learned over the summer that Louise Vick was married to

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2022, 21:38


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